


Norfolk: Great Yarmouth


Voting Registers - Poll 1796

The poll for two members to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, taken on Wednesday 26th October 1796 and published by I. D. Downes. The transcription includes :- Voters names, Occupations, Residences & some relationships.

Most of the places of residence are in Norfolk or Suffolk but a number of people are seen to be living elsewhere. The notes section will help to identify the location of some of these.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]



P      O      L      L


Two Members to serve in Parliament,






Taken on Wednesday, 26th October, 1796.


DOVER COLBY, Esq. Mayor.





Alphabetically Digested.




[Page 3]





Two Members of Parliament, &c.

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
ABSOLON DavidDraperYarmouth

Absolon Wm. jun.China-man ditto
Adair William, Esq; ----Trowse Newton 
Aldridge JohnBricklayerYarmouth

Aldridge HenryMariner ditto
Aldred JamesCooper ditto

Aldred James, jun.Mariner ditto

Allen ThomasRopemakerLondon  
Allured John, jun.UpholsterYarmouth

Ames WilliamWeaverNorwich

Ames Joseph ditto ditto  
Ames Thomas KempisTwisterer ditto
Ames HenryLabourerYarmouth  
Ames WilliamMarinerNassau M.W.  
Andrews ZachariahCaulkerYarmouth  
* Appleton SamuelWhitesmithLudham  
Armiger MarmadukeMarinerYarmouth

Armstrong HenryHouse-carpenter ditto

Arnold Ald. Chas. Esq. ----Lowestoft

Arrold John WoolbyLabourerYarmouth


[Page] 4

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Artis JohnGent.Drag. Guards

Ashley JamesCordwainerYarmouth

Audley HenryBook-keeper ditto

Austrin HenryShipwrightLondon  
Ayers RobertRopemakerYarmouth

Bacon WilliamGent.Woolwich  
Bacon JohnShipwrightChatham  
Bacon Charles Mickleb.BrazierLondon
Bacon RichardPrinterNorwich

Baker Richard, D. D. ---Cawston
Baker Rich. jun.Clerk ditto
Baker Thomas dittoYarmouth

Balls JohnCarpenter ditto

Banks ThomasBlockmaker ditto

Banks Thomas, jun. ditto ditto

Banks CharlesCordwainer ditto 

Bane JohnMarinerLondon

Banyard SamuelSailmakerYarmouth

Barcham WilliamMariner ditto
Barcham HenryCaulker ditto  
Barber WilliamMariner ditto

Barber Samuel ditto ditto  
Barber Samuel, jun. ditto ditto  
Barmby SamuelBook-keeper ditto

Barnby RobertSurgeonSt. Pancras

Barnby Robert, jun,Esq. ----Temple, London

Barnby Joseph NeechMarinerYarmouth

Barker SamuelMerchant ditto  
Barnes BenjaminGrocer ditto


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Barnes HenryShipwrightYarmouth  
Barrell JohnCordwainer ditto
Barron JamesCaulker ditto

Barrow SamuelGardenerRunham

Barrow Thos. SaundersLabourerN(orth). Tuddenham

Barrow HenryBlockmakerYarmouth  
Bartram ThomasDraperSouth Repps  
Bateman ThomasSurgeonOrmesby

Baley William, jun.GrocerCarleton Colville  
Bayly Joseph, jun.CordwainerYarmouth 

Bayly James Martin ditto ditto  
Baxfield RichardCabinetmakerNorwich  
Beckett ThomasShipwrightYarmouth

Benbroke BenjaminTwinespinner ditto 
Bell JohnGent.Belton

Bell John BarkerBrewerGorleston  
Bell SamuelGent.Yarmouth  
Bell GeorgeShipwright ditto

Bellord LemuelMariner ditto

Bennett Joseph Jerem. ditto ditto

Benting RobertSalesman ditto 

Berry William Barthol.HairdresserLondon  
Bird ThomasGent.Gorleston

Bird Thomas BettsGrocerYarmouth

Bishop SamuelMariner ditto 
Black JosephCaulker ditto

Blundell JohnRopemaker ditto  
Blundell FrancisMariner ditto  
Blunkord SamuelGlazier ditto  
Bly SamuelMariner ditto

Boardman Richard M.Baker ditto
Bollchen HenryBook-keeper ditto


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Boldra RaninghamSchoolmasterHardley

Boldra FrancisBrazierYarmouth

Bonifant WilliamLabourer ditto  
Booth ThomasMariner ditto

Botson Matthew dittoLowestoft  
Boulter James dittoYarmouth  
Boulter JamesShipmaster ditto

Boulting HenryRopemakerLondon

Bowen RobertMerchantNorwich  
Bowen JohnVictuallerYarmouth

Bowles EdwardLabourer ditto

Bowles ThomasE(ast). N(orfolk). Militia ----

Bowles ThomasLabourer ditto

Bowles SamuelMariner ditto

Bowles SamuelLabourer ditto

Bowles SamuelTwinespinner ditto

Bowles WilliamRopemaker ditto

Bowles RobertLabourer ditto

Bowles RobertMariner ditto

Bowles JamesRopemaker ditto

Bowles JohnLabourer ditto

Bowles HenryWaterman ditto  
Bowles Henry ditto ditto  
Brabant HenryCaulker ditto  
Brabant JohnShipwright ditto  
Bracey JayOrdnance Officer ditto

Bracey JohnMariner ditto

Bracey ThomasRopemakerChatham

Bracey Robert ditto ditto

Bracey JamesSailmakerYarmouth

Brady WilliamGlazier ditto  
Bream SamuelGent. ditto


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Bream Samuel, jun.CabinetmakerYarmouth

