


Norfolk Voting Registers - 1714 Poll


Towns & Parishes beginning with D

A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the county of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, Feb, 1714-15.

The Towns are set in an Alphabetical Order; and so are all the Freeholders under each Town.

Each Page consists of Six Columns. The First contains the Names of the Freeholders under each Town; the Second, the Place of their Residence, (when different from that of their Freehold) the other Four have the initial Letters of the Candidates Names set at Top, and the Black Lines drawn under them shew how every Freeholder voted.


This contains the following parishes where property was held. The names in brackets "()" are alternative spellings as used in the original poll book.


Dalling, Field
  [Field Dalling]
  (Dawling, Field)
Dalling, Wood
  [Wood Dalling]
  (Dawling, Wood)
Dereham East
  [East Dereham]
  (Deerham East - Mit.)
Dereham, West
  [West Dereham]
  (Deerham West - Clack.)
Dillington (see note 7)
Downham Market
Dunham, Great
  [Great Dunham]
  (Dunham, Magna)
Dunham, Little
  [Little Dunham]
  (Dunham, Parva)
Dunton cum Doughton
  (Dunton cum Dolton)

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

Page 57

Dawling Field, N.
Green. Hund. Wood,
Eyns. Hund.
Baldwyn John, W. 

Bell Richard, W. 

[Page] 58
Bell William, W. 

Bettle William, F.   

Brown Jeffery, F.Narford

Bulwer Edward, W.   

Chapman Andrew, W.Themylth. (Themelthorpe)  
Drake John, W.  

Evans Thomas, W.Bury S. E. (Bury St Edmunds)

Gay Joshua, Sen. W.   

Gay Joshua, Jun. W.   

Hall William, F. 

Havers Thomas, W.Heyden (Heydon)

Hendry William, W.   

Heydon John, F.   

Hudson Richard, F.   

Lewis Matthew, F. 

Loose Robert, F. 

Lynn John, W.Foulsham  

Prat Robert 

Rush Francis, F. 

Rush Richard, F. 
Self Thomas, W.Cardiston (Kerdiston)  

Self Thomas, W. 

Self William, W.Horsford  

Stimpson James, F.   

Wicks Rice, W.Norwich

Wilton Matthew, W. 

Witacre William, F. 
Wynn Henry, F.   

Wynn John, F.   

 Sum. 16 15 17 13

Deepham, Fore.
Amyas MatthewNorwich

Andres Effemiah [sic]Attleburg. (Attleborough)  

Britting StephenPulham  

[Page] 59
Brown RobertG(reat). Ellingh(am).  

Cooper John   

Cullyer August.   

Dover Joseph   

Draper RobertCastor
Neve William   

Nobbs Richard   

Reynolds JosephHingham

Spink Thomas 

Stephenson EdwardWicklew(ood).  

Wright Edmund   

Wright Edmund, Jun.   

Wright Francis   

 Sum.  4  3  12  12

Deerham, E. Mit.
Hund. W. Clack.
Hund. [See Note 7]
Aylmer James, E. 

Bell William,

Blyford Matthew   

Brown Francis, E.   

Carrowin Thomas, E.   

Chamberlain WilliamWestfield  

Collins Samuel, E.   

Copeman Philip, E.   

Dayton Benjamin, E. 

Dewing Henry, E. 

Donne Thomas, E. 

Dove John, E. 

Dusman John 

Eke Joseph, W. 

Felsted Thomas   

Field AnthonyRaynham  

Fletcher William, E. 

Gallant John, Gent. 

[Page] 60
Glead Jonathan, E. 

Goddard ThomasNorwich  

Gogney Henry, E. 

Green John, E. 

Grey John 

Herring Samuel   

Lacey ThomasShipdam (Shipdham)  

Lane John, E.Shipdam (Shipdham)

Laverock JohnAttleburg. (Attleborough)

Leveridge William, E. 

Lincoln Joshua, E.   

Lindoc [sic] Thomas   

Lock Daniel   

Lyon John, E.Morley  

Mathews Benjamin 

Mendham Robert 

Oxwick JohnHowe

Ralph John, E.   

Rash John, E. 

Rix John, E. 

Robinson JohnNorwich

Rutland Thomas, E. 

Smith John 

Smith JohnHarpley

Spilman Thomas, E.   

Starling John, E. 

Syer John, E. 

Taylor William, E. 

Verdun James, Clerk, E. 

