


Norfolk: Great Yarmouth


Voting Registers - Poll 1820

The poll for two members to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, taken on the 7/8/9/10/11th of March, 1820 and published by J. Barnes. The transcription includes :- Voters names, Occupations, Residences & some relationships.

Most of the places of residence are in Norfolk or Suffolk but a number of people are seen to be living elsewhere. The notes section will help to identify the location of some of these.

The original had entries of the form :- "Surname, Christian-name(s), Occupation, Residence" separated by commas but all in the one column. The last two columns ie. "Occupation" and "Residence" have been separated from the peoples names to create three columns here. Residence was in many cases blank indicating Great Yarmouth (see note on Page 3). A few entries have "residence,county" and these have been reproduced as printed.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]




Two Members to serve in Parliament,






The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, & 11th of MARCH, 1820.






Printed and Sold by J. Barnes;




[Page 2]

 Freemen's Names etc.AN.RU.MI.ST. AN.RU.MI.ST.
ForBowles, John, ropemaker


 Fulcher, James William, sailmaker


 Fulcher, William, sailmaker


 Fuller, John, farmer, Raveningham  


 Hyde, William, ropemaker, London


 Day, James, shipwright, Blackwall

 Gooch, J. T., grocer, Lowestoft

 Thomas, Joseph, fisherman  



Smith, Samuel, waterman, read Smith, Saul.

[Page 3]



Note.-- The omission of the Residence of a Voter implies that the Individual lives in Yarmouth, those in Small Capitals Magistrates of the Borough, and the Common Councilmen in Italic.

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Absolon, Davidparish clerk   

Absolon, Johnwriter   

Absolon, Robertmariner   

Aldred, Jamesmariner   

Aldred, JohnjewellerLondon

Aldred, Samuel B., jun.draperLondon  

Aldridge, Johnbricklayer   

Aldridge, Johncarpenter   

Alexander, JohncooperNorwich

Amis, Daniel Samuelcordwainer ditto  

Ames, Samuelshipwright 

Ames, WilliamweaverNorwich

Andrews, Philipcaulker 

Andrews, Zachariah ditto 

Armiger, Marmadukemariner 

Armstrong, Henry ditto 

Ashley, Benjaminlieut. R. N.   

Athill, LombeclerkHalesworth  

Atkins, Johnmariner 

Atkinson, HenryclerkBacton  

Atkinson, ThomasfarmerWalcot (Walcott)  

Audley, Henrytailor 

Austrin, Henryshipwright   

[Page] 4

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Ayers, Robert, sen.merchant   

Ayers, Robert, jun.twinespinner   

Ayers, William Dixcarpenter   

Baas, Robertgent.Cheddiston (Chediston)

Bacon, John Christ.shipwrightDeptford

Bacon, Williamleather cutter 

Baker, George B.writer   

Baker, ThomasclerkRollesby  

Balls, EdwardtailorIpswich  

Balls, Jamesmariner   

Balls, Johnjoiner   

Balls, John, jun.mariner   

Balls, SamuelshipwrightChatham

Baltis, John M. dittoLondon

Banks, CharlescordwainerLondon  

Banks, Henry C.mariner   

Banks, Isaacmariner   

Banks, Jameshairdr.Somers' Town, London  

Banks, Johnsawyer   

Banks, Thomas C.mariner   

Banyard, SamuelsailmakerMalden (Maldon)

Banyer, WilliamwriterNorth Walsham

Barber, Jamescordwainer 

Barber, Johnropemaker 

Barber, Samuelmerchant 

Barber, Samuel S., jun. ditto 

Barber, Thomasropemaker 

Barber, Williamshipowner 

Barcham, Jamesshipwright 

Barcham, WilliammarinerSherringham (Sheringham)  

Barcham, WilliamfarmerMundesly (Mundesley)  

Barker, Johngent.   

Barker, SamuelclerkTannington  

Barlow, WilliamsailmakerLondon  

Barnby, Joseph N.draper ditto


[Page] 5

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Barnaby, William Henryliquor merchant   

Barnes, Johnblockmaker 

Barnes, Williamshipwright 

Barrell, Johncordwainer 

Barrett, JohnshipwrightDeptford

Barron, Williambutcher 

Barrow, JamescaulkerLondon  

Barrow, JohngardenerStokesby

Barrow, Samuel dittoRunham  

Barrow, ThomasgardenerMartham

Bartram, Thomas C.draperThorpe  

Bateman, JamessolicitorLondon  

Bateman, Georgesurgeon   

Baxfield, JamescabinetmakerNorwich

Baxfield, John dittoLondon

Baxfield, Joseph dittoNorwich  

Baxfield, JosephshipwrightDeptford

Baxfield, RichardcabinetmakerNorwich

Baxfield, William dittoLondon

Bayes, Williamstonemason   

Bayley, James M.merchant 

Bayley, Josephcordwainer 

Bayley, WilliamgrocerLowestoft  

Beales, Thomas T.shipwrightWoolwich

Bean, JohnmarinerLondon

Beaumont, Edmundshipwright   

Beaumont, Thomas ditto   

Beavers, Robertshipwright   

Becket, G. W.cordwainer   

Becket, JamesmarinerHarwich  

Becket, James Williamcaulker 

Becket, John Williamtailor 

Beckett, Williambaker 

Becket, Thomasshipwright   

Becket, Thomas, jun. dittoChatham

Bell, Charlesmariner 

Bell, Charlessolicitor 


[Page] 6

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Bell, Christophercaptain R. N.Runham

Bell, Jamesshipwright 

Bell, J. B.esq.Gorleston

Bell, John M.merchant   

Bell, John S.brewerGorleston

Bell, Samuelsolicitor 

Bell, William P.gent. 

Benbroke, B.ropemaker 

Bendy, RichardoilmanSouthwark  

Bendy, SimonbrokerLondon  

Bennett, JosephmarinerBuxton

Benny, ThomasshipwrightChatham

Berry, Samuelmariner 

Berry, Thomasropemaker 

Best, Johnmariner 

Bird, EdwardsurgeonSouthwold  

Bird, Thomas B.schoolmasterLowestoft

Bishop, Johnshipwright   

Black, Williamropemaker 

Blanchard, AnthonysailmakerLondon

Blogg, Thomasshipwright 

Bloom, William dittoDeptford

Blyth, WilliamjoinerLondon

Boardman, JameswharfingerNorwich

Boardman, R. M.merchant 

Bolchen, Henrybook-keeper   

Boldra, B.schoolmasterBeccles

Boldra, Francisbrazier 

Boldra, R.schoolmasterLowestoft

Bonnifant, Williamcarpenter 

Bonnifant, Williamfisherman   

Boult, James, jun.sailmaker   

Boulter, Jamesmariner 

Bowles, Bernardbook-keeper   

Bowles, Edwardlabourer 

Bowles, Edwardbeachman 

Bowles, Jamesropemaker 


[Page] 7

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Bowles, Johnropemaker   

Bowles, Johnfisherman 

Bowles, JusticemarineChatham

Bowles, Samuelropemaker 

Bowles, Samuel, jun. ditto   

Bowles, Stephen G.fisherman 

Bowles, Thomasropemaker 

Bowles, ThomasvictuallerNorwich

Bowles, Thomasfisherman 

Bowles, Williamvictualler 

Bowles, William Watsonlabourer 

Bowles, WilliamshipwrightWoolwich  

Boyce, Daniel, jun.caulker   

Boyce, Thompsonbaker   

Bracey, Jaycorn inspector   

Bracey, Johnropemaker   

Bracey, RobertsmithChatham

Bracey, Robert H.caulkerRotherhithe  

Brady, Williampainter   

Branford, W. W.farmerMautby

Bray, Johnbaker 

Bream, Jamesmariner 

Bream, Samuelgent.   

