


Norfolk: Great Yarmouth


Voting Registers - Poll 1826

The poll for two members to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, taken on the 9th and 10th of June, 1826 and published by J. Barnes & W. Meggy. The transcription includes :- Voters names, Occupations, Residences & some relationships.

The original had entries of the form :- "Surname, Christian-name(s), Occupation, Residence" separated by commas but all in the one column.

The poll book comprises 2 sections :-

  • 1. Pages 3 to 23 contain voters residing in Yarmouth (where residence field is blank) or Southtown.
  • 2. Pages 24 to 30 contain "Non-Resident Voters".
    • Most of these places of residence are in Norfolk or Suffolk but a number of people are seen to be living elsewhere. The notes section will help to identify the location of some of these.

The last two columns ie. "Occupation" and "Residence" have been separated from the peoples names to create three columns here.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]










The 9th and 10th Days of JUNE, 1826.






Printed and Published by J. BARNES,





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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Aldred, Jamesmariner   
Aldridge, H. A.blockmaker 

Aldridge, Johnbricklayer   
Ames, Samuelshipwright   
Andrews, Philipcaulker 

Ashley, Benjaminlieut. R. N.Southtown  
Atkins, Johnmariner 

Almore, Williamropemaker 

Audley, Henrytailor 

Ayers, Johncaulker 

Ayers, Robert, jun.twinespinner   
Ayers, William Dixcarpenter   
Bacon, Williamleather cutter 

Balls, John, jun. ditto 

Banks, H. C.mariner   
Banks, Isaac  ----   
Banks, Johnsawyer   
Banks, Samuelmariner   
Barber, Jamescordwainer 

Barber, Johnropemaker 

Barber, Samuelmerchant 

Barber, S. S., jun.ship-owner 

Barber, Thomasropemaker 

Barber, Williamship-owner 

Barber, William, jun.sailmaker 

Barcham, Jamesshipwright    
Barker, Richardpainter 

Barnby, Richardropemaker    

[Page] 4

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Barnes, Williamshipwright 

Barrell, Johncordwainer 

Barrell, Ralphmariner 

Barrow, Georgecarpenter 

Barrow, Samuelgrocer 

Bayly, James Martin, jun.merchant 

Bayly, Josephcordwainer 

Beaumont, Edmundshipwright   
Beaumont, Thomas ditto   
Beavers, Robert ditto   
Beavers, Robertcordwainer   
Becket, James Williamcaulker 

Becket, William ditto 

Beckett, Williambaker 

Bell, Charlessolicitor 

Bell, Jamesshipwright 

Bell, Samuelesq. 

Bell, William Pattengent. 

Bensley, Georgeshipwright 

Berry, Thomasropemaker 

Best, Johnmariner 

Black, Williamropemaker 

Blogg, Thomasshipwright 

Blowers, Williamropemaker 

Boldra, Francisbrazier 

Bolton, Samuelfisherman 

Bonifant, Williamcarpenter 

Boulter, Jamesmariner 

Bowles, Edwardlabourer 

Bowles, Edwardbeachman 

Bowles, Georgemariner   
Bowles, Jamesropemaker   
Bowles, Johnropemaker  

Bowles, Johnmariner 

Bowles, Johnfisherman 

Bowles, Jonathanmariner 

Bowles, Robertfisherman 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Bowles, Samuelmariner 

Bowles, Samuelropemaker 

Bowles, Samuelropemaker 

Bowles, Samuelropemaker 

Bowles, Thomaslabourer 

Bowles, Thomasfisherman 

Bowles, Thomascarter 

Bowles, Williamvictualler 

Bowles, Williamlabourer 

Bowles, Williamropemaker 

Bowles, Williamsawyer 

Boyce, Daniel, jun.caulker   
Boyce, Tompsonbaker   
Bradbear, Samuelsailmaker 

Brady, Williampainter   
Bray, Johnbaker 

Breeze, Robert, jun.ironmonger   
Brewer, Johnmariner   
Brightman, Williammariner 