Ward John 

Ward William 

Warner Thomas 

Watts John   

Williamson Edmund 

 Sum. 34 33 18 19

[Page] 61
Denton, Earsh.
Arnold ThomasManning(ton).

Braham EllisTrowse
Burges John   

Burleigh SamuelWaybread (Weybread)

Dalling Thomas   

Day James   

Farrow Robert   

Gedge JohnBungay  
Gibbs Richard   

Hamling Thomas   

Harner Samuel   

Hirrion John   

Larns Thomas   

Newton NathanaelBeccles  

Page Benjamin   

Plowman WilliamBungay  

Smith Amy   

Smith StephenAlburg(h)  

Tite Robert, Sen.   

Tite Robert, Jun.   

Wales John   

 Sum.  3  2 18 19

Denver, Clack.
Brett JonasDownham

Brett John 

Brown ThomasDeerham (Dereham)

Buckenham DanielUpwell  

Carman Thomas 

[Page] 62
Carter JohnDownham

Cust John 

Eldred Richard 

Greenwood PaulDownham

Grout Thomas 

Nargent William 

Reeder Robert 

Smith WilliamWimbottis (Wimbotsham)

Sparrow Edward 

Sutliff Henry 

Thorpe WilliamWretton

Tompson John 

Ward John 

Whitby ThomasDownham

Whiteman WilliamHillington  

 Sum. 18 18  2  2

Dersingham, Freb
L. Hund.
Brown JohnBircha. T. (Bircham Tofts)  

Chamberlain John   

Daniel NathanaelRudam (Rudham)  

Dinchman John   

Gill Thomas, Clerk   

Herring Richard   

Littlewood John   

Minns John   

Novell Daniel   

Oickerell William   

Stairs Thomas   

Stibbard William   

Tow Michael   

 Sum.   13 13

[Page] 63
Dickleburgh, Dyss.
Auden Thomas 

Burton Joshua   

Clayton Thomas   

Cawsey John   

Denn WilliamFranson (Fransham?)  

Manning John 

Motts RobertWeddersd. (Withersdale?)  

Murtlock Lewis   

Needham Samuel, Clerk 

Reeve John   

Ruddledish Edward 

Ruston Thomas   

Verdun ProctourCratfield

Wilton Robert 

 Sum.  6  6  8  8

Didlington, South
Green. Hund.
Taylor Nathanael 

Taylor Nathanael 

Wilson Robert, Esq;   

 Sum.  2  2  1  1

Dilham, Tunst.
Bowman Edward   

Briggs RobertStokesby  

Clay Thomas   

[Page] 64
Drake Ezekiel   

Morse JohnN. Repps (North Repps)  

Paul Daniel   

 Sum.    6  6

Ditchingham, Lod.
Brereton William 

Brewster Humph. Esq; 

Calver RichardHarlestone (Harleston)

Candler William 

Davy Robert, Esq; 

Gower John 

Heasle WilliamNorwich  

Mingay Edward 

Money JohnNorwich
Neal WilliamCatton  

Page WilliamKirby  

Pell Richard 

Ringwood ErasmusNorwich

Stanton Stephen 

Stroud Stroud, Gent. 

Watts Timothy 

 Sum. 13 12  3  3

Docking, Smith
Allen John   

Back John 

Bird William   

Bland Henry, Clerk.   

Carter Robert   

Codd Nicholas   

[Page] 65
Curtis James   

Dennis Samuel   

Docket FrancisThornham
Draper TimothyTittleshall  

Dunn George   

Gent Thomas   

Grey Thomas   

Hendry John   

Margill James, Clerk.   

Neal Daniel   

Pitcher William   

Rayner Nicholas   

Redwyn John   

Redwyn PeterNorwich  

Rose William   

Scot Henry   

Short Henry   

Story John   

Sturt Robert   

Vallis Robert   

Watts William   

Watson RobertLynn Reg(is). (King's Lynn)  

 Sum.  2  1 26 27

Downham, Clack.
Atkins William 

Allen Sim. 

Barkham Christopher 

Butler John, Clerk 

Clarke John   

Claxton John 

Green John 

Hickman JohnNorwich  

Lampson Matthew 

Life William 

[Page] 66
Lincoln JohnWearham (Wereham)

Lowry James 
Maw Paul 

Morby RobertUlburt.Ely

Owell Robert 

Pigg Andrew 

Rising Thomas   

Saffery Henry 

Saffery Richard   

Say Robert 

Southouse Martin 

Templeman William 

Townshend Henry 

West Thomas 

West Thomas 

Williamson John 

Winter Modecai 

 Sum. 23 22  4  5

Drayton, Tav. H.     
Coulson Stephen   

Hyrne William   

Hyrne William, ClerkNorwich  

Jeffery John, ClerkNorwich  

Metcalfe AugustineNorwich  

Rant John   

Robarts JohnHeigham

 Sum.  1  1  6  6

Dunham Magna &
Parva, Land. H.
Allen William, P. 