Breeze, Edwardironmonger   

Breeze, Robert, jun. ditto  
Brewer, Johncarpenter   

Brewer, W. GeorgeboatbuilderLondon

Brewer, WilliammastmakerLondon

Brightman, Williammariner 

Bristow, Edward dittoLowestoft

Brooks, JohnsailmakerLondon

Brooks, Thomas S.marinerLondon  

Brooks, Williamlaw stationerLondon  

Brooks, Wilsonbroker 

Brooks, Wilson, jun.carpenter 

Browes, Samuellabourer 

Brown, B.shipwrightDeptford  

[Page] 8

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Brown, B., jun.shipwrightDeptford  

Brown, Benjaminmariner 

Brown, Benjaminpilot   

Brown, Charlesshipwright 

Brown, EdwardbricklayerBeccles

Brown, Jabezgrocer 

Brown, Johngent. 

Brown, John, jun.printer   

Brown, John,sailmakerLondon

Brown, JohnshipwrightDeptford

Brown, John R.tallow chandler 

Brown, J. R. jun.disent. min.Bury St. Ed(munds).

Brown, Josephcordwainer 

Brown, RobertgrocerLowestoft

Brown, Robertshipwright 

Brown, Samuel dittoDeptford

Brown, Thomascaulker   

Brown, Thomas HaddonfarmerLudham  

Brown, Williamjoiner   

Brunton, Williammariner   

Buckle, Georgeropemaker 

Buckle, Williamtwinespinner 

Budds, Williamsailmaker 

Bull, Jamesmastmaker   

Bunn, RichardfarmerCalthorpe

Bunn, RichardshopkeeperTrunch  

Bunn, StephenfarmerCalthorpe

Burkett, CharlespainterTotenham

Burman, Jamescabinetmaker 

Burrows, JameslabourerAldeby  

Burrows, P.gent. ditto  

Burrows, Williamtaylor ditto  

Burton [sic]farmerS(outh). Burlingham  

Burton, GeorgefarmerS(outh). Burlingham  

Burton, John, sen.farmerLingwood

Burton, RobertfarmerS(outh). Burlingham  

Burton, Samuellinen draper   

[Page] 9

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Burton, Williamglazier 

Buston, John Trumancordwainer 

Butler, Edmund ditto 

Butler, Edmund Artis ditto 

Calver, S. R.shipwrightDeptford

Calver, WilliamshipwrightHarwich  

Campbell, HughmillwrightNorwich

Campbell, Johninnkeeper 

Campbell, Waltercooper 

Capps, Williamgardener   

Carr, Danielcordwainer 

Carr, John S.smithDownham

Carr, Johncordwainer 

Carr, Josephropemaker   

Carter, CharlesshipwrightGorleston

Carter, George esq.London  

Carter, Johnropemaker 

Carter, Mesheckmariner 

Carter, Robertshipwright   

Carter, Thomas dittoLondon  

Carter, Williamtwinespinner   

Carter,  dittoropemaker   

Cates, Robertbook-keeperFakenham

Cattell, Williammariner   

Challis, Johnshipwright   

Chamberlain, Jamespainter 

Chambers, P. F. S.brokerLondon

Chandler, J. K.surgeonSt. Faiths  

Chaplin, Johnshipwright 

Chapman, Johnmariner 

Chapman, Thomasmaster mariner   

Chase, Johnshipwright   

Cheeper, AnthonymerchantLondon

Cheeper, Edwardcordwainer ditto

Cheeper, Isaac ditto 


[Page] 10

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Child, Jamesshipwright 

Child, Johnblacksmith 
Child, John, jun.whitesmith   

Child, PhilipsailmakerLondon  

Child, Robert dittoBlakeney  

Child, Thomasshipwright   

Christmas, C. H.writer   

Clabon, GeorgefarmerThrandiston  

Clabon, JohnfarmerHoxne  

Clarke, Jamesmariner 

Clark, J. S.merchant 

Clarke, W. D.mariner 

Clayton, P.book-keeperNorwich  

Clayton, Samuelgent. ditto  

Clayton, Thomasbook-keeperLondon  

Clayton, Thomas Leathgent. ditto  

Clements, Jamesgent.Harwich

Clifton, JohnmarinerLondon  

Clifton, Robertmariner 

Clifton, ThomasR. N.   

Clowes, ThomassolicitorCaister

Cobb, JamessolicitorLynn

Cobb, Robertshipwright 

Cockell, Isaac dittoChatham

Cockell, Lawrenceropemaker 

Cockell, Lawrenceshipwright   

Cockell, Samuel ditto 

Cockell, Stephen dittoChatham

Cockell, William ditto   

Coker, JamesropemakerLondon

Coker, Robert ditto ditto

Coker, William ditto   

Coker, WilliamriggerLondon


Colby, Henrygent.   

Colby, SamuelclerkLittle Ellingham  

Colby, William ditto   

[Page] 11

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Cole, Johnshipwright 

Cole, WilliamattorneyLoddon

Coleman, Edwardclock maker   

Colman, Georgecordwainer 

Colman, James ParrcordwainerNorwich

Collis, Edwardsailmaker   

Collison, Johnmariner 

Colman, John M.warehousemanNorwich

Colman, ThomasbrazierNorwich

Conyers, Edwardmariner   

Conyers, James ditto 

Cook, BowlerhusbandmanHemstead (Hempstead?)  

Cook, Charlesshipwright   

Cook, George ditto   

Cook, GabrielmarinerSouthtown

Cook, JohncarpenterLondon

Cook, ThomasshipwrightChatham

Cook, Thomas dittoGorleston

Cook, WilliamcordwainerLondon

Cook, WilliamshipwrightNorwich

Cooper, Henrymariner  
Cooper, Johnshipwright   

Cooper, John Howesmariner   

Cooper, Thomas H. esq.North Walsham

Cooper, WilliammastmakerGorleston  

Corp, Charlesmastmaker   

Corsay, JohnshipwrightRotherhithe

Cory, EdwardfarmerHalvergate  

Cory, HenrysolicitorLondon  



Costerton, Charlessurgeon   

Costerton, Georgemerchant   

Costerton, J. F.merchant   

Costerton, Samuelgent.Southtown  

Coultwas, S.shipwright 

Cousens, ChristophergrocerNorwich


[Page] 12

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Cousens, JohncordwainerNorwich

Cousens, Williamvictualler ditto

Covell, GeorgeshipwrightChatham

Cowell, Johnblacksmith 

Cowell, Thomaspawnbroker 

Cozens, Jamescabinet maker 

Cozens, William ditto 

Cozens, CharlescordwainerSudbury

Crabtree, Edwardgent.   

