


Norfolk: Great Yarmouth


Voting Registers - Poll 1807 (Keymer)

The poll for two members to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, taken on the 7th and 8th of May 1807 and published by J. Keymer (not to be confused with a similar one by P. Forster which contains some differences). The transcription (of 951 voters) includes :- Voters names, Occupations, Residences & some relationships.

Most of the places of residence are in Norfolk or Suffolk but a number of people are seen to be living elsewhere. The notes section will help to identify the location of some of these.

The original had "Surname Christian-name(s), Occupation, Residence" separated by commas but all in the one column. These have been split into three separate columns.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]








Taken the Eighth and Ninth Days of May,







Mayor and Returning-Officer.






[Page 2]

There were 950 votes of which 193 were given on the Second Day of the Election; the names of these are distinguished in the Poll by an asterisk (*).


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
ABSOLON W.merchantYarmouth 

Absolon Daviddraper do.

Adkinson HenryclerkBacton
* Aldred JohnsilversmithYarmouth
Aldridge Henrymariner do.  
Aldridge H. A.master-mariner do.  
Aldridge Johnbricklayer do.  
Allen G. Thomasrope-makerLondon

Allen Thomas do. do.

Allen William do. do.

Alliston Benjamin do.Yarmouth  
Alliston Thomas do. do.  
Ames Thomas K.throwstererNorwich

Ames DanielcordwainerYarmouth  
Ames Henrylabourer do.  
Ames WilliamweaverNorwich

Andrews ZachariahcaulkerYarmouth  
Arminger Marmadukemariner do.

Arminger Marmaduke, jun. do. do.

Arnold A. Charlesgent.Lowestoft
Atkinson T.farmerEast Ruston
Atkinson Charles do.Knapton
Audley HenryvictuallerSt Olives (St Olaves)  
Audley Henry, jun.tailorYarmouth  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Austrin HenryauctioneerYarmouth

Ayers Robertrope-maker do.  
Bacon Richardgent.Norwich
* Bacon WilliamshipwrightLondon

Bacon WilliamcordwainerYarmouth

Baker ThomasclerkRollesby
Balls JohncarpenterYarmouth

Baltis M. Johnshipwright do.

Baly WilliamgrocerLowestoft

* Banks CharlesschoolmasterLondon

* Banks Jameshair-dresser do.

Banks JohnsawyerYarmouth

Banbroke Benjaminrope-maker do.  
Barber Williammariner do.  
Barber Samuelmerchant do. 

* Barker Samuelclerk do.
Barlow Williamsail-maker do.

Barnby WilliamshipwrightBrittlesea

Barnby Samuelbook-keeperYarmouth
Barnes Williamshipwright do.
Barnes Henry do. do.  
Barrett John do.Brittlesea

Barrett JohncordwainerYarmouth  
Barrow JamescaulkerWoolwich

Barrow SamuelgardinerBurnham (Runham?)
Barrow Henryblock-makerRunham

Barrow JohnlabourerHerringby

Barry ThomasbakerYarmouth 

Bartley JohnshipwrightDeptford
* Barton Jamessail-makerYarmouth
* Bartram E. T.shopkeeperSouthrepps
Bateman ThomassurgeonYarmouth

Baxfield Josephshipwright do.


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Baxfield R.cabinet-makerNorwich

* Bayley M. J.cordwainerYarmouth  
* Bayly Joseph do. do.  
Bays Williamstone-masonIpswich

Beavers RobertshipwrightYarmouth  
Beaumont Thomas do. do.

Beaumont Edmund do. do.  
Beckett Thomas do. do.
Beckett Thomas, jun. do.Chatham
Bell M. JohnmerchantYarmouth
Bell Charleswoollen-draper do.
Bell JamesshipwrightChatham

Bell Sayers JohnmerchantGorleston  
Bell Barker Johnbrewer do.  
* Bell Samuelgent.Yarmouth 
* Bickerton Georgemariner do. 

* Bird B. T.schoolmasterLowestoft
* Bird RobertbrazierYarmouth
Bird EdwardsurgeonLowestoft
Bishop JohnshipwrightBrittlesea

Blanchard A.sail-makerChatham

* Blankard SamuelbrazierLondon

Blundell FrancislabourerYarmouth  
Blundell Johnrope-maker do.

Blyth JohnbutcherSouthrepps
Boardman M. R.bakerYarmouth 

Boldra R.schoolmasterLowestoft
Boldra FrancisbrazierYarmouth  
Bollchen Henrybook-keeper do.
Bolton Henryrope-makerLondon

Bolton JosephplumberWoolwich

Bolton WilliammarinerYarmouth 
Bonifant Williamfisherman do.  
Booth Thomasmariner do.
* Boulter JamesmarinerYarmouth 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Bowles SamuelfishermanYarmouth  
Bowles Samuel do. do.
Bowles Jamestwine-spinner do.

Bowles John do. do.

Bowles Williamferryman do.

Bowles John do. do.

Bowles Samuelrope-maker do.

Bowles Charles, jun. do. do.

Bowles Barnardmet office do.

Bowles Johnlabourer do.

Bowles Robert do. do.  
Bowles Thomas do. do.  
Bowles Edward do. do.  
Bowles Stephen do. do.  
Bowles Robertrope-maker do.

Bowles William do. do.
Boyce Danielbaker do.

