


Norfolk Voting Registers - 1714 Poll


Towns & Parishes beginning with M

A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the county of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, Feb, 1714-15.

The Towns are set in an Alphabetical Order; and so are all the Freeholders under each Town.

Each Page consists of Six Columns. The First contains the Names of the Freeholders under each Town; the Second, the Place of their Residence, (when different from that of their Freehold) the other Four have the initial Letters of the Candidates Names set at Top, and the Black Lines drawn under them shew how every Freeholder voted.


This contains the following parishes where property was held. The names in brackets "()" are alternative spellings as used in the original poll book.


Massingham, Great
  [Great Massingham]
  (Massingham, Magna)
Massingham, Little
  [Little Massingham]
  (Massingham, Parva)
Mattishall Burgh
  (see Burgh, Mattishall)
Melton Constable
Melton, Great
  [Great Melton]
  (Melton, Magna)
Melton, Little
  [Little Melton]
  (Melton, Parva)
Morley St Botolph
  (Morley St. But.)
Morley St Peter
  (Morley St. Pet.)
Moulton St Mary
Moulton St Michael
  (& All Saints)

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

[Page] 137

Marham, Clack.
Bodham Robert, C. 

Cousin Thomas 

Fisher Benjamin, C. 

Frost James, Clerk, C. 

Jarr Roger 

Ormond John 

Smith William 

Usher JamesDownham

Usher JamesDownham

 Sum.  9  9  

Marlingford, Fore.
Benseley Henry 

Clarke Thomas, Esq;Norwich

Vincent Nicholas, Esq; 

 Sum.  3  3  

  [Page] 138
Marsham, Holt H.
Sou. Erp. Hund. [See Note 8]
Andrews William   

Chapman Samuel   

Grand JohnNorwich  

Green John, sen.   

Green John   

Green JohnNorwich  

Grix James  

Mickleburgh John 

 Sum.  1  2  7  6

Martham West,
Fleg. Hund.
Barnes RobertWitton

Clough EdwardNorwich

Clues GeorgeNorwich  

Cockle Richard 

Creasy Benjamin 

Creasy William 

Hall William 

Holden JohnYarmouth

Keymer Benjamin 

Lacy Robert 

Lamb ThomasNorwich

Littleboy Robert 

Riches Samuel 

Suffield Robert 

Townshend Chris. 

Watson Clement 

 Sum. 15 15  1  1

  [Page] 139
Massingham, Mag.
Par. Freb. L.
Brown William   

Clarke Thomas 

Fowler John, P.   

Goodwin Edward   

Healy Samuel, M. 

Hipkin John, M.Should. Th (Shouldham Thorpe)

Squire Benjamin, Clerk 

 Sum.  4  4  3  3

Matlaske, N. Erp.
Dixon Chris.   

Haslup Cloudsley   

Lawner Edward   

Mack JohnTrunch  

Miller John   

Nobbs RobertHempsted (Hempstead)

Pike Philip   

Whitacre Richard, Clerk   

 Sum.  1  1  7  7

Mattishall, Mitt.
Aggas John   

Aggas John   

Allen Henry 

Barker Peter 

  [Page] 140
Buckler WilliamWells

Chamberlain Colvy   

Chase WilliamNorwich  

Clarke ThomasMelton,P. (Little Melton)

Colman Timothy   

Copeman John, Burgh. 

Curson Youngs   

Deal William, B 

Dymes John 
Flegg Thomas   

Grice ThomasThurning  

Hewett John 

Howlett John 
Inyon Thomas, Clerk 

Kendall Richard 

Norton Matthew   

Repps John, Esq; 

Scott Michael 

 Sum. 13 11  9 11

Mautby East, Fleg.
Crusoe Francis, Clerk 

 Sum.  1  1  

Melton Const. Holt.
Melton Mag. Par.
Humb. Hund.
Amyas Matthew, P.Brook(e)

Buck Robert, P. 

  [Page] 141
Bloome Philip, M.   

Buck Thomas, P.   

Carter John   

Cook ThomasNorwich

Flight John   

Fox Thomas, M.Hetherset(t)  

Fremoult Joel, Gent. M.Norwich

Frere Michael, Clerk 
Gooch Francis, P.Cringlefo(rd).

Hobart Thomas, M.Brook(e)  

Howes John   

Kitson George, M.Norwich

Kitson George, M.Norwich

Lomb Edward, Esq;, M. 

Lomb JohnNorwich  

Miller Thomas, C.   
Payne Thomas   

Scottow Thomas, P.Norwich  

Sheen Edmund, M.Swansthor. (Swainsthorpe)  

Smith RobertWoodbast(wick).  

Smith Thomas, M.   

Thacker PeterNorwich  

Utting John, M.   

 Sum.  9  8 16 18

Mendham, Ears.
Baley Christopher 

Colman Henry 

Darby JohnHarlestone (Harleston)

Drury Anthony, Esq;   

Freestone Richard, Esq; 

Freestone William, Esq; 

Glover Thomas [See Note 9]Glover

Scrivener Charles, ClerkWillby Suff (Wilby)

Smith John 

  [Page] 142
Spark JamesWayb.Suff (Weybread)  

Strower George 

Turner Seth, Clerk 

 Sum. 10 10  2  2

Merton, Way. Hu.     
Betts John   

Croshold Alexan. Clerk    
D'GREY THO. Esq   
D'GREY THO. Esq;   
Duffeld Jos.   

