


Norfolk: Great Yarmouth


Voting Registers - Poll 1777

The poll for one member to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, taken on 11th June 1777 and published by W. Chase. The transcription includes :- Voters names, Occupations, Residences & some relationships. Noted are some five voters who are not freemen and these are repeated at the end under the heading "Bad Votes". In all there were 701 valid votes.

Most of the places of residence are in Norfolk or Suffolk but a number of people are seen to be living elsewhere. The notes section will help to identify the location of some of these.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]



P      O      L      L



For the   B  U  R  G  H   of


In the COUNTY of


Taken the 11th of June,


C  A  N  D  I  D  A  T  E  S,






Printed by W. CHASE, 1777

[Page 1]



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For the B  U  R  G  H of



Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
ADKIN Tho. Esq; ---Yarmouth
Adkin Tho. jun.Merchant ditto
Aldridge HenryMariner ditto
Allen ThomasRopemaker ditto 
Ames HenryBaker ditto
Ames JosephWorstead weav.Norwich 
Ames Kempis ThomasTwisterer ditto 
Arminger DukeMarinerYarmouth 
Armstrong SamuelShipwrightDeptford
Arnold Aldous Esq; ---Lowestoft
Ashley John, sen.RopemakerYarmouth 
Ashley John, jun.Mariner ditto
Ashley James ditto ditto 
Ashley BenjaminLabourer ditto 
Athill EdwardBook-keeper ditto
Audley Henry, sen. ditto ditto
Audley Henry, jun.Twinespinner ditto