Brabant Johnshipwright do.

Brable Henrycaulker do.  
Bracey Johnrope-maker do. 
* Bracey Jamessail-maker do. 
Brady Williampainter do.

* Brame WilliambakerLondon

Bream Samuelgent.Yarmouth

Bream Samuel, jun.cabinet-maker do.

Brewer JohnshipwrightLondon

Brewer W. Georgeboat-builder do.  
Brewer W. jun.mast-maker do.  
* Brewer Christophersail-maker do.  

Brewer JohnjoinerYarmouth

Brightman WilliammarinerHarwich

Bristow ThomaslabourerYarmouth 

Bristow T. Johncordwainer do.  
Bristow Edwardsail-makerLowestoft  
Brooks S. ThomastailorLondon


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Brooks W.cordwainerYarmouth

Brooks W.carpenterLondon

Brooks WilliammarinerYarmouth  
Brooks Williamcordwainer do.
Brooks SamuelmarinerLowestoft  
* Brooks Thomas do.London

* Brooks William do.Yarmouth

Brown Rockwood John [Note 4]grocer do. 

Brown WilliambricklayerBeccles

Brown Edmund do. do.

Brown WilliamcarpenterYarmouth

Brown Henrycordwainer do.

Brown Williammariner do.

Brown ThomascaulkerSheerness

Brown Ives Robertgent.Norwich
Brown RobertgrocerLowestoft  
Brown JosephcordwainerYarmouth

* Brown B.shipwrightDeptford

Browne BenjaminpilotYarmouth
* Browne Johngent. do.
Browse Johnfisherman do.

Bull Jamesmast-maker do.

Bull James do. do.

Bunn Thomasshipwright do.

Bunn StephenfarmerWorstead
Bunn Richardhair-dresserCalthorpe 
Burman J.cabinet-makerNorwich

Burroughs PetergentAldeby 
Burroughs Williamtailor do.  
Burroughs Jameslabourer do. 
Burton G.farmerSouth Burlingham

Burton John do. do.

Burton John, jun. do. do.

Burton Robert do. do.

Burton WilliamglazierYarmouth


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Burton G. [Note 9]farmerSouth Burlingham

Burton John do. do.

Burton John, jun. do. do.

Burton Robert do. do.

Burton WilliamglazierYarmouth

Burton Jamescaulker do.

Burton Farrier Robertgent. do. 

Butcher Georgerope-makerChatham

* Butler EdmundEast Norfolk militia ----

Calver WilliamshipwrightIpswich

* Campbell JohnpublicanYarmouth  

* Capp Robertmariner do.
Capps Williamgardiner do.

Carr Johncordwainer do.  
Carr Josephrope-maker do.  
Carter GeorgeshipwrightBrittlesea

Carter Williamrope-makerYarmouth

* Carter Meshachmariner do.  
Carter Johnrope-maker do.  
Carter ThomasshipwrightDeptford

Catermoul Thomasgent.Norwich 
Cates RobertcooperFakenham
Chamberlaine R.stone-masonYarmouth
* Chandler Killett J.surgeonColtishall
Cheeper AnthonymerchantYarmouth 

Child Richardsail-maker do.

Child RobertshipwrightNorth Fleet [sic]

Child JohnwhitesmithYarmouth

Clabon JohnfarmerHoxne  
Clabon Georgegent.Yarmouth

Clarke Thomasmariner do.

Clarke Samuelblock-maker do.

Clark Shelly Johngrocer do. 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
* Clayton Samuelgent.Yarmouth 

Clifton Robert do. do.  
Clifton Gabriel do. do.  
* Clowes Thomas do. do. 

Cobb Robertshipwright do.

Cockle Lawrence John do.Northfleet

Cockle Stephen do.Yarmouth

Cockle Lawrencerope-maker do.  
Coker Robert do.Chatham
Coker Francis do.London
Coker William do.Yarmouth
* Coker WilliamriggerLondon

Colby Dover Esq.Yarmouth
Colby Samuelclerk do.
Cole BenjaminmerchantNorwich
* Cole WilliamattorneyLoddon 
* Cole J.rope-makerE(ast). Norfolk militia

Colman P. JamescordwainerNorwich 
Colman ThomasbrazierYarmouth  
Colman Morris do.Winterton  
Cook ThomasshipwrightYarmouth

Cook Williamgent.Norwich

Cook ThomasshipwrightGorleston 

* Cook WilliammarinerCromer
* Cook Richarddraper do.
Cooper Williamblock-makerIpswich

Cooper JohnshipwrightYarmouth

Cooper ThomasmarinerLowestoft  
Cooper JohntailorYarmouth  
Cornelius Hedgeman [Note 10]shipwright do.
Corp Charlesblock-maker do.

* Corsey JamesshipwrightDeptford

* Cory Robert Esq.Yarmouth
Cory Robert, jun. Esq. do.

* Cory R. GeorgeupholstererLondon


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Cory ThomasgrocerYarmouth

Cousens Jamescordwainer do.

Costerton Fisher Johngent. do.

Costerton Benjaminwater-bailiff do.

Coultwas Samuelrope-maker do.

Covell JohnshipwrightChatham

Covell Jenkinson George do. do.
Cowell John do.Yarmouth  
Cowell Isaacblock-makerLondon

Cowell JohnwhitesmithYarmouth  
Couzens Jamescabinet-maker do.  
Couzens William do. do.  
Crabtree Edwardgent. do. 