Houching John   

 Sum.    5  4

Methwold, Grims.
Bird Robert 

Bird Robert 

Brett John 

Butter Thomas 

Cheston John 

Constable Charles 

Dethwick John, Esq; 

Drumming William 

Ford JohnFoulden  

Glascock Thomas 

Graves Robert 

Harwood John 

Hewing John 

Horn JamesWeerham (Wereham)

Hubbard Thomas 

Philips John 

Piper Abraham 

Prattant John, Clerk 

  [Page] 143
Ransome John 

Rumball Thomas 

Seeker John 

Shales DionysiusLynn

Swift Edward, Esq; 

Theobald John 

Wortley Thomas 

Wright Abraham 

Wright John 

Young Benjamin 

Young RobertGrimston

Young Thomas 

Young Thomas 

Young Thomas 

 Sum. 31 31  1  1

Metton, N. Erp.
Green Thomas   

 Sum.    1  1

Middleton, Freb.
L. Hund.
Bell Edward, Gent.   

Everard James, Clerk   

Farthing Matthew 

Pearson William, Esq;   

Steward EdwardW.Brade. (West Bradenham)

 Sum.  2  2  3  3

  [Page] 144
Mileham, Land.
Chaplin John   

Clarke Richard 

Davy EdwardGressenhal(l)

Haynsworth LukeSwaffham
Ward Charles, Clerk 
Ward John   

 Sum.  4  2  2  3

Morley, St. But.
Fore. Hund.
Morley, St. Pet.
Fore. Hund.
Cocksedge HenryThetford  

Cooke Robert, B.Norwich

Grigson William, Clerk 

Lightwin Matthew, P.   

Masters Robert   

Robinson William, P.Martham

Rowen John   

Rust Thomas, B. 

Stephenson Thomas   

Warren John   

Woodcocke James, jun.Wyndham (Wymondham)  

 Sum.  4  4  7  7

  [Page] 145
Morston Holt. Hu.     
Poundidge Benjamin   

Shorting ThomasCley  

West Richard   

 Sum.    3  3

Morton Eyns.
Helwys William, Esq;   

 Sum.    1  1

Moulton, Blof. H.
Moulton All-Saints,
Dep. Hund.
Moulton St. Mary,
Dep. Hund. [See Note 3]
Beak Charles 

Blake Robert    
Buxton Miles   

Chamberlain HenryFilby  

Collings Francis   

Gilbert William 

Gilman ReubenLoddon

Goat William   

Hasbart Peter, Gent.Norwich  

Hasbart Peter, Gent.Norwich  

Johnson John 

Loveday William 

Nudd Robert   

  [Page] 146
Philips RobertTibbenham (Tibenham)  

Richardson John,Cl.A.S.Norwich  

Rope John   

Rope Robert 

Vincent ThomasIslington (Tilney cum Islington)

Wilson Richard, Cl. M. 

 Sum.  8  8 10 11

Dep. Hund.
Chapman WilliamOulton

Crow Francis   

 Sum.  1  1  1  1

Mulbarton, Humb.
Castell NoahNorwich

Codnam William   

Dring RichardSeething

Rich Civill   

Roberts Henry   

Scargell Daniel, Clerk   

Turner James   

Woodbine Charles   

 Sum.  2  2  6  6

Mundford, Grim.
Glascock SamuelColteshall (Coltishall)  

Hodson Thomas   

Hodson William   

Spinke John   

  [Page] 147
Taylor George   

Walton Thomas   

 Sum.    6  6

Mundham, Lod. H. [See Note 7]     
Copping Samuel 

Cremer FrancisLynn

Holmes Thomas, Clerk 

Howes Owen   

Woods JohnHalvergat(e)

 Sum.  4  4  1  1

Munseley, N. Erp.
Aston John   

Bacon Henry   

Barthram Richard   

Bradfield EdwardLynn  

Mundford John, ClerkN.Walsh. (North Walsham)

Pratt Samuel   

Taylor Nicholas   

Watts John   

Woods Clement   

 Sum.  1  1  8  8

Total of   M 123 119 100104


  • 1. The printed Poll Book contained many christian names starting with the letter "I" such as "Ia.", "Iames", "Iohn", "Ios." etc. These have been changed respectively to "Ja.", "James", "John", "Jos." etc.
  • 2. The christian name "Ios." could be "Joseph", "Josiah", "Joshua" etc.?
  • 3. Moulton (St Mary) (Blofield) is actually in Walsham Hundred. The extra entry "Moulton St. Mary - Dep(wade). Hund(red)." appears to be an error which should not be present?
  • 4. All the Hundreds and Candidates together with their abbreviations are to be found on the main 1714 Poll Book page.
  • 5. In the transcription of the Poll Book the modern spelling of place names has been added in brackets "()" to many of the entries so that a search will find them.
  • 6. Surname spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Norfolk Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Aggas/Aggs, Baley/Bayly, Duffeld/Duffield, Freestone/Freston, Hasbart/Hasbert, Houching/Houtchin, Kendall/Kendale, Lawner/Learner, Lomb/Lombe, Poundidge/Powditch, Whitacre/Whitaker Woods/Worts.
  • 7. Mundham is actually in Loddon Hundred.
  • 8. Marsham is in South Erpingham Hundred. The reference to "Holt Hundred" looks like an error?
  • 9. The place "Glover" looks like a printing error as the surname of the voter is also named "Glover"?

Places with no voters

The following places :-
    Mannington, Markshall and Mintlyn had no one who lived there and voted because of a freehold in the same place.

Note that there may have been voters living in these places but appearing elsewhere. An example of this is Arminghall with no entries but Nicholas Jacob, Gent. lived there but voted because of a freehold held in Needham.

The Poll book continues with Towns and Parishes beginning with the letter N.

Towns and Parishes

The book contains the following (where "A" is Acle to Aylsham etc.):-

Uncertainties-County Freeholders resident in Norwich-

See also the main Voting page and the main 1714 Poll Book page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
May 2012