Bream WilliamBakerLondon  
Brewer JohnCarpenterYarmouth

Brewer WilliamMastmakerLondon

Brewer William, jun. ditto ditto  
Brewer ChristopherSailmakerYarmouth

Brightman WilliamMariner ditto  
Brooks WilliamCordwainer ditto  
Brooks Wilson ditto ditto

Brooks ThomasVintner ditto

Brooks WilliamMariner ditto

Browes JohnFishmonger ditto

Browne WilliamTwinespinner ditto

Browne John RockwoodGrocer ditto

Browne WilliamCarpenter ditto

Browne HenryCordwainerYarmouth

Browne SamuelYeoman ditto

Browne ThomasRopemaker ditto

Browne JosephCordwainer ditto

Browne BenjaminShipwrightDeptford

Browne Joseph dittoBlackwall

Browne JosephMarinerYarmouth

Browne RobertMerchantColtishall  
Browne JohnCabinetmakerLondon  
Browne JamesMarinerYarmouth  
Browne ThomasCaulker ditto  
Browne CharlesCordwainer ditto  
Browne WilliamBricklayerBeccles  
Browne Edmund ditto ditto  
Brown JohnUpholderYarmouth  
Brown JohnPoulterer ditto
Brown Henry DrakeHairdresser ditto  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Bull JamesBlockmakerYarmouth

Bunn StephenFarmerWorstead

Bunn Richard dittoCalthorpe

Burroughs Peter dittoAldeby  
Burton JohnFarmerBurlingham  
Burton Robert FerrierGent.Yarmouth  
Bussey JamesLabourerNorwich

Butcher JohnMarinerYarmouth  
Butcher GeorgeRopemakerWoolwich  
Butler EdmundCordwainerYarmouth

Calver SamuelMastmakerYarmouth

Campbell Hugh JonesShipwrightBlackwall

Campbell John ditto ditto

Carr JonathanMillwrightLondon

Carter MesechMarinerYarmouth  
Cates ThomasGrocerElmham

Cates RobertCooperBishop Storford (Bishop's Stortford)

Capps WilliamRopemakerLondon  
Chamberlain RobertStonemasonWatton

Chambers Peter FrancisLinendraperLondon  
Chandler Charles, jun. dittoLimehouse, Lon.  
Chappell WilliamBook-keeperYarmouth  
Cheeper Anthony ditto ditto  
Cheeper IsaacCordwainerLondon  
Child RichardSailmakerYarmouth

Child Richard, jun.Labourer ditto

Child JohnWhitesmith ditto

Child RobertShipwrightBlackwall  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Christmas ThomasMarinerYarmouth

Christmas John, jun. ditto ditto

Clabon JohnFarmerHoxne

Clarke CharlesCordwainerYarmouth

Clarke RobertPerukemakerWoodbridgre  
Clayton Thomas LeathGent.Yarmouth

Clayton Samuel, jun.Grocer ditto  
Clifton RobertMariner ditto  
Clifton John Thomas ditto ditto  
Clowes ThomasGent. ditto
Coble JohnShipwrightChatham

Cockell JohnShipwrightChatham

Cockell LawrenceRopemaker ditto  
Coker William dittoYarmouth

Coker FrancisRopemakerLondon

Colby Dover, Esq.MayorYarmouth

Colby JohnSailmaker ditto

Cole BenjaminHaberdasherNorwich

Cole WilliamGent.Loddon  
Colman MorrisBrazierWinterton

Colman James ParrCordwainerNorwich

Coleman John SpoonerMarinerYarmouth

Cooke ThomasShipwright ditto

Cooke Thomas, jun. dittoGorleston

Cooke William dittoYarmouth

Cook RichardTaylorCromer  
Cook SamuelMariner ditto  
Cooke JohnCarpenterLondon

Cooper JohnShipwrightYarmouth  
Cooper John, jun.Taylor ditto  
Cooper ThomasMarinerLowestoft  
Corp CharlesBlockmakerYarmouth  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Cory RobertGent.Yarmouth

Cossey James, jun.ShipwrightDeptford

Costerton BenjaminWater-BailiffYarmouth

Cotman JohnClerkStanton

Cotman John, jun.Gent.Beccles

Coultwas SamuelTwinespinnerYarmouth

Coultwas Wright ditto ditto
Couzens JamesCordwainerNorwich

Cowell JohnShipwrightYarmouth

Cowell ThomasMariner ditto  
Cowell IsaacBlockmakerLondon
Crabtree EdwardGent.Yarmouth  
Crabtree Edward, jun.Mariner ditto  
Crabtree James ditto ditto

Craggy Clary, jun.Caulker ditto
Crane JohnShipwrightLondon  
Crisp SamuelCabinetmaker ditto

Crockett WilliamGlazierYarmouth  
Cross RobertCaulker ditto

Cross George ditto ditto

Crosskill HenryStonemason ditto 

Crowforth JohnWatermanNorwich  
Crowforth John, jun. ditto ditto  
Cubitt EdmundCaulkerYarmouth  
Cufaude JohnGent.Halesworth

Cully JohnHairdresserNewton Flatm. (Newton Flotman)  
Curtis Josiah. dittoYarmouth
Curtis Josiah, jun.Bellman ditto

Curtis RobertCordwainer ditto  
Custance ParsonMariner ditto

Custins ThomasGent. ditto  
Custins Samuel ThomasGloverLondon  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Custins RichardGloverLondon  
Custins CharlesCordwainerThrigby  
Cutting William, Esq. ---Norwich