Brooks, Jamesmariner 

Brooks, Williammariner  
Brooks, Wilsonjoiner 

Browes, Samuelmariner 

Brown, BenjaminshoemakerSouthtown

Brown, Benjaminpilot   
Brown, Charlesshipwright 

Brown, Jabezgrocer 

Brown, Johnmusic master   
Brown, Robertshipwright 

Brown, Robertshipwright 

Brown, Thomascaulker   
Brown, Williamjoiner   
Brown, Williamhair dresser 

Brunton, Williammariner   
Buck, Charlescordwainer 

Buckle, Georgeropemaker 

Buckle, Williamtwinespinner 


[Page] 6

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Budds, Williamsailmaker 

Bull, Richardblockmaker 

Bullimore, Johnpipemaker  

Bunn, Thomasshipwright   
Burman, Jamescabinetmaker 

Burman, Richardcordwainer 

Burrell, Ministertwinespinner   
Burroughs, W. N.liquor merchant 

Burton, Jamescaulker 

Burton, Thomasmariner   
Burton, Williamglazier 

Buston, J. T.cordwainer 

Butler, Edmundcordwainer 

Butler, Edmund Artiscordwainer 

Campbell, Thomasshipwright 

Campbell, Johninnkeeper   
Campbell, Walterfishmonger 

Capp, Robertinnkeeper 

Carr, Danielcordwainer 

Carr, Samuel Johncordwainer 

Carr, Josephropemaker   
Carsey, Williamcabinet maker 

Carter, Jamestwinespinner 

Carter, Johnropemaker 

Carter, John, jnn. [sic] (jun.)ropemaker 

Carter, Mesheckmariner   
Carter, Williamlabourer   
Carter, Williamropemaker  

Cattell, Williammariner   
Chamberlain, Jamesbutcher 

Chaplin, Johnshipwright 

Chaplin, Edwardboatbuilder 

Chapman, Johnmariner   
Chase, Johnshipwright   
Child, Jamesshipwright 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Child, JohnWhitesmith 
Child, John, jun. ditto   
Child, Richard Watsonlabourer   
Child, Thomasshipwright   
Child, Williamtailor 

Christmas, C. H.accountant   
Christmas, John jun.mariner   
Clare, Jamesshipwright   
Clark, JamesmarinerSouthtown

Clark, John Shellyauctioneer 

Coates, Williamtwinespinner   
Cobb, Jamessolicitor 

Cobb, Robertshipwright 

Cockle, Lawrenceropemaker 

Cockle, Lawrenceshipwright   
Cockle, Williamshipwright 

Coker, Williamropemaker   
Colby, Rousecabinet-maker 

Cole, Johnshipwright 

Coleman, Edmundblock maker 

Coleman, Georgecordwainer 

Collis, Edwardsailmaker 

Collison, Johnmariner 

Conyers, Jamesship-owner 

Cooper, Henrymariner 

Cooper, Johntailor 

Cooper, Johnshipwright   
Cooper, Thomas H.joiner  

Cooper, Williamblockmaker   
Corp, N. W.mariner   
Coultwas, S. D.shipwright 

Cozens, Cooper Williamcabinet maker 

Cozens, Williamcabinet maker 

Craggy, Clarrycaulker 

Crane, Williamropemaker 

Crane, Thomasshipwright   
Crickmay, Samuel T.tailor 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Crickmay, Thomassolicitor   
Crisp, Johnbrazier   
Critten, Johnpainter 

Cross, Georgecaulker 

Cross, George, jun . ditto 

Cross, Robert Martin ditto 

Cross, Roberts [sic] ditto 

Cross, Roberts [sic]schoolmaster 

Cross, Williamcaulker 

Crowfoot, Johnbarber   
Curtis, Williamshipwright   
Daddy, Samueltwinespinner 

Darnell, Thomasshipwright   
Davie, Cufaudechemist 

Davey, Samuelpainter 

Davis, Georgeblockmaker 

Davis, Jamesmariner   
Davis, Thomascordwainer 

Dawson, Jamesmariner 

Dawson, Samuelshipwright   
Devereux, Williamshipwright 

Ding, Danielcabinet maker 

Dixon, Josephgent. 

Dobson, John P.labourer 

Drury, Josephshipwright   
Dublack, Jamesmariner   
Dublack, William ditto 

Duck, Charlesshipwright   
Duck, James ditto   
Duffield, Isaacropemaker 

Duffield, Georgegrocer 

Dunn, Robertlime burner 

Durrant, Henryropemaker   
Durrant, Simongrocer 

Durrant, Thomasshipwright   

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Dye, Charlesschoolmaster   
Dye, Davidshipwright   
Dye, Georgecaulker   
Dye, Williamschoolmaster   
Dye, Williamcaulker   
Dyson, Williamsailmaker 

Eastmure, Benjaminmariner   
Eastmure, Benjamin, jun.mariner 

Edwards, Benjaminropemaker 

Edwards, Georgecordwainer   
Eggett, Georgecordwainer 

Eldridge, R. D.mariner   
Eller, JosephCorporation surveyor   
Ellett, Jamesblockmaker 

Ellett, Jamescabinet-maker 

Ellett, Johncarpenter 

Elliot, T. N.mariner 

Ellis, Benjaminyeoman   
Ellis, Henryshipwright   
Ellis, Joseph B.tailor 

Ellis, Robertbrushmaker 

Ellis, Thomasvictualler   
Ellis, Thomashairdresser   
Ellis, Williamshipwright   
Ely, Johnropemaker   
Emes, Henryliquor merchant  
Emms, Davidcordwainer 

Errington, Georgemerchant 

Everitt, Johnropemaker 

Fairweather, Josephmariner 

Faltrick, Johncarman   
Farrer, Samuelgent. 