Craggy WilliamcaulkerSheerness

Craggy Andrew do. do.

* Craggy Clary do.Yarmouth  

Crane JohnshipwrightNorth Fleet

Crisp Samuelcabinet-makerLondon

Crisp JohnbrazierYarmouth

Crockett Williamglazier do.

Cross Robertcaulker do.

Cross John do. do.  
Cross George do. do.  
Cross George, jun. do. do.  
* Cross Johnmariner do.

Crosskill Henrystone-mason do. 

Crow Edmundrope-maker do.  
Crowfoot Johncarter do.

* Cubitt Robertpainter do.

* Cubitt EdmundshipwrightDeptford

* Cufaude JohnattorneyHalesworth
Culley JohnbarberNewton Flotman 
Curtis JosiahbellmanYarmouth

Curtis Robertcordwainer do.

Curtis Robert Georgeblock-maker do.


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Curtis G. jun.shipwrightYarmouth

Curtis Josephcarpenter do.

Curtis JamesjoinerLondon

* Cushing JamesshipwrightDeptford

Custance ParsonmarinerYarmouth
* Daines RobertvictuallerLondon

Dakin S. GeorgebrazierYarmouth
Dale Richardhair-dresserMartham

Dale Smith John do.Norwich
Daniel Williamgent.Yarmouth

Daniel John do. do.

Daniel John, jun.grocer do.

Davy Thomascordwainer do.

* Davy JamesshipwrightDeptford

Davie Allisongent.Yarmouth 

Davie Allison, jun.marinerGorleston 

Davie William do.Yarmouth 

Davies ThomascordwainerLondon

Davies Georgeblock-makerYarmouth

* Davis Robertshipwright do.  

Dawson Williamcordwainer do.

Dawson JamestailorLudham

Dawson Crake W.marinerYarmouth  
* Dawson RobertshopkeeperLondon

Day JamesshipwrightYarmouth

Day Christmasmariner do.
Deverax W.shipwrightBrittlesea

Diball John do.Yarmouth

Dixon JamessawyerDeptford

Doe ThomasbakerNorwich 
Douglas T.shipwrightYarmouth

Douglas Walter John do. do.

* Douglas Jamessail-makerLondon


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Drury A. WilliamyeomanYarmouth

Drury Josephshipwright do.  
Duffield GeorgegrocerBeccles 

Dunn RobertkeelmanYarmouth

* Durant Williammariner do.

Durrant Robertrope-makerChatham

Durrant Samuelcaulker do.

Durrant Henryrope-makerYarmouth

Durrant Simongrocer do.  
Dye Williamcaulker do.

Dye Robertbookbinder do.  
* Dye Henrycaulker do.  

* Dye Robert do. do. 

Eastmure J.cabinet-makerLondon 
* Eastmure B.marinerYarmouth  
* Eastmure B. jun. do. do.  
Eggett Georgecordwainer do. 

Eldridge Johngent. do.
Eldridge W. Nathaniel do. do.

* Eldridge Samuelcooper do.  

Eller Josephjoiner do.
Ellet Jamescabinet-maker do.

Ellet Jamesblock-maker do.

Ellis Thomasperuke-maker do.

Ellis Williamshipwright do.

Ellis WilliamprinterLondon
Ellis RichardlabourerNorwich

* Ellis Johngent. do.
* Ellis BenjaminyeomanYarmouth  
* Ellis A. Johnbutcher do.  
Ellis Thomascabinet-maker do.
Errington Georgerope-maker do. 

Evans WilliamwatermanGorleston


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Evans ThomascordwainerYarmouth

Everard Francisgent.Southwold

Farrer John, jun.grocerLowestoft  
Farrer Samuel do. do.
Farrer SamuelbakerYarmouth  
Ferriman Williamrope-makerLondon
Fell JohnshipwrightChatham
Fell Robertblock-makerIpswich

* Fell William do.Rotherhithe

Fielding Benjamin Esq.Yarmouth
Fish SimonmarinerYarmouth  
Fish Daniel do. do.  
Fish Johncabinet-makerSomerley [Somerleyton]  
Fish Johngent.London

Fisher James Esq.Browston [Note 7]
Fisher John Esq.Yarmouth

Fisher Charles Jamesgent. do.
Fisher William Esq.Burgh Castle
Fisher ThorntonmarinerYarmouth
Fisher Goate Johngent. do.

Fisher Charles do.Yarmouth

Fitt Johnshipwright do.

Fleming Thomasgrocer do.

Folk Johnmillwright do.

Forster Ralphshipwright do.

* Fowler Johngent.Gunton 
Fox Thomasrope-makerYarmouth  
Francis John do. do.  
* Francis Thomasgent.Frittentown (Fritton)
Franklin GeorgefarmerBodingham [Note 6]
French JamesgrocerYarmouth

Frosdick Thomasshipwright do.  
Frosdick Mosescaulker do.  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Fulcher W.sail-makerYarmouth

Fulcher WilliamshipwrightDeptford  
Fuller S.twine-spinnerYarmouth

Fuller B.schoolmasterNorth Walsham
Fuller Williammiller do.
Fuller Thomasbaker do.
Fuller JohnfarmerRaveningham

* Furrance J.cabinet-makerLondon

* Garwood Thomasgent.Yarmouth

Garwood Thomas F.plumber do.

