Norfolk: Voting Registers - 1714 Poll
Towns & Parishes beginning with Y
A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the county of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, Feb, 1714-15.
The Towns are set in an Alphabetical Order; and so are all the Freeholders under each Town.
Each Page consists of Six Columns. The First contains the Names of the Freeholders under each Town; the Second, the Place of their Residence, (when different from that of their Freehold) the other Four have the initial Letters of the Candidates Names set at Top, and the Black Lines drawn under them shew how every Freeholder voted.
This contains the following parishes where property was held.
Yarmouth [Great Yarmouth] | Yaxham Yelverton |
[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]
[Page] 257
Freehold. | Resid. | H. | E. | A. | G. |
Y | |||||
Yarmouth, E. Flegg Hund. | |||||
Adkins Thomas | |||||
Allen Banjamin [Sic] | Cley | ||||
Allison Thomas | |||||
Appleyard Thomas | |||||
Armiger George | |||||
Armstrong Peter | |||||
Artis James | |||||
Artis Jeddediah | |||||
Artis Thomas | |||||
Atwood Robert | London | ||||
Averick Robert | |||||
Austin Henry | |||||
Bacon John | |||||
[Page] 258 | |||||
Baker Jos. | |||||
Baker Samuel | |||||
Bale Levi | |||||
Balls Samuel | |||||
Barker Benjamin | Norwich | ||||
Barlow Benjamin | |||||
Bartham Marmaduke | |||||
Barwick Richard | |||||
Bateman John | Cley | ||||
Bateman William | |||||
Beckwit Thomas | |||||
Belgrave Jos. | |||||
Bell Eli | |||||
Bell Nicholas | |||||
Bennit Richard | |||||
Bishop Samuel | |||||
Blackbread Daniel | |||||
Blackeman Thomas | |||||
Boll Nicholas | |||||
Bolt Robert | |||||
Bond Nathanael | |||||
Boswell John | |||||
Boyce John | |||||
Boyce Richard | Horning | ||||
Boyce William | |||||
Bracey Andrew | |||||
Bracey William | |||||
Bragg Thomas | |||||
Bream William | |||||
Bridgewell Samuel | |||||
Briggs Thomas | |||||
Brighting Christopher | |||||
Brighting Richard | |||||
Bristol John | |||||
Brown Andrew | |||||
Brown Anthony | |||||
Brown Benjamin | |||||
Brown Henry | |||||
[Page] 259 | |||||
Brown John | |||||
Brown Jos. | |||||
Brown Robert | |||||
Browne Thomas | |||||
Browne Thomas | |||||
Browne William | |||||
Browne William | |||||
Browne William | |||||
Browne William | |||||
Buller John | |||||
Burdock Christopher | |||||
Burton John | London | ||||
Butcher Jos. | |||||
Buttyfant William | |||||
Cabin John | |||||
Callow Samuel | |||||
Calver John | Norwich | ||||
Cann William | |||||
Casehorn John | |||||
Caulke Charles | |||||
Causey William | |||||
Cawston Jos. | |||||
Chapman James | |||||
Clare James | |||||
Clarke William | |||||
Clifton Gab. | |||||
Clifton John | |||||
Clifton Josiah | |||||
Clifton Samuel | |||||
Clifton William | |||||
Clippterton Christoph. | |||||
Cock James | |||||
Cock Richard | |||||
Cockman Roger | |||||
Colby Nathanael | |||||
Coleman Thomas | |||||
Collingwood William | |||||
Cooke Thomas | |||||
[Page] 260 | |||||
Cooke Thomas | |||||
Cooper John | |||||
Cooper John | |||||
Cooper Thomas, sen. | |||||
Cooper Thomas | |||||
Coppin John | Norwich | ||||