[Page] 2

Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Banks ThomasPulleymakerYarmouth 
Barwick ObadiahMariner ditto
Bailey JosephCordwainer ditto 
Barker Samuel, jun.Merchant ditto 
Barcham JohnJoinerBeccles 
Barnby Joseph NeechGent.Yarmouth
Baker ThomasGent. ditto 
Baker JohnMerchant ditto
Baker RichardClerkCawston
Barrett PeterWorstead weav.Norwich 
Barrett Edward ditto ditto 
Bacon PhilipLabourerYarmouth
Bacon WilliamShipwright ditto
Bacon William, jun.Cust. house officerLondon
Bacon JohnShipwrightWoolwich
Barrow HenryFarmerRunham 
Balls BenjaminMarinerGreenwich
Balls JohnJoinerLondon
Bell GeorgeShipwrightLowestoft 
Bell JohnGent.Yarmouth
Bell JohnMerchantGorlestone
Bell WilliamRiding OfficerPakefield
Betts TobiasBrewerYarmouth
Beart JamesYeomanLondon
Bensley JosephLabourerYarmouth
Benting Robert, sen.Salesman ditto 
Benting Robert, jun. ditto ditto 
Beckitt ThomasCarter ditto 
Bishop SamuelMariner ditto
Bishop EdwardPainter ditto
Bishop JohnCaulker ditto
Bishop George ditto ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Bishop EdmundMarinerYarmouth 
Bickerton JobBook-keeper. ditto
Bird ThomasGent. ditto
Black SamuelShipwright ditto
Blundell FrancisMariner ditto 
Blundell ThomasRopemaker ditto 
Blyth RobertLabourerNorth Repps
Bowles JohnTwinespinnerYarmouth
Bowles Samuel ditto ditto
Bowles Robert ditto ditto
Bowles HenryLabourer ditto
Bowles John ditto ditto
Bowles EdwardLabourer ditto
Bowles BernardIronmonger ditto
Bowles JoshuaCordwainerNorwich
Bowen JohnPerukemakerBuxton
Bokenham JoshuaSchoolmasterYarmouth 
Boldra BarchamRiding OfficerLowestoft
Boldra FrancisBrazierAylsham
Boldra NicholasGent.Yarmouth
Booth HenryCoalmeter ditto 
Boyce DanielCarter ditto
Bonifant BenjaminSailmaker ditto 
Browne ThomasTwinespinnerNorwich
Browne WilliamJoinerYarmouth
Browne JosephCordwainer ditto
Browne JohnUpholder ditto
Browne RobertLabourer ditto
Browne William, Esq; --- ditto
Browne JosephMerchantColtishall
Browne HenryGlazierYarmouth
Browne HenryCordwainer ditto
Browne WilliamMariner ditto
Browne ThomasTaylor ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Browne WilliamMusicianYarmouth
Browne ThomasWine MerchantLondon
Browne WilliamBricklayerBeccles 
Bream SamuelJoinerYarmouth 
Bream William, jun.Baker ditto
Bracey JayLieutenant ditto
Bracey WilliamChapel Clerk ditto
Bracey ThomasRopemaker ditto 
Bridgewell Samuel, sen.Gent.Norwich 
Bridgewell Joseph dittoYarmouth 
Brewer WilliamPulleymakerLondon
Brewer JohnMaltsterYarmouth
Brooks ThomasMariner ditto
Brooks Cooper ditto ditto
Broom JohnTidesman ditto
Brightman HenryCornmeter ditto
Brabant Henry, not a FreemanCaulker ditto 
Browes JohnBaker ditto 
Bussey PhilipKeelman ditto
Bullman ThomasLabourer ditto 
Burton John, sen.Gent. ditto
Burton John, jun.FarmerBurlingham
Burton Robert FerrierDraperYarmouth
Burgess JamesShipwright ditto 
Butcher William, Esq; --- ditto
Cates ThomasBricklayerFakenham
Carter Mosech, sen.RopemakerYarmouth
Carter Mosech, jun.Mariner ditto 
Chapman John, sen.Cooper ditto
Chapman John, jun.Shipwright ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Chapman ThomasShipwrightYarmouth
Chaplin HenryMerchantBlakeney
Chase WilliamMarinerYarmouth
Chandler CharlesMerchant ditto
Child RichardSailmaker ditto 
Chamber John, Esq; ---Norwich
Church WilliamLabourerYarmouth
Clifton JohnMariner ditto
Clifton GabrielRiding OfficerKessingland [SFK]
Clifton AbelDraperYarmouth
Clifton AlexanderShipwright ditto
Clifton ThomasKeelman ditto 
Clifton WilliamRopemaker ditto
Clabon JohnCarpenter ditto
Clabon RobertCoalmeter ditto
Clabon GeorgeCurrier ditto
Clowes ThomasGent. ditto
Clarke JohnBook-keeper ditto 
Colby JohnPilotGorlestone
Colby NathanielGent.Yarmouth 
Colby DoverRopemaker ditto
Colby JamesCust. house officerCaister (on-Sea)
Colby RichardFarmerColtishall
Colby SamuelGent.Yarmouth
Colman MorrisBrazierNorwich 
Coltwas SamuelTwinespinnerYarmouth 
Cockle JohnBoatman ditto
Cobb EdmundMerchant ditto 
Cocoa William, sen.Pulleymaker ditto 
Cocoa William, jun.Ropemaker ditto 
Cole BenjaminHaberdasherNorwich 
Cooper Henry, sen.Gent.Yarmouth
Cooper Henry, jun.Mariner ditto
Cooper Henry ditto ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Cooper JohnPipemakerYarmouth 
Cousens James, sen.Tidesman ditto
Cousens James, jun.CordwainerNorwich
Cousens JohnWatchmanYarmouth
Cook Thomas, sen.Shipwright ditto
Cook Thomas ditto ditto
Cotman JohnClerkBroom (Broome)
Corp JohnShipwrightDeptford
Cowell Isaac dittoYarmouth 
Cowell John ditto ditto
Costerton BenjaminMerchant ditto
Cory ThomasGrocer ditto 
Creak RobertCornmeter ditto
Creak Robert, jun.Schoolmaster ditto
Crisp JohnShipwright ditto
Crisp SamuelCabinet-makerBungay 
Crabtree EdwardShipwrightYarmouth
Crockett WilliamGlazier ditto
Cross GeorgeCaulker ditto 
Cross GeorgeMerchant ditto
Crosskill HenryShipwright ditto 
Crowforth JohnWorstead weav.Norwich 
Curtis Josiah, sen.BarberYarmouth
Curtis Josiah, jun.Ropemaker ditto
Curtis RobertCordwainer ditto
Custance ParsonSurgeon ditto
Custins ThomasMariner ditto
Custins RichardBreechesmakerLondon
Cubitt RobertMarinerYarmouth 
Cubitt EdmundCaulker ditto 
Cubitt RobertCooper ditto
Cutting WilliamMerchantNorwich
Cutting ChristopherRiding OfficerMundesley
Cullyer WilliamGent.Wymondham