Crabtree, Edwardcabinet maker   

Craggy, AndrewcaulkerDeptford  

Craggy, Clarry dittoSheerness

Craggy, William dittoDeptford  

Crane, Williamropemaker 

Creak, Richardmariner   

Crickmay, Samuel Thomastailor 

Crisp, CharlescordwainerLondon

Crisp, Johnbrazier   

Crisp, SamueltailorLondon  

Crome, Frederck [sic]book-keeper 

Cross, Georgecaulker 

Cross, Robert ditto 

Cross, Roberts [sic] ditto 

Cross, Robert M. ditto 

Crosskill, Henrystone mason 

Crow, J. A.mariner 

Crow, William dittoLondon

Crowfoot, Henry ditto   

Crowfoot, John----Norwich  

Crowfoot, John, jun.watermanNorwich  

Cubitt, EdmundshipwrightDeptford  

Cubitt, Robertpainter   

Cufaude, JohnsolicitorHalesworth

Curtis, Jamesmusical inst. makerLondon

Curtis, Josephcarpenter   

Curtis, Robert, sen.cordwainer 

Curtis, Robertlinen draperLondon  

[Page] 13

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Cushing, JamesshipwrightDeptford  

Cushing, James M. dittoWoolwich  

Cushing, John B.carpenter ditto

Cutlove, RichardporterLondon  

Daines, Johntrunk makerLondon  

Daines, Robertvictualler ditto  

Daines, Williamtrunk maker ditto  

Dakin, Georgebrazier   

Dakin, William Henry ditto 

Dale, John S.hair dresserNorwich

Daniel, JohngrocerKessingland  

Darnell, JohnshipwrightWoolwich  

Darnell, William ditto   

Davey, Thomas dittoWoolwich  

Davey, JamesshipwrightDeptford

Davey, Samuelpainter 

Davie, AllisonmarinerGorleston

Davie, Williammariner   

Davis, Georgeblock maker 

Davis, Jamesmariner   

Davis, John J.sailmakerLondon

Davis, Robertshipwright 

Davis, ThomascordwainerLondon

Dawson, Johnblock makerLondon  

Dick, Georgeschoolmaster   

Dixon, JamessawyerDeptford  

Dixon, JosephjewellerLondon

Dobson, John P.labourer 

Dobson, Joseph N.gent.Norwich  

Doe, ThomasbakerNorwich  

Douglas, GeorgemarinerLondon  

Douglas, JamessailmakerDeptford 

Douglas, Thomasshipwright   

Dowson, BenjaminmerchantSouthtown

Dowson, B. W.merchantGeldestone (Geldeston)


[Page] 14

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Dowson, E. U.merchantGeldeston

Dowson, H. Gibson ditto ditto

Dowson, Joseph W.merchantSouthtown

Drake, Georgeglass cutterDeptford

Drake, PhilipcordwainerLondon

Drury, Josephcabinet makerChatham

Drury, Josiahshipwright   

Dublack, James P.mariner 

Dublack, John A. ditto   

Dublack, William P. ditto 

Duffield, Isaacropemaker 

Duffield, Georgegrocer 

Dunn, Robertcoal heaver 

Durrant, Andrewropemaker   

Durrant, GeorgedraperAylsham  

Durrant, Richardmariner 

Durrant, Robertmariner   

Durrant, RobertropemakerChatham

Durrant, RobertcaulkerDeptford

Durrant, Samuel ditto ditto

Durrant, Simongrocer 

Durrant, WilliamshipwrightDeptford

Durrant, Williammariner   

Dye, Davidshipwright   

Dye, Edward Jewell dittoWoolwich  

Dye, Georgecaulker   

Dye, JamesshipwrightChatham

Dye, Johncaulker   

Dye, RobertInnkeeper   

Dye, Robert, sen.caulker   

Dye, RobertmarinerLondon

Dye, Robertbookbinder 

Dye, ThomastailorWroxham

Dye, Williamteacher   

Dye, Williamcaulker   

Dyng, Danielcabinet maker   

Dyson, Williamsailmaker   

[Page] 15

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Eastmure, Benjaminvictualler 

Eastmure, B., jun.mariner 

Eastmure, Josephpiano forte makerLondon 
Edmunds, Edmundshipwright 

Edwards, Williammariner 

Eggett, Georgecordwainer 

Eggett, Jamespilot 

Eldridge, J. WilliambakerLondon  

Eldridge, JohncarpenterLondon  

Eldridge, Robinsongrocer   

Eller, Josephcorporation surveyor   

Ellett, GeorgecarpenterNorwich

Ellett, Jamesmast maker 

Ellett, Jamescabinet maker 

Ellett, Williamcarpenter   

Elliot, T. N.ropemaker 

Ellis, Benjaminbailiff  

Ellis, Charlescabinet makerLondon

Ellis, Christopher Taylorbrush maker   

Ellis, George T.cabinet maker   

Ellis, JamesdraperDereham  

Ellis, Josephtailor 

Ellis, RichardyeomanNorwich

Ellis, RobertshipwrightDeptford  

Ellis, Thomasmail cart driver   

Ellis, Thomashair dresser   

Ellis, WilliamR. N.Gorleston  

Ellis, Williamshipwright   

Ellistone, BenjaminropemakerChatham

Ellistone, Thomas dittoLondon  

Emms, Davidcordwainer 

Emes, Henryliquor merchant 

England, Henrycaulker 

Errington, Georgegent. 

Everard, FrancismarinerSouthwold  

Everett, Johnropemaker 


[Page] 16

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Faltrick, Johncarman 

Farrer, Johngent.Lowestoft

Farrer, Samuel, sen. ditto 

Farrer, Samuel, jun.baker 

Farrer, John, jun.grocerLowestoft

Farrer, WilliambooksellerColchester

Fell, GeorgecarpenterIpswich

Fell, Robert S. J.blockmakerIpswich

Fenn, BenjaminR. N.Southtown  

Fenn, Johngrocer   

Fenn, Robertgrocer   

Fenn, R. B.fish curerSouthtown  

Ferrier, Richarddraper   

Ferrier, John ditto   


Fill, Johnshipwright 

Fill, Williammariner   

Fish, Simon Johnmariner   

Fish, Simon ditto 

Fisher, CharlesclerkOulton  

Fisher, CharlesclerkOvington [Note 5]  


Fisher, James, jun. esq.   

Fisher, Jamesropemaker 



Fisher, Thorntonschoolmaster   

Fisher, Williamcaptain R. N.   

Fitt, Johnshipwright   

Fleming, Robertinnkeeper   

Fleming, ThomasvictuallerLondon  

Folks, Johnmillwright 

Foreman, Johnbookseller 

Foreman, Thomaspainter   

Forster, P.gent. 

Foster, Ralphshipwright   

[Page] 17

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Fowler, John esq.Corton

Fowler, J. I. C. esq. ditto

Fowler, Thomas esq.Gunton

Fowler, Thomas Cook, jun. esq. 

Fox, Johnropemaker 

Francis, Georgeropemaker 

Francis, Johnropemaker 

Franklin, Geo.husbandmanBassingham (Bessingham)  

French, Jamesgrocer 

Frosdick, Thomasshipwright 

Fulcher, Bernardcooper 

Fulcher, James W.sailmaker 

Fulcher, WilliamshipwrightChatham  

Fulcher, Williamsailmaker 

Fuller, Edmundpipe makerLondon  

Fuller, EdmundwatermanNorwich  

Fuller, JohnfarmerRaveningham  

Fuller, Samuelropemaker 

Fuller, Thomaswatch makerBury

Fuller, WilliammillerNorth Walsham  

Furrance, JacobcabinetmakerLondon    
Gamble, Williampainter 

Gardiner, W. Jamesropemaker 

Gardiner, JohnmarinerLowestoft

Garson, George ditto 

Garwood, JamesshipwrightDeptford  

Garwood, Johngent.Gorleston

Garwood, Thomasgent. 

Garwood, Thomas, jun.solicitorLondon

Garwood, T. F.glazier   

Gedge, Georgeshipwright 

Gedge, Johncaptain R. N.   