Cutting LeonardGent.Yarmouth

Dade ThomasMerchantLondon  
Dade Charles RobertClerkYarmouth

Daines RobertHatterNorwich

Daines Robert, jun.W. WeaverLondon

Daines ChristopherSailmakerYarmouth  
Dakin WilliamBaker ditto

Dakin George SoanesBrazier ditto  
Dale John SmithHairdresserNorwich

Dale RichardPerukemakerMartham

Dale JamesShipmasterYarmouth  
Dale JamesMariner ditto

Dalling Robert ditto ditto  
Daniel JohnGrocer ditto

Daniel EdwardMarinerLondon

Daniel WilliamGent. ditto

Davie AllisonBook-keeperYarmouth
Davie Manby ditto ditto  
Davie William ditto ditto  
Davis ThomasCordwainerLondon

Davis John JeffersonSailmaker ditto  
Davy JamesShipwrightDeptford

Davy ThomasE(ast). N(orfolk). Militia ----

Dawson ThomasGent.Gorleston

Dawson WilliamCordwainerYarmouth

Dawson JamesTaylorLudham  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Dawson RobertGrocerSouth Ockenden

Dawson JamesFishermanRunswick  
Day ChristmasMarinerYarmouth

Dearham JosephLabourer ditto

Diboll JohnShipwright ditto

Dixon JamesLabourerDeptford

Dobson Joseph SayersGent.London  
Doe ThomasBakerYarmouth  
Doggett ThomasCooper ditto

Douglas JamesSailmakerDeptford
Drake PhilipCordwainerLondon  
Drury JosephShipwrightChatham

Drury William AmosYeomanYarmouth

Drury EdmundRopemaker ditto

Dunn RobertLabourer ditto

Durrant Richard WilsonMariner ditto

Durrant Edmund ditto ditto

Durrant HenryRopemaker ditto

Durrant Robert dittoChatham

Durrant SimonGrocerKelsale

Durrant WilliamMarinerYarmouth

Durant WilliamHatterNorwich  
Dye JohnCordwainerYarmouth

Dye RobertShipwright ditto

Dye Robert, jun.Caulker ditto

Dye WilliamShipwright ditto

Dye SamuelMariner ditto

Eastmure BenjaminBoatmanYarmouth

Edgeman NathanielRopemaker ditto


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Edgeman CorneliusShipwrightYarmouth

Edwards Robert dittoGorleston

Eggett GeorgeCordwainerYarmouth  
Eggett JamesMariner ditto  
Eggleton JacobLabourer ditto

Eldridge JohnCooper ditto

Eldridge Wm. Nath.Vintner ditto

Eldridge SamuelVooperBessingham

Ellis JohnMerchantCley 

Ellis ThomasPerukemakerYarmouth

Ellis John AbigailButcher ditto

Ellet JamesCabinetmaker ditto

Emes WilliamSerjeant at Mace ditto

Emes William, jun.Mariner ditto

Errington GeorgeRopemaker ditto  
Evans WilliamBoatman ditto

Fairlie GilbertGent.Harwich  
Farrer SamuelGrocerLowestoft

Faulk JohnMarinerYarmouth

Fell RobertPulleymakerIpswich  
Fell Joseph ditto ditto  
Fell Joseph, jun.BasketmakerLondon  
Fenn RobertGrocerYarmouth  
Ferrier Robert, jun.FarmerHemesby (Hemsby)
Ferrier RichardDraperYarmouth
Ferrier John ditto ditto
Ferrier Robert EnglandGent.Beccles  
Fielding Benjamin, Esq. ---Yarmouth

Fill WilliamMariner ditto  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Fish John, Esq. ---Yarmouth

Fish NathanielFarmerGorleston

Fish SimonMarinerYarmouth

Fish Daniel ditto ditto

Fish JohnPorterLincoln's-Inn

Fish GeorgeMarinerYarmouth  
Fisher William, Esq. ---Yarmouth

Fisher James, jun. Esq. --- ditto

Fisher JohnMerchant ditto

Fisher William GurneyMariner ditto

Fitt JohnShipwright ditto

Flatman RobertGardener ditto

Fleming HarrisCarpenter ditto

Forster PexallPrinterIpswich  
Fowler Thomas, Esq. ---Bradwell  
Fowler JohnFarmerBelton  
Fowler William ditto ditto  
Fox ThomasTwinespinnerYarmouth  
Frankland GeorgeFarmerBessingham

Freeman ThomasBrazierNorwich

Fryer JohnPulleymakerWells  
Fuller JohnFarmerRaveningham

Fuller EdwardKeelmanNorwich

Fuller ThomasBakerNorth Walsham  
Fuller Richard dittoNorwich  
Furrance JacobCabinetmakerLondon  
Furrance Jacob, jun. ditto ditto  
Garwood ThomasGlazierYarmouth

Garwood Thomas Fryer ditto ditto


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Garwood JohnDraperYarmouth

George Curtis, jun.Shipwright ditto

George JohnJoinerLondon

Gibson WilliamClerkSomerton

Gibson WilliamMarinerYarmouth  
Gilby JohnSailmaker ditto

Giles WilliamTwinespinner ditto

Giles William, jun. ditto ditto

Giles JosephShipwright ditto

Giles George ditto ditto

Giles NathanielBoatman ditto

Gillett ThomasSailmaker ditto  
Gillings DanielRopemaker ditto  
Gillings Daniel, jun.Mariner ditto  
Gillings JohnShipwright ditto  
Gimingham RobertGent.Egham