Garwood Johnironmonger do.

* George Thomasshipwright do.  

* George John, jun.carpenterLondon

Gibbs Henrylinen-draperYarmouth

* Gilbert RobertshipwrightDeptford

Gilby Johnsail-makerYarmouth

Giles Georgetwine-spinner do.  
Giles Williamrope-maker do.  
Giles William, jun. do. do.  
Giles Nathanielwaterman do.

Giles Charlesmerchant do.  
* Gillett Thomassail-maker do. 

* Gillings Danielmariner do.

Gillings Danielrope-maker do.

Gillings Danieltwine-spinner do.

Gillings Thomasrope-makerLondon

* Gimmingham R.attorneyYarmouth 

* Glasspoole Henryironmonger do.

Goatson Nicholaslime-burner do.  
Goddard Hoseagent. do.

* Goddell Jameshair-dresserLondon

Godfrey ThomasfarmerWenhaston

Godfrey Lucas Thomas do. do.


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Gooch Sir Thomas Bart.Benacre (Hall)
Gooch S. Thomas Esq. M. P. do.
Gooch Richardclerk do.
* Gooch Georgegent.Ipswich

* Gooch Henrygent.London

Gooch Henry, jun. do. do.

Gooch Tipple Johngent.Ipswich

* Gooch John do. do.

Goodram JohnshopkeeperNorwich
Goodwin G.twinespinnerSouthwold

Goodwin JohncaulkerYarmouth

Goodwin John, jun. do. do.

Goskar ThomasplumberLynn

Gourlay A. DavidtoymanYarmouth
Gown Williamlabourer do.

Graft HenryshipwrightChatham

Grape Jonathansail-makerYarmouth

Grave William do. do. 

Grave William, jun. do. do.
Gray Thomasbrazier do.

Green Johnrope-makerHarwich

Greenwood E.cabinet-makerNorwich

Grint Robert do.Yarmouth  
Groome JohnmarinerYarmouth  
* Grudgefield Philipbutcher do.

Gunton Simoncooper do.

* Hale WilliambakerYarmouth  

Hall Stephentwine-spinner do.

Hammond E.shipwrightNorthfleet

* Harby ThomasmarinerLondon 
Harden B. T.shipwrightYarmouth 

Hare Josephmariner do.
Harley Johngent. do.  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Harley E. G.gent.Yarmouth 

Harman Johnsail-makerLondon

Harmer HenryattorneyNorwich 
Harpley Jamespipe-makerYarmouth

Harpley Alfred do. do.

Harridance Durrantcordwainer do.  
Harrison Robertcaulker do.

Harvey Johnmariner do.  
* Hatch FrancisshipwrightBlackwall

Hastings James do.Deptford
Hastings Henry, jun.caulkerYarmouth

Hastings Henrywaterman do. 

* Hays N. HenrymarinerYarmouth  

Head Richardrope-makerWoolwich

Hearn Williamgent.London

* Hearn T.shipwrightNorth Shields  

Hitchman ThomasmarinerLondon  
Hobart WilliamgrocerYarmouth 

Hodskinson Randallcarpenter do.

* Holland Williammariner do.  

* Holland George do. do. 

* Hook Robertglazier do.

Hook Danielpilot do.
Hooper Williamshipwright do.  
* Houghton Philip do.Blackwell  
* Houghton Henry do.Witlingham (Whitlingham)  
* Houghton H. jun.caulkerYarmouth  

* Hovell Williamshipwright do.

Howard W.vintnerEast Dereham
Howes SamuelmarinerYarmouth

* Howes Thomascarpenter do.

* Howes Thomas Williamgent. do. 

Howlett JohnshipwrightDeptford

Howlett Robert do.Yarmouth


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Hubbard ThomasmerchantYarmouth

Hubbard Danieltwine-spinner do.  
Hughes GeorgecaulkerSheerness

Hunt ThomasshipwrightYarmouth

Hurry William Johnmerchant do. 

Hurry James do.London  
Hurry Nicholas do.Liverpool  
Hurry Jamesgent.Yarmouth 

* Hurry Thomasmerchant do. 

Hurst Samueldraper do.

Hyde Williamrope-makerLondon

Jackman WilliamshipwrightChatham

Jackson ThomascordwainerLynn

Jackson JohnlabourerYarmouth 

Jaks Williamshipwright do.  
Jarvis James do.Woolwich
Jax JosephshipwrightYarmouth  
Jay Charlesmerchant do. 

* Jay Samuelmariner do.

Ibrook JohngrocerLowestoft  
Ibrook John, jun. do. do.  
Jenkinson H.twine-spinnerYarmouth
Jenkinson Williamrope-maker do.

Jenkinson GeorgekeelmanLynn

Jenny WilliambrewerYarmouth 

* Jewell Edmundmariner do.

Jex Jamesrope-makerYarmouth

Jex Edward do. do.

Jex Williamshipwright do.  
Ingram N. J.wool-comberSwaffham 
Ingram Williamsail-makerYarmouth  
* Ingram Love do.Yarmouth

Johnson Samuelshipwright do.


