


Norfolk Voting Registers - 1714 Poll


Norfolk Freeholders living in Norwich

A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the county of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, Feb, 1714-15.

The Freeholders are set in an Alphabetical Order.

Each Page consists of Six Columns. The First contains the Names of the Freeholders living in Norwich; the Second, the Place of their Freehold, the other Four have the initial Letters of the Candidates Names set at Top, and the Black Lines drawn under them shew how every Freeholder voted.

This section contains poll book pages 275 to 283.

This section is a compilation of all those entries from pages "v", 6, through to 273 where the place of Residence is given as Norwich. People actually living in Norwich and voting because of a freehold in the City would have voted in the election held at the same time to elect MP's to represent the City of Norwich.

Note that all these places of Freehold must be in Norfolk.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

[Page] 275





NORFOLK Freeholders,

Residing in NORWICH.

Alanson Joseph, ClerkFrettenha(m).

Alexander AnthonySaham-To. (Saham Toney)

Alden ThomasO. Bucken. (Old Buckenham)  

Amyas Matthew, M.D.Deepham (Deopham)

Andyson BryanWhitwell

Astley ThomasLynn

Aubrey TitusBuckenha(m).  

Austin HenryYarmouth  

Austin SamuelBanningh(am).  

Ayde ThomasBradfield

Aylmer PhilipSt. Faiths  

Baist ThomasSt. Faiths  

Baldwyn RobertShottisham (Shotesham)  

  [Page] 276
Balls JamesStratton
Baly TimothyYaxham  

Barber JohnTittleshall

Barker BenjaminYarmouth  

Barker JohnFilby  

Barker John, ClerkLammas

Barnham WilliamBuckenha(m).  

Barret NicholasAcle

Batchelor Thomas, Ge.Hardingham

Bateman Crickmore(North) Elmham

Beale NathanaelAttleburgh (Attleborough)

Beecroft JohnCatton

Beevor ThomasBrampton

Bell GeorgeStoak (Stoke)  

Bene Robert, Esq;Hetherset(t)

Bennett JohnHempnall

Berney Richard, Esq;Worsted (Worstead)

Berwick Benjamin, Cl.Honingha(m).

Bird JamesPulham

Bird JosephUpton

Black JohnHardingha(m).  

Blyth RichardEaston

Booth WilliamBramerton

Bott DanielSuffield  

Brand John, ClerkFoncet (Forncett)

Branthwayt Arth. Esq;Hetheld (Hethel)  

Branthwayt Ar. ju. Esq;Halvergat(e)  

Bringloe CharlesThetford

Brown JohnHingham

Brown StephenRingstead  

Brown ThomasAlburgh  

Brown WilliamBracon-As(h)

Bulwer Edward, ClerkGestwick (Guestwick)

Burgess Peter, ClerkWhinburgh

Burman JamesHardingha(m).  

Burrell FrancisThemilthor(pe)

Burwell WilliamCaston

Bussy RobertPotter-Hei
(Potter Heigham)

  [Page] 277
Butler JohnShipdam (Shipdham)  

Buttolph JacobBarford  

Buttolph ThomasThuxton  

Burtram JohnErpingham  

Cady RobertRockland  

Calver ElishaThetford  

Calver JohnYarmouth  

Camplin AustinThemiltho(rpe).

Carter John,Gent.Northwold  

Carter RichardRainthorpe  

Castle NoahMulbarton

Cater ThomasHingham  

Cecil William, ClerkHaynford (Hainford)

Chamberlain WilliamWood-Bast (Woodbastwick)

Chambers JohnBawdswell (Bawdeswell)  

Chapman WilliamLopham  

Chase WilliamMattishall  

Chorley JosiahSt. Faiths  

Clarke John, ClerkNorthwold  

Clarke Thomas, Esq;Marlingfo(rd).

Clayton Thomas, ClerkColney

Clough EdwardMartham

Clues GeorgeMartham  

Collins IsaacHautboys (Hautbois)  

Cook ThomasMorley

Cook RobertMelton

Cook Thomas [See Note 6]Whiston  

Cook TimothyFoxley  

Coppin JohnYarmouth  

Crome ThomasFoulsham

Croshold JohnBradiston. (Braydeston)  

Crow Roger, Esq;Caister

Cubitt JohnLingwood

Davy Henry, Esq;Swardesto(n).  

Davy SamuelHickling

Desbordes JohnHempnall  

Dixon ChristopherHorsted (Horstead)

Dye JohnWyndham (Wymondham)

Dyer JohnCarlton (Carleton)

  [Page] 278
Ellis Ben-Joseph, Cl.Surlingha(m).