Goddard HoseaRopemakerYarmouth

Goddle JamesHairdresserLondon

Godfrey StephenMerchantYarmouth

Godfrey SamuelCooper ditto

Godfrey ThomasFarmerWenhaston

Gooch, Sir Thos. Esq. ---Benacre (Hall)

Gooch William, Esq. ---Frostenden

Gooch John, D. D. ---Ditton

Gooch JohnArchdeaconSaxlingham

Gooch Henry, Esq. ---London
Gooch Henry, jun.MarinerYarmouth
Gooch WilliamClerkFelsham

Gooch JohnBrokerLondon
Gooch Charles ditto ditto
Goodrham John [sic]CabinetmakerNorwich

Goodrham John, jun. [sic] dittoLondon


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Goodson NicholasLabourerYarmouth  
Goodwin JohnCaulker ditto

Goodwin JasperTwinespinnerSouthwold  
Goskar ThomasGlazierLynn

Gowen WilliamRopemakerYarmouth

Gowen William, jun.Mariner ditto  
Gowing Edmund WagHairdresserLondon

Grapes JonathanSailmakerYarmouth

Grave George ditto ditto

Grave William ditto ditto  
Gray John CooperCordwainerLondon

Green WilliamRopemakerYarmouth

Greenwood JamesCordwainerLondon

Greenwood ErasmusCabinetmakerNorwich

Grint WilliamBakerYarmouth

Groome JohnMariner ditto  
Grudgefield Philip ScottButcher ditto  
Gunton SimonCooper ditto

Gurney JohnCordwainer ditto

Hall EdwardShipwrightDeptford

Hall StephenRopemakerYarmouth  
Hall WilliamMariner ditto  
Hall Thomas ditto ditto

Hare Joseph ditto ditto

Harley RichardBook-keeper ditto

Harley RobertWatchmakerBury St. Edm(unds).

Harman JohnSailmakerLondon  
Harridance DurrantCordwainerYarmouth 

Harridance Richard dittoLondon  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Harrison John GoodwinMarinerYarmouth  
Harris William ditto ditto  
Harpley JamesPipemaker ditto
Harpley James, jun.Mariner ditto
Harvey John ditto ditto

Hastings HenryKeelman ditto

Hastings Henry, jun.Caulker ditto  
Haw DalielMariner ditto
Haw WilliamGent. ditto  
Hazell BenjaminMarinerYarmouth  
Hay Henry Norton ditto ditto  
Head RichardHempdresserWoolwich

Helmes RobertChairmakerLondon

Herring BenjaminPulleymakerYarmouth

Hobart WilliamGrocer ditto  
Hodskinson RandallCarpenter ditto

Holland JohnMariner ditto  
Holland George ditto ditto  
Hook DanielPilot ditto

Hook Daniel, jun.Mariner ditto  
Hook Nicholas ditto ditto  
Hooper WilliamShipwright ditto  
Houghton Henry ditto ditto  
Houghton Henry, jun.Caulker ditto  
Houghton RichardLabourerLondon  
Howard NathanielMarinerYarmouth

Howard WilliamBrazier ditto

Howard William, jun.Baker ditto

Howard JamesRopemakerLondon

Howes ThomasJoinerYarmouth

Howes Thomas ditto ditto


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Howes ThomasGrocerYarmouth  
Howes JosephMariner ditto  
Howes James ditto ditto  
Howes WilliamGrocerBeccles

Hubbard ThomasPorter Mercht.Yarmouth  
Hughes GeorgeCaulker ditto  
Hurry ThomasGent. ditto  
Hurry Thomas, jun.Merchant ditto  
Hurry Samuel ditto ditto  
Hurry William ditto ditto  
Hurry Wm.(son of John) dittoYarmouth  
Hurry GeorgeMerchant ditto  
Hurry Edmund Cobb ditto ditto  
Hurry Ives dittoLondon  
Hurry JamesGrocerYarmouth  
Hurry JohnMerchantLiverpool  
Hurst SamuelDraperLondon

Hyde WilliamRopemakerLondon  
Jackson JohnFerrymanYarmouth 

Jarred William SandsLabourer ditto

Jay ThomasMerchant ditto  
Ibrooke JohnGrocerLowestoft  
Jenkinson HenryTwinespinnerYarmouth

Jenkinson RichardLabourer ditto  
Jenner HenryDraperNorwich

Jewell EdmundMarinerYarmouth

Jex JamesRopemaker ditto

Jex Edward ditto ditto
Ingram CharlesSailmaker ditto


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Ingram Charles, jun.WatermanYarmouth  
Ingram John TowlerHotpresserNorwich  
Ingram Joseph NeechWoolcomberSwaffham  
Ingram LoveSailmakerYarmouth

Jodrell Henry, Esq. ----Bayfield

Johnson JobCarpenterYarmouth

Johnson ThomasShipwrightLowestoft

Johnson Samuel, jun. dittoLondon  
Johnson MatthewMariner ditto
Jones WilliamSailmakerYarmouth  
Ives John (late apprentice to J. Baker)Mariner ditto

Ives John ditto ditto

Ives John ditto ditto

Kemp JohnUpholsterYarmouth

Kemp WilliamLabourer ditto

Kent JohnGent. ditto

Kerr JohnMariner ditto

Kerridge JohnHairdresser ditto

Kett ThomasTwinespinner ditto  
King SamuelBaker ditto

King Samuel, jun. ditto ditto

King Joseph ditto ditto  
King Thomas ditto ditto  
King SamuelBrazierBeccles  
King Samuel, jun. ditto ditto  
Killett William, jun.ClerkMassingham

Kirkman SamuelMarinerLondon

Knights NathanielRopemakerYarmouth  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Lacon Sir Edmund, Knt. ---Yarmouth