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Cullingham ReubenCooperYarmouth
Cully JohnBarberNewton-flatman
(Newton Flotman)
Cushing Jas. MillesonBoatmanYarmouth
Dawson JamesTaylorLudham
Dawson ThomasMarinerGorlestone
Dawson Thomas, jun.Farmer ditto
Dawson RobertLabourerYarmouth
Dale RichardServantHoveton
Dale JamesTwinespinnerYarmouth
Dale James SmithBarberNorwich
Dale Thomas Smith ditto ditto
Dade ThomasMerchantYarmouth
Daines RobertHatterNorwich 
Daines ChristopherSailmakerYarmouth 
Daniel JohnGrocer ditto
Daniel WilliamMerchant ditto
Daniel RichardCoalmeter ditto
Dakin GeorgeBrazier ditto 
Dakin George Soames ditto ditto 
Dakin WilliamBaker ditto 
Dearham SimeonRopemaker ditto
Dearham Joseph ditto ditto
Dixon SamuelGent.South Town
Dixon JamesMarinerYarmouth
Dobson JohnTaylorNorwich 
Dobson JosephShipwrightYarmouth
Drury Edmund ditto ditto 
Drury WilliamSailmakerChatham
Drury SamuelRopemakerYarmouth
Drury EdmundTwinespinner ditto 
Drake PhilipCordwainer ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Durrant Rich. WilsonmarinerYarmouth
Durrant Simongrocer ditto
Durrant Williamhatter ditto 
Dunnel Danielmariner ditto
Dye Johntwinespinner ditto
Dye Georgebrazier ditto
Dye Robertcaulker ditto 
Eastmore Benjaminvictualler ditto
Edwards Robertshipwright ditto
Eggett John ditto ditto
Eggleton Jacobsawyer ditto
Ellis JohnclerkSouth Repps
Ellis RobertfarmerStokesby
Ellis Johnperuke-makerYarmouth
Ellys ThomasGent. ditto
Ellys ThomasGent. ditto
Eldridge John, sen.victualler ditto 
Eldridge John, jun.cooper ditto 
Eldridge JohncordwainerBungay 
Emes HenryglazierYarmouth 
Emes Williamperuke-maker ditto
Errington Georgeropemaker ditto 
Errington Samuelmariner ditto
Evans Thomastide surveyor ditto
Evans Williamropemaker ditto
Faltrick Johnmariner ditto
Faltrick John, jun.carter ditto
Farrer Samuel, sen.twinespinnerLowestoft 

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Farrer Samuel, jun.twinespinnerLowestoft 
Faulk JohnboatmanYarmouth
Fell LawrenceGent.Norwich
Fell WilliamMerchant ditto
Fell John ditto ditto
Ferrier RobertfarmerHemsby
Ferrier JohnGent. ditto
Fish Nathaniel, sen.Gent.Yarmouth
Fish Nathaniel, jun.farmerSyderstrand (Sidestrand)
Fish NathanielmarinerYarmouth
Fish Simon ditto ditto
Fisher William, Esq; --- ditto
Fisher James, Esq; --- ditto
Fisher William, jun.merchant ditto
Fisher James, jun. ditto ditto
Fisher John, Gent.capt. of the cust.
house smack
Fisher Jamesvintner ditto
Fielding Benjaminsurgeon ditto
Fielding George, sen.cust. house officerWoodbridge [SFK]
Fielding George, jun.cabinet-maker ditto
Fielding Benjaminwatchmaker ditto
Fitt WilliamanchorsmithYarmouth
Flatman Robertgardener ditto
Fleming JamessawyerNorwich
Forster RobertmarinerYarmouth
Forster Tene ditto ditto
Fowler Johnsailmaker ditto 
Fox Benjamindep. comptroller ditto
Fox Thomastwinespinner ditto 
Francis Thomas dittoSherringham (Sheringham)
Francis Michaeltwinespinner ditto 
Freeman ThomasbrazierNorwich
Furrance JacobchairmakerYarmouth

