


Norfolk: Horstead with Stanninghall -


1724-1737 - Churchwardens' Payments

Horstead with Stanninghall raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference NRS 18386, 33B7 and microform MF 1795/205-289] containing the Churchwardens' accounts book for 1724-1803.

Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Common events eg. bread/wine, some non-specific trade bills etc. have for the most part been excluded.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -  
Rates 1726 1739-41 1757-58 1775-76 1803-05
Payments 1724-37 1737-61 1765-77 1779-1803  
- Land Tax Accounts -  
Payments 1800-01 1805-06  


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

The Disbursements of John Cannell Churchwarden.

Date [Disbursements] £/s/d
1724 Fees at the Genl Court at Norch 00/06/00
1725 For a new Bell wheele 01/01/00
  Paid the Blacksmith for Iron Work at Ch: 19/01

The Disbursements of John Cannell and Augn Rayley Churchwardens for 1726.

Date [Disbursements] £/s/d
1726 - Disbursements of John Cannell  
  For a Fox to Mr Ayd's man 00/01/00
1726 - Disbursements of Augn Rayley  
  For 36 hedgehogs & one poll catt 9/3
  For three Iron Barrs fo(r) the Windows 1/6
  Disbursed per Jno Cannell 24/02/00
  per Augn Rayley 2/17/09
  In all 26/19/09


The Disbursements of Augn Rayley Churchwarden.

Date [Disbursements] £/s/d
1728 To three shipwreck seaman 1/0
  Paid Thomas Barnard the Glasiers Bill 2/0/0
  To Mr H Smith for the Terraors (Terriers) Ingros'g 12/6
  For the Alms plate 1/6
  To Mr Watts for a fox 1/-
  Expenses after Smiths Certificate 2/0
  Pd John Denham the Masons Bill 2/1/0
  For twenty one hedgehogs 7/3
  For one load of Stone and Caring to Ch: 1/6
  For one load of Brick and Caring to Ch: 9/0
  To the Surveyors to make good their Rate 2/10¼


At a Vestry meeting held 19/April/1731 at the Church the following were chosen as parish officers for next year

Churchwardens Mr Henry Palmer Watts
Augustine Rayley


Overseers Jno Mayes
Jno Legatt


Constables Wm Ryal
George Broome

Present [signed]   Gilbert Burroughs - Rector
H P Watts     Augn Rayley
Jno Mayse (X) [his mark]     Jno Legatt
Wm Garrod     John Watts
Whereas Wm Garrod gave his voice at the Election of Parish Officers & hath hereunto set his hand to the Election of the same I do hereby protest against it as unlawful, he being not an Inhabitant of the Parish of Horstead.
Witness my hand         G. Burroughs     Rector

The Disbursements of Mr Heny P Watts and Augt Rayley Ch:Wardens from Easter 1731 to Easter 1732.

Date [Disbursements] £/s/d
  To John Denham the Masons Bill 7/6
  For 500 tile & carriage 10/6
  For ½ a day of Slipper & nailes 1/0
  For two locks 3/5
  For ¾ Q firrs? layd
agt the Ch: yard fence


Following persons chosen as parish officers on 10 April 1732

Churchwardens Mr Henry Palmer Watts
Augustine Rayley


Overseers Joseph Cannall
Henry Livock


Constables William Royall
George Broome

The Disbursements of Mr Heny P Watts and Augt Rayley Ch:Wardens from Easter 1732 to Easter 1733.

Date [Disbursements] £/s/d
  Expended with Neve the Carpenter 9d
13 Jan    
  To Neve Carpenter for the Pales 13/2/0
  To Wright Blacksmith 4/0
  To R Wright for worke about the Bells 1/7
  For A quarter of Kidd Faggots for the Ch:yard 2/-

At a Vestry held at the Parish Church of Horstead in the County of Norfolk this Twenty Sixth day of March 1733 - Election of parish officers for next year

Churchwardens for the present year Henry Palmer Watts
Augst Rayley


Overseers for the Poor John Mays
James Barber


Constables Francis Parson
Henry Duffield

Present at the Vestry
Gilbert Burroughs Rector
[signed] H. P. Watts
Augn Rayley
Joseph Cunnell (Cannell?)
Roger Capeman (Copeman)

The Disbursements of Mr Heny P Watts and Augt Rayley Ch:Wardens.

Date [Disbursements] £/s/d
1733-34 Lost in the last year? Rate per T. Skiffen 8/-
Easter 1734 -
Easter 1735
  For half a Hundred thorns for the Ch'yard 4/-
  John Denham the masons bill 3/10/-
  John Neve the Carpenters bill 5/5
  Robert Ansells bill for glasing (glazing) 4/8
Easter 1735 -
Easter 1736
  Richard Wright bill for work about the bells 10/-

15/4/1734 - Following persons chosen as parish officers for next year
Overseers - George Broome and Roger Copeman
Constables - Francis Pierson and Henry Duffield
Present (Broome/Watts/Rayley/Cannell) John Watts , John Utting

7/4/1735 - Following persons chosen as parish officers for next year
Overseers - Jno Utting and John Hunt
Constables - Francis Pearson and Henry Duffield

26/4/1736 - Following persons chosen as parish officers for next year
Overseers - John Utting and John Hunt
Constables - Francis Pierson and William Ryal

The Disbursements of the Churchwardens Jos Cannell and Augt Rayley from Easter 1736 to Whitsuntide 1737.

Date [Disbursements] £/s/d
  - Disbursements of [J Cannell]  
  To five slaves Redeemed from Turkey 2/-
  - Disbursements by Augt Rayley  
  Expenses at Mary Wrights about Dary & Green 4d



[End of Document]


  • In other rate documents the following alternative spellings have been seen which appear to refer to the same people/places:-
    Ayd/Ayde, Cannell/Cannall, Capeman/Copeman, Mays/Mayse/Mayes, Ryal/Royall

See also the Horstead with Stanninghall parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2010