Lake ThomasCordwainer ditto  
Lamb JohnHairdresser ditto  
Lamb Richard, jun.SailmakerDeptford

Lammas LeonardCordwainerLondon  
Lancaster Wm. NortonBroker ditto

Lancaster JosephGrocerYarmouth

Lancaster ThomasShipwrightChatham

Lancaster John dittoDeptford

Lane BenjaminGrocerYarmouth  
Larkman WilliamKeelmanNorwich

Larkman ThomasWatchmakerLondon  
Laston RobertMarinerIpswich  
Laws James, jun.Book-keeperYarmouth  
Lee JohnCooper ditto

Leggett RobertShipwrightDeptford

Leggett CharlesMarinerGorleston  
Lessey MatthewFarmerBodham

Lessey SamuelHusbandman ditto
Lessey Samuel dittoGorleston  
Lessey Robert ditto ditto  
Lessey NathanielMarinerYarmouth  
Lessey AmbroseLabourer ditto  
Lessey JohnShipmasterLondon  
Lettis WilliamHairdresser ditto
Lettis ThomasRopemakerYarmouth
Lettis John ditto ditto  
Lewis SamuelGent.South Town

Lewis NathanielLeathercutterYarmouth  

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Lewis WilliamMarinerYarmouth

Liddell George dittoNorth Shields  
Lindley JohnCoachmakerYarmouth

Lines Charles, jun.Mariner ditto

Lone Thomas ditto ditto  
Lone RichardCarpenter ditto  
Looes WilliamGent. ditto

Lorkin ThomasMath. Inst. mak.London

Lorkin Thomas, jun. ditto ditto

Love JohnClerkYarmouth

Lumley JacobMarinerIpswich  
Lynch FrancisWatchmanYarmouth

Lyon CharlesRopemaker ditto

Mackarel JohnHairdresserCley 

Mac Nish HughShipwrightDeptford

Maddison WilliamCordwainerYarmouth

Mallett SleyFarmerRainham

Manclarke A. Pal. Esq. ----Rockland

Mann ThomasGrocerYarmouth  
Manning John, M.D. ----Norwich  
Manning William, Esq. ---Ormesby  
Manning Samuel BrooksCarterLowestoft

Manning Thomas ditto ditto

Manning WilliamClockmakerLondon

Manning JohnCooperLondon

Manning Thomas ditto ditto  
Manser JamesMarinerYarmouth

Martin ThomasClerkNorwich


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Martin HezekiahShipwrightYarmouth

Martin ThomasButcherYarmouth
Martin Thomas, jun.Merchant ditto  
Martin NathanielButcher ditto  
Martyn JamesBoatbuilder ditto  
Marshall JohnLabourerS(outh). Walsham  
Mash JohnBallastmasterYarmouth

Mason AbrahamGrocerLynn
Mason ThomasBasketmakerNorwich
Mason William dittoIpswich  
Mayes WilliamGrocerYarmouth  
Meadows ThomasMariner ditto  
Meadows John BennettRopemakerWoolwich  
Meadows RobertMarinerYarmouth  
Meeke JohnMerchant ditto  
Merryment JohnCordwainer ditto

Mickleburgh PaulBoatmanGorleston

Mickleburgh RobertGlazierYarmouth
Miles RichardBricklayer ditto

Miles JamesSailmaker ditto

* Miles JohnVictualler ditto  
Miller RichardMerchant ditto

Miller ThomasCordwainer ditto  
Miller Thomas, jun. ditto ditto

Miller WilliamMariner ditto  
Miller William, jun. dittoSouth Town  
Miller JamesCooper ditto  
Miller JohnRopemaker ditto

Mills JohnShipwright ditto  
Mills Anthony dittoChatham
Mills Simon dittoLondon  
Mitchell WilliamFarmerS(outh). Walsham


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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Mitchell JohnTaylorBuxton 

Mitchell WilliamMarinerYarmouth  
Moon JohnKeelman ditto

Moore JohnMerchant ditto  
Moore WilliamMariner ditto  
Moore SamuelMastmakerLondon

Moore Samuel, jun.MarinerYarmouth

Morgan Eli WilliamGrocer ditto

Morley ValentineCaulker ditto

Morley William ditto ditto

Morley JohnSailmakerLondon  
Morley John, jun. ditto ditto  
Morley JosephPilotGorleston
Morling DanielGrocerYarmouth  
Morris ThomasMariner ditto

Morris NathanielTwinespinner ditto

Morris John ditto ditto

Morse John, Esq. ---Norwich

Morse John South, Esq. ---Barton Turf

Moss ThomasMarinerYarmouth

Moxon Samuel BarkerFarmerWeybread  
Moyse RainhamGent.Yarmouth

Mullender EmanuelMariner ditto  
Mullender NoahBlockmakerRotherhithe  
Munday WilliamGrocerYarmouth  
Nailor Thomas, jun.ShipwrightYarmouth  
Neale JohnWhitesmith ditto  
Neave BenjaminSilkdyerLondon  
Neave John LewisGent. ditto

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Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Neave RobertShipwrightYarmouth

Neslen WilliamGlazierLowestoft

Neslen William, jun. dittoBungay

Newell ThomasCaulkerYarmouth

Nichols JamesShipwright ditto

Nichols James, jun.Mariner ditto  
Nicholson ThomasBoatbuilderAldborough

Nicholson NathanielCordwainerYarmouth  
Nicol JohnBrazier ditto
Nightingale JohnLightermanLondon