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Fuller GeorgecaulkerYarmouth 
Fuller ThomasbakerNorth Walsham 
Fuller SamuelbarberYarmouth 
Gardiner Johnlabourer ditto 
Garwood Thomasglazier ditto 
Georg Johnjoiner ditto 
Giles Nathanielropemaker ditto
Giles Charlesmariner ditto
Giles William ditto ditto
Gillings Daniel ditto ditto
Gillings Thomas ditto ditto
Gibbs Benjamingent. ditto
Gibbs Henry Harriscordwainer ditto 
Gibbs JohntwistererNorwich
Gillett ThomasmarinerYarmouth 
Gillett RoberttwinespinnerLowestoft 
Gillett WilliamcornmeterYarmouth
Gidney Samuelcabinet-maker ditto
Gimingham RobertGent.London
Glover Johncust. house officer ditto
Goodson Nicholaslabourer ditto
Goodram Johnhouse carpenter ditto 
Gooch Henry, Esq; --- ditto 
Gooch ThomasmarinerLondon 
Gooch ManningfarmerQuiddenham (Quidenham) 
Gooch Thomas, Esq; ---Benacre Hall [SFK]
Godfrey StephenmerchantYarmouth
Godfrey ThomasfarmerCorton [SFK] 
Gowing JohnbakerNorwich
Gowing WilliamropemakerYarmouth
Gowing Richardcooper ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Goskar Williamcompass-makerYarmouth
Goddard Hoseatwinespinner ditto
Grave Williamsailmaker ditto
Grave George ditto ditto
Grape Jonathansailmaker ditto
Gray Anthony Coopertidesman ditto
Green Samuel, sen.baker ditto
Green Samuel, jun. ditto ditto
Green Samuelmariner ditto
Green Thomascoalmeter ditto
Green Robertvictualler ditto 
Griggs Georgetwinespinner ditto 
Grudgefield Johnsonmariner ditto
Grudgefield William ditto ditto
Gurney Godfreyanchorsmith ditto
Hall Edwardshipwright ditto
Hall Williammariner ditto 
Hale Johnbook-keeper ditto
Harridance Richardbellman ditto
Harridance Durrantcordwainer ditto
Hare Josephmariner ditto
Harley Richardbaker ditto 
Harley Robertupholster ditto 
Harley Thomasbaker ditto 
Harley Johnmiller ditto
Harmer SamuelGent.Norwich 
Hartley JamespipemakerYarmouth 
Harrold John Woolbymariner ditto
Hastings Josephshipwright ditto
Hastings Geo. not free ditto ditto 
Hastings Henrykeelman ditto 

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Haw SamuellandwaiterYarmouth
Haw Williamtidesman ditto
Haw Josephtwinespinner ditto 
Haw Deliahmariner ditto 
Haws JohnweaverLondon 
Hagon JohnmarinerYarmouth
Hedgeman Corneliusshipwright ditto
Hedgeman Nathanielglazier ditto
Helmes Thomashouse carpenter ditto 
Helmes RobertchairmakerNorwich 
Herbert ThomasSerjeant at maceYarmouth
Henzell PaulGent. ditto
Herron Benjaminpulleymaker ditto 
Hiam JohntwinespinnerLowestoft 
High JohncoalmeterYarmouth
Hodskinson Randalljoiner ditto
Hornsby Christophermariner ditto
Houghton Henryshipwright ditto 
Howes Johnmariner ditto
Howes Thomas, sen.joiner ditto
Howes Thomas, jun. ditto ditto
Howes Thomas, jun.grocer ditto 
Howes Samuelmariner ditto
Howes Robertboatman ditto
Hooke DanielfarmerSherringham

