


Norfolk: Horstead with Stanninghall -


1765-1777 - Churchwardens' Payments

Horstead with Stanninghall raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference NRS 18386, 33B7 and microform MF 1795/205-289] containing the Churchwardens' accounts book for 1724-1803.

Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Common events eg. bread/wine, some non-specific trade bills etc. have for the most part been excluded.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts - 
- Land Tax Accounts - 


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

The Disbursements of Henry Palmer Watts and John Pike the Churchwardens.

Michaelmas 1765
- Lady Day 1767
 Paid St(ephen) Hammonds Bricklayers Bill6/17/1½
 Mr Pank's Bill10/7½
 Mr Ansell's Glaziers Bill1/8
Lady Day 1767
- Michaelmas 1768
 Deacon 1½ day Work 1/9 Beer 4½2/1½
 (Pd) R. Chalders's7/11
Michaelmas 1768
- Michaelmas 1769
 Two locks for the Church Yard Gates2/-
 Richd Chalders for a step, & new Pales3/-
Michaelmas 1770
- Michaelmas 1771
 Mr Seamans bill for 1000 small Tile16/-
 Mr Jas Steel's bill for Oil & Tars?8/10
 Mr T Fullers bill for Lime & Sand9/6
Michaelmas 1771
- Michaelmas 1773
 General 4s 6d Apparitor 1s5/6
 Journy 1s 6d Mr Slipper the Gardner for 2½
days Work in the Church Yard 5/-
 Gravel 3s Carriage of Do 24s1/7/-
 Deacon & Woodhouse for Labor6/6
 Carriage of Tyles from Blofield 1½ days12/-
 Mr Steels Bill for Brushes &3/3
 Mr Hammonds Bricklayers 2 Bills11/8/11
 Mr John Neve Carpenter 2 Bills7/9/5¾
 Balance of Mr Ansells (Glazier and Plumber)
Bill after deducting the old Lead
 Mr Pank's (Blacksmith) Bill16/9½
 Mr Fuller's Limeburners Bill1/3/10
 Mr Seaman's (Brickman) Bill1/8/5
 Mr Reynolds at the Serjeant Bill for Workmens allowance (see Note 2)1/19/4½
 J Smith making Rates & entering Accts5/-
Michaelmas 1773
- Michaelmas 1774
 Mary Chalders for cleaning the Church 2 years7/-
 Mr Slipper2/-
 John Rolf's Bricklayers Bills8/18/2

The Disbursements of Thos John Batchelor Esqr and Mr John Pike the Churchwardens.

Michaelmas 1774
- Michaelmas 1775
 Visitors 3s 6d Mr Hardy for Bricks and Pavements1/3/6
 Mr Whistler's parriters Bill1/9/9
 Mr John Neve carpenters1/13/10
 Mr Panke Blacksmiths Bill4/-½
 Mr John Spendlove for Ropes3/6
Michaelmas 1776
- Michaelmas 1777
 Not Collected of the Revd Mr Hanmer1/4
 Richd Chalders for mending the Bell Wheel2/-
 Mr Thomas Fuller Bill for Lime and Sand6/6/6
 Mr John Neve the Carpenter Bill6/16/9
 Mr Seamans bill for Bricks19/-/6
 Mr Stephen Hammond Bricklayers Bill17/3/8
 Mr Panke's Blacksmith Bill11/2
 Mr Pike's Bill for Carriage2/17/2
 Mr Spooner Nash for Do1/2/-



[End of Document]


  • 1. In other rate documents the following alternative spellings have been seen which appear to refer to the same people/places:-
  • 2. Mr Reynolds at the "Recruiting Serjeant" Public House.

See also the Horstead with Stanninghall parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2010