Norfor WilliamRopemakerYarmouth
Norfor John ditto ditto

Norton WilliamGrocer ditto 

Norton William, jun.Bricklayer ditto  
Norton ThomasMillwright ditto

Norton JamesBrewer ditto  
Norton John ditto ditto  
Norton JohnBlockmaker ditto
Norton HenryMariner ditto

Oakes JohnGrocerYarmouth

Oliver ThomasCordwainer ditto  
Oliver Robert WallerBakerLondon

Ottey JohnMarinerYarmouth

Page RobertRopemakerYarmouth

Page Philip dittoShadwell  
Paget SamuelTwinespinnerYarmouth


[Page] 25

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Paget Samuel, jun.MerchantYarmouth

Pain ThomasFarmerMelton  
Palgrave William, Esq. ---Yarmouth  
Palgrave William, jun.Merchant ditto  
Palgrave HenrySailmaker ditto  
Palmer Williamm DanbyMerchant ditto

Palmer Wm. Dan. jun ditto ditto

Palmer William ditto ditto  
Palmer William, jun. ditto ditto  
Palmer WilliamGent. ditto  
Palmer ThomasShipmaster ditto  
Palmer JohnMerchant ditto  
Palmer John, (son of
W. D. Palmer, dec.)
 ditto ditto  
Palmer JohnRopemaker ditto

Palmer NathanielShipwright ditto  
Palmer NathanielMerchant ditto  
Palmer James ditto ditto  
Palmer JamesRopemakerChatham

Palmer SamuelGent.Yarmouth  
Palmer John DrakeGlazierWaltham  
Parkinson JohnBrazierYarmouth  
Pattman JephunnehShipwrightLondon

Pashby SamuelMarinerYarmouth

Paul ThomasMerchantNorwich  
Paul William ditto ditto  
Paul BennettPulleymakerYarmouth

Pawsey GeorgeFarmerLidgate-Hall

Peartree OwenW. WeaverYarmouth

Pegg ChristopherMet-Office ditto

Pennett SamuelRopemaker ditto

Pickers ThomasShipwright ditto


[Page] 26

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Pickers ThomasCordwainerYarmouth  
Pickers JohnRopemaker ditto  
Pidgeon NicholasShipwright ditto

Pinson CharlesFarmerSpexhall  
Pinson William dittoSt. Marg(aret's).

Pinson Henry ditto ditto

Pitt JohnMarinerYarmouth

Pitt JamesTwinespinner ditto  
Plowman RobertMariner ditto  
Plowman John Godbold ditto ditto  
Plowman George ditto ditto

Plummer WilliamRopemaker ditto
Porter ThomasShipwrightDeptford

Postle GeorgeSailmakerWoolwich

Postle JohnShipwrightDeptford

Postle SimonCordwainerChatham

Postle SamuelRopemaker(Kings) Lynn

Potts VerdillShipwrightDeptford

Power John ditto ditto

Preston Jacob, Esq. ---Yarmouth

Preston JohnShipbuilder ditto

Preston Isaac dittoSouth Town

Preston GeorgeClerkStanford Hall, }
Wymondham }

Preston Jacob, Esq.MarinerYarmouth

Preston GeorgeGent. ditto

Preston AbrahamBook-keeper ditto

Purdy WilliamCaulker ditto

Quinton BenjaminVictuallerYarmouth

Quinton HenryShipwright ditto


[Page] 27

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Quinton JohnShipwrightYarmouth

Quinton Robert ditto ditto

Quinton LeviMariner ditto

Ramey John, Esq. ---Martham

Ranney SamuelMarinerYarmouth

Ranney ThomasFootmanRunham

Ransome ThomasMarinerYarmouth

Rant JohnKeelman ditto  
Rayer WilliamSailmakerDeptford  
Rayer IsaacCordwainerLondon  
Rayer FrancisPulleymakerYarmouth 

Rayer Francis, jun.Shipwright ditto

Rayner ChristopherRopemaker ditto

Reeve JohnShipwrightDeptford

Reynolds John, Esq. ---Yarmouth

Reynolds Fran. RiddellGent. ditto

Richardson ThomasCooper ditto

Riches IsaacRiggerLondon  
Riches WatsonMarinerYarmouth  
Riddelsdell WilliamKeelman ditto  
Rivett JohnGent.Eye

Robkins JamesLabourerYarmouth  
Robson JohnGent.Thorpe

Rockwood FrancisMarinerYarmouth

Rodwell Richard ditto ditto  
Rogers AnthonyCaulker ditto

Rogers JamesMarinerOverstrand  
Rook Thomas, jun.CordwainerWood Norton  
Rose WilliamRopemaker ditto


[Page] 28

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Rounce WilliamTwinespinnerYarmouth

+ Rounce William dittoYarmouth

Royall George, jun.Mariner ditto

Rust BenjaminGrocerCromer 

Ruxby WilliamBrazierBishop Storford (Bishop's Stortford)

Rycraft RobertMarinerHarwich

Salmon JohnRopemakerYarmouth

Savage William ditto ditto

Savory Lionel ValentineJoinerLondon

Sayers JamesGent.Yarmouth  
Sayers JohnMastmaker ditto
Sayers WilliamArtillery-man ditto

Scott AnthonyLabourer ditto  
Scott RobertBrokerLondon

Scott GoldWatermanYarmouth  
Scott JohnMariner ditto  
Scratton ThomasMerchant ditto  
Seaman WilliamUpholster ditto
Seaman JohnSexton ditto

Searum RobertPulleymaker ditto

Searum EdmundBook-keeper ditto  
Sewell JohnCutler ditto 

Shearing ZachariahShipwright ditto  
Shelly JohnMerchant ditto  
Shepherd JohnBlockmaker ditto  
Sherringham Far. FoxMariner ditto  
Shippy ThomasFishermanStaithes