Hooper WilliamshipwrightYarmouth
Howard WilliamcordwainerNorwich
Hubbard Williamgrocer ditto
Hubbard Thomas dittoYarmouth
Hurry Thomas, sen.Gent. ditto 
Hurry Thomas, jun. ditto ditto 
Hurry Williammerchant ditto 
Hurry Samuel ditto ditto 
Hurry GeorgeGent. ditto 

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Hurry JohngrocerYarmouth
Hurnard WilliamGent.Norwich
Hurst WilkincoalmeterYarmouth
Jacks Thomaslabourer ditto
Jex Edwardtwinespinner ditto 
Ingram Samuellabourer ditto
Ingram Charlessailmaker ditto 
Ingram Charleslabourer ditto
Jones Georgeshipwright ditto 
Jolly Williamcoalmeter ditto
Jolly Williamcust. house officerLondon
Johnson ThomasshipwrightYarmouth
Isaac JohnmarinerBlakeney
Ives John Esq; ---Yarmouth
Ives Johnmariner ditto
Kett Matthewmariner ditto 
Kett ThomastwinespinnerNorwich
Kemp WilliamcooperYarmouth
Kent Johncust. house officer ditto
Kerrich Thomas, Esq; ---Bungay 
King SamuelbrazierYarmouth
King Samuelbaker ditto
King Thomas ditto ditto 
Knights Nathanielmariner ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Lacey SamuellabourerCaister (on-Sea)
Lacey Matthew dittoBodham
Lancaster Robert, Esq; ---Yarmouth
Lancaster Robert, jun.mariner ditto
Lancaster Johnboatman ditto
Lammas Leonardsawyer ditto
Lane Benjamingrocer ditto
Lawson WilliammarinerLondon
Leggett JohnshipwrightYarmouth
Leggett John, jun.mariner ditto
Leggett Robertshipwright ditto
Lee Johncooper ditto
Lewis Samuelcordwainer ditto
Lessey John, sen.cooperGorlestone
Lessey John, jun. dittoYarmouth
Lettice Williamtwinespinner ditto 
Lettice Thomas ditto ditto 
Linkley Christophercoalmeter ditto
Linder Danielcarter ditto
Linder Henrymariner ditto 
Liffen Robert ditto ditto
Lines WilliamfishermanCromer
Loves WilliamgrocerNorwich
Lock Johnmerchant ditto
Love JohnclerkSomerleyton [SFK]
Lone ThomasmarinerYarmouth 
Luson HewlingGent.London
Lumley JacobmarinerIpswich [SFK] 
Lynch Francis dittoYarmouth
Lyon Charlesropemaker ditto
Lyng BenjaminGent. ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Maddison ThomasshipwrightYarmouth
Mann Thomasgrocer ditto
Manning JohnM.D.Norwich 
Manning WilliammerchantYarmouth 
Manning Williambasketmaker ditto 
Manning JohncooperLowestoft 
Manning Thomascarter ditto 
Marsden ThomascoalmeterYarmouth
Martin Thomas, Esq; --- ditto
Martin Thomas, jun.clerkColkirk
Martin HezekiahshipwrightYarmouth 
Mash John, sen.parish clerk ditto
Mash John, jun.surgeon ditto
Marshall RobertgrocerAcle
Master Mark, sen.boatmanYarmouth
Master Mark, jun.sailmaker ditto 
Master Johncoastwaiter ditto
Master Jacoblandwaiter ditto
Manclarke Colman, Esq; --- ditto
Mace Wm. no freemanbakerWorstead 
Mason JamessailmakerYarmouth 
Meadows Thomascooper ditto
Meadows Jameskeelman ditto 
Meek Johnmerchant ditto 
Merryman Johncordwainer ditto
Mills Anthonyshipwright ditto
Miller Williammariner ditto
Miller Richard, sen.tidesman ditto
Miller Richard, jun.joiner ditto
Miller Johnmariner ditto
Miller Thomascordwainer ditto
Miller Johntwinespinner ditto 

