


Norfolk Voting Registers - 1714 Poll


Towns & Parishes beginning with H

A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the county of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, Feb, 1714-15.

The Towns are set in an Alphabetical Order; and so are all the Freeholders under each Town.

Each Page consists of Six Columns. The First contains the Names of the Freeholders under each Town; the Second, the Place of their Residence, (when different from that of their Freehold) the other Four have the initial Letters of the Candidates Names set at Top, and the Black Lines drawn under them shew how every Freeholder voted.


This contains the following parishes where property was held. The names in brackets "()" are alternative spellings as used in the original poll book.


  (near Reepham -Eyns H.)
  (near Wymondham -Fore H.)
Hainford (Haynford)
Harleston cum Redenhall
Harling, East
  [East Harling]
Harling, West
  [West Harling]
Hautbois, Great
  [Great Hautbois]
  (Hautboys Mag.)
Hautbois, Little
  [Little Hautbois]
  (Hautboys Par.)
Haveringland (Heverland)
Hellesdon (Helsden)
  (by Holt)
  (near Stalham)
  (Stokesby with Herringby)
Hethel (Hethell)
Hilborough (Hilburgh)
Hilgay (Helgay)
Hindolveston (Hilderstone)
Hockering (Hockring)
Hockwold cum Wilton
  (Hockwould cum Wilton)
Hoe (see Note 3)
  (Hoe cum Dillington)
Holme Hale
  (Holm Hale)
  (Holm juxta Mare)
  see Runcton Holme
Horsham St Faith
  See Newton St. Faiths
  and St. Faiths
Horstead with Stanninghall
  (New Houghton-Gallow H.)
  (Greenhoe South)
  (Houghton Supra Montem)
Houghton St Giles
  Greenhoe North H.)
Hoveton St John
Hoveton St Peter

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

  [Page] 93

Hackford, Fore. H.
Eyns. Hund.
Burrows JeremiahDeepham (Deopham)

Chapman William    
Dack WilliamReepham

Eglin JohnCr. Thorpe (Crownthorpe)

Holmes Christopher 

Howlett BryantWalsingha(m).

Neal Thomas 

Pitts Richard 

Pitts RichardCranworth  

Stone RobertHardingh(am).
Underwood William   

 Sum.  8  7  2  4

  [Page] 94
Hadiscoe, Clav.
Baker Thomas 

Barber Thomas 

Baspole John 

Bowler John 

Denny ThomasBurch.Suf.

Hillwell JohnLestoff (Lowestoft?)  

Hilwin WilliamCar. Abb

Knowles Henry 

Knowles Henry 

Pycroft Jos.Norwich

Shipman Benjamin, Clerk 

 Sum. 10 10  1  1

Hales, Clav. Hun.     
Mickleburgh Edward 

Mickleburgh Miles 

Potter Thomas 

Roberts JohnNorwich  

 Sum.  3  3  1  1

Halvergate, Walsh.
Aggas JohnLoddon

Allison John 

Branthwayt Arth. jun.Norwich  

Bray William 

Cooke William 

Cory John 

  [Page] 95
Davy John 

Forby Henry 
King JamesBungay

Knack William 

Pearse Simon 

Pearson William 

Wallish John 

 Sum. 12 11  2  1

Hanworth, N. Erp.     
Baron John   

Hoogan Robert 
Jell Robert   

Lightfoot Robert   

Lowder ThomasStuddy (Stody)  

Platton James   

Salter EdmundNorwich

 Sum.  2  1  5  6

Happisburgh, Hap.
Allen SimonHempstea(d).  

Ashe Clement, Gent.   

Balls JohnLessingha(m).  

Bird John   

Browne Riches 
Bunn SamuelN(orth). Walsh(am).

Cannon JohnWalcot(t)  

Chalener Jonathan, Clerk 
Chamberlain John 

Cockell John 

Dyball RobertHempsted (Hempstead)

Ellgood RobertKnapton  

Gaze Richard 

  [Page] 96
Grimshoe John   

Harris John 

Hasleton James   

Hasleton John   

Hasleton Robert   

Hasleton Robert   

Jackson WilliamCatton  

Middleton Henry 

Postle Richard 

Ryall William   

Weeds SamuelE(ast). Ruston  

 Sum. 10  8 16 14

Hapton, Dep. Hu.     
Dewsing Michael   

Rayner John   

Rayner Matthew   

Sherwood BartholomewSculthorpe  

 Sum.    4  4

Hardingham, Mit.
Batchelour Tho. Gent.Norwich

Black JohnNorwich  

Burman JamesNorwich  

Cooper John 
Cushin Gilbert 

Grigson William, jun.Pakenh(am).Su

Harper RobertNorwich

Heyhoe Edward, ClerkMattishall

Le Hunt GeorgeN(ew). Bucke(ham).