Fenn, Benjaminfishing merchant   
Fenn, Robertgrocer   

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Fenn, R. B.fishing merchant   
Fill, Jamesmariner   
Fill, Johnmariner 

Fill, Johnshipwright 

Fill, Joseph ditto 

Fish, Danielfisherman   
Fish, D. W.mariner 

Fish, Johncabinet maker 

Fish, Simonship owner 

Fish, Simonwaterman   
Fisher, Jamesropemaker 

Fisher, John Esq.   
Fitt, Johnshipwright   
Fleet, Richardropemaker 

Foreman, Johnbookseller 

Folk, Johnmillwright 

Forster, Pexallgent. 

Forster, Ralphshipwright   
Fox, Robert Searumblockmaker 

Francis, Georgeropemaker 

Frosdick, Mosescaulker   
Frosdick, Thomasshipwright 

Fulcher, Bernardinnkeeper 

Fulcher, Williamsailmaker   
Fuller, Jamesropemaker 

Fuller, Samuel ditto 

Gamble, Williampainter 

Gamer, Benjaminshipwright 

Gardiner, Johnmariner 

Gardiner, John ditto 

Garson, Georgeship-owner 

Garwood, Thomasgent. 

Gedge, Georgeshipwright   
George, Curtis ditto   
George, Curtis, jun.carpenter   
George, John Jonesshipwright 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
George, Richardshipwright 

Gibbs, Thomasblockmaker   
Gilbert, Thomasfishmonger 

Gillings, Danieltwinespinner 

Gillings, John Josephcordwainer 

Gillings, Josephmariner 

Girling, Edmundbook keeper 

Godfrey, Josephshipwright 

Goffin, Thomasmariner 

Gooch, Samuelropemaker 

Gooda, Matthewsailmaker 

Goodwin, Johncaulker 

Gosling, Williamtwinespinner   
Gosling, Samuelropemaker 

Gowen, Johnmariner 

Gowing, Robertblockmaker 

Grave, Williamsailmaker 

Gray, Thomasbrazier   
Green, Johnropemaker 

Green, Thomasmerchant 

Green, Williamropemaker 

Greenwood, Williammariner 

Grint, Robertshipwright 

Groom, Johnmariner   
Grudgefield, Jameshatter 

Grudgefield, Philipneatherd   
Gunton, Simoncooper   
Gunton, Simonbutcher   
Gourlay, [D. A.][toyman] 

Hall, Stephengent. 

Hall, Williambaker 

Hammond, Richardgrocer 

Harding, Matthiastwinespinner 

Harley, C. G.gent. 

Harman, Williamropemaker 

Harpley, Alfredpipemaker 

Harpley, Georgemariner 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Harris, Georgeshipwright 

Harrison, Edmundropemaker   
Harvey, Jacobcarpenter 

Harwood, Johnmariner 

Hastings, George Notentshipwright 

Hastings, Henry ditto 

Hastings, Henrycaulker   
Hastings, Johnmariner 

Hastings, Josephshipwright 

Hatch, Francis, jun.shipwright 

Healey, R. S.ropemaker 

High, John ditto 

High, Roberttwinespinner 

Hobrough, Henryshipwright   
Hodskinson, Fredericksolicitor   
Hodskinson, Randellgent.   
Holland, Georgemariner 

Holt, G. W.solictor 

Hook, Robertglazier 

Horn, Johntwinespinner 

Hornsby, W.Lieut. R. N.   
Houghton, Henryvictualler 

Howard, Henrycarpenter 

Howlet, Horatioshipwright 

Howlet, Williamcaulker   
Hubbard, Danielropemaker 

Hughes, George B.carpenter 

Hunt, Thomasshipwright   
Hurry, Jamesesq. 

Hurry, Thomasesq. 

Hurry, W. J.esq. 

Ingram, Charleswaterman   
Ingram, Charlessailmaker 

Ingram, Love ditto 

Ingram, Love, jun. ditto 

Ingram, William ditto 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Ingram, Williamsailmaker 

Ingram, William, jun.ropemaker 

Isaacs, Petercarpenter 

Ives, Johnmariner 

Jackman, Jobtwinespinner 

Jackman, Williamshipwright 

Jay, Samuelship-ownerSouth Town  
Jenkerson, Williamropemaker   
Jenkerson, William ditto   
Jewell, Edwardmariner   
Jex, Henrycaulker 

Jex, Jamesgent. 

