


Norfolk: Horstead with Stanninghall -


1779-1803 - Churchwardens' Payments

Horstead with Stanninghall raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference NRS 18386, 33B7 and microform MF 1795/205-289] containing the Churchwardens' accounts book for 1724-1803.

Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Common events eg. bread/wine, some non-specific trade bills etc. have for the most part been excluded.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts - 
- Land Tax Accounts - 


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

The Disbursements of Henry Palmer Watts and John Colls the Churchwardens.

Michaelmas 1779
to Easter 1780
 a new Skep (Basket)9d
 Mr Oakes for 4 lbs of Nails2/4
 1 Dozen Bosses4/-
old Michaelmas 1780
to Do 1782
20/Sep/1782Bill for Stay laths for the Bells &c3/4
 Mr Oakes Carriage bill2/15/6
Michaelmas 1783 -
Michaelmas 1785
1785 MayPaid Lawn for Work in the Church Yard6d
17853 Hundred bricks7/6
Aug 28Paid Dary for a Job to the Bells1/-
Michaelmas 1785 -
Michaelmas 1787
1786 June 20A pint of Oil for the Locks and Bells1/-
 Mr Jickling for makeing a list
of Births and Burials
 Mr Jickling for makeing a Register Bill5/-
Michaelmas 1787 -
Easter 1790
1789 April 6Mr Slipper Carpenter Bill1/13/7
 Messrs Palgrave for 2a? flagstone3/6
 500 Pantiles7/6

The Disbursements of John Seely and John Colls the Churchwardens.

Easter 1790
- Easter 1792
1790 MayWilliam Hilling for whitewashing the Church2/2/-
1790Mrs Chalders for cleaning the Church4/-
1791 Apr 26Mr Bugg for a Bell Rope & Coffin Ropes5/9
1791Mr Colls & self a Journey to Norwich5/-
Easter 1792
- Easter 1795
1792 May 8Robert Deary for Job to the Bells1/-
1793-7/JanMr Hillans bill12/9

The Disbursements of William Lee and John Colls the Churchwardens.

Easter 1795
- Easter 1797
1795 Apr 30Journey self & John Seeley 
1795 July 8thChalders wages10/-
Easter 1797
- Easter 1799
1799Thomas Newhouse his bill1/8
 Robt Ansell his bill2/17/3
 Edwd Pank his bill1/10
 Wm Hillen his bill10/15/8
Aug 1797Omitted, Wm Colls's (Coroner)
note a warrent to Doctor Grape for Boy Norgate

The Disbursements of Robert Barrett and William Lee the Churchwardens.

Easter 1799
- Easter 1800
 T/H? Batchelors bill for Tiles2/8/-
 Wm Hillens bill for doing repairs to Church Wall &c7/10½


The Disbursements of [blank]? and Wm Lee Churchwardens from Easter 1800 to Easter 1802.

1800 May 7Paid Pyes Bill7/-
1800 Dec 25Paid for Powder Tax List5d
1802-Apr 18Mr Hillings Bill11/6

The Disbursements of R Barrett Esqr and Mr Wm Lee Churchwardens from Easter 1802 to Easter 1803.

Easter 1803
- Michaelmas 1803
JulyPd Thomson 4 Day Work6/-
JulyPd Henry Wright 4 Day Work4/-



[End of Document]


  • In other rate documents the following alternative spellings have been seen which appear to refer to the same people/places:-
    Barrett/Baret, Seeley/Seily/Seely
  • There is a Rev. Charles Grape in the landtax accounts.

See also the Horstead with Stanninghall parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2010