Elsigood DanielShipdam (Shipdham)  

Fenn JohnYarmouth  

Fenn JosephYarmouth  

Fick RobertBawburg(h)

Fisher EdmundSt. Faiths

Flight JamesYarmouth

Folk ThomasReddenhall (Redenhall)  

Foulchier Francis, Cl.Catton  

Fox HenryNorthwold  

Foyster BenjaminHeverland (Haveringland)  

Frances JohnSaxlingha(m).  

Franklyn RalphCantley

Freeman NathanaelFramlingh (Framingham)

Fremoult Joel, Gent.Melton

Fromantle Daniel,Calthorp(e)  

Fuller JohnShropham

Futter Dawson [See Note 3]Soelton?
Gallentine JamesBawdswell (Bawdeswell)  

Ganning TimothySouthburg(h)  

Gardiner Stephen, Esq;Loddon  

Gay RichardFoulsham  

Glean LeonardShelton

Goddard ThomasDeerham (Dereham)  

Gooch JohnRepps

Gooch Thomas, ClerkShipdham

Goodman ThomasHorsford  

Goodrich RobertLynn

Goodwyn Lawren. Esq;Colby

Gostlin ThomasBacton

Grand JohnMarsham  

Green JohnMarsham  

Grimly JohnWyndham (Wymondham)  

Gurdon Thornagh, Esq;Letton

Gurlington JamesBawdswel (Bawdeswell)  

Gurney John, ju.Wickmere  

Hall John, Esq;Alburg(h)  

Halman EdwardHorning-T (Horningtoft)

  [Page] 279
Hardingold HenryBuckenha(m)  

Harmer RobertAntingha(m).  

Harper RobertHardingha(m)

Hartley NathanaelHempnall  

Hasbert PeterMoulton  

Hasbert PeterMoulton  

Hasbert SamuelYarmouth

Havett JohnBramerton  

Hawes John, M.D.Wyndham (Wymondham)  

Hawke MichaelLynn

Heasle WilliamDitchingha(m)  

Helwys William, Esq;Yaxham

Herne William, D. D.Drayton  

Hickman JohnDownham  

Hilton ThomasLingwood

Hipkin RichardReepham  

Hobart MilesBeeston  

Hogan JohnRoughton  

Holland SamuelHautboys (Hautbois)

Hook JohnWelborne 

Hook PeelRingland  

Houghton EdmundRavening(ham)

Houghton Robert, Esq;Bramerton  

Houghton WilliamGunthorpe

Howlett StephenCaister

Howman Edward, M.D.Woodton

Hubbard JohnShelton?

Hunt RobertSaham-To (Saham Toney)  

Hunton EdmundHempnall  

Hyrne RobertColby
Jay JohnLingwood  

Jeffery John, ClerkDrayton  

Jenny George, Gent.Ringland

Jones Samuel, ClerkNarburgh (Narborough)  

Ireland WilliamSurlingha(m).  

Ireland WilliamSurlingha(m).  

Julian FrancisEaston  

King CharlesUpton  

  [Page] 280
Kitson GeorgeMelton

Kitson GeorgeMelton

Knights FrancisHilderston (Hindolveston)

Knowles ThomasHickling  

Lamb ThomasMarham

Larwood NicholasHingham  

Laughton Isaac, ClerkAshby  

Lawson RobertWayborne (Weybourne)  

Leeds ThomasBawdswell (Bawdeswell)

Life ThomasCrimplesha(m)  

Lodge NehemiahBarford  

Lodge TimothyCarlton (Carleton)  

Lomb HenryLynn  

Lomb JohnMelton  

Lubbock RobertColtishall

Lutwert RichardAttleburg (Attleborough)

Manby RichardSt. Faiths

Manfield DanielWramplin(gham).  

Manning SamuelBaconsthor(pe)  

Manning Samuel, ju.Rockland  

Manser RogerSculthorp(e)

Marcon John, Esq;Edgefield  

Martin JamesWilby  

Masters MatthewSouthburg(h)  

Metclafe AugustinDrayton  

Minn AnthonyBurg-Ap. (Bergh Apton)  

Mollet EdwardWells  

Money JohnDitchingh(am)

Money SamuelEllingham  

Moor John, Gent.Costesey (Costessey)  

Munsey TobiasFritton

Nall Matthew, Esq;Reepham

Newham JohnSt. Faiths  

Newman NathanaelLoddon  

Norgate ThomasBrook (Brooke)  

Norman John, Esq;Witchingh(am).  