Jex, Williamshipwright 

Jillings, Danielmariner   
Johnson, Johncarpenter 

Johnson, Williamcordwainer 

Johnson, Samuelshipwright   
Johnson, Samuel Cooper ditto 

Johnson, Williamtwinespinner 

Johnson, Williamsailmaker 

Julier, Richardshipwright 

Keeler, Jamestwinespinner 

Keeler, John Blundell ditto 

Kett, William C.tanner 

King, Danielshipwright 

King, Samuelbaker 

King, Stephenshipwright 

Knowles, Henryblockmaker   
Knowles, Robertropemaker 

Lake, Thomascordwainer   
Lamb, Johnfisherman 

Lamb, William ditto   
Lane, James Christmascarpenter 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Language, Robertcordwainer 

Lark, Josephshipwright 

Larn, Johnropemaker 

Laurence, Williampainter 

Laws, Johnmerchant   
Lawcock, L. H.ropemaker 

Layton, Georgecaulker 

Layton, Robertshipwright 

Leacock, Isaac ditto 

Leighton, Thomascabinet maker 

Lessey, Samuelgrocer 

Lettis, Thomas, jun.merchant 

Leverick, Thomaslabourer 

Libbis, Jamessailmaker 

Linder, Danielgent.   
Linder, Charlesshipwright 

Linder, Robertcordwainer   
Linder, Thomasshipwright 

Linnaker, Williamropemaker 

Linstead, Williammariner 

Loads, E. W.carpenter 

Lone, Richard ditto   
Lowther, T. B.shipwright 

Lubbock, Charles ditto 

Lubbock, John ditto 

Lummis, Samueltailor 

Mack, IsaacboatbuilderSouthtown  
Maddison, Samuelcabinet maker 

Maddison, William ditto 

Malady, Thomasmariner 

Mallett, Josephshipwright   
Mann, William ditto 

Manser, Jamesmariner   
Manser, J. T.twinespinner 

Manser, Richard ditto 

Manship, Thomas, jun.mariner 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Manthorp, Jamesbrazier   
Martin, Hezekiahbookkeeper 

Martin, Nathanielbutcher 

Martin, Roberttwinespinner 

Martin, Thomasgrocer 

Martin, Williamshipwright   
Maryman, Johnmariner 

Mason, Jamesshipwright 

Mason, Williambasket maker 

Mason, Williamshipwright   
Mason, William R.grocer   
May, JohnbookkeeperSouthtown

Mayes, Williamchandler 

Mead, Johncordwainer 

Meadows, Samuelmariner 

Mickleburgh, Paulshipwright 

Miles, Richardlabourer 

Miles, Robert ditto   
Miles, Jamessailmaker   
Miller, Johnropemaker   
Miller, Richardmariner 

Miller, Thomasbaker   
Miller, Williamgent.Southtown

Miller, Williamcooper 

Millican, Williamshipwright 

Mills, Thomas Read ditto 

Minns, Johncordwainer 

Mitchell, Johntailor 

Moore, Charlesdraper 

Moore, Johnmariner 

Moore, William Johnsailmaker 

Morley, Robertcaulker 

Morley, Valentine ditto   
Morley, William ditto 

Morling, Danielgrocer 

Moss, Thomas, jun.mariner 

Moss, Williammariner   

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Nailor, Thomasshipwright   
Neal, Francissailmaker   
Neal, Johnwhitesmith 

Neave, Michaelropemaker 

Neave, Thomasropemaker   
Neslen, Williamgrocer   
Neslen, Richardmariner 

Neslen, William Bondcordwainer 

Newby, John Pattisonropemaker 

Newman, Joseph ditto 

Newman, Richard Williamtailor 

Newman, Henry Burgessropemaker 

Newson, Johnmariner 

Newton, Georgeshipwright 

Newton, Johnropemaker 

Newton, Robertcarter   
Nichols, Williamblockmaker 

Nicholson, Nathanielcordwainer 

Nicholson, William Plummergrocer 

Nickerson, Robertblockmaker   
Norfor, Johnropemaker   
Norton, James B.gunner   
Norton, Jeremiahshipwright   
Norton, Robert ditto   
Norton, Thomas Richardmariner 

Nutman, Georgeropemaker 

Orford, Williamgrocer   
Ottey, Williammariner 

Page, Nathanielcabinet maker 

Page, Robertwatchmaker 

Page, Robertropemaker 

Page, Thomaspipemaker 

Palgrave, Henryblockmaker   
Palgrave, Thomasgent. 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Palmer, E. R.solicitor 

Palmer, James B.merchant 

Palmer, Johnropemaker 

Palmer, John Burtonesq. 

Palmer, N. S.esq. 

