


Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - W


Surnames beginning with 'W'

Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

WADDAMS, Samuel Fellmonger, Sutton Coldfield 584
WADE, Mrs High St, Warwick 670
WADE, Rev. A.S. High St, Warwick 670
WADSWORTH, Martha Straw hat maker, High St, Warwick 677
WAGGETT, Henry Hat maker, Brrok St, Warwick 677
WAGSTAFF, J. Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
WAGSTAFF, John Carrier to Nuneaton, Atherstone 556
WAGSTAFF, Saml. Brazier, ironmonger, Market Pl, Nuneaton 563
WAGSTAFF, Thos. Maltster, Market Place, Nuneaton 563
WAGSTAFF, Thos. Innkeeper, Market Place, Nuneaton 563
WAGSTAFF, Wm. Victualler, Market Place, Nuneaton 563
WAGSTAFF, Wm. Victualler, Attleborough, Nuneaton 563
WAGSTAFFE, Henry Blacksmith, Southam 746
WAGSTAFFE, Mrs. J. Ladies' school, Hertford St, Coventry 780
WAIN, Eliz. Wine & spirit merchant, George St, Tamworth 609
WAIN, Eliz. Linen draper, George St, Tamworth 609
WAIN, Elizabeth Birmingham Fire Office, George St Tamworth 606
WAINWRIGHT, Thos. Academy, Lichfield St, Tamworth 609
WAKE, C. Alderman of Warwick 669
WAKE, Dr. Chas. Bath St, Leamington 715
WAKE. Charles Church St, Warwick 670
WAKEFIELD, Miss Ladies' School, Solihull 590
WAKEFIELD, Thos. Cooper of Henley 507
WAKEFIELD, William Tallow Chandler, Knowle 593
WAKEFIELD, Wm Cooper High St Alcester 495
WAKELIN, Thos. Grocer, Castle end, Kenilworth 699
WALDON, Edw. Tailor, Castle Bromwich 575
WALE, Wm. Mealman, Priory Mills, Coventry 780
WALFORD, Wm. Boot and shoemaker of Henley 507
WALHOUSE, Rev. James Clemens St, Leamington 715
WALKER & AYRES Coppersmiths & braziers etc, Corn Market 677
WALKER, Chas. Watch maker, Little Park St, Coventry 780
WALKER, Jno. Grocer & tea dealer, Market St, Nuneaton 563
WALKER, John Shoemaker, Church St, Stratford 545
WALKER, John Tallow chandler, Bridge St, Nuneaton 563
WALKER, Michael Moira Cottage, Leamington 721
WALKER, Miss Ladies' Boarding School,Newbold Comyn 677
WALKER, Miss Academy Newbold Comyn Ho., Leamington 721
WALKER, Peter Butcher, Jordan Well, Coventry 780
WALKER, Rev, James Clemens St, Leamington 715
WALKER, THomas Lodging ho., Upper Union Pde, Leamington 721
WALKER, Thomas Esq Newbold Range, Rugby 735
WALKER, Wm Esq Guy's Cliff House,Coventry Rd, Warwick 670
WALKER, Wm. Victualler. Hertford St, Coventry 780
WALL & Lucas Chemists, Henley St, Stratford 545
WALL, Charles Shoemaker, Sheldon 579
WALL, Edw. Builder, St John's Bridge, Coventry 780
WALL, Eliz. Milliner dressmaker, Spon st, Coventry 780
WALL, George Brazier, Solihull 590
WALL, James , High St, Kenilworth 699
WALL, James Royal Exchange Ass, Broadgate, Coventry 778
WALL, Jas. Grocer etc, Broadgate, Coventry 780
WALL, Jeremiah , High St, Kenilworth 697
WALL, Wm. Leicester Place, Coventry 780
WALLACE, Mr Clifford Rhyn 545
WALLER, Edward Butcher, Regent St, Leamington 721
WALLINGTON, James Farmer, Charlecote 545
WALLINGTON, N. Ladies' Boarding Sch, Church Lane, Nuneaton 563
WALLIS, James Victualler, Church St, Tamworth 609
WALLIS, John Farrier, Church St, Nuneaton 563
WALLIS, Richard Butcher, George St, Tamworth 609
WALLIS, Wm. Gun maker, Sheep St, Stratford 545
WALLS, John Farmer, Sheldon 579
WALLWYNS, Benj. Grocer, Crompton St, Warwick 677
WALMSLEY, Wm. Lodging ho., Wise St, Leamington 721
WALTER, David Shakespear Wines & spirits, High St, Coventry 780
WALTER, Jno. Ribbon maker, Much Park St, Coventry 780
WALTER, Rd. & Son Ribbon maker, Jordan Well, Coventry 780
WALTER, Wm. Butcher, Much Park St, Coventry 780
WALTERS, Ann Property taken for building Town Hall 233
WALTHEW, John Gardener, George St, Tamworth 609
WALTON, Eliz. dressmaker, Spon st, Coventry 780
WALTON, Geo. Greengrocer, 39, Regent St, Leamington 721
WALTON, Hannah Cooper etc, Old Square, Warwick 677
WALTON, J. , Castle end, Kenilworth* 699
WALTON, James Grazier of Henley 507
WALTON, Jn. Ribbon maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry 780
WALTON, John Victualler of Henley 507
WANLEY, Humphrey s/o Nathaniel b. Coventry 21/3/1761-2 112
WARD, Benj. Coach proprietor, Guildpits, Stratford 545
WARD, Benj. Turner, Brook St, Warwick 678
WARD, Edward , Castle end, Kenilworth 699
WARD, Edward Tailor, Market St, Warwick 678
WARD, Henry Surgeon, Atherstone 556
WARD, J. Burgess of Stratford 539
WARD, J. Alderman of Warwick 669
WARD, James Bookseller, High St, Stratford 545
WARD, James Watch & clock maker, Chapel St, Stratford 545
WARD, Jno. Ribbon maker, Hill st, Coventry 780
WARD, Jno. Victualler, New Street, Coventry 780
WARD, John Victualler, High St, Stratford 545
WARD, John Millwright, Coleshill 578
WARD, John Victualler, Coleshill 578
WARD, John Farmer, Chace Farm, Kenilworth 699
WARD, John Victualler, West St, Warwick 678
WARD, Jonah Serjeants at Mace Stratford 539
WARD, Jos. Farmer, Castle Bromwich 575
WARD, Jos. Grocer etc, Cross Cheaping, Coventry 780
WARD, Jos. , Gosford Green, Coventry 780
WARD, Jos. Victualler, Hertford Place, Coventry 780
WARD, Joseph Grocer etc , Market Hill, Warwick 678
WARD, R. Boot & shoe maker, Church St, Tamworth 609
WARD, Rev P.S. Rector of Henley 507
WARD, Rev. James Regent St, Leamington 715
WARD, Rev. P.S. of Henley , Magistrate for Warwick 669
WARD, Richard Millwright, Rugby 736
WARD, Robert Master Free Sch. Burrowwell La, Kenilworth 698
WARD, Robt. Schoolmaster, Free Sch, Kenilworth 699
WARD, Samuel Butcher, Alverstone 545
WARD, Samuel Carrier to Fenneley from, Coventry 784
WARD, Sarah Milliner & dressmaker, Coleshill 578
WARD, Sarah Grocer etc, Broadgate, Coventry 780
WARD, Seth Cooper, Aldergate St, Tamworth 609
WARD, Thomas Ribbon maker, New St, Coventry