George, Curtismastmaker   

George, Curtisshipwright   

George, JohncarpenterWoolwich  

George, John, jun,,[sic]shipwrightSouthtown


[Page] 18

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
George, Thomasshipwright   

Gibbs, H. H.linen draperNorwich  

Gibson R. ElliscarpenterNorwich

Gilby, JohnsailmakerLondon

Giles, Benjaminbook-keeperLondon  

Giles, Georgeropemaker   

Giles, Williammerchant   

Gillings, Danielmariner   

Gillings, Danieltwinespinner 

Gillings, Josephmariner 

Gillings, ThomasropemakerLondon

Gladden, Thomasropemaker 

Glasspoole, H.ironmonger   

Goddard, GodfreysolicitorLondon  

Goddard, Hoseagent.   

Godfrey, JosephshipwrightNorwich

Godfrey, Robert N.farmerWenhaston  

Godfrey, Thomas L.gent. ditto  

Godfrey, Thomasfarmer ditto  

Gooch, Georgegent.Bradfield  

Gooch, HenryR. N.London  

Gooch, Henrygent. ditto  

Gooch, H. R.gent.Southwold  

Gooch, JamesbrewerE(ast). Dereham  

Gooch, Jamesgent.Bradfield  

Gooch, Johngent.Bradfield  

Gooch, John T.gent,   

Gooch, RichardclerkBenacre  

Gooch, Samuelropemaker 

Gooch, Sir Thomas bart.Bennacre (Benacre Hall)  

Gooch, Thomas S. esq.Bramfield  

Goodram, JohngrocerNorwich  

Goodson, Nicholaslabourer 

Goodwin, JaspertwinespinnerSouthwold  

Goodwin, Jasper ditto ditto  

Goodwin, Johncaulker   

Goodwin, Johnbook-keeperLondon


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Goskar, JamesplumberLynn

Goskar, ThomasfarmerHillington

Gosling, Williamtwinespinner   

Gourlay, D. A.toyman   

Gowen, Edmund Wagghair dresserLondon  

Grave, RobertprinterRochester

Grave, Williamgent. 

Grave, Williamsailmaker 

Grave, Georgegent.Ludham  

Grapes, Johnsailmaker   

Graff, HenryshipwrightChatham

Gray, ThomasshipwrightDeptford

Gray, Thomasbrazier   

Green, John dittoReepham

Green, ThomasshipwrightDeptford  

Green, Williamropemaker  
Greenwood, Ben.foundrymanNorwich  

Greenwood, CharleshardwaremanLondon

Greenwood, E. J.serj. W. N. M.Norwich  

Greenwood, ErasmuscabinetmakerNorwich  

Greenwood, James C.plaistererNorwich  

Greenwood, Jonasjoiner   

Greenwood, Williammariner 

Grint, Robertshipwright 

Grint, WilliambakerLondon  

Groom, Johnmariner   

Groom, Williamblockmaker   

Grudgefield, Philipbutcher   

Grudgefield, Philip, jun.mariner   

Gunton, GeorgemarinerLondon

Gunton, Simoncooper   

Hall, Stephengent. 

Hall, Thomasmariner 

Hall, Williambaker 

Hammond, EdwardshipwrightSheerness


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Hammond, Richardgrocer 

Hammond, RichardmarinerLondon

Hancock, Williamshipwright   

Harding, Matthiastwinespinner 

Harding, Thomas B.shipwrightLondon

Harley, Cor. G.gent. 

Harley, Johncoffee house keeperLondon

Harley, Richardgent.London  

Harley, William Thomasgent.London  

Harlock, Johnmariner   

Harman, JohnsailmakerNorwich

Harpley, Alfredpipemaker 

Harris, Williamgent.London  

Harrison, Rob. BraceycaulkerRotherhithe  

Harvey, Jacobcarpenter 

Harvey, JohnmarinerLowestoft  

Harwood, John ditto 

Hastings, George N.shipwrightChatham

Hastings, Henrycaulker   

Hastings, Henryshipwright 

Hastings, Johnpainter   

Hastings, Johnmariner 

Hastings, Josephshipwright 

Hastings, WilliamblockmakerHull  

Hatch, FrancisshipwrightLondon

Hawke, Henrymillwright ditto

Head, RichardropemakerWoolwich

Hearn, Jamesgent.London  

Hearn, Richardsailmaker ditto  

Helmes, Thomashorner ditto

Hiblett, Anthonyshipwright   

High, Roberttwinespinner 

Hodskinson, Fredericksolicitor   

Hodskinson, Randellgent.   

Holland, Johnmariner 

Holmes, Robertmariner 

Holt, G. W.solictor 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Honor, Robertmariner   

Hook, Robertplumber 

Hook, ThomasbakerSwaffham

Horn, HenrymarinerLondon  

Horn, Williamropemaker 

Horn, WilliamsailmakerWoodbridge

Hornsby, Williamlieut. R. N. 

Houghton, Henrycaulker   

Houghton, Philipboat builder   

Houghton, Richard ditto   

Howard, Henrycarpenter 

Howard, NathanielmarinerLondon

Howard, WilliaminnkeeperDereham

Howes, E. H.lieut. R. M.Chatham  

Howes, JosephmarinerIpswich

Howes, Thomas G. ditto   

Howlett, Horatioshipwright 

Howlett, John dittoDeptford  

Howlett, Samuelcarpenter   

Howlett, Williamcaulker   

Howling, SamueljoinerToft  

Howson, Alexandermariner 

Hubbard, Danielropemaker   

Hughes, George Berkleycarpenter 

Hunt, NathanielmarinerLondon

Hunt, Thomasshipwright   

Hurst, Samuelgent.   

Hurry, GeorgeshipbrokerLondon

Hurry, Henryship ownerNorth Shields

Hurry, Jamesesq. 

Hurry, Thomasesq. 

Hurry, William J.esq. 

Hyde, WilliamropemakerLondon

Ibrooke, JamesgrocerLowestoft

Ibrooke, Johnfish merchant ditto


[Page] 22

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Ibrooke, RichmondchandlerLowestoft  

Ibrooke, ThomasgrocerNorwich

Ingram, Charleswaterman 

Ingram, John F.manufacturerHolloway

Ingram, JosephbookbinderHornsey Road

Ingram, Joseph N.woolcomberSwaffham

Ingram, JosephcabinetmakerHickling

Ingram, Lovesailmaker 

Ingram, Love, jun.sailmaker 

Ingram, William ditto 

Ingram, William ditto 

Ives, Francisshipwright   

Ives, Johnmariner 

Ives, Williamsailmaker 

Jackman, Jobtwinespinner 

Jackson, JohnmarinerLowestoft

Jackson, RobertsolicitorWoodbridge

Jackson, ThomascordwainerLynn

Jay, Benjaminbook keeper 

James, Jamesmerchant   

Jenkerson, Williamropemaker   

Jervis, JamesshipwrightWoolwich  

Jex, Edwardropemaker   

Jex, Jamesgent. 