Rich Edwin, Gent.   

Sparke FrancisHingham

 Sum.  8  7  3  4

  [Page] 97
Hardley, Lod. Hu.     
Batchelor William 

Creek Thomas 

Love CharlesSydistrand (Sidestrand)

Stimpson John 

 Sum.  4  4  

Hardwick, Dep. H.     
Bacon Waller, Esq;Earlham  

Ebbots Richard   

Fox JohnDurham [sic]  

Hobart RobertSarslingh(am). (Saxlingham)  

Richards William   

 Sum.    5  5

Hargham, Shrop.
Doe JamesO(ld). Bucken(ham).  

Pitts Henry, Clerk   

 Sum.    2  2

Harling, East, West,
Guilt. Hund.
Baldry William, W.Merton  

Boone John, E. 

Boyle Samuel 

Brewster Robert, W. 

Cock Edmund, E. 

  [Page] 98
Dickerson RobertRougham

Fletcher Henry, sen. E. 

Fletcher Henry, E. 

Fletcher Robert, E. 


Johnson Thomas, E. 

Playforth William 

Reeve Stephen, W. 

Russels JohnHedenham

Starkwood Edward, E.Croxton

Turrington Edmund, W. 

Watts Lovel, W. 

Whitby John 

Woodcock Robert 

Wright Thomas, Esq; E. 

 Sum. 19 19  1  1

Harlstone, Earsh.
Allen RobertDyss (Diss)  

Andrews John 

Chalker JamesLondon

Hayes ThomasCratfi(eld), Suff

Leverland Zacheus   

Manthorpe Richard 

Mapes John   

Moan Richard 

Neach Thomas   

Stubbs ThomasBeccles

Tubby Samuel 

Wootton Fleetwood 

 Sum.  8  8  4  4

  [Page] 99
Harpley, Freb. L.
Boughouse William 

Bright John 

Claxton John   

Colman Henry, D. D. 

Crow William   

Franklyn Francis   

Harrison Nicholas   

Lewis William 

Platfoot Robert   

Ruston RobertWhissonset(t)  

Thornley John, sen.Narford

Thornley JohnNarford

 Sum.  6  6  6  6

Hassingham, Blof.
Littlewood John   

Reed WilliamFreethorpe

 Sum.  1  1  1  1

Hautboys, Mag. Pa.
Sou. Erp. Hund.
Collins IsaacNorwich  

Holland SamuelNorwich

Scales Robert 

 Sum.  2  2  1  1

  [Page] 100
Haynford, Tav. H.     
Cecil William, Clerk 

Cushen ThomasHardingh(am).  

Garret WilliamStaningha. (Stanninghall)  

Gregory John   

Gregory John   

Lemon ThomasHevingha(m).  

Marshall IsaiahAylesham (Aylsham)  

Peck John, Esq;Norwich  

 Sum.  1  1  7  7

Heckingham, Clav.
Mickleburgh John 

Scales CharlesBungay

Whittred EdmundThurlston (Thurlton?)

 Sum.  3  3  

Heddenham, Lod.
Bedingfield John, ClerkDitchingh(am).

Callis James   

Garnice Cleer, Esq; 

Hanworth John 

Moyce JonathanBlofield  

Reeve ThomasWyndham (Wymondham)

 Sum.  4  4  2  2

  [Page] 101
Helgay, Clack.
Aldy ThomasStradset(t)

Calthorpe John 

Curshine FrancisWorming. (Wormegay?)

Dearsly George   

Galloway William   

Lampkin ThomasWorming. (Wormegay?)

Musson John, Clerk 
Scott Hugh   

Shorting StephenN(ew). Bucken(ham).  

