


Norfolk Voting Registers - 1714 Poll


Towns & Parishes beginning with E

A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the county of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, Feb, 1714-15.

The Towns are set in an Alphabetical Order; and so are all the Freeholders under each Town.

Each Page consists of Six Columns. The First contains the Names of the Freeholders under each Town; the Second, the Place of their Residence, (when different from that of their Freehold) the other Four have the initial Letters of the Candidates Names set at Top, and the Black Lines drawn under them shew how every Freeholder voted.


This contains the following parishes where property was held. The names in brackets "()" are alternative spellings as used in the original poll book.


  (Eccles - Hap. H)
Eccles (near Thetford)
  (Eccles - Shrop. H)
Ellingham, Great
  [Great Ellingham]
  (Ellingham, Magna)
Ellingham, Little
  [Little Ellingham]
  (Ellingham, Parva)
Elmham, North
  [North Elmham]
  (Elmham, N.)

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

[Page] 69

Earleham, Norwich     
Gaze BenjaminE(ast). Ruston  

 Sum.    1  1

Earsham, Ears.
Barber ThomasBungay

Bray JohnBanningh(am).  

Buxton John, Esq;   

Clarke GregoryBungay

Cole ThomasBungay

Hales EdwardDitchingh(am).

Hembling SamuelHaleswor(th).

Simons Thomas, jun.   

Somes John   

Spilling JohnGatesthorp (Gasthorpe)  

Woolmer Robert   

 Sum.  5  5  6  6

  [Page] 70
Easton, Fore H.
Blyth RichardNorwich

Davy Robert 

Jillion FrancisNorwich

Marsh Henry 

Norris John 

Ram John 

Ringall Martin, Esq; 

 Sum.  7  7  

Eccles, Shrop. Hap.
Elsy RichardQuidnam (Quidenham)  

Green William   

Grout Thomas   

Mendham Thomas, ju.   

Rush EdwardSnetterton  

Steel William   

 Sum.    6  6

Edgefield, Holt H.     
Feak John   

Gardiston JohnKelling  

Laverick JamesRingland  

Marcon JohnNorwich  

Tower Robert   

Webb StephenReepham

Wiggett RobertReepham  

Woods Daniel   

 Sum.  1  1  7  7

  [Page] 71
Edingthorpe, Tunst.
Clark JoshuaN(orth). Walsh(am).

Howard John   

Rice Theophilius, Clerk 

Saul AustinMunsley (Mundesley)  

 Sum.  2  2  2  2

Ellingham, Clav.
Mag, Shrop. Par,
Wayl, Hund.
Alding John, jun.Hingham

Barnes WilliamStow Bed(on).
Barnes William 
Barnwood John, M.   

Beals William, P.Scoulton
Beck John   

Beloe James, M.Tottington  

Blanckflower Christ., M.   

Bond Thomas, Clerk, P. 

Bond Jonas 

Brewster JohnDitchingh(am).

Brook Joseph   

Brown Thomas   

Burman Anthony   

Burrows William   
Burrows William 
Cady George, M.   

Cater John, Clerk, P.Tompson (Thompson)

Coleman Francis, M. 
Cooke Robert, P. 

  [Page] 72
Corner William   

Crisp Samuel, Clerk, M.S.Johns S.

Dix Francis, M.   

Duffield James, P.Rockland
Duffield JamesRockland   
Ellis Thomas, M.   

Fisher George, M.   

Gasking Edward, M.   

Hinsby Edmund 
Hinsby Edmund   

Junipee Francis 

Junipee ThomasBury S. E. (Bury St Edmunds)  

Junipee Thomas, R.[sic]Bury S. E. (Bury St Edmunds)  

Kiddell Christopher, M.   

Kiddell Robert    
Laite John   

Lincoln William   

Lockwood Thomas   

Male William, M.   

Marjoram Thomas, M.   

Martin Stephen, M.   

Money SamuelNorwich  

Nicholson George, M.Eccles  

Porter Anthony, M.   

Raven John, P.    
Rivet Thomas   

Rudd Samuel   

Rush JohnReepham

Sadd Samuel, P. 

Sharping Edmund   

Sweetman William, M.   

Theobald John   

Turner Anthony   

Turner Edward   

Turner Henry   

Turner John   

Veal Thomas   

Warren John   

  [Page] 73
Warren Robert 

Warren WilliamRockland  

 Sum. 18 11 39 45

Elme, Freb. (Mars). Hun.     
Wilkerson GeorgeLynn  

 Sum.    1  1

Elmham, N. Land.
Bateman CrickmoreNorwich

Bellion John, N.   

Blanck Robert 

Crome William, N.   

Everard Thomas 

Everard Thomas 

Godfrey Timothy   

Harvey JohnBrisley  

Harvey William   

King Robert, jun. 

Lawrence Edward 
Mundy Nicholas 
Shaddall Robert, N.   

Springall Sim.Billingfor(d).

Webster Edmund 

 Sum.  9  7  6  8

Elsing Eyns. H.
Brown William, Esq; 

Drewall Robert 

Filby John 

Hardy John, Clerk 
  [Page] 74
King Thomas 

Rasbin JohnWhinburg(h).  

Robinson John, ClerkReepham

Turner ThomasMattishall

 Sum.  7  6  2  1

Emneth, Freb. M.
Banyard RobertAylsham  

Barker William   

Copeman Michael   

Dickson Thomas 

Errick John 

Fickling John 

Foyster Edward   

Frusher Daniel 

Hatfield WilliamWisbitch (Wisbech)

Jarvis Robert   

Jarvis Robert   

Munson Robert   

Marshall Henry   

Oxburgh Hewer, Esq; 

Patrick Germain 

Place ChristopherNor. Thorp (Thorpe next Norwich)
Portwood Robert 

Rower Robert 

Spalding RichardWisbitch (Wisbech)

Tillotson Robert, Clerk 

Tythe John 

 Sum. 13 12  8  8

  [Page] 75
Erpingham, S. Erp.
Baxter Thomas   

Brett Robert, N.   

Buttram John, N.Norwich  

Church Joshua, Clerk   

Gotterson Joshua   

Prixton WilliamOrmesby

Spurrell William   

 Sum.  1  1  6  6

Total of   E  63  52  84  91


  • 1. The printed Poll Book contained many christian names starting with the letter "I" such as "Ia.", "Iames", "Iohn", "Ios." etc. These have been changed respectively to "Ja.", "James", "John", "Jos." etc.
  • 2. The christian name "Ios." could be "Joseph", "Josiah", "Joshua" etc.?
  • 3. All the Hundreds and Candidates together with their abbreviations are to be found on the main 1714 Poll Book page.
  • 4. In the transcription of the Poll Book the modern spelling of place names has been added in brackets "()" to many of the entries so that a search will find them.
  • 5. Surname spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Norfolk Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Blanck/Blanch?, Blanckflower/Blanchflower, Cooke/Cook, Gasking/Gaskin, Junipee/Jenepe, Kiddell/Kiddle, Laite/Leight, Lawrence/Laurence, Marsh/March, Sweetman/Swatman

Places with no voters

The following places :-   Eaton and Egmore
had no one who lived there and voted because of a freehold in the same place.

Note that there may have been voters living in these places but appearing elsewhere. An example of this is Arminghall with no entries but Nicholas Jacob, Gent. lived there but voted because of a freehold held in Needham.

The Poll book continues with Towns and Parishes beginning with the letter F.

Towns and Parishes

The book contains the following (where "A" is Acle to Aylsham etc.):-

Uncertainties-County Freeholders resident in Norwich-

See also the main Voting page and the main 1714 Poll Book page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
May 2012