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Johnson JamescaulkerSheerness
Johnson JobcarpenterYarmouth

Johnson ThomasbuilderLowestoft  
* Johnson Thomasshipwright do.  

Jones George do.Yarmouth

Ives Robert do.Deptford
Ives JohnmarinerYarmouth

Ives Francisshipwright do.

* Ives Williammariner do.

Kemp WilliambakerYarmouth
Kerridge JohninnkeeperBurgh
Kett WilliamdraperYarmouth 

Kett Thomasrope-maker do. 

* Kettle HenryshipwrightGorleston
King ThomasgaolerYarmouth

King SamuelbrazierBeccles

King BenjaminshipwrightYarmouth

King Samuel, jun.baker do. 

King Samuel do. do.  
King Joseph do.Yarmouth  
Kirkman WilliamshipwrightChatham
Kirkman PetercaulkerYarmouth

Lacon Edmund Sir Knt. do.

Lacon Knowles Edmund Esq. do.

Lake ThomascordwainerSouthtown  
Lake JohnpilotGorleston
Lamb Johnhair-dresserYarmouth  
* Lammas LeonardcordwainerLondon

* Lancaster JohnshipwrightDeptford

Lancaster Robertgent.Fakenham
Language W.shipwrightDeptford  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
* Language R.cordwainerYarmouth  
* Lark JosephshipwrightDeptford

Larkman Benjamingent.Norwich

Lawes Jamesgent.Yarmouth

Lee Johncooper do. 

Leggett CharlespilotGorleston  
Leggett JohnshipwrightYarmouth  
Lessey RobertcalkerSheerness

Lessey MatthewfarmerBodham
Lessey SamuelgrocerYarmouth  
Lessey RobertcarterGorleston  
* Lessey SamuelhusbandmanHolt
Lettis Thomasrope-makerYarmouth
Lettis Thomas, jun. do. do.
* Lettis John do. do. 

Lewis Samuelgent. do.
Lines JohncordwainerLynn

Lion Charlesrope-makerYarmouth

Loan Richardjoiner do.  
* Lonsdale Richardglazier do. 

* Lovell Jamesshipwright do. 

Love Missenden Edwardclerk do.
Love Johnclerk do.
Lowes Williamgent. do.

Lubbock Robertshipwright do.

Lubbock John do. do.
Lynch Francismariner do.

* Mabson Samuelmariner do. 
Mack WilliamshipwrightLynn

Mack WilliamcordwainerColchester  
Mack JosephshipwrightYarmouth  
* Mackarel Johnhair-dresserCley
* Maddison W.cordwainerYarmouth 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Mallett J. jun.shipwrightYarmouth

Mann WilliamwatermanGorleston
Mann WilliamshipwrightYarmouth

Manning W.clock-makerLondon

Manning Johncooper do.

Manning Williamgent.Ormesby 
Manning ThomascarterLowestoft  
* Manning ThomascooperLondon

Marshall J.husbandmanS(outh). Walsham 
Martin JamesboatwrightYarmouth

Martin Michaelmariner do.

Martin John do. do.

Martin ThomasclerkColkirk
Martin H.shipwrightYarmouth

Martin Nathanielbutcher do.
Mason R. Williammilitia-man do.

Mason W.basket-makerIpswich

Mays W.tallow-chandlerYarmouth 

Meadows B. J.rope-makerWoolwich

Mickleburgh PaulpilotGorleston

* Mickleburgh R.glazierYarmouth

Miles Jamessail-maker do. 

Miller Thomascordwainer do.
Miller Jamescooper do.

Miller Johnrope-maker do.

Miller Richardparish-clerk do.

Miller Reynold Richardgent. do.

Miller B. John do. do.

* Miller Richardmariner do.  

* Miller Richardattorney do. 
Millican Williamshipwright do.
Mills Anthony do.Chatham

Mills John do.Yarmouth

Mitchell Johntailor do. 

Mitchell W.farmerSouth Walsham 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Moffett G. JamesmarinerYarmouth 

* Monday Williamgrocer do.  

Moon Johnwaterman do.  
Moore Samuelmast-makerLondon

* Moore Samuel, jun.mariner do.

Morgan W. EligrocerYarmouth
Morley JosephpilotGorleston

Morley ValentinecaulkerYarmouth  
Morley William do. do.  
* Morling Danielgrocer do. 

Morse Thomas, jun.gent.Blundeston

Morse EdwardfarmerBarton Turf
Morse John Esq.Norwich
Morse Francisgent. do.

Morse South John Esq.Bartington [sic Note 8]
* Morse Thomas Esq.Lound

Moss ThomasmarinerYarmouth  
Naylor Thomasshipwright do.

Neale Williammariner do.

Neale Francissail-maker do.

Neale Williambook-keeper do. 

Neale Johnwhitesmith do.  
Neave BenjamindyerLondon

Neave Michaelrope-makerYarmouth  
* Neave RobertshipwrightLondon

* Neave T.rope-makerYarmouth
Neslen WilliamglazierLowestoft  
* Newell ThomascaulkerYarmouth

Newton Freemanshipwright do.

Newton Nathanielmariner do.

Nicholls Jamesshipwright do.
Nichols Jamescabinet-maker do. 

Nicholson J.shipwrightNorthfleet


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Nicholson N.cordwainerYarmouth  
Nightingale Johnblacksmith do.

Norfor Johnmast-maker do.