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Miles Robert PalgraveGent.Yarmouth
Middleton Thomascooper ditto
Mitchell WilliamfarmerSouth Walsham
Minns RobertcarpenterYarmouth 
Moor ThomasmerchantNorwich
Moor JameslabourerYarmouth
More Samuelpulleymaker ditto
Morris Johnmerchant ditto 
Morris Nathanieltwinespinner ditto 
Morse Samuelbarber ditto
Moon Thomaskeelman ditto
Moon Robertlabourer ditto
Moon John ditto ditto 
Moyse Rainhamlandwaiter ditto
Nall WilliamshipwrightDeptford
Neave GastoncordwainerYarmouth 
Neslen WilliamglazierLowestoft
Nicholson ThomasmarinerYarmouth 
Nicholson Nath. jun.joiner ditto
Nightingale Jamesgrocer ditto 
Norfor John, Esq; --- ditto
Norfor Williamropemaker ditto
Norfor Edwardlabourer ditto
Norfor Johntwinespinner ditto
Norfor Johnropemaker ditto
Norfor Peter ditto ditto
Norton Jamesmariner ditto 
Norton Williamshipwright ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Oliver Benjaminsailmaker ditto
Oliver Johnmariner ditto 
Padgett Samuel, sen.twinespinner ditto
Padgett Samuel, jun. ditto ditto
Padnall Johnvictualler ditto
Palmer Wm. Danby, sen.shipwright ditto
Palmer W. Danby, junmariner ditto
Palmer Wm. Danby,
son of Nath. Palmer
 ditto ditto
Palmer Nathaniel, jun.shipwright ditto
Palmer Johnbaker ditto
Palgrave William, jun.merchant ditto
Parson FrancisGent ditto
Parkinson Johnbrazier ditto
Partridge EdmundmerchantNorwich 
Partridge Jeremiahmiller ditto 
Paul Thomasmerchant ditto 
Peartree Josiahcompass-makerYarmouth
Peartree Owenworstead weav.Norwich
Pegg ChristopherjoinerYarmouth
Pettinger Williamsailmaker ditto 
Pestle Robertworstead weav.Norwich 
Phinn WaltermarinerYarmouth
Pitt Tho. Esq; mayor --- ditto
Pitt Jamestwinespinner ditto
Pitt Richardbaker ditto
Pickers Johntwinespinner ditto 
Pickers Thomas, jun.shipwright ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Pinson CharlesfarmerSt. Margaret's Ilketshall [SFK] 
Pinson Henrylabourer ditto 
Pinson SamuelservantMettingham [SFK] 
Plowman RobertmarinerYarmouth
Pope Georgepulleymaker ditto
Postle Bowdonlabourer ditto
Preston JacobGent. ditto
Quinton Henryshipwright ditto
Quinton John ditto ditto 
Quinton Benjaminmariner ditto 
Ramey John, Esq; ---Scratby House
Ramey JosephsurgeonYarmouth
Rayer Francispulleymaker ditto 
Reynolds JohnGent. ditto
Reynolds Jameslabourer ditto 
Richardson Thomasbrewer ditto
Ringer JohnkeelmanNorwich
Rivett JohnwatchmakerEye
Rivett RobertsailmakerLondon
Rivett JohnchairmakerYarmouth
Riddlesdell Williamkeelman ditto
Riches Georgetide surveyor ditto
Robkins Jamesbaker ditto
Robson John, sen.pulleymaker ditto 
Robson John, jun. ditto ditto 
Rockwood Brownemariner ditto
Rose Williamtwinespinner ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Rounce WilliamtwinespinnerYarmouth 
Royall Jamesmariner ditto
Royall Robert, not free ditto ditto