Jex, Williamshipwright 

Jex, Joseph dittoChatham

Johnson, JamescaulkerSheerness

Johnson, Jobcabinetmaker   

Johnson, Johnshipwright   

Johnson, Johnboat builder 

Johnson, Robert S.mariner 

Johnson, SamuelpainterLowestoft  

Johnson, Samuelshipwright   

Johnson, Williamshipwright 

Jones, WilliamropemakerLondon


[Page] 23

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Kemp, John, sen.auctioneer 

Kemp, Williambaker 

Kerridge, Danielshipwright 

Kettle, Henry dittoGorleston

Kett, William C.grocer 

King, BenjaminshipwrightLondon

King, GeorgeattorneyLondon

King, JohnpilotGorleston  

King, Josephbaker 

King, Joseph, jun. ditto 

King, Samuel ditto 

King, Stephenshipwright 

King, Thomasgaoler   

Kirkman, WilliamshipwrightChatham

Kirkman, PetercaulkerSheerness

Knowles, Roberttwinespinner 

Knowles, Henryblockmaker   

Lacey, RobertcaulkerSheerness


Lacon, Henry esq.   

Lake, JohnpilotGorleston  

Lake, ThomascordwainerSouthtown  

Lamb, Johnmariner 

Lamb, RichardsailmakerLondon  

Lancaster, JamesmarinerLondon

Lancaster, JamesmarinerHarwich  

Lancaster, JamesSchoolmasterWoodbridge

Lancaster, JohnshipwrightDeptford  

Lancaster, John, jun.anchorsmith ditto  

Lancaster, Josephboat builderDeptford

Lancaster, Josephgovernor of workhouse 

Lancaster, Robertgent.Fakenham  

Lane, Thomasmariner   

Language, Robertcordwainer 


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Language, WilliamshipwrightWoolwich  

Lark, JosephshipwrightWoolwich  

Lark, Joseph ditto 

Lark, Joseph dittoChatham

Larkman, Thomaswatch finisherLondon

Larter, Johnsurgeon   

Lawrence, MatthewpainterLondon

Lawrence, William ditto 

Laws, Jamesmerchant   

Laws, Williammariner   

Lawson, Johnblockmaker   

Layton, Georgecaulker 

Layton, Robertshipwright 

Leggett, CharlespilotGorleston  

Leighton, Thomascabinet maker   

Leppingwell, James R.shipwright   

Lessey, John dittoDeptford

Lessey, Nathaniel dittoChatham

Lessey, RobertcarterGorleston

Lessey, Robert, jun.shipwright ditto

Lessey, Samuelgrocer 

Lessey, SamuelcarrierHolt

Lettis, Johnmerchant 

Lettis, Thomasgent. 

Lettis, Thomas, jun.ropemaker 

Lewis, Nathanielleather cutterLondon

Libbis, Jamessailmaker   

Linder, Danielsuperannuated officer   

Linder, William W.gent.   

Lines, JohncordwainerLynn

London, NathanielcaulkerLondon  

Lonsdale, Richardglazier   

Loftus, WilliamgeneralStiffkey  

Looes, Horatioconfectioner   

Looes, William, sen.gent.Aldborough  

Looes, WilliamcabinetmakerBarney

Love, Edward M.clerkSomerleyton  

[Page] 25

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Lovewell, JamesshipbuilderSouthtown

Lowther, T. B.shipwright 

Lubbock, John dittoWells

Lubbock, Robert ditto   

Lyng, T. S.shipwrightWoolwich

Mack, Isaacshipwright   

Mackarel, JohnhairdresserCley

Mackarel, JohncordwainerMundham

Maddison, Johnbookbinder 

Maddison, Williamcabinet maker 

Mallett, Josephshipwright   

Magill, Jamesmariner 

Malladay, Thomas ditto 

Mann, Williamshipwright 

Manclarke, A. P.gent.Pulham  

Manclarke, R. B. ditto ditto  

Manclarke, W. P.clerk ditto  

Manning, S. B.carterLowestoft

Manning, Thomasgent. ditto  

Manning, ThomascooperLondon

Manning, Williamwatch makerLondon  

Manning, William esq.Ormesby

Manser, J. T.twinespinner 

Marshall, JohnlabourerS(outh). Burlingham  

Marshall, EdwardyeomanSwanton Abbots  

Marshall, RobertlabourerN(orth). Burlingham  

Martin, GeorgeshipwrightWoolwich  

Martin, Hezekiah ditto   

Martin, Hezekiah, jun.book-keeper 

Martin, Nathanielbutcher 

Martin, Roberttwinespinner 

Martin, Samuelcordwainer 

Martin, ThomasclerkFakenham  

Martin, Thomasgrocer 

Martin, Williamshipwright   

[Page] 26

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Mason, Abrahamgent.Lynn Regis

Mason, RobertcordwainerLondon  

Mason, Williambasket maker 

May, Johnbook-keeperSouthtown

Mayes, Williamchandler 

Mead, JohnCordwainer 

Meadows, Jamesmariner   

Meadows, John B.ropemakerWoolwich  

Meadows, Robertmariner   

Meadows, ThomasropemakerWoolwich  

Mickleburgh, P.pilotGorleston  

Miles, Jamessailmaker   

Miles, Richardsailcloth weaver   
Miller, Johnropemaker   

Miller, J. T.writerSouthtown  

Miller, Richardmariner ditto

Miller, Richard, jun.solicitorLowestoft

Miller, Thomasbaker   

Miller, Williamcooper 

Miller, Williamgent.Southtown

Miller, Williamcordwainer   

Mills, Johnshipwright   

Mills, John, jun. dittoWoolwich

Mills, Simon dittoBlackwall

Millican, William ditto 

Minns, Johncordwainer 

Mitchell, Johntailor 

Mitchell, JohnjewellerLondon

Moffat, J. G.pilotLowestoft  

Monk, Danielmariner 

Moon, RobertboatbuilderLondon

Moore, Johnmariner   

Moore, William Johnsailmaker 

Moore, Charlesdraper 

Moore, Robertmariner 

Moore, RobertcaulkerSheerness

Moore, W. A.mariner ditto


[Page] 27

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Morgan, E. W.gent.   

Morley, JosephpilotGorleston  

Morley, RobertcaulkerSheerness

Morley, SamuelbrazierBeccles  

Morley, Valentinecaulker   

Morley, William ditto 

Morling, Danielgrocer 

Morris, Robertgent.Ashwellthorpe  

Morse, Francisesq.Norwich  

Morse, George esq. ditto  

Morse, JamesbrewerSwaffham  

Morse, John esq.Norwich  

Morse, JohnbrewerSwaffham  

Morse, Thomasgent.Lound  

Morse, Thomas, jun.farmerBlundeston  

Moss, Thomasshipwright   

Moss, Thomas, sen.mariner 

Moss, Thomas, jun.mariner 

Moyse, R., F.gent.Southtown  

Mullender, Noahblockmaker 

Nailor, Thomasshipwright   

Narborough, William dittoWoolwich  

Neale, Francissailmaker   

Neale, Johnwhitesmith 

Neale, Williammariner 

Neave, Josephropemaker   

Neave, Michael ditto 

Neave, Thomas ditto   

Neslen, RichardmarinerBurgh Castle  

Neslen, WilliamglazierLowestoft

Neslen, Williamgrocer 

Newson, Charlesboatbuilder   

Newton, FreemanshipwrightSouthtown  

Newton, George ditto ditto

Newton, Nathaniel ----Fishermen's Hospital
(Great Yarmouth)

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Nicholls, Jamescabinet makerLondon

Nichols, JohnsailmakerWoodbridge

Nicholls, Williammast maker   

Nicholson, Nathanielcordwainer 

Nicholson, W. P. ditto 

Nickerson, Robertkeelman   

Nicol, JohnbrazierLondon

Nightingale, Johnblacksmith   

Nightingale, George P.mariner   

Norfor, WilliamRopemaker   

Norton, HenrycarpenterLondon  

Norton, JamesfarmerStokesby

Norton, James B.gunnerSheerness

Norton, Thomasgent.Stokesby

Norton, Thomas Richardmariner 

Nutman, Georgeropemaker 

Oliver, BenjaminsailmakerNorth Creak(e)

Osborne, GeorgemarinerLondon

Page, Johnshipwright 

Page, Nathanielcabinet maker 

Page, PhilipropemakerWoolwich  

Page, Robertwatchmaker 

Page, Robertvictualler 

Page, Robertmariner 

Page, Thomaspipe-maker 

Paget, Williamgent.   