Corpe William | |||||
Cotman Jos. | |||||
Cread William | |||||
Crome John | |||||
Croskeys John | |||||
Cumby John | |||||
Curtis Daniel | |||||
Curtis Robert | |||||
Curtman Samuel | |||||
Curtman Samuel | |||||
Custance John | |||||
Datho William | |||||
Donn John | |||||
Donn Samuel | |||||
Dowe Thomas | |||||
Dowlen John | |||||
Dowsen John | |||||
Draper Samuel | |||||
Draper William | |||||
Duck Robert | |||||
Durrant John | |||||
Durrant Robert | |||||
Durrant Thomas | |||||
Eagle Jos. | |||||
Eastmore Benjamin | |||||
Eaton William | |||||
Ellis Anthony | |||||
England George, Esq; | |||||
English Phil. | |||||
Emms Thomas | |||||
Errington Benjamin | |||||
Ewells John | |||||
[Page] 261 | |||||
Faltrick Thomas | |||||
Farwell Robert | |||||
Feddyman Jos. | |||||
Fenn John | Norwich | ||||
Fenn Jos. | Norwich | ||||
Ferrier Benjamin | |||||
Fish Nathanael, sen. | |||||
Fish Nathanael | |||||
Fisher Samuel | |||||
Fisher William | |||||
Flemming Roger | |||||
Flight James | Norwich | ||||
Flower John | |||||
Francis William | |||||
Fredrick John | |||||
Freiran Benjamin | Southwold | ||||
Fuller Samuel | |||||
Garret John | |||||
Gayford John | |||||
George Peter | |||||
Gibbon Thomas | |||||
Gibson Richard | |||||
Gilbert John | |||||
Gilling Robert | |||||
Gilliston John | Tunstall | ||||
Godfrey Stephen | |||||
Goodson Nicholas | |||||
Goodwin John | |||||
Goodwin Joseph | |||||
Goodwood Robert | |||||
Gosker Thomas | |||||
Graham John | |||||
Green John | |||||
Green Iohathan | |||||
Grey Andrew | |||||
Grey Charles | |||||
Gunnel Job | |||||
Halcot John | Neatshead (Neatishead) | ||||
[Page] 262 | |||||
Hall Robert | |||||
Hammond John | Ludham | ||||
Hansell Richard | |||||
Harbord Tobias | |||||
Harley Thomas | |||||
Harmer William | |||||
Harpley Thomas | |||||
Harrington Samuel | |||||
Harrison George | |||||
Hartley James | |||||
Harvey John | Lessingha(m). | ||||
Harwood John | |||||
Hasburgh Samuel | |||||
Hasell John | |||||
Hastings Robert | |||||
Hastings William | |||||
Howe William | |||||
Heaslip Thomas | |||||
Heaton John | |||||
Heldham John | |||||
Herbert Christopher | |||||
Herne Thomas | |||||
Hill Henry | |||||
Hill John | |||||
Hill Robert | |||||
Holliday John | |||||
Holmes John | |||||
Horsley Thomas | |||||
Horsley Thomas | |||||
Horsley Thomas | |||||
Horseman Henry | |||||
Hoskins Thomas | |||||
Hottyaway John | |||||
Hovel Abraham | |||||
Howard Francis | |||||
Howard Thomas | |||||
Howard Thomas | |||||
Hurry Thomas | |||||
[Page] 263 | |||||
Hurst Samuel | |||||
Huss John | |||||
Hutchinson John | |||||
Hynes Daniel | |||||
Jackson Robert | |||||
Jarman John | |||||
Jarvis William | |||||
Jefferies Richard | |||||
Jennis Nathanael | |||||
Jerew Mathew | |||||
Ingle Benjamin | |||||
Ingram Charles | |||||
Johnson John | |||||
Johnson Joshua | |||||
Jones John | |||||
Ireland John | |||||
Ives John | |||||
King Michael | |||||
King Thomas | |||||
King Thomas | |||||
Kirkman Peter | |||||
Kitt Thomas | |||||
Kitt William | |||||
Lacey Nathanael | |||||
Lacey Richard | |||||
Lacey Walter | |||||
Layer John | |||||
Leggat Robert | |||||
Lewson William | |||||