Parkerson, Jamesshipwright 

Pashly, Samuellabourer 

Paul, Bennettblock maker   
Paul, Richardbook keeper   
Paul, Robertboat builder 

Peacock, Johnropemaker 

Peartree, Owencornmeter   
Peck, Johnshipwright   
Peck, Lionel  ---- 

Pegg, Bartholomewropemaker 

Pennett, Johnship-wright   
Pennett, Samuelropemaker 

Pestle, Charlesshipwright   
Pickers, Thomaschapel clerk   
Pigg, Georgeshipwright   
Pike, Robertsailmaker 

Pitt, ThomasmerchantSouthtown

Plummer Johnropemaker   
Plummer, Josephpainter 

Plummer, Williamshipwright 

Plummer, Williamropemaker 

Porter, Rehobothtailor 

Presant, Georgemariner 

Preston, Georgemariner 

Preston, Georgeclerk of the market   
Preston, J. K.surgeon   
Purdy, Samuelshipwright 

Purdy, Williamcaulker 

Purdy, Robertshipwright   
Quinton, Johnhair dresser 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Rackham, Johnropemaker 

Rant, Jamessadler 

Rant, Johnwaterman 

Rant, Richardwaterman 

Rayer, Williamsailmaker   
Rayner, Robertwaterman 

Read, Isaaccordwainer 

Read, Jamesshipwright 

Read, Williamcooper   
Redgrave, J. B.ropemaker 

Reeve, Josephjoiner 

Rising, Edwardturner 

Rising, Jamesshipwright 

Rising, William ditto   
Rising, Williamblockmaker 

Robson, Johngent.   
Rodwell, Williammariner   
Rogers, Anthonycaulker 

Rogers, Samuelmariner 

Royal, George ditto 

Royal, Paul, jun.blockmaker 

Rumer, Thomasshipwright 

Rump, Richardmariner 

Rushmer, Robertropemaker 

Salmon, Josephcordwainer 

Sancroft, Edwardjoiner   
Sancroft, Jameschemist   
Sandall, Johnglazier   
Sawyer, Williamcordwainer 

Savage, J. W.ropemaker 

Sayers, Christopheresq. 

Sayers, JamesmerchantSouthtown

Scott, Philipmariner 

Scott, Williammariner 

Seaman, Johnsexton   

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Searum, Robertmastmaker 

Sewell, Robertropemaker   
Shardelow, J. H.mariner 

Shelly, Johnesq. 

Shepherd, Richardblockmaker 

Sherlock, Henrymariner 

Sherrington, Benjaminironmonger   
Sherwood, Jamessawyer 

Shivers, Roberttwinespinner 

Silvers, Thomasshipwright 

Simmons, Davidbrush-maker 

Simmons, Johnlabourer 

Simmons, Francismariner 

Simmons, Philipturner 

Simpson, G. B.cordwainer 

Simpson, John Owchincarpenter 

Simpson, LombeJoiner 
Simpson, Williamgent. 

Simpson, William Jaspercordwainer 

Sinclair, H. M.merchant 

Sloman, Jamesropemaker 

Sloman, William Turnerbook keeper 

Smallpage, Williamshipwright 

Smiter, Edwardcaulker   
Smiter, Georgelabourer   
Smiter, Jamesropemaker   
Smiter, Johncaulker 

Smiter, Jonathan ditto   
Smiter, Richardmariner   
Smith, Danielropemaker 

Smith, Johncaulker 

Smith, Johnwaterman   
Smith, Jamesbeachman 

Smith, Joseph ditto 

Smith, Saulwaterman   
Smith, Thomascooper 

Smith, Williamblacksmith   

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Smith, Williammariner 

Smith, W. H.book-keeper   
Smowton, Williamropemaker   
Soulsby, Jamesmariner 

Soulsby, Johncaulker 

Sowell, Edmundpainter 

Sowell, Thomasglazier 

Spanton, Benjaminshipwright 

Spanton, Benjamincordwainer   
Spanton, Thomasbasket maker 

Spanton, Williamlabourer   
Spelman, Edwardropemaker   
Spilman, Nathanielengraver 

Spilman, Nathanielpainter 

Spilman, Samuelornamental painter 

Spilman, W. H.mariner 

Spicer, Josephfishmonger 

Spinney, Johnplumber 

Stacey, Philipmariner 

Stagg, Johnbrazier 

* Stead, Patrick [Note 6]merchantSouthtown, or
Little Yarmouth

Sterry, Williamshipwright 

Stevenson, Francisfishing merchant   
Steward, Arthur esq. 

Steward, Thomas F.  esq. 

Steward, Timothy  esq. 