Townshend Jeremiah 

 Sum.  6  5  4  5

Helhoughton, Vid
[see] Houghton
Helsden, Tav. Hu.     
Green WilliamBelaugh

 Sum.  1  1  

Hemblington, Walsh.
Bayes Robert 

Bell John 

  [Page] 102
Brook Robert 

Jary EdwardSalthouse

Jary William 

 Sum.  5  5  

Hempnall, Depw.
Barnes IsaacThurston  

Bennet JohnNorwich

Brown Zachariah   

Chittleburgh Robert   

Desbordes John. Esq;Norwich  

French Thomas 
Gunton Benjamin 
Hammond John 
Hartley NathanaelNorwich  

Hunton EdmundNorwich  

Place ChristianThorpe  

Richards James   

Roberts JamesFritton  

Roberts Roger   

Sherwood RobertDrayton  

Spooner Thomas   

Sporle John   

Tooke James 

Ward Thomas   

Winck RobertBungay  

 Sum.  5  2 17 17

Hempsby, W. Fleg.
Church John 

Crome RobertRollesby

  [Page] 103
Harbord Richard 

Harrison William 

Leech Edward   

Loveck ThomasHorsey

Molling Thomas 

Philips Thomas 

Reynolds Thomas 

Smith James 

Tilling Thomas 

 Sum. 10 10  1  1

Hempstead's, Holt
Hund. & Hap.
Bell NicholasColtishall  

Brittingham Thomas   

Cannon William 

Cooke Simon 

Drury Peter   
Fox Jos.Stradb(roke). Suf

Leggett William 

Nockalls Robert 

Riches William 

 Sum.  6  6  3  2

Hempton, Gall. Hu.     
Cornish Stephen 

Fish PaulStradset(t)

Skinner WilliamWhitsonset (Whissonsett)  

Spence Thomas 

Starkey Thomas 

 Sum.  4  4  1  1

  [Page] 104
Hethell, Humb. H.     
Branthwayt Arth. Esq;Norwich  

 Sum.    1  1

Hethersett, Humb.
Amyas John, Clerk 

Bene Robert, Esq;Norwich

Postle Jehosaphat, Gent.Norwich

Smith Edward   

Stains Edmund 

 Sum.  4  4  1  1

Heveningham, So.
Erp. Hund.
Dey John   

Jelly Henry   

Stoakes Robert   

Wadker John   

Whiting Thomas   

 Sum.    5  5

Heverland, Eyns. H.     
Foyster BenjaminNorwich  

Howard John   

Hyrne Clement, Esq;   

  [Page] 105
Hyrne Thomas, Esq;   

King George   

 Sum.    5  5

Heydon, Sou. Erp.
Dye Robert 

Horn John 

Robins William   

Shaw Andrew, Clerk 

 Sum.  4  3  1  1

Hickling, Hap. Hu.     
Davy SamuelAll.Sts.Su

Davy SamuelNorwich

Ellys JohnCambridge  

Gibbs Edmund 

Gibbs Edmund    
Gibbs John 

Haddon WilliamLudham

Morse ThomasYarmouth  

Moon Richard 

Stone Samuel 

Stone Samuel 
 Sum.  8  7  3  3

Hilburgh, S. Green.
Barwick JohnSaham (Saham Toney)  

Cooper WilliamDunha.M. (Great Dunham)

Cooper William 

  [Page] 106
Durrant Anthony 

Durrant John 

Johns Thomas 

Pyke John 

Snelling Richard 

Wace Edmund, Clerk 

Wace Edmund, jun. 

 Sum.  9  9  1  1

Hilderstone, Eyns.
Athill Thomas   

Chilver WilliamHoxton (Hoxne?)

Cook ThomasWalborn (Welborne)  

Jary Robert   

Knights Francis 

Neal William   

Osborne Richard   

Porter Thomas   

Trigg ThomasSwan.Nov (Swanton Novers)  

Waller Robert   
Waller Thomas   

 Sum.  2  2  9  8

Hindringham, N.
Green, Hund.
Bond Lawrence   

Brigden William 

Drake RichardSaul (Salle)  

England Richard   

Framingham John 
Harvey John 

Lee John   

Long John 

  [Page] 107
May William   

Morice Richard   

Mumemert Thomas   

Shorting George   

Spingall Thomas   

Stamp George 

Stamp William 
Stoakes Jeffery   

Sydall Robert 

White Bartholomew   

White Robert 
 Sum.  8  5 14 11

Hingham, Fore.
Alcock John 

Alcock William 

Alden Edmund 

Alden John 

Amyas GeorgeThetford

Baldwin StephenRoydon  

Bracey John 

Brett RobertWyndham (Wymondham)  

Brown JohnNorwich

Buck John   

Cater ThomasNorwich  

Clipperton Thomas   

Colman EdwardHautboys (Hautbois)

Cooper William 

Danes AnthonyHackford

Davy John   

Dimont William 

Foyson William 
Foyson William, Clerk    
Foyster DanielMulbarton  

Gillman Samuel 

  [Page] 108
Godley John 

Goose Benjamin 

Green WilliamBrisley

Harvey Thomas 

Heyhoe Edward 

Holley Richard 

Howard William 

Hoy Robert 

Kiddell RobertWatton
King John 

King Nicholas 
Lane Andrew 

Larwood NicholasNorwich  

Man Nicholas 

Mayes John 

Nichil William   

Norton Henry 

Norton James 

Parke William 

Payne Edward 

Payne StephenWickham   
Pickis Robert   

Powell JohnRising

Randall Samuel 

Reynolds John 
Rich John 

Sayer EdwardNorwich

Seaman Francis   

Stark StephenShipdam (Shipdham)  

Thurgar JohnKelling  
Thurrold William 

Turner John 

Watson John, sen. Clerk 
Womack Edmund 

Woodrow JohnReymerst(one).