Norris AnthonyCantley

Norris JamesGeyet (Guist)

  [Page] 281
Nuthall BenjaminFramlingh (Framingham)  

Osborn JohnTofts  

Palgrave ThomasPulham

Parke IsaacTibbenha. (Tibenham)  

Pate Robert, ClerkThurne

Peek John, Esq;Haynford (Hainford)  

Pell ValentineSaxlingha(m).  

Pepys JohnStoak H. C. (Stoke Holy Cross)

Pindar ThomasFoulsham  

Postle JehosaphatHetheld (Hethel)

Prideaux Hump. D.D.Ashby c. Ob (Ashby with Oby)  

Pycroft JosephHadiscoe (Haddiscoe)

Ransom AnthonyIngworth

Reams RobertBuckenha(m).  

Reddington John, ClerkRack-heath (Rackheath)

Redwyn PeterDocking  

Reeve JohnAylmerton  

Reeve JohnYarmouth  

Reynolds RobertLynn  

Richardson John, ClerkMoulton  

Richer HillaryBurlingha(m)  

Richer JohnWalcot(t)

Ringwood ErasmusDitchingh(am).

Rively Edward, ClerkSporle

Robert JohnHales  

Robinson JohnDeerham (Dereham)

Robinson RogerYarmouth  

Russell WilliamYaxham

Rust ThomasMorley

Salter EdmundHanworth

Salter JohnBrimming (Brinningham)

Salter Samuel, ClerkBramerto(n).  

Sandall Thomas, ju.Poringlan(d).  

Sanderson JohnClipsbey (Clippesby)

Sayer EdwardHingham

Scott PeterWroxham  

Scott ThomasBelaugh  

Scottow Thomas, Gent.Melton  

  [Page] 282

Seaman Thomas, Esq;Bintry

Seaman ThomasBrook (Brooke)

Simonds JonathanOrmsby (Ormesby)  

Simpson NicholasDyss (Diss)  

Skipper JamesThorpe  

Smith RobertFramling. (Framingham)  

Smith William, ClerkStoak H. C. (Stoke Holy Cross)

Snell Robert, Gent.Somerton

Spratt IsaacHoningha(m).  

Spratt RichardThorpe  

Starling SimonFelmingh(am).  

Stebins Philip, Gent.Fundenhall

Stratford ThomasStrumpsha(w).

Tanner Thomas, D.D.Thorpe  

Taylor JohnShottisham (Shotesham)

Thacker Peter, Esq;Melton  

Thirkettle JohnRuston
Thomas WilliamSurlingha(m).  

Tillet Charles, ClerkBittering

Tofts JohnPoringlan(d).  

Tompson JamesAttleburg (Attleborough)  

Vanhack IsaacSutton

Utting BenjaminHorsford

Wace JohnFeltwell

Wadsworth OliverLammas

Wadsworth OliverLammas

Watts Henry, ClerkCostesey (Costessey)

Webster JohnYarmouth  

White StephenPoringlan(d).  

Whitefoot John, ClerkAshwelTh. (Ashwellthorpe)

Wicks RiceDawling (Field Dalling
or Wood Dalling)

Wilson ThomasLingwood  

Woodrow SimonHingham  

Woodwell IgnatiusTrowse

Woolf WilliamBrundall  

Wrench BenjaminHorstead  

Wright WilliamThorpe

  [Page] 283
Wythe JohnHorsford

Yallop WilliamBawburgh

Yestis AbrahamWyndham (Wymondham)  

Youngs EdwardThorpe

Youngs JohnWitchingh(am).  




[End of Poll Book]


  • 1. The printed Poll Book contained many christian names starting with the letter "I" such as "Ia.", "Iacob", "Iames", "Iohn", "Ios." etc. These have been changed respectively to "Ja.", "Jacob", "James", "John", "Jos." etc. Other names which have been changed are :- "Ioel" to "Joel", "Ionathan" to "Jonathan", "Iehosaphat" to "Jehosaphat", and "Ioseph" to "Joseph".
  • 2. The christian name "Ios." could be "Joseph", "Josiah", "Joshua" etc.?
  • 3. This looks like a print setting error. Place could be Shelton where there is a "Robert Futter, Gent." in the 1734 poll or it could be somewhere else such as Scoulton?
  • 4. All the Hundreds and Candidates together with their abbreviations are to be found on the main 1714 Poll Book page.
  • 5. In the transcription of the Poll Book the modern spelling of place names has been added in brackets "()" to many of the entries so that a search will find them.
  • 6. Location of Whiston is unknown at present.

Towns and Parishes

The book contains the following (where "A" is Acle to Aylsham etc.):-

Uncertainties-County Freeholders resident in Norwich-

See also the main Voting page and the main 1714 Poll Book page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
April 2012