Norfor Johnrope-maker do.

Norfor William do. do.

Norton John do. do.

Norton Henrymariner do.

Norton Robertshipwright do.

* Norton Thomasmillwright do.

Oakes Johngrocer do.

Oliver Benjaminsail-makerChatham

Oliver ThomascordwainerYarmouth

Ottey Williammariner do.  
Page Robertrope-maker do.

Page Thomasmariner do.

Page Philiprope-makerWoolwich

* Paget Samuel Esq.Yarmouth 
* Paget Williammariner do. 
* Palgrave William Esq.Coltishall 
* Palgrave Thomasgent. do. 
Palmer Thomas do.Yarmouth

Palmer Johnrope-maker do.

Palmer Danby Williammerchant do.

Palmer Burton Johngrocer do. 
Palmer Williamgent.Yarmouth 

Palmer Jamesrope-maker do.

Palmer Jamesmerchant do. 

Palmer Ambroseship-builder do.

Palmer D. William, jun.merchant do.

Palmer Henry do. do.

* Palmer Drake JohnplumberLondon


[Page] 23

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
* Palmer Nathanielgent.Yarmouth 
* Palmer Thomas, jun.mariner do.

* Palmer Danby J. Esq. do. 
Parmeter RobertshipwrightDeptford
Pattman Jephunneh do.London

Pattman Samuelcordwainer do.

Paul ThomasmanufacturerNorwich 
Paul Dawson J.farmerMettingham 
Paul Samuelgent.Bungay 
* Paul Robertgent.Starston 
Paul Bennettmast-makerYarmouth
Paul Bennett, jun.block-mak.Harwich

Peake JohnshipwrightYarmouth

Peartree Owencorn-meter do.

Pennett Samuelrope-maker do.

Penny JosephmidshipmanCaister  
* Pettingale Walled D.gent.Yarmouth 
Phillips Andrewcaulker do.  
* Phinn E. T.cabinet-makerLondon

Pickers ThomasshipwrightYarmouth

Pickers Thomascordwainer do.

Pidgeon NicholasshipwrightChatham

Pidgeon Nicholas do.  do. [sic]Yarmouth

Pinson HenrylabourerWissett

Pinson CharlesfarmerSpexhall  
* Pinson S.game-keeperT(own). Barningham
Pitt T.gent.Yarmouth  
Pitt James do. do.

Pitt Johnmariner do.

Plowman Johnmaster-mariner do.

Plummer Williamrope-maker do.  
Plummer P. G.shipwrightLondon

Pope Georgeshipwright do.

Porter William do.Yarmouth

* Porter Thomas do.Deptford


[Page] 24

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Postle Samuelrope-makerLynn

Postle Georgesail-makerWoolwich

Postle George, jun.rope-maker do.

* Postle JohnshipwrightDeptford

* Potts Vardill do. do.

Preston Jacob Esq. do. [sic]

Proctor ThomasshipwrightYarmouth

Preston Isaac do. do.

Preston Isaac, (jun.)merchant do. jun.[sic]

Preston Johnshipwright do.

Preston Edmundgent. do.

Purdy Samuelshipwright do.

* Purdy Williamcaulker do. 

Quinton JohnshipwrightYarmouth 

Ranney Freame [sic] Johngent. do.

Ransome R.cordwainerYarmouth  
* Ransome Thomasmariner do.  

Rant Johnkeelman do.
* Rayer Williamsail-makerDeptford

* Rayer FrancisshipwrightBlackwall

Rayer IsaaccordwainerLondon

Rayner C.keelmanYarmouth

Reeve JamesshipwrightChatham

* Reeve JohnshipwrightDeptford

Reynolds R. Francis Esq. do.

Riches IsaacmarinerLondon

Riddesdell W.marinerYarmouth  
* Rodwell Richardmariner do.  
* Rogers ThomasshipwrightDeptford

* Rogers JamesmarinerOverstrand
Rogers AnthonycaulkerYarmouth


[Page] 25

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
* Rook ThomascordwainerEdgefield
Ropkins JamesbakerYarmouth 
Rounce Williamtwine-spinner do.  
Royal Georgemariner do.

Rumer Thomasshipwright do.  
Runnafor Nicholas do. do.

Rust BenjamingrocerCromer

Rycroft RobertfishermanHarwich

Salmon C. J.twine-spinnerYarmouth

Salmon John do. do.

* Salmon Josephmariner do. 
Salmon JohnshipwrightChatham
Sancroft JamessurgeonYarmouth  
Savage Georgetwine-spinner do.

Savage Robert do. do.

Savage William do. do.  
* Savery Lionel V.builderLondon

* Sayers JamesattorneyYarmouth 

Sayers WilliambrazierLondon

Scott GouldfishermanYarmouth  
Scott Anthony do. do.

Scratton T.merchantHalesworth 

Seaman W.auctioneerYarmouth

Seaman Johngent. do.

* Seaman JohnshipwrightDeptford

Searum Robertblock-makerYarmouth 

Searum R. jun. do. do.
Sewell Johntoyman do.  
* Sewell Edmundmariner do.

Sharlock Henry do. do. 

Shearing Zachariahshipwright do.  
Shelly Johngent. do. 

* Shelly John, jun.merchant do. 

