


Norfolk: Horstead with Stanninghall -


1737-1761 - Churchwardens' Payments

Horstead with Stanninghall raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference NRS 18386, 33B7 and microform MF 1795/205-289] containing the Churchwardens' accounts book for 1724-1803.

Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Common events eg. bread/wine, some non-specific trade bills etc. have for the most part been excluded.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -  
- Land Tax Accounts -  


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

11/4/1737 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - James Barber and Henry Duffield
Constables - Roger Copeman and Francis Pearson

The Disbursements of Augustine Rayley and Joseph Cannell Churchwardens from Easter 1737 to Michaelmas 1738.

 Paid Mr Spendlove for Court Fees4/-
 Paid John Denham for Tiling the Church &c1/2/9

3/4/1738 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - Henry Duffield and James Barber
Constables - Roger Copeman and George Broome

It is agreed on this Day between this Vestry, and Saml Bellard; that the said Saml Bellard shall make the Church Warden Rate, the Overseer Rate, the Constable Rate and Surveyor Rate & enter their Accots, for all which he shall be allow'd Ten Shillings.

The Disbursements of Augustine Rayley and Joseph Cannell Churchwardens from Michaelmas 1738 to Michaelmas 1739.

 Pd Jn Neve for paleing the Church yd1/1/-

23/4/1739 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - John Watts and Samuel Mileham
Constables - David Shreeve and Richd Neale

7/4/1740 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - Henry Palmer Watts and Mr John Watts
Constables - David Shreeve and Richard Neale

The Disbursements of Augustine Rayley and Joseph Cannell Churchwardens from Michaelmas 1739 to Easter 1741.

 Pd Mr Bott, the Visitors fee3/2
 Given to 5 distressed Seamen2/6
 To John Dary for Layr, and Dikeing8/9
 To John Denham for work about the Steeple2/12/10


30/March/1741 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - Danl Mallett and George Broome
Constables - David Shreeve and Richard Neale
[Same people also for 1742]

4/April/1743 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - John Utting and John Hunt
Constables - David Shreeve and John Marks
[Signed] R. Parr - Rector
H P Watts, John Watts, D Mallett, D Shreeve, Jos Cannell.

1745 [signed] P. Baret

The Disbursements of Joseph Cannell and George Broome Churchwardens.

Easter 1741 -
Easter 1742
 Pd John Slipper for Work done about the Church2/-
Easter 1743 -
Easter 1744
 for 500 Tyles, 9s. the fetching 3s12/-
 Pd John Dary for pulling down the Ivy1/6
Easter 1745 -
Easter 1746
 for Glazing work &c done by Mr Ansell1/10/10
 for Masons Work & 500 Tile, by Jas Gant18/-
 To the Carriage of the Tiles from St Faith's3/-


The Disbursements of Mr George Broome and the Executors of Mr Joseph Cannell Churchwardens from Easter 1746 to Easter 1747.

 For the Order of the Privy Council about the Cattle6d
 Gave to 3 persons that were Shipwrecked2/6
 for 3 Bushels of Lime1/-


20/April/1747 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - William Mayes and Thomas Steward
[Signed] Robt Parr - Rector
Daniel Mallett, Will: Mayes, John Pike

11/April/1748 Following persons chosen as
Constables - Mr Pike and Robert Cole

1749 [signed] Robert Cole
1750 [signed] Frans Shanke

8/April/1751 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - Francis Shanke and John Pike
Constables - John Marks and John Royall

1752 [signed] William Royall

15/April/1754 Following persons chosen as
Constables - Roger Copeman and Daniel Smith

31/March/1755 Following persons chosen as
Overseers - William Mayes and John Beales
Constables - John Hunt and Wm Royall
[signed] James Gant, John Beals

The Disbursements of Mr Henry Palmer Watts and George Broome Churchwardens.

Easter 1747
- Easter 1748
 for a Chaldron of lime8/-
 For 3 loads of Marl 3s Expences 6d3/6
 for a Prayer Book6d
 Paid Mr Smith Ingrossing the Terriers11/-
 Ansell - glazing1/1/1
 James Gant's bill of Mason's Work1/18/5
Easter 1749
- Easter 1750
 John Neve - Carpenter7/6/2
 Mr Ansell - Plumbl & Glazing5/1/4¾
 James Gants - Mason5/8/5
 Thomas Harris - Blacksmith5/2
 David Shreeves bill of Lime8/-
 John Dary, as Clerk of the Parish1/-/-
Easter 1755
- Easter 1756
 To the Limeburners bill6/8
 A Pickax(e)3/9

1756 [signed] Henry Steward
1759 [signed] John Fulcher

The Disbursements of Mr Henry Palmer Watts and John Pike Churchwardens.

Easter 1756
- Easter 1757
 To an helve (handle) for the Pick Ax(e)6d
Easter 1757
- Easter 1758
 To the Glaziers bill for 1 Square of Crown5d
Michaelmas 1758
- Michaelmas 1759
 For Carrying the FreeStone to Norwich2/6
 Carpenters bill for a new Chest2/12/6
 To the Ironmongers bill15/10
 To James Steell's Bill for Nails8/3
Michaelmas 1759
- Michaelmas 1760
 To 1700 Tiles27/-
 William Cooper's bill of Mason's Work6/5/3
 John Spendlove Bill for Bell Ropes8/9
Michaelmas 1760
- Michaelmas 1761
 Pd Steph Hammond's Bill of Tiles &c.1/6/4

7/Apr/1760 [signed] Peter Elkington - Curate
1762 [signed] Tho Fuller, Spooner Nash
1763 [signed] W: Hanmer - Rector
1764 [signed] Robt Bond, Thos Nash


[End of Document]


  • In other rate documents the following alternative spellings have been seen which appear to refer to the same people/places:-
    Cannell/Cannall, Mallett/Mollet

See also the Horstead with Stanninghall parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2010