Ling William, Clerk | |||||
Loan Roger | Beccles | ||||
Lomb Henry | |||||
Lowce Clement | |||||
Lyon Peter | |||||
Manley Daniel | |||||
Mann William | |||||
Manning John | |||||
Manning Thomas | |||||
[Page] 264 | |||||
Manser John | |||||
Manthorpe John | |||||
March John | |||||
Marjorum Samuel | |||||
Marsh John | |||||
Mash John | |||||
Masters Jacob | |||||
Masters John | |||||
Meadow Samuel | |||||
Mickleburgh Jos. | |||||
Middleton Thomas | |||||
Middleton William | |||||
Millison James | |||||
Mills George | |||||
Minns John | |||||
Mister Isaac | |||||
Moor Benjamin | |||||
Moor Francis | |||||
Moor Thomas | |||||
Moor William | |||||
Morris John | |||||
Moulton Samuel | |||||
Munson Thomas | |||||
Neeve Robert | |||||
Newell Anthony | |||||
Newton William | |||||
Nickerson William | |||||
Norgate Nathanael | |||||
Norway Caesar | |||||
Nunn Jonathan | |||||
Nutt Robert | |||||
Nutter Thomas | |||||
Oakes Zephaniah | |||||
Oats Samuel | |||||
Oliver Jos. | |||||
Oliver Samuel | |||||
Owner Michael | |||||
Pacey William | |||||
[Page] 265 | |||||
Pagett George | |||||
Panton Francis | |||||
Parmer Jos. | |||||
Partridge John | |||||
Partridge Jos. | |||||
Passon Francis | |||||
Passon Francis | |||||
Passon Matthew | |||||
Passon Thomas | |||||
Pasy Mark | |||||
Pay John | |||||
Peacock George | |||||
Pearson John | |||||
Penn John | |||||
Perkins Francis | |||||
Peterson John | |||||
Pew Stephen | |||||
Phips John | |||||
Pigg John | |||||
Playford John | |||||
Pope John | |||||
Porter Francis | |||||
Porter John | |||||
Potter William | |||||
Ransom Simon | |||||
Reeve John | Norwich | ||||
Rendall Robert | |||||
Rial Anthony | |||||
Richardson Nathanael | |||||
Riddle Rog | |||||
Ringer John | |||||
Ringer Samuel | |||||
Roberts Peter | |||||
Robinson Roger | Norwich | ||||
Rude Jeremiah | |||||
Ruiner Henry | |||||
Sayer Francis | |||||
Sayer John | |||||
[Page] 266 | |||||
Sclater John | |||||
Scoffin John | |||||
Scott William | |||||
Seagoe Sampson | |||||
Seagoe William | |||||
Seel John | |||||
Sewel Edmund | |||||
Sewel John | |||||
Shales John | |||||
Shales Robert | |||||
Shelly Anthony | |||||
Sherwood Robert | |||||
Shippey Thomas | |||||
Silver Timothy | |||||
Simonds William | |||||
Simpson John | |||||
Sipping Timothy | |||||
Slapp Benjamin | |||||
Slipper John | |||||
Small Thomas | Bungay | ||||
Smith Edmund | |||||
Smith Henry | |||||
Smith John | |||||
Smith Thomas | |||||
Smith Thomas | |||||
Smithdale John | |||||
Smithdale John | |||||
Smitter Lawrence | |||||
Smitter Thomas, sen. | |||||
Smitter Thomas, jun. | |||||
Southgate William | |||||
Southwell Robert | |||||
Spawling John, jun. | |||||
Spendlow John | |||||
Spendlow Richard | |||||
Spenton John | |||||
Spilman Anthony | |||||
Spilman Benjamin | |||||
[Page] 267 | |||||
Spilman Robert | |||||
Spilman Samuel | |||||
Spilman William | |||||
Spooner William | |||||
Springall Matthew | |||||
Spurgeon John | |||||
Strange John | |||||
Strowle John | |||||
Strutton Robert | |||||
Swanson Samuel | |||||
Syer James | |||||
Sylver John | |||||
Symons John | |||||
Taylor George | |||||
Taylor John | |||||