[Page] 26

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Shepherd Johnmast-maker do.
Sherrington Benjaminironmonger do. 
Shreeve GeorgebrazierNorwich

Shreeve H.cordwainerYarmouth

* Shreeve G. T.cabinet-maker do.

* Simonds Robertmariner do.

Simpson G.brandy-merchantHalesworth
Simpson L.joinerYarmouth

Simpson Williamcordwainer do. 

Simpson Jasper William do. do. 

* Simpson J.watch-makerLondon

* Simpson Christopher do. do.

Sinclair M. H.merchantYarmouth 

Slapp C.breeches-makerLittleton [sic] (Littleport) 
Sloman Jamesrope-makerYarmouth  
Sloman JamesshipwrightNorthfleet

Sloman J. sen.rope-makerYarmouth  
* Sloman JamesshipwrightColchester  

* Sloman CharlesbakerYarmouth
* Smallpage W.shipwright do.
Smiter Simon do. do.

Smiter Johncaulker do.

Smith Thomasbeadle-man do.

Smith Samuelcorn-meter do.

Smith SamuelbrazierNorwich

Smith Markhemp-dresser do.

Smith Williamweaver do.

Smith William, jun. do. do.

Smith Robert do. do.

Smith Simonship-masterYarmouth

Smith Alfrednavy-officeLondon
Smith S.serjeant-at-maceYarmouth

Smith P. S.upholstererLondon

Smith JamesfarmerOxwick
Smith Jamesmilitia-manColchester  

[Page] 27

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Smith WilliammarinerYarmouth
Smith Saulwaterman do.  
Smith Johncaulker do.  
Smith ThomasmarinerLowestoft  
* Smith Charlesgent.London
* Smith Jamescarpenter do.

* Smith Williamsail-makerYarmouth  

* Smith GeorgebrazierAylsham
* Smith P. T.carpenterYarmouth

* Smith JohnshipwrightBlackwall

Smithen EdwardcaulkerYarmouth

Soans Williamtwine-spinner do.  
Sowells Thomaspainter do.

Spalding HenrydraperLondon

Spanton B.cordwainerYarmouth

Sparshall T.rope-makerLowestoft  
Spanton B.shipwrightYarmouth

Spicer Josephgardener do.

Spelman Williamgrocer do.

Spilman Johnrope-makerLondon

Spilman John do.Yarmouth

Spilman IsaacfarmerAlburgh

Spilman N.engraverYarmouth  
Spilman RobertcaulkerSheerness

Spinner RobertcaulkerSheerness

Spurgeon G. JohnclerkLowestoft
Spurgeon Richard do.Ormesby
Stacey Philipmariner do.
* Stacey Philipsail-maker do. 

Staff LeonardshipwrightChatham

Staff JamesmarinerYarmouth 

Staff Leonardcordwainer do.  
* Stagg Johnschoolmaster do.

Stamp Timothycooper do.
Stanford Josephglazier do.

Stanford Thomasmariner do.


[Page] 28

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Stanton MichaeltailorYarmouth  
Stevenson Samuelbaker do. 

* Steward Williamgent. do. 
* Steward Timothymerchant do. 
* Steward SamuelshipwrightDeptford

Stewardvanson R.marinerYarmouth 
Stoddard Josephshipwright do.

* Stoddard Joseph, jun.cooper do
* Stolworthy E.upholstererLondon

Stone IsaacshipwrightYarmouth

Storey George do.Woolwich

Storey JohncooperYarmouth

* Storey Williamcordwainer do.

Storey RichardshipwrightYarmouth  
* Story SamuelbrazierLondon

Suggate WilliamtailorChatteris 
Sunstead DanielgrocerNorwich 

Swallow JohnmastmakerYarmouth  
Swamborough William ---- do. 

Symonds Johngent.Yarmouth

Symonds J.fishermanWinterton  
* Symonds Charlesgent.Ormesby
* Symonds Jamesclerk do.
* Symonds James Esq.Yarmouth
* Symonds Nathanielglazier do.

Taylor JosephshipwrightBrittlesea

Taylor Francis do.Chatham
Taylor John do.Yarmouth  
Taylor Williamsurgeon do.  
Taylor C.clerkGreat Ormesby
Theobald P. R.master-mar.Yarmouth

Thirkettle P. N.cabinet-maker do.  
Thirkettle Robertbaker do.  

[Page] 29

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Thirkettle JohnmarinerYarmouth  
Thomas Josephshipwright do.  
Thompson Thomascaulker do.

Thompson Jamesrope-maker do.  
Thompson Jamesboatman do.  
Thompson J. jun.biscuit-bakerLondon  
Tilmay B.sail-makerLowestoft  
Todd JohnmarinerYarmouth
Todd Charlesshipwright do.

* Todd Jamesgent. do.
Tolver Edmund do. do. 

Tolver Samuelattorney do.

Tooke Johnmast-maker do.  
* Tooke B.shipwrightDeptford

Tooley WilliamcaulkerSheerness

Townley H. J.shipwrightYarmouth

Townley Thomasmariner do.  
Townley Samuelrope-maker do.  
Trotter Samuelcaulker do.  
* Trotter William do.Sheerness

Tuck CharlesshipwrightYarmouth
Turner Richard  Rev. B. D. do.

Turner MatthewshipwrightDeptford  
* Turner Dawson  Esq.Yarmouth 
Varley Johnrope-maker do.