Shippy Robert ditto ditto

Shipster RobertGent.Woolwich

[Page] 29

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Shivers Robert, jun.RopemakerYarmouth  
Shreeve GeorgeBrazierNorwich

Shreeve HenryCordwainerYarmouth

Simpson GeorgeGent.Ubbestone [Ubbeston]

Simpson LombeJoinerYarmouth

Simpson ChristopherWatchmaker ditto

Simpson William JasperCordwainerLondon  
Simpson JosephWatchmaker ditto  
Simpson WilliamCordwainerYarmouth
Silvers JohnMariner ditto  
Slapp CharlesBreechesmakerIsle of Ely  
Sloman CharlesBakerYarmouth

Sloman JamesRopemaker ditto  
Sloman James, jun. ditto ditto
Smiter SimonShipwright ditto

Smiter JohnCaulker ditto  
Smiter Edmund ditto ditto  
Smith SimonMerchant ditto

Smith WilliamBrazierWisbech

Smith WilliamLabourerYarmouth

Smith WilliamManglerLondon

Smith WilliamWeaverNorwich  
Smith William, jun. ditto ditto  
Smith JohnMarinerYarmouth

Smith SamuelCorn-meter ditto

Smith SamuelSerjeant at Mace ditto

Smith JosiahGent. ditto

Smith GeorgeMariner ditto

Smith George, jun. ditto ditto

Smith GeorgeBrazierAylsham  
Smith GeorgeShipwrightLondon

Smith RobertWeaverNorwich


[Page] 30

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Smith SaulWatermanBungay

Smith ThomasLabourerYarmouth

Smith ThomasMarinerLowestoft

Smith Abednego Eldr.StonemasonBury St. Edm(unds).  
Smith JamesCarpenterLondon  
Soanes WilliamTwinespinnerYarmouth

+ Soanes William ditto ditto

Southgate Samuel dittoNorwich

Sowells ThomasCoach PainterYarmouth  
Sowells EdmundSailmakerLondon  
* Spalding HenryGrocerWisset  
Spanton SamuelWhitesmithYarmouth  
Spanton ChristopherMariner ditto  
Spanton BenjaminCordwainer ditto

Sparshall ThomasRopemakerLowestoft

Spencer BenjaminMaster of M.W.London  
Spicer BenjaminMarinerYarmouth

Spilman IsaacGrocer ditto  
Spilman NathanielEngraver ditto  
Spilman JohnRopemakerLondon

Spilman John dittoYarmouth

Spurgeon John, Esq.Town-Clerk ditto

Spurgeon John GroveClerk ditto

Spurgeon Christopher ditto ditto

Spurgeon Richard ditto ditto

Stacey PhilipSailmaker ditto  
Stacey JohnCooperLondon  
Staff JamesMarinerYarmouth

Staff LeonardShipwrightChatham

Staff LeonardCordwainerYarmouth  
Stagg JohnGrocer ditto  
Stagg WilliamCarpenter ditto


[Page] 31

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Stamp TimothyCooperYarmouth

Stanford JosephGlazier ditto  
Stanton MichaelTaylor ditto  
Starr ThomasBrazierBeccles

Steward WilliamGent.Yarmouth  
Steward TimothyMerchant ditto  
Steward Ambrose Harb. ditto ditto  
Steward WilliamMariner ditto

Steward Samuel CustinsShipwrightDeptford

Stodart Joseph dittoYarmouth  
Stodart Joseph, jun.Cooper ditto  
Stolady WilliamJoinerYarmouth

Stolworthy EdmundCabinetmakerLondon

Stone IsaacShipwrightYarmouth

Story SamuelClerkNorwich

Story JohnMarinerDeptford

Story John, jun.BrazierLondon

Story Samuel Trull ditto ditto

Story WilliamCordwainerYarmouth

Story JohnCooper ditto

Story JohnWoolcomberNorwich  
Story George WilliamShipwrightYarmouth  
Suggett WilliamTaylorLondon  
Sunstead Daniel, jun.GrocerNorwich  
Swanborough WilliamSailmakerYarmouth

Symonds James, Esq. --- ditto

Symonds JonathanMerchant ditto

Symonds John ditto ditto

Symonds John, jun. ditto ditto

Symonds NathanielGlazier ditto  
Symonds ThomasMariner ditto

Symonds James dittoWinterton  

[Page] 32

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Taylor William, Esq. ---Yarmouth

Taylor ChristopherClerkOrmesby

Taylor FrancisShipwrightYarmouth

Taylor John dittoLondon  
Thacker JohnCaulkerYarmouth  
Theobald Robt. BentingMariner ditto

Thomas StephenShipwrightDeptford

Thomas Joseph dittoLondon  
Thompson BenjaminMarinerYarmouth

Thompson JamesRopemaker ditto

Thompson Henry DowSurgeonAcle

Thompson James, jun.MarinerLondon  
Thompson Richard Sea.Mariner ditto  
Thompson RobertBroker ditto  
Thompson James (late }
apprentice to W. D. }
Palmer)       }

Thompson James (late }
appren. to T. Adkin) }
 ditto ditto

Thompson WilliamLabourerWoolwich

Thompson Thomas, jun.CaulkerYarmouth

Thorndick WilliamShipwright ditto

Tilmouth BreathatSailmakerLowestoft

Todd CharlesShipwrightYarmouth

Todd JamesMariner ditto  
Tolver Samuel, Esq. --- ditto

Tolver EdmundGent. ditto

Tooley WilliamCaulker ditto  
Townley SamuelRopemaker ditto

Townley ThomasMariner ditto


[Page] 33

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Townshend, Right Ho- }
nourable Charles }