Russel Henrymusician ditto
Rump Richardtwinespinner ditto
Rye Williamsurgeon ditto
Sammon Johntwinespinner ditto
Savage William ditto ditto
Savory ThomasanchorsmithNorwich 
Sayers ChristophermerchantYarmouth
Sayers JamesGent. ditto
Sayers Johnpulleymaker ditto
Scratton Thomasmerchant ditto 
Scott Philipmillwright ditto
Scott Williamcoalmeter ditto
Scott Anthony, sen.keelman ditto
Scott Anthony, jun. ditto ditto
Scurry Flightcooper ditto
Searum Robertpulleymaker ditto 
Seagoe RichardGent. ditto
Sewell Thomaspulleymaker ditto
Sewell JohncabinetmakerBungay 
Shaw EdmundcordwainerYarmouth 
Shreeve Henrytwinespinner ditto
Simpson Williamcordwainer ditto
Simpson Robert, alias
  old Rugg, not free
mariner ditto 
Simpson JosephwatchmakerLondon
Sley JamesmarinerYarmouth
Sloman Jamesropemaker ditto
Sloman Johnanchorsmith ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Sloman CharlesmarinerYarmouth
Smith WilliamsailmakerLowestoft
Smith SamuellabourerYarmouth 
Smith Richardmariner ditto
Smith Thomastwinespinner ditto
Smith Samuelcompassmaker ditto
Smith Simon, jun.mariner ditto 
Smith Williamworstead weav.Norwich 
Smith JohnbrazierBungay 
Smith RobertcordwainerLowestoft
Smith GeorgeshipwrightDeptford
Smith JohnboatmanYarmouth
Smiter Johnshipwright ditto 
Smiter Simon ditto ditto
Spanton Benjamin ditto ditto
Spanton John ditto ditto 
Spilman Johnropemaker ditto
Spilman Nath. jun.servantWymondham
Spilman NathanieltidesmanYarmouth
Spilman Nathanielmariner ditto
Spilman Isaacgrocer ditto 
Spilman ThomassadlerNorth Walsham 
Spicer SimoncooperLowestoft
Spicer BenjaminmarinerYarmouth 
Spencer John dittoYarmouth
Spurgeon JohnGent. ditto
Spurgeon John Groveclerk ditto
Springold JohnmarinerWells
Stamford CharlesGent.London
Stannard JohntwinespinnerLowestoft 
Stacey JohncooperYarmouth 
Stacey William ditto ditto
Stacey PhilipSailmaker ditto
Staff Johnmariner ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Starr JohnlumbererYarmouth 
Stamp Timothyboatman ditto
Stanton Michaeltaylor ditto 
Stanton Robertcordwainer ditto 
Steele Samuel, sen.Gent. ditto
Steele Samuel, jun.landwaiter ditto
Steele Johnmariner ditto
Steward William ditto ditto 
Steward Timothy ditto ditto 
Steward Thomasshipwright ditto
Story SamuelclerkNorwich
Story JohncooperYarmouth
Story Robertmariner ditto
Stocker Christophercaulker ditto
Stollady Williamjoiner ditto 
Stoddart Josephshipwright ditto
Swanbord Johnmariner ditto
Symonds James, Esq; --- ditto
Symonds Nath. sen.glazier ditto
Symonds Nath. jun. ditto ditto
Symonds Nathanielmerchant ditto
Symonds Jonathanlimeburner ditto
Symonds Hen. Springthorpebook-keeper ditto
Taylor William, Esq; --- ditto
Taylor Anthony, Esq; --- ditto
Taylor WilliamMerchant ditto
Taylor JohnGent. ditto
Taylor ChristopherclerkOrmesby
Tate BenjaminsailmakerYarmouth
Thompson Georgedraper ditto