Stewart, Henrysailmaker 

Stoddard, Benjaminmariner 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Stolworthy, Jamesjoiner 

Stone, Williamship owner 

Storey, Jonathanshipwright   
Storey, Richardbrazier 

Storey, W. L. D.book-keeper 

Sutton, Richard ditto   
Sutton, Thomastwinespinner 

Swallow, Johnblockmaker 

Swanborough, Williamsailmaker 

Symonds, Jamesfisherman 

Symonds, Johngent. 

Symonds, Johnfisherman   
Taylor, Jamesjoiner 

Taylor, John Mathiasshipwright 

Teasdell, Samuelcaulker   
Temple, Williamvictualler 

Templar, Henryshipwright   
Thirkettle, R. B.baker 

Thirkettle, W. D.cabinet maker  ----

Thomas, Edwardfisherman 

Thomas, Josephfisherman 

Thomas, Samuelshipwright   
Thomas, Samuelcaulker 

Thompson, Jameslabourer   
Thompson, James Goramcaulker 

Thompson, Johnropemaker 

Thompson, Thomascaulker 

Thompson, Thomasschoolmaster 

Thompson, Thomascordwainer 

Thorndick, Jamesship-owner   
Thorpe, Robertropemaker 

Thorpe, Williamtwinespinner 

Todd, Johnmariner   
Todd, Williamshipwright 

Tooley, Henry ditto 

Tooley, Williamcaulker 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Townley, Thomasmariner   
Trett, Robertpainter 

Trotter, Williamcaulker 

Turner, Dawson  esq. 

Turner, Josephcaulker 

Turner, Thomasferryman   
Turner, Thomasboatman   
Underwood, Matthewlabourer   
Utting, Josephcarpenter 

Vale, T. T. M.marinerSouthtown

Vincent, Henryshipwright 

Vincent, William Readlabourer   
Vincent, Jonathan Carleyshipwright   
Ward, Charlesmariner 

Ward, Roberthemp dresser 

Warden, Georgetwinespinner   
Warner, Charlesmariner   
Warrant, Williambrazier 

Watling, Robertjoiner 

Watling, Thomas Dyelabourer 

Waters, Johntwinespinner   
Watson, John Taylortimber agent 

Watson, William Davidtwinespinner 

Webb, Johnropemaker 

Webb, Richardmariner 

Welch, Benjamintwinespinner   
Welch, Henryropemaker 

Welch, John ditto   
Welch, Williamtwinespinner   
Wells, Samuelmariner 

Wells, Thomasshipwright   
Wells, Thomastwinespinner 

Whincop, Robertmariner 

Wickham, Jamestailor 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Wickham, Williamhair dresser 

Winn, Charlescarpenter 

Woodcock, NoahshipwrightSouthtown

Wooden, IsaaccordwainerSouthtown

Wooden, Henryshipwright 

Wooden, Thomasblackmaker [sic] 

Woodhouse, Johntwinespinner   
Woodhouse, Robert ditto   
Woodhouse, Samuelropemaker 

Woodrow, Cooperbrazier 

Woolner, Edwardmastmaker 

Woolner, Jamesshipwright   
Woolsey, J. C.beachman 

Woolsey, Samuelmariner   
Woolsey, Thomasropemaker 

Worship, H. V.esq. 

Worton, Williamcordwainer   
Wright, G. G.mariner 

Wright, Johnmariner 

Wright, Richardmariner 

Wright, Williamshipwright   
Yetts, Johncaulker   
Yetts, John, jun. ditto   




[Page] 24

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Ames, JosephdyerNorwich

Ames, Williamweaver ditto

Andrews, G. P.hair dresserLondon

Balls, EdwardtailorIpswich

Banyer, Williambook-keeperNorwich

Barber, SamuelmarinerLondon

Barber, William Braygent.Sutton

Barrow, JohnlabourerRunham  
Barrow, ThomasgardenerWinterton

Baxfield, JosephshipwrightDeptford

Baxfield, Josephshipwright ditto

Baxfield, ThomasbricklayerNorwich

Bexfield, Williamcabinet maker ditto

Beales, Thomas T.shipwrightWoolwich

Becket, John WilliamtailorStepney

Bell, Carseyesq.Belton

Bell, Charlesgent.Lowestoft

Bell, John Barkeresq.Gorleston

Bell, John Sayersesq. ditto

Beynon, J. F.solicitorNorwich

Bird, Thomas B.schoolmasterLowestoft

Bishop, Johngent.Hemsby  
Bishop, JohnshipwrightLowestoft  
Blackmore, BenjaminCaulkerBlackwall

Boardman, JameswharfingerNorwich

Boldra, Barchamtea-dealerBeccles

Bowles, ThomasvictuallerNorwich

Brame, Jamesbook-keeperLowestoft  
Branford, W. WomackfarmerCaister


[Page] 25

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Bristow, EdmundmarinerLowestoft