Barwick RobertWhissonse(tt)  

Coke Thomas, Clerk, P. 

[Page] 67
Cordwell Edmund, P.Wimbottis (Wimbotsham).

Gunn Henry 

Hogan Thomas, Esq; 

Large Henry, P. 

Lynes Robert 

Nicholls Thomas, P. 

Oxburgh William 

Pearse Edmund 

Robarts Robert 

Sheen Thomas, jun. 

Whiteman John, Cl. M. 

 Sum. 13 13  1  1

Dunston Humb.
Davy John   

Long Matthew, Esq;   

 Sum.    2  2

Dunton cum Dolton,
Gal. Hund.
Aswell HenryRudhamW (West Rudham)

Frost William 

Goodwyn William 

Kitting Samuel   

Lancaster John 

 Sum.  4  4  1  1

Dyss, Dyss Hund.     
Baxter Robert 

Becket JohnHardwick  

Betts James   

[Page] 68
Betts James, jun.Wyndham (Wymondham)

Briant Jeremiah   

Bryars John, Clerk 

Burrough Robert 

Burrough Robert   

Camel Charles 

Camel Robert 

Cann WilliamYoxf. Suff. (Yoxford)

Charles Abraham   

Coningham John 

Cook WilliamBrissingh. (Bressingham)

Crisp John   

Crutnall John 

Cullain William   

Cunningham John 

Cunningham Jonas 

Fisher Thomas, sen.   

Fisher Thomas, jun.   

Fulcher ThomasShelfhang. (Shelfanger)  

Goodwyn John 

Hall John   

Hunt RobertLoddon

Jessop John, Clerk 

Johnson John   

Leyman Habakkuk 

Loud Seth   

Mean JohnBrockdish

Manning Samuel   

Manning Thomas   

Negus FrancisDaming.S.  

Newson John   

Notly Samuel   

Payn Francis 

Pepys Roger, Esq;Impington (Cambs)  

Petitt John 

Philips Thomas   

Prentice JohnBotsd.Suff. (Botesdale,Suffolk)  

Prettyman GeorgeBacto.Suff. (Bacton,Suffolk)

[Page] 69
Simson JohnPulham

Simpson NicholasNorwich  

Smith John 

Smith John, Butcher 

Wainford RichardReyden (Roydon)  

Waller John   

 Sum. 23 23 24 24

Total of   D 162 155 162162


  • 1. The printed Poll Book contained many christian names starting with the letter "I" such as "Ia.", "Iames", "Iohn", "Ios." etc. These have been changed respectively to "Ja.", "James", "John", "Jos." etc.
  • 2. The christian name "Ios." could be "Joseph", "Josiah", "Joshua" etc.?
  • 3. "Ieffery", "Ieremiah", "Ionas", "Ionathan", "Ioseph" and "Ioshua" have also been changed as per Note 1.
  • 4. All the Hundreds and Candidates together with their abbreviations are to be found on the main 1714 Poll Book page.
  • 5. In the transcription of the Poll Book the modern spelling of place names has been added in brackets "()" to many of the entries so that a search will find them.
  • 6. Surname spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Norfolk Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Camel/Cammell, Chamberlain/Chamberlyn, Coulson/Coulsey, Dusman/Dutcham, Felsted/Felstead, Fulcher/Foulser, Gunn/Gunns, Jeffery/Jefferys, Leyman/Layman, Lindoc/Lindoe, Lynes/Lines, Margill/Macgil, Owell/Howell, Redwyn/Redwin, Ruston/Rustan, Rutland/Rudland, Sutliff/Sutcliff, Vallis/Valtows?
  • 7. Dillington (in Launditch Hundred) is a hamlet of East Dereham parish (in Mitford Hundred) and will be found under Hoe cum Dillington.

The Poll book continues with Towns and Parishes beginning with the letter E.

Towns and Parishes

The book contains the following (where "A" is Acle to Aylsham etc.):-

Uncertainties-County Freeholders resident in Norwich-

See also the main Voting page and the main 1714 Poll Book page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
May 2012