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Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Thompson BenjaminmarinerYarmouth
Thompson Jamesmerchant ditto
Thompson Thomascaulker ditto
Thompson John ditto ditto
Thompson William ditto ditto
Thompson Larkinlabourer ditto 
Thirkettle Robertpulleymaker ditto 
Todd Jamesmariner ditto
Townley Thomas ditto ditto
Tolver Samuelmerchant ditto
Tolver EdmundGent. ditto
Tuck Josephbrewer ditto 
Turner Francisclerk ditto
Turner Francis, jun.surgeon ditto
Turner Jamesmerchant ditto
Turner RichardGent. ditto
Varley Johnropemaker ditto
Wade Robert RicecooperNorth Walsham 
Wale WilliamcarterYarmouth
Wale Samuel, Esq; ---London
Wallace Johncooper ditto
Waters Johnpilot ditto
Warson Robertriding officerGorlestone
Warson Edward, sen.keelmanNorwich
Watson Johnworstead weav. ditto
Watson Edward, jun.keelman ditto
Watson Samuelbaker ditto
Watson Henrygrocer ditto

[Page] 23

Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Watson WilliamfarmerBelaugh
Watson JohnGent.Yarmouth
Watson Johnbrazier ditto
Watson Thomaswatchmaker ditto
Watson Thomascooper ditto 
Watson Benjaminsailmaker ditto
Waters Abrahamcarter ditto 
Ward JamesGent.Bury St. Edmun[ds]. [SFK]
Ward WilliamshipwrightDeptford
Ward Samuel, sen.watchmakerYarmouth
Ward Johncaulker ditto 
Warnes RobertpulleymakerLondon
Walker Ambrose dittoYarmouth
Walker Jamesmerchant ditto 
Welden Edmundtwinespinner ditto
Welch Williammariner ditto 
Welch Johnbleechman ditto
White Georgemariner ditto
White ThomascordwainerNorwich
Whitton ThomasbrazierYarmouth
Whitton Timothycarter ditto
Wickstead Edwardschoolmaster ditto
Wigg HenryglazierLoddon
Wilcock EdwardmarinerYarmouth
Wilson TheophilusdyerNorwich
Wilson JohntwinespinnerYarmouth
Wilson John ditto ditto 
Winn Georgeballastmaster ditto
Witchingham GregorybakerNorwich
Williams RobertpipemakerYarmouth 
Woolmer RobertGent. ditto
Woolner Jamesbaker ditto 
Woolstone Josephtaylor ditto
Woolverton Thom[as]shipwrightLondon

[Page] 24

Freemens Names.Occupations.Residence.T.B.
Woolverton SamuelcabinetmakerYarmouth 
Wooten Mark MundspulleymakerLowestoft 
Worship William, jun.Gent.Yarmouth
Worship Benjamin ditto ditto
Wright Johnjoiner ditto 
Wright Thomasmariner ditto 
Wright Samuelbaker ditto 
Wright Samuelmerchant ditto 
Yates Johncaulker ditto 
Youngs Williamshipwright ditto
Youngs Johnmariner ditto
Youngs Johnbaker ditto
[Totals - inc. invalid ones]  503203
Bad Votes.    
Brabant HenryCaulkerYarmouth 
Hastings Georgeshipwright ditto 
Mace WilliambakerWorstead 
Royall RobertmarinerYarmouth
Simpson Robert, alias
  old Rugg
mariner ditto 
[Total valid votes]  502199





[End of Poll Book]

Voters per page

    110  10  7    7
    220  3012  19
    328  58  6  25
    420  7810  35
    52410210  45
    625127  9  54
    722149  9  63
    820169  8  71
    929198  4  75
  101721514  89
  112123610  99
  1318274  6119
  1426300  8124
  1620340  8144
  1720360  7151
  1818378  9160
  1923401  7167
  2124448  6184
  2224472  4188
  2326498  8196
  24  5503  7203
  bad votes
-1 -4 
Total Voters 502 199



  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the places in the book. Standard place names are given in brackets () following where necessary so that places are found with a search.
  • 2. Surname spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Great Yarmouth Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Coltwas/Coultwas, Emes/Emms, Harridance/Harridence, Harrold/Arrold
  • 3. The publishers have used "Gorlestone" to refer to "Gorleston" in Suffolk.
  • 4. Many places outside Norfolk had seafaring connections through trade and shipbuilding. Some of those given as residences are listed below together with the Chapman county codes in "[]" in which they lay in 1777 :- Chatham [KEN], Deptford [KEN], Greenwich, London [LND] and Woolwich [KEN].

Other Yarmouth Polls

Given below are the dates for the other Polls up to 25th July 1837 with links to further transcriptions. For later ones follow the link to Great Yarmouth voting page. Note that where more than one printer published the poll then the date is followed by their name.


See also the main Voting pageGreat Yarmouth Voting page and the Great Yarmouth parish page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
March 2012