Woodrow SimonNorwich  

Wright William 

 Sum. 42 36 15 19

  [Page] 109
Hitcham, Smyth.
Cooper ThomasDocking  

Creamer HenryWyndham (Wymondham)

Cressy Thomas   

Cropley John 
Dean Richard 

Pyle William 

Riches RobertThornham

Thorne JohnWoodton  

 Sum.  5  4  4  3

Hockham, Shrop.
Barecroft William, Cl. 

Greengrass ThomasStow

Johnson Henry    
Ripper John    
Sayer James   

 Sum.  2  2  1  3

Hockring, Mit.
Arrold John   

Bunn RobertE(ast). Tudden(ham).  

Capps Thomas   

Mallison John   

Rising Edmund   

Rising Francis   

  [Page] 110
Starling James   

Starling John   

 Sum.    8  8

Hockwould, cum
Wilton, Grim. H.
Bayton John 

Carter Richard   

Hepburne GeorgeLynn
James Henry   

Johnstons Simon 

Risebrook Robert, Esq;Hunni.Suf

Smith Edmund 

Smith John 

Smith Samuel 

Topcliff Lancaster, Cl. 

Towell Samuel 

Whalburgh Thomas   

 Sum.  9  8  3  4

Hoe cum Dilling-
ton, Land. Hu.
Gooch ThomasE.Deerha. (East Dereham)

Good Henry 

Herring Robert 

Kendall ThomasFakenham
Taylor James 

 Sum.  5  4   1

  [Page] 111
Holkham, N. Green.
Charles Story 

Colsy Robert 

Grieve William 

Jolly William 

Kemp William 

Knotts Henry 

Lawson Thomas 

Nettleton JohnBost. Lin. (Boston, Lincs)  

 Sum.  7  7  1  1

Holm, juxta Mare.
Smyth Hund.
Holm, Hale, Sou.
Green, Hund.
Bircham John   

Bridges Thomas, H. 

Buck JohnBinham  

Butler FrancisLondon  

Chestney Will. jux. M. 

Claxton EdmundBeeston

Clements Matt. Cl. H. 

Cockett ClementE. Brade. (East Bradenham)  

Covel John, H.Swaffham  

Dolman JefferyGrimstone (Grimston)

Eastgate Richard, H. 

Edmunds WilliamFulmerde. (Fulmodeston)

Holly John, jux. M. 

Johnsons WilliamN(orth). Picken(ham).

Leeds Robert, jux. M. 

  [Page] 112
L'Strange HammondBart. Suf.  

Page JohnFakenham

Porter HenrySwaffham  

Renhout Tho., jux. M. 

Rolfe John, ClerkNecton

Towers Thomas 

Ward AndrewBurnham
Youngs John, H. 

 Sum. 16 15  7  8

Holt. Holt. H.     
Allen JohnCley  

Allen ThomasCley  

Blyford Mathew   

Bourne John   

Brereton WilliamArmingh. (Arminghall?)

Burlingham Thomas, Cl 
Dewing ThomasAylesham (Aylsham)  

Ellis Daniel   

Gavelston RichardLethering(sett).  

Gilbert Robert 

Green JohnColtishall

Johnson William   

Meases William   

Neal Christopher 
Newdigate John   

Platten EdmundBaconstho. (Baconsthorpe)

Potter Bartholomew 

Potter Bartholomew 

Powlett John   

Rix Thomas 
Ryall John   

Seel Benjamin   

Wells Richard   

 Sum.  9  6 17 14

  [Page] 113
Honing, Tuns. H.     
Baldy David, Clerk   

Chambers Andrew 

Cubit Benjamin   

Cubitt RobertEdingthor(pe)  

Howell Richard 

Mason Thomas   

Mason William   

Neal Peter 

Smith Gregory   

Steward Charles   

Woods Thomas 

 Sum.  4  4  7  7

Honingham, Fore. H.     
Berwick Benjamin, ClerkNorwich

Cork Henry 

Kemp CharlesRingland  

Nixon george 

Spratt Isa.Norwich  

Sydnor Thomas, ClerkHockere. (Hockering)