Brook, Coopergent.Norwich

Brown, CorneliusshipwrightDeptford

Brown, EdmundbricklayerBeccles

Brown, J. R.tallow-chandlerLowestoft

Brown, RichardshipwrightDeptford

Burroughs, JameslabourerAldeby  
Burroughs, Williamtailor ditto  
Campbell, John C.caulkerPoplar

Carter, CharlesshipwrightGorleston

Clarke, William, sen.caulkerPlymouth

Clarke, W. jun.shipwrightDevonport

Clowes, ThomassolicitorCaister

Colman, James P.cordwainerNorwich

Colman, Thomasbrazier ditto

Cook, RicharddraperCromer

Cook, ThomasshipwrightGorleston

Cook, Thomas, jun.carpenterRochester

Cook, WilliamshipwrightNorwich

Cousens, Christophergrocer ditto

Cousens, C. W.cabinet makerLondon

Cousens, JohncordwainerNorwich

Cousens, Williampainter & glazier ditto

Covell, Thomas B.shipwrightChatham

Cowell, JohnwhitesmithNorwich

Cufaude, JohnsolicitorHalesworth

Day, James T.stone masonRochester

Dowson, B. U.merchantGeldeston

Dowson, H. G. ditto  ----

Drury, Josephcabinet makerMaidstone

Dye, RobertvictuallerGorleston

Ellis, Richardgent.Norwich

Emms, William henrypainterLondon

England, HenrycaulkerLondon


[Page] 26

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Everard, FrancismarinerSouthwold 

Farrer, JohngrocerLowestoft

Farrer, Samuelgent. ditto

Fleming, Robert dittoLondon  
Fowler, John esq.Corton

Frost, C. WilliammastmakerNorwich

Fuller, Edmundpipe-makerGreenwich  
Fuller, JohnfarmerRaveningham

Gardiner, Williamshoe-makerNorwich

Gilbert, JohnweaverNorwich

Gilbert, WilliamcaulkerLimehouse

Gilby, JohnsailmakerLondon

Gillings, JohnshipwrightIpswich

Gillings, ThomasropemakerLondon

Goodwin, JaspertwinespinnerSouthwold 

Greenwood, BenjaminweaverNorwich

Greenwood, E.cabinet maker ditto

Hall, Johngent.North Shields

Harris, Williamgent.Gorleston

Harvey, JohnmarinerLowestoft  
Hastings, WilliamblockmakerNorwich

Head, RichardropemakerWoolwich

Horn, William dittoNorwich

Ibrook, ThomasgrocerNorwich

Jackson, JohnlabourerLowestoft

Jay, Benjaminship-ownerGorleston

Johnson, SamuelpainterLowestoft  
King, JohnpilotGorleston  
Lake, JohnpilotGorleston  
Leggett, Charles [Note 5] ditto ditto   

[Page] 27

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Lessey, RobertcarterGorleston

Lessey, SamueldraperHarleston

Mackarel, JohncordwainerNorwich

Marshall, RobertlabourerLingwood

Meadows, P. J.carpenterWoolwich

Mills, Johnshipwright ditto

Mills, Simon dittoBlackwall

Morley, JosephlabourerGorleston  
Morley, JamescaulkerLondon

Morley, RichardcaulkerLyme-house

Morse, Thomas, jun.esq.Blundeston  
Neslen, WilliamplumberLowestoft

Nightingall, JohnblacksmithGorleston  
Norton, JamesfarmerStokesby  
Norton, Thomasgent. ditto  
Oliver, J. C.sapper & minerWoolwich

Palmer, Edward B.farmerMutford

Palmer, Jamesesq. ditto

Palmer, N. B.esq.Norwich

Palmer, Thomas H.marinerGorleston

Pattman, JamesshipwrightBlackwall

Pattman, Jephunneh ditto ditto

Pattman, Thomas ditto ditto

Paul, CharlescurrierNorwich

Paul, Samuelprinter ditto

Paul, Thomasvellum binderLondon  
Peek, W. J.shipwrightGorleston

Pidgeon, JosephpipemakerNorwich

Pinson, Johndraper ditto

Powles, JohnsailmakerLondon

Quinton, Johnesq.Gorleston

Quinton, Johnmariner ditto


[Page] 28

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Ransome, RobertcordwainerMartham