Taylor Nathanael | |||||
Thirkittle Henry | |||||
Thompson Miles | |||||
Thurrant Thomas | |||||
Tompson Henry | |||||
Tompson Roger | |||||
Tompson William | |||||
Townshend John | |||||
True William | |||||
Turner John | |||||
Turner John | |||||
Turner Jos. | |||||
Wakeman Robert | |||||
Wakeman Samuel, Gent. | |||||
Wallis Philip | |||||
Ward Robert | |||||
Ward William | |||||
Warden Thomas | |||||
Warnes Thomas | |||||
Waterson Isaac | |||||
Watson Christopher | |||||
Watson John | |||||
Watson John | |||||
[Page] 268 | |||||
Watson Robert | |||||
Webster John | Norwich | ||||
Wells Thomas | |||||
Wetherell Thomas | |||||
Whitesides John | |||||
Whitton Arthur | |||||
Whynn George | |||||
Whynn Robert | |||||
Wilcock John | |||||
Wilcox Edward | |||||
Willis Samuel | |||||
Wise Robert | |||||
Woolston Jos. | |||||
Worts John | |||||
Wright Charles | |||||
Wright Henry | |||||
Wright Stephen | |||||
Wrimpshaw Richard | |||||
Wyld Samuel | |||||
Wyly Thomas | |||||
Youngman Robert | |||||
Sum. | 174 | 169 | 240 | 244 | |
Yaxham, Mit. Hund. | |||||
Abell Anthony | Ling | ||||
Alby John | |||||
Baly Timothy | Norwich | ||||
Buck John | |||||
Bullard John | |||||
Bullard John | |||||
Bullard John | |||||
Bullock John | |||||
Claxton Francis | |||||
Colman William | |||||
Curson John | |||||
[Page] 269 | |||||
Helwys William, Esq; | Norwich | ||||
Isbell William | |||||
Murrell William | |||||
Newhouse William | |||||
Rayner Thomas | |||||
Repps Clement, Gent. | |||||
Russel William | Norwich | ||||
Spershall Gregory | |||||
Vincent Edward | Shipdham | ||||
Wasey William | |||||
Williams Thomas | |||||
Writhe Richard | |||||
Sum. | 13 | 6 | 11 | 15 | |
Yelverton, Henst. Hund. | |||||
Garrod Francis | |||||
Rant Thomas, Esq; | |||||
Sum. | 2 | 2 | |||
Total of Y | 189 | 177 | 251 | 259 |
- 1. The printed Poll Book contained many christian names starting with the letter "I" such as "Ia.", "Iames", "Iohn", "Ios." etc. These have been changed respectively to "Ja.", "James", "John", "Jos." etc.
- 2. The christian name "Ios." could be "Joseph", "Josiah", "Joshua" etc.?
- 3. "Iaphat", "Ieffery", "Ieremiah", "Iob", "Ionas", "Ionathan", "Ioseph" and "Ioshua" have also been changed as per Note 1.
- 4. All the Hundreds and Candidates together with their abbreviations are to be found on the main 1714 Poll Book page.
- 5. In the transcription of the Poll Book the modern spelling of place names has been added in brackets "()" to many of the entries so that a search will find them.
- 6. Surname spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Norfolk Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Clippterton/Clipperton
The Poll book continues with Uncertain Towns & Parishes.
Towns and Parishes
The book contains the following (where "A" is Acle to Aylsham etc.):-
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
I | K | L | M | N | O | P+Q | R |
S | T | U | W | Y |
Uncertainties | -County Freeholders resident in Norwich- |
See also the main Voting page and the main 1714 Poll Book page.
These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.
Copyright © Mike Bristow.
April 2012