Wharton Thomas 

 Sum.  5  4 [5?]  2  2

Horningtoft, Land.
Franklyn Francis   

Franklyn Joseph 

Halman EdwardNorwich

  [Page] 114
Johnson John   

Sincleer Edmund 

 Sum.  3  3  2  2

Horsford, Tav. H.     
Brand Richard   

Colman Richard   

Goodman ThomasNorwich  

Lawrence John, Clerk 

Murrell Benjamin   

Utting BenjaminNorwich

Wythe JohnNorwich

 Sum.  3  3  4  4

Horstead, Tav. H.     
Ayde John, Gent. 

Bernard JohnSprowston

Cannal John   

Colman JohnSkeyton  

Dickson ChristopherNorwich

Gladwell Thomas   

Layton John, Clerk   

Roberts Peter   

Warren George, Esq;   

Wrench BenjaminNorwich  

 Sum.  3  3  7  7

Hoveton, St John,
St Peter, Tunst.
Alexander Thomas, J.Pedingha(m). (Hemblington?)

Balls John, P.   

  [Page] 115
Cutting Giles, Gent. P.   

Earbery Matt. Clerk, P. 

Garrod Robert, P. 

Ives John, P. 

Lancaster John, P. 

Negus Henry, Esq; P. 
 Sum.  6  5  2  3

Houghton, Gall. H.
Houghton in the
Dale, N. Green. H.
Houghton Supra
Montem, S. Green
Carter Thomas, Clerk   

Crask Robert 

Easton William   

Fenn George 

Fenn JohnBlakeney  

Frost Gregory   

Gill John   

Hall Thomas   

Leverington William 
Mason William   

Neal Peter   

Pack James   

Shawle Edmund   

Walpole Robert, Esq;   

 Sum.  3  2 11 11

  [Page] 116
Howe, Clav. Hun.     
Bunn Berney 

Green ThomasE.Deerha. (East Dereham)

Groom Thomas 

Heath ThomasTittleshall  

Ladely BartholomewMelton,M (Great Melton)  

Lynes Thomas 

Nicholas Thomas 

Pope Robert 

 Sum.  6  6  2  2

Hunstanton, Smyth. H.     
Harrison WilliamRingstead

Kemp Robert 

Meakmead William 

Moor Robert 

Richardson Edmund 

Sharpe John 

Tompson OwenSedgeford

Tompson OwenSedgeford

Wales William 

 Sum.  9  9  

Hunworth, Holt. H.     
Britiff Edmund   

Moore Thomas   

Park Nicholas   

 Sum.    3  3

Total of   H 310 270 225228


  • 1. The printed Poll Book contained many christian names starting with the letter "I" such as "Ia.", "Iames", "Iohn", "Ios." etc. These have been changed respectively to "Ja.", "James", "John", "Jos." etc.
  • 2. The christian name "Ios." could be "Joseph", "Josiah", "Joshua" etc.?
  • 3. Dillington (in Launditch Hundred) is a hamlet of East Dereham parish (in Mitford Hundred), next to the village of Hoe in Launditch Hundred.
  • 4. All the Hundreds and Candidates together with their abbreviations are to be found on the main 1714 Poll Book page.
  • 5. In the transcription of the Poll Book the modern spelling of place names has been added in brackets "()" to many of the entries so that a search will find them.
  • 6. Surname spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Norfolk Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Bunn/Bourn, Colsy/Coulsey, Cork/Cock, Earle/Earl, Gillman/Gilman, Hanworth/Hamworth, Hyrne/Herne, Meakmead/Makemead, Nockalls/Nockolds, Park/Sparke? Postle/Posell, Reynolds/Rannells? Sincleer/Sinclear, Stoakes/Stoaks, Thorne/Thorn.

Places with no voters

The following places :-
    Heigham, Hellington, Herringsby, Hillington, Holverston, Horning and Horsey had no one who lived there and voted because of a freehold in the same place.

Note that there may have been voters living in these places but appearing elsewhere. An example of this is Arminghall with no entries but Nicholas Jacob, Gent. lived there but voted because of a freehold held in Needham.

The Poll book continues with Towns and Parishes beginning with the letter I.

Towns and Parishes

The book contains the following (where "A" is Acle to Aylsham etc.):-

Uncertainties-County Freeholders resident in Norwich-

See also the main Voting page and the main 1714 Poll Book page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
May 2012