Palgrave, Henrymastmaker   

Palgrave, Thomasgent.Coltishall


Palgrave, Williammariner 

Paine, Thomaspurser, R. N.   

Palmer, G. D.merchant   

Palmer, James ditto 


[Page] 29

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Palmer, Jamesropemaker   

Palmer, James Barrowmerchant 

Palmer, James H. ditto 
Palmer, Johnropemaker 

Palmer, John B.merchant 

Palmer, J. D. ditto   

Palmer, Nathanielsolicitor 

Palmer, N. B. ditto 

Palmer, Samuelmerchant   

Palmer, Thomasgent.Gorleston  

Palmer, Thomas, jun.mariner   

Palmer, W. D. esq.   

Palmer, W. D. jun. ditto   

Parker, Alexandergent.Martham

Parkerson, Jamesshipwright 

Pattman, JamesshipwrightBlackwall

Pattman, Jephunneh ditto ditto

Pattman, Jephunneh, jun. ditto ditto

Pattman, Joshua ditto ditto

Pattman, Marshall ---- 

Pattman, Samuel ditto ditto

Paul, Bennettblockmaker   

Paul, HoracedruggistBeccles

Paul, John D.farmerGreat Glemham

Paul, Richardschoolmaster   

Paul, Robertshipwright   

Paul, RobertfarmerStarston Hall

Paul, SamuelprinterBungay

Paul, ThomasmerchantNorwich

Paul, Thomas, jun. dittoStow Market (Stowmarket)

Paul, Thomasbookbinder   

Paul, Williamblockmaker   

Peacock, Johnropemaker 

Peartree, Owencorn meter   

Peak, LionelshipwrightGorleston

Pettingill, W. D.ropemaker   

Phinn, Tho. Edwardcabinetmkr.London  

[Page] 30

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Pickers, Thomaschapel clerk   

Pickers, Thomasgent.Ingham

Pigg, Johnshipwright   

Pidgeon, JamesshipwrightChatham

Pidgeon, Nicholas ditto ditto

Pinson, CharlesfarmerLinstead Magna

Pinson, JohngrocerWells

Pinson, SamuelfarmerBodham

Pitt, Charleslieut. R. N. 

Pitt, Jamesgent. 

Pitt, John ditto 

Pitt, Thomas dittoSouthtown

Plummer, Josephpainter 

Plummer [sic]ropemaker 

Plummer, William, jun.shipwright 

Pooley, ThomaswatermanColtishall

Pope, GeorgeshipwrightLondon  

Porter, LeonardshipwrightBlackwall  

Porter, Thomas dittoDeptford  

Porter, Thomas, jun. ditto ditto  

Postle, George, sen.sailmakerWoolwich

Postle, George, jun.ropemaker ditto

Postle, Johnjoiner ditto  

Postle, Robertgent.Horstead  

Postle, SamuelropemakerLynn

Postle, ThomasshipwrightDeptford

Postle, ThomascarpenterWoolwich

Postle, Williambaker ditto

Potts, VardillbricklayerLondon

Powles, Johnsailmaker ditto

Pratt, Alfredcarpenter 

Presant, Georgemariner 

Press, JohnshipwrightChatham

Preston, Abrahamgent.   




[Page] 31

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Preston, Isaac, Jun. esq.   


Preston, Georgegent.   

Preston, GeorgeclerkStanfield Hall

Preston, John K.surgeon   

Purdy, Williamcaulker 

Quinton, BenjaminmarinerLondon

Quinton, Henryship broker 

Quinton, JohnmarinerGorleston  

Quinton, Johngent. 

Quinton, John, jun.mariner 

Quinton, LevimarinerLondon

Ranney, J. F.solicitor   

Ranney, Thomasgroom 

Ransome, RobertcordwainerMartham

Rant, Johnwaterman 

Rant, Richard ditto 

Rayer, IsaaccordwainerLondon

Rayer, WilliamsailmakerDeptford

Read, Charlesgrocer 

Read, JohnshipwrightDeptford

Read, Jamesshipwright 

Redgrave, J. B.ropemaker 

Reeve, JamesshipwrightLondon  

Reeve, John dittoDeptford  

Reeve, Josephjoiner 

Reeve, JonathancaulkerLondon  


Reynolds, J. P.clerkLittle Munden

Richardson, Johnmariner 

Rising, Edwardcaulker 

Rising, JamesshipwrightSouthtown


[Page] 32

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Rising, Williamshipwright   

Rising, Williamropemaker 

Rivett, James, jun.pilotGorleston  

Rivett, Philipshipwright   

Robson, John, jun.merchant   

Rogers, Anthonycaulker 

Rogers, JamesmarinerOverstrand  

Rogers, Josephcaulker 

Rooke, ThomasshoemakerSherringham (Sheringham)  

Rounce, ThomaspainterHalesworth
Royal, Georgemariner 

Rumer, Thomasshipwright 

Rust, BenjamingrocerCromer

Rust, Benjamin, jun. ditto ditto

Rust, JamesfarmerWaybourn (Weybourne)

Rust, Robertlieut. R. N.Mundesley  

Rycraft, HenryshipwrightSheerness

Sadd, SamuelcordwainerWoolwich  

Sadd, William ditto ditto

Salmon, JohnshipwrightChatham

Salmon, Joseph Corptwinespinner 

Salmon, JosephpilotGorleston  

Sancroft, Edwardjoiner   

Sancroft, Jameschemist   

Sancroft, Jamessurgeon   

Sancroft, William ditto   

Sandall, Johnglazier   

Sayers, Christophergent. 

Sayers, James esq. 

Sayers, JamesfarmerGillingham

Sayers, ThomasclerkOby

Scott, Charlespilot   

Scott, Gouldfisherman 

Scott, Spencermariner 

Seaman, Alfredmariner   

[Page] 33

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Seaman, Johnsexton   

Seaman, Williamauctioneer   

Seago, JohnpainterBergh Apton

Searum, Robertblockmaker   

Searum, Robert, jun. ditto   

Sewell, Johngent.Southtown

Sewell, Johnsilversmith 

Sewell, Robertropemaker 

Shardelow, SamuelmarinerGorleston

Sharman, RobertgrocerSouthwark

Shelly, Johnmerchant 

Sherrington, B.ironmonger   

Sherwood, Jamesblockmaker 

Ship, RichardshipwrightWoolwich

Shivers, Roberttwinespinner 

Shreeve, WilliamtinmanNorwich  

Shreeve, GeorgebrazierIpswich  

Shreeve, Henrycordwainer   

Simmons, Johnmariner 

Simpson, G. B.cordwainer 

Simpson, Jasper ditto 

Simpson, Lombejoiner   

Simpson, Lombe Loftus ditto   

Simpson, Williamgent. 