Vincent Gurney Williammariner do.

Underwood Matthewwaterman do.

* Wade R. E.innkeeperAylsham
Wallbank Richardgent.Yarmouth 


[Page] 30

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Waldegrave C.marinerLondon

* Waldegrave Henryboat-builder do.  
Walker JohnbrewerLowestoft

Ward EdwardshipwrightBrittlesea

Ward George do.London  
Ward JohncaulkerYarmouth  
* Ward JohnshipwrightDeptford

* Ward RobertgrocerBeccles 
* Warner CharlesmarinerYarmouth

Warren Williambrazier do.  
Warren Roberthair-dresser do.  
Warton Williamcordwainer do.  
Waters WilliamshipwrightNorthfleet

Waters JohnvictuallerCaister

Watson JohntailorNorwich

Watson John, jun.marinerYarmouth

Watson EdwardwatermanNorwich

Watson Edward, jun. do. do.

Watson Samuelbaker do.

Watson John,  Esq.Yarmouth

* Watson Benjamingent. do.

Wayman SamuelmarinerHarwich

Weeds Samuel do.Yarmouth

Wells ThomasshipwrightBrittlesea

Welsh Johnrope-makerYarmouth

Wigg SamuelbutcherChedgrave

* Wigg HenryplumberYarmouth 

* Wigg John do.Loddon 

Willcock J.marinerYarmouth

Williams H. Johnmerchant do.
Williams W.schoolmasterWrentham
Willis JoshuapublicanChatham

Willis Edwardshipwright do.

Willis Henry do.Northfleet

Wilson GeorgecordwainerYarmouth  

[Page] 31

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.H.L.J.U.
Winn Georgehair-dresserBeccles
Winn CharlescarpenterYarmouth

Wodehouse Robertrope-maker do.

Woodhouse Jamespainter do

Woolner Edwardblock-maker do.

* Woolsey Samuelwaterman do.

Woolston Josephtailor do.  
Woolverton E.cabinet-maker do.

Woolverton T.shipwrightDeptford

* Woolverton S.cabinet-makerLondon

* Worship H. V.gent.Yarmouth 
Wright Johnshipwright do.

Wright Richardmariner do.  
* Wright Richard do.Lowestoft  

* Wright W. H.sail-makerDeptford

* Wright Samuelgent.Yarmouth 

Yates Johncaulker do.

Yates Henrygent. do.

Yaxley WilliamshipwrightNorthfleet

Yetts JohncaulkerYarmouth

Youell Edwardbook-keeperSouthtown

Young JohncarterYarmouth  
Youngs JohnmarinerLondon

* Youngs WilliamshipwrightDeptford




F I N I S.

[End of Poll Book]


  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the places in the book. Standard place names are given in brackets () following where necessary so that places are found with a search.
  • 2. Name spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Great Yarmouth Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Barrett/Barrell, Barrow/Barron, Bayley/Bayly, Brable/Brabant, Cockle/Cockell, Culley/Cully, Diball/Diboll, Eastmure/Eastmore, Grape/Grapes, Hedgeman/Edgeman, Ibrook/Ibrooke, Lion/Lyon, Loan/Lone, Lovell/Lovewell, Martin/Martyn, Monday/Munday, Naylor/Nailor, Riddesdell/Riddelsdell/Riddlesdell, Ropkins/Robkins, Runnafor/Runifer, Soanes/Soans, Stolady/Stollady, Swamborough/Swanborow, Woolstone/Woolston.
  • 3. Under the heading "Occupations" or "Residence" a "----" indicates a blank in the printed poll book.
  • 4. People with middle names eg. John Brown(e) Rockwood can be found printed under letter "B" or "R" depending on the printer.
  • 5. Many places outside Norfolk had seafaring connections through trade and shipbuilding. Some of those given as residences are listed below together with the Chapman county codes in "[]" in which they lay in 1807 :- Blackwall [LND], Brittlesea (Brightlingsea) [ESS], Chatham [KEN], Deptford [KEN], Harwich [ESS], London [LND], Northfleet [KEN], Rotherhithe [LND], Sheerness [KEN] and Woolwich [KEN].
  • 6. In 1820 Poll there is a "George Franklin", husbandman at Bassingham (Bessingham).
  • 7. Browston Hall is near Belton in Suffolk.
  • 8. In 1818 Poll there is an entry "Morse, John South, gent. Burton [sic] Turf". In 1796 Poll an entry reads "Morse, John South Esq.,Barton Turf". The same name is noted in the Churchwardens' rates for Barton Turf in 1793-4.
  • 9. It looks like the 5 entries starting with "Burton G. (farmer)" to "Burton William (glazier)" are duplicates of the previous five?
  • 10. Cornelius Hedgeman (sometimes Edgeman) looks like he should be under the letter "H"?
  • 11. "Hewling LUSON" in the Poll Book published by Forster is not in this Poll Book.
  • 12. There are also people here who are not in the Forster publication - see notes there.

Other Yarmouth Polls

Given below are the dates for the other Polls up to 25th July 1837 with links to further transcriptions. For later ones follow the link to Great Yarmouth voting page. Note that where more than one printer published the poll then the date is followed by their name.


See also the main Voting pageGreat Yarmouth Voting page and the Great Yarmouth parish page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
June 2012