Rivett, PhilipshipwrightWinterton  
Rogers, WilliamshipwrightGorleston

Rooks, ThomascordwainerAylmerton

Rounce, ThomaspainterHalesworth

Sadd, WilliamcordwainerLondon

Scott, JohnmarinerLondon

Shilling, ShadrachmarinerGorleston

Shreeve, GeorgebrazierNorwich  
Smiter, ThomascaulkerLymehouse

Smith, C. B.fishermanLowestoft

Smith, JohnmarinerGorleston  
Smith, SamuelweaverNorwich

Smith, ThomasvictuallerLondon

Smith, WilliamweaverNorwich

Smith, Williamcarpenter ditto  
Spanton, Humphreysmith ditto

Sparshall, ThomasropemakerLowestoft

Spelman, GeorgegrocerDiss

Spelman, IsaacfarmerAldburgh

Stacey, WilliamcomedianTheatre, Norwich

Staff, John PurdyweaverNorwich

Stannard, Robertgent. ditto

Stevenson, SamuelbakerGorleston  
Steward, John NewsonjoinerLondon

Steward, S. C.shipwrightDeptford

Steward, T. E. ditto ditto

Steward, Timothy  esq.Norwich

Story, E. C.merchant ditto  
Symonds, JamesclerkOrmesby  
Taylor, JameswherrymanNorwich

Taylor, JamesbakerChatham

Taylor, JohnshipwrightNorwich

Thirkettle, N. P.cabinet maker ditto


[Page] 29

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.A.R.L.
Varley Johncabinet makerNorwich

Walker, JohnlabourerGorleston  
Ward, RobertgrocerBeccles

Warner, RobertmarinerGorleston  
Watson, JohntailorNorwich

Watson, William HenrytailorLondon

West, Josephprinter ditto

Wigg, JohnglazierLoddon

Wigg, Johnbutcher ditto

Wigg, JohnshipwrightGorleston  
Wigg, SamuelbutcherChedgrave

Williams W. W.book-keeperNorwich  
Winn, Georgehair dresserBeccles  
Woolverton, GcordwainerDeptford

Worship, W. T.clerkUpton

Youngs, JosephturnerLondon




F I N I S.

Printed by J. BARNES, King Street, Yarmouth.

[End of Poll Book]

Summary of Voting

Summary of the manner in which the "Votes were Divided".

 FIRST DAY'S POLL 495 498 216
 SECOND DAY'S POLL 150 151   34
[Totals] 645 649 250


  RESIDENT VOTERS 502 505 218
  NON-RESIDENT VOTERS 143 144   32
[Totals] 645 649 250




  ANSON AND RUMBOLD 641 641  ---
  ANSON AND LACON      7     7
  RUMBOLD AND LACON   ---  ---
  ANSON     2  
  RUMBOLD       1 
  LACON   241
[Totals] 645 649 250


Number of VOTERS POLLED 895.


  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the places in the book. Standard place names are given in brackets () following where necessary so that places are found with a search.
  • 2. Name spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Great Yarmouth Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Bayly/Bayley, Bonifant/Bonnifant, Burroughs/Burrows, Cockle/Cocklell, Coleman/Colman, Everitt/Everett, Forster/Foster, Howlet/Howlett, Ibrook/Ibrooke, Laurence/Lawrence, Malady/Malladay, Neal/Neale, Nightingall/Nightingale, Peck/Peak, Rooks/Rooke, Sowell/Sowells, Warrant/Warrent.
  • 3. Under the heading "Occupations" or "Residence" a "----" indicates a blank in the printed poll book.
  • 4. Many places outside Norfolk had seafaring connections through trade and shipbuilding. Some of those given as residences are listed below together with the Chapman county codes in "[]" in which they lay in 1826 :-Blackwall [LND], Chatham [KEN], Deptford [KEN], Devonport [DEV], Greenwich [KEN], Lime House (Lymehouse) [MDX], London [LND], Maidstone [KEN], North Shields [NBL], Plymouth [DEV], Poplar [MDX], Rochester [KEN], Stepney [MDX] and Woolwich [KEN].
  • 5. "Charles Leggett" had no votes printed for him.
  • 6. * MR STEAD asserted his right to Vote, as an Inhabitant House-holder of Southtown, or Little Yarmouth. It being the opinion of some, that the Inhabitant Householders of Southtown, are entitled to the same immunities and privileges as the Freemen of Yarmouth; grounding that opinion upon an Act, passed in the 16th and 17th year of Charles II.; Letters patent, procured by Sir Robert Paston, for incorporating Southtown with Great Yarmouth, 20th Charles II. and Queen Anne's Charter; see Swinden's Yarmouth, pages 310, 334, 340, and 777.

Other Yarmouth Polls

Given below are the dates for the other Polls up to 25th July 1837 with links to further transcriptions. For later ones follow the link to Great Yarmouth voting page. Note that where more than one printer published the poll then the date is followed by their name.


See also the main Voting pageGreat Yarmouth Voting page and the Great Yarmouth parish page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
July 2012