Sinclair, Henry Minnsmerchant 

Skoyles, Benjaminchandler 

Sloman, Charlesbaker 
Sloman, Charles, jun.printer   

Sloman, HenryshipwrightWoolwich  

Sloman, James ditto 

Sloman, James, sen.ropemaker 

Sloman, James, jun.shipwrightNorthfleet

Sloman, James ditto ditto

Smallpage, William ditto 

Smiter, Jamesropemaker   

Smiter, Jamesshipwright   

Smiter, Jonathancaulker   

[Page] 34

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Smiter, Samuelmariner 

Smiter, Williamropemaker 

Smith, CharleswriterLondon  

Smith, C. B.marinerLowestoft  

Smith, Danielropemaker 

Smith, Henry dittoLowestoft  

Smith, James P. M. D. ditto  

Smith, Jamesbeachman 

Smith, JamescarpenterLondon

Smith, JamespilotLowestoft  

Smith, Johnropemaker 

Smith, Johncaulker 

Smith, JohnwatermanColtishall

Smith, JohnshipwrightBlackwall

Smith, J. F.brazierAylsham
Smith, Josephropemaker 

Smith, RobertweaverNorwich  

Smith, SamuelbrazierLondon

Smith, Samuelserjeant at mace   

Smith, Samuelwaterman   

Smith, Simon ----Sheerness

Smith, Thomascooper 

Smith, Williammariner   

Smith, WilliamweaverNorwich  

Smith, William ditto ditto  

Smith, William, jun.carpenter ditto  

Smith, WilliambrazierAylsham
Smith, Williammariner   

Smith, W. H.merchant   

Smowton, Williamropemaker   

Sones, Charlescabinet makerLondon  

Sones, Williamropemaker ditto  

Sones, Williamcabinet maker ditto

Soulsby, Henryhairdresser ditto

Soulsby, Jamesmariner 

Soulsby, Johncaulker   

Southgate, SamuellabourerNorwich  

[Page] 35

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Sowells, EdmundsailmakerLondon  

Sowells, Thomasglazier 

Spalding, HenrygrocerHalesworth  

Spanton, Benjamincordwainer   

Spanton, ChristophersolicitorAttleburgh (Attleborough)

Spanton, HumphreysmithNorwich

Spanton, Thomasbasketmaker 

Sparshall, ThomasropemakerLowestoft

Spauls, WilliamshipwrightChatham

Spelman, GeorgegrocerDiss

Spelman, IsaacfarmerAlburgh

Spelman, William H.marinerLowestoft  

Spelman, Johnropemaker   

Spelman, Samuelpainter 

Spelman, Williamauctioneer   

Spilman, Nathanielengraver 

Spilman, Nathaniel, jun.painter 

Spilman, Samuel ditto 

Spilman, W. H.mariner   

Spicer, Josephfishmonger 

Spinney, Johnplumber 

Spinney, RobertcaulkerSheerness

Spurgeon, John G.clerkLowestoft  

Spurgeon, Richard dittoMulbarton  

Stacey, Philipmariner 

Stacey, Philipsailmaker 

Stacey, Williamcomedian 

Staff, GeorgemarinerR. H. Greenwich
(Royal Hospital)

Staff, JamesmarinerGreenwich  

Staff, JohnweaverNorwich

Staff, Leonardcordwainer   

Staff, Leonard PeterdraperChatham

Stagg, Jameswriter   

Stagg, Johnbrazier  

Stanford, JosephglazierHalesworth  

Stannard, GeorgeshipwrightLondon

Starr, Thomasbrazier 


[Page] 36

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Stevenson, FranciscarpenterDeptford  

Stevenson, SamuelbakerGorleston

Steward, Ambr., jun.gent.Ipswich

Steward, Ambr. H. esq.Stoke Park

Steward, James B.  esq. 

Steward, S. C.shipwrightDeptford

Steward, Thomas F.solicitor 

Steward, Timothy  esq. 

Steward, Timothy, jun.merchant 

Steward, William  esq. 

Stoddard, Josephcooper 

Stolworthy, Jamesjoiner 

Stone, Isaacshipbuilder   

Stone, Williamshipowner 

Storey, C. EdmundweaverNorwich

Storey, Jonathanshipwright ----  

Storey, Johnbrazier ditto

Storey, Samuelbrazier ditto

Storey, Williamcordwainer ditto  

Sunstead, DanielgrocerNorwich

Sunstead, Samuelbook keeperHalesworth

Sutton, Richard ditto   

Symonds, CharlesfarmerRunham  

Symonds, Charlesfisherman 

Symonds, James ditto 

Symonds, James esq.Ormesby  

Symonds, James, jun.clerkCaister  

Symonds, Johngent. 

Symonds, Johnmariner 

Symonds, John, jun.gent. 

Taylor, Francisshipwright 

Taylor, FrancisropemakerChatham

Taylor, Georgeshipwright 

Taylor, JohnfishermanNorwich

Taylor, Jamesjoiner 


[Page] 37

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Taylor, Johnshipwright 

Taylor, Joseph dittoColchester

Taylor, Williamsurgeon   

Teasdell, Samuelcaulker 

Teasdell, Samuelmariner   

Temple, William ditto 

Theobald, Robert B. dittoGorleston  

Thirkettle, N. P.cabinet makerNorwich

Thirkettle, R. B.baker 

Thirkettle, W. D.cabinet makerNorwich

Thomas, JohnshipwrightWoolwich

Thomas, Joseph, jun.fisherman   

Thomas, Samuelshipwright   

Thomas, Samuelcaulker 

Thomas, StephenshipwrightDeptford

Thompson, JamesmarinerLondon  

Thompson, James Goramcaulker 

Thompson, James F.cordwainerNorwich  

Thompson, Johnmariner   

Thompson, Johnropemaker 

Thompson, Thomascaulker 

Thompson, Thomas ditto   

Thompson, Thomasschoolmaster 

Thorn, Thomasmariner   

Thorndick, Johnwriter   

Thornton, ThomasfarmerWorstead  

Thorpe, Robertropemaker 

Thorpe, Williamtwinespinner 

Tilmouth, B.sailmakerLowestoft  

Todd, Charlesshipwright   

Todd, James Francismastmaker   

Tolver, Samuelsolicitor   

Took, BenjaminshipwrightDeptford

Tooke, JohnmastmakerDeptford

Tooley, WilliamcaulkerSheerness

Tooley, William J.blacksmith ditto

Townshend, Robertblockmaker   

[Page] 38

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Townley, Thomasmariner   

Trett, Robertpainter 

Trotter, SamuelcaulkerLondon  

Trotter, William dittoSheerness

Tuck, Charlesshipbuilder   

Turner, CharlestailorLondon  

Turner, C. R.  esq.London  

Turner, Dawson  esq. 

Turner, FrancisbarristerLondon  

Turner, George James  esq. ditto  

Turner, Richardclerk   

Turner, Thomas, sen.ferryman   

Turner, Thomas, jun.keelmanGorleston  

Turner, Thomas Joseph  esq.   

Turner, William dittoLondon  

Turner, Williambasketmaker ditto  

Turner, W. Twaitegent.   