Tripp Charles FranksCaulkerYarmouth

Turner Richard, B. D. --- ditto

Turner Joseph, D. D.Dean of Norwich ----

Turner DawsonBanker ditto  
Turner Thomas, jun.FarmerMetfield

Varsarn Robert StewardMarinerLondon  
Varley JohnRopemakerYarmouth

Underwood MatthewWaterman ditto

Wade Robert RiceCooperN(orth). Walsham

Wade Edmund Rice dittoAylsham  
Wallbank ThomasSailmakerLondon 

Walker AmbroseBlockmakerYarmouth
Walker Joseph ditto ditto

Wallis JohnCooperPurfleet

Ward James, Esq. ----Bury St. Edm(unds).

Ward RobertHempdresserWoolwich

Ward WilliamShipwrightDeptford

Ward SamuelTwinespinnerLondon  
Ward GeorgeShipwright ditto  
Ward JohnCaulkerYarmouth  
Warren JamesSailmaker ditto

Waters JohnVictualler ditto

Waters WilliamShipwrightLondon  
Waters WilliamMarinerYarmouth


[Page] 34

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Watson John, Esq. ---Yarmouth

Watson ThomasPier-Master ditto

Watson BenjaminSailmaker ditto

Watson EdwardKeelmanNorwich

Watson JohnWeaver ditto

Watson SamuelBaker ditto

Watson WilliamFarmerBelaugh

Watson William jun.CarpenterNorwich

Watson PickeringGloverNeatstead (Neatishead)

Wayman SamuelMarinerYarmouth

West Stephen, jun.CarpenterDeptford

White Robert GostlinGent.Halesworth

White JamesMarinerYarmouth

Whitton TimothyCorn-Meter ditto

Wickham WilliamMariner ditto  
Wicksteed Edward dittoStockton

Wigg HenryGlazierLoddon

Wigg John ditto ditto

Wigg SamuelButcherChedgrave

Wigg JohnShipwrightLondon

Williams John HanburyLiquor Mercht. ditto

Williams WilliamGent.Yarmouth

Willis Henry, jun.Shipwright ditto

Willis JoshuaSailmakerChatham

Winn FrancisShipwrightLondon  
Winn FrancisHairdresserYarmouth  
Winn John dittoBury St. Edm(unds).  
Winn George dittoBeccles

Winn CharlesCarpenterYarmouth

* Wiseman WilliamMarinerBacton

Wood WilliamCordwainerLondon  

[Page] 35

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
Woodhouse IsaacRopemakerYarmouth

Woolby RogerMariner ditto  
Woolmer RobertGent. ditto

Woolner EdwardBlockmaker ditto

Woolner William, jun.CordwainerIpswich  
Woolsey SamuelShipwrightYarmouth

Woolstone JosephTaylor ditto  
Woolverton SamuelCabinetmakerNorwich

Woolverton Edmund ditto ditto

Woolverton ThomasSawyerDeptford

Woolverton WilliamHairdresser ditto

Worship John, Esq. ---Runham

Worship BenjaminGent.St. Pancras, London

Worship Harry Verelst [sic] dittoYarmouth
Wotton Mark MundsPulleymaker ditto

Wright Henry WardSailmakerDeptford
Wright SamuelGent.Yarmouth  
Wright ThomasMariner ditto  
Wright Richard dittoLowestoft  
Wright Richard Spicer dittoYarmouth

Wright JohnShipwrightDeptford

Yaxley WilliamShipwrightDeptford

Yetts AndrewMerchantYarmouth  
Yetts JohnCaulker ditto  
Youngs JohnMariner ditto
Youngs WilliamShipwrightDeptford

[Page] 36

Freemen's Names.Occupations.Residence.Lo.Jo.Je.
* Appleton SamuelWhitesmithLudham  
* Miles JohnVictuallerYarmouth  
+ Rounce WilliamTwinespinner ditto

+ Soanes William ditto ditto

* Spalding HenryGrocerWissett  
* Wiseman WilliamMarinerBacton

NB. Those marked * are not Freemen.
Those marked + voted twice.
F  I  N  I  S.



[End of Poll Book]


  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the places in the book. Standard place names are given in brackets () following where necessary so that places are found with a search.
  • 2. Name spelling varied and below are some alternatives which are to be found in the other Great Yarmouth Poll Books which may refer to the same families :- Campbell/Cambell, Coker/Cocoa, Eastmure/Eastmore, Goodrham/Goodram, "George Curtis"/"Curtis George"?, Lorkin/Larkin, Nicholson/Nichols.
  • 3. Many places outside Norfolk had seafaring connections through trade and shipbuilding. Some of those given as residences are listed below together with the Chapman county codes in "[]" in which they lay in 1796 :- Blackwall [LND], Chatham [KEN], Deptford [KEN], Harwich [ESS], Limehouse [MDX], London [LND], North Shields [NBL], Purfleet [ESS], Rotherhithe [LND], Runswick [YKS], South Ockenden [ESS], Staithes [YKS], Waltham [ESS] and Woolwich [KEN].

Other Yarmouth Polls

Given below are the dates for the other Polls up to 25th July 1837 with links to further transcriptions. For later ones follow the link to Great Yarmouth voting page. Note that where more than one printer published the poll then the date is followed by their name.


See also the main Voting pageGreat Yarmouth Voting page and the
Great Yarmouth parish page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
June 2012