U.     V.      
Urquhart, Williammariner   

Utting, Josephcarpenter   

Vansarn, Robert dittoGorleston

Vardill, RobertmarinerLondon

Veale, Robertmastmaker   

Varley, Johncabinet maker 

Vincent, Henryshipwright 

Wade, Henry RicetailorLondon  

Wade, Edmund RiceinnkeeperAylsham  

Walker, HarrismarinerLondon

Walker, Johnlabourer   

Walker, PetermerchantLondon

Walpole, RobertclerkScole  

Walpole, Hon. GeorgegeneralEccles

Ward, Charlesmariner 

Ward, EdwardshipwrightDeptford


[Page] 39

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Ward, JohnshipwrightDeptford  

Ward, John HuntembosserLondon  

Ward, RoberttwinespinnerNorwich

Ward, RobertgrocerBeccles

Warnes, RobertsilversmithLondon

Warren, Roberthair dresser 

Warrent, Williambrazier 

Watling, Johnbook-keeper   

Watling, T. Dyelabourer 

Waters, G. S.shipwright 

Waters, Johntwinespinner   

Waters, JohnlabourerLimehouse  

Waters, Richard dittoGorleston

Waters, Samuelsailmaker   

Waters, SamuelfarmerBuckenham  

Waters, WilliamshipwrightNorthfleet  

Watson, EdmunddraperLondon  

Watson, Edwardcoal merchantNorwich

Watson, Fisherclerk   

Watson, Georgecabinet makerLondon

Watson, Gilbertservant ditto

Watson, HenryironmongerNorwich  

Watson, John,town clerk   

Watson, John Taylorshipwright 

Watson, John, D. D.Acle  

Watson, John ElishamarinerNorwich  

Watson, JohntailorNorwich

Watson, PickeringgloverLondon  

Watson, SlippermarinerLondon

Watson, Thomaspier master   

Watson, WilliamcarpenterLondon

Webb, Johnropemaker 

Welch, Benjamintwinespinner 

Welch, Henry ditto  

Welch, John ditto 

Welch, Williamtwinespinner 

Wells, Thomasfish merchant 


[Page] 40

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
West, Stephen JohnlabourerLondon

West, WilliamdraperLondon  

White, John Meadowsgent.Halesworth
White, Robert G.solicitorHalesworth
Wickham, William, sen.mariner 

Wickham, Williamhair dresser 

Wigg, JohnglazierLoddon

Wigg, JohnbutcherChedgrave

Wigg, Samueldissenting min.Hethersett

Wigg, JohngamekeeperFriston

Wigg, SamuelbutcherChedgrave

Wight, R. N.schoolmaster   

Willis, EdwardshipwrightChatham  

Willis, Henry dittoNorthfleet  

Willis, JoshuasailmakerChatham

Williams, C. H.schoolmasterNorwich

Williams, J. H.merchant   

Williams, John E.marinerNorwich  

Williams, William W.pawnbrokerNorwich  

Williams, Williambook-keeper ditto  

Wilson, Charlescarpenter 

Wilson, John IliffpainterLondon

Wilson, Williammariner   

Winn, Charlescarpenter 

Winn, Georgehair dresserBeccles  

Winn, JamesclerkBank of England

Winn, John Sherwoodhair dresserBury  

Winn, ThomasclerkBank of England

Witchingham, Lawrencegent. 

Woodcock, NoahshipwrightGorleston

Woodcock, SamuelbakerLondon  

Wooden, Isaaccordwainer 

Wooden, Thomasblockmaker 

Woodhouse, Samuelropemaker 

Woodhouse, Jamespainter   

Woodhouse, Johntwinespinner 

Woodhouse, Robert ditto   

[Page] 41

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Woodhouse, WilliamtwinespinnerPortsea

Woodrow, CooperbrazierNorwich

Woodrow, Edwardbaker 

Woods, WilliambootmakerLondon

Woolner, Edwardmastmaker   

Woolner, Edward, jun.carpenter   

Woolner, Jamesshipwright   

Woolner, WilliamcordwainerLondon

Woolsey, J. C.boatman 

Woolsey, Samuelropemaker 

Woolsey, Samuelbeachman   

Woolverton, Edwardcabinet makerNorwich

Woolverton, Henrytimber merchantDeptford  

Woolverton, Sam.piano forte makerLondon

Wotton, Mark M.gent.Pakefield  

Worship, Benjamingent.Croydon

Worship, H. V.solicitor 

Worship, J. L.clerkMendlesham

Worship, W. T.gent. 

Worship, WilliamengraverNewington

Worton, Williamcordwainer 

Wright, Cookbook-keeper   

Wright, George G.marinerLowestoft

Wright, Henry W.sailmakerDeptford  

Wright, Richardmariner 

Wright, Richardmariner   

Wright, Richard dittoLowestoft

Wright, Richard S. dittoLound

Wright, Samuelgent. 

Wright, Williammariner   

Yaxley, WilliamshipwrightBlackwall

Yetts, Andrewmerchant   

Yetts, Johncaulker   

Yetts, John, jun. ditto   

Yetts, Samuel T.mariner   

[Page] 42

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.AN.RU.MI.ST.
Yetts, Williammerchant   

Youell, Edmundgent.   

Youell, William K.merchantSouthtown

Youngman, Thomasgrocer   

Youngs, Andrew YettsshipwrightDeptford  

Youngs, Johnvictualler 

Youngs, WilliamshipwrightDeptford  



F I N I S.

Printed by J. BARNES, King Street, Yarmouth.

[End of Poll Book]

Summary of Voting

Summary of the manner in which the "Votes were Divided".

Anson and Rumbold 745 745  
Anson and Michel     3      3 
Anson and Stracey     5       5
Rumbold and Michel      3     3 
Rumbold and Stracey      2      2
Michel and Stracey   605 605
Anson     1   
Rumbold      2  
Michel       1 
Stracey      --
[Totals] 754 752 612 612


  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the places in the book. Standard place names are given in brackets () following where necessary so that places are found with a search.
  • 2. Name spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Great Yarmouth Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Baltis/Baltes, Barrow/Barron, Baxfield/Bexfield, Bayley/Bayly, Bonnifant/Bonifant, Burrows/Burroughs, Burkett/Burkitt, Coleman/Colman, Creak/Creake, Duffield/Duffell, Durrant/Durent/Durant, Edmunds/Edmonds, Everett/Everitt, Farrer/Farrow, Grave/Graves, Lancaster/Lankester, Leppingwell/Lepingwell, Magill/Megill, Meadows/Meadow, Nicholls/Nichols, Peak/Peek, Ship/Shipp, Sones/Soanes/Soans, Stoddard/Stoddart, Teasdell/Teasdale, Welch/Welsh, Willis/Willes.
  • 3. Under the heading "Occupations" or "Residence" a "----" indicates a blank in the printed poll book.
  • 4. Many places outside Norfolk had seafaring connections through trade and shipbuilding. Some of those given as residences are listed below together with the Chapman county codes in "[]" in which they lay in 1820 :- Blackwall [LND], Chatham [KEN], Croydon [SRY], Deptford [KEN], Greenwich [KEN], Holloway [MDX], Hull [YKS], Lime House [MDX], Little Munden [HRT], London [LND], Maldon [ESS], Newington [MDX], Northfleet [KEN], North Shields [NBL], Portsea [HAM], Rochester [KEN], Rotherhithe [LND], Sheerness [KEN], Southwark [SRY], and Woolwich [KEN].
  • 5. This "Ovington" may be the one in Essex as per a similar entry for a person of the same name and occupation in the 1812 Yarmouth Poll book?

Other Yarmouth Polls

Given below are the dates for the other Polls up to 25th July 1837 with links to further transcriptions. For later ones follow the link to Great Yarmouth voting page. Note that where more than one printer published the poll then the date is followed by their name.


See also the main Voting pageGreat Yarmouth Voting page and the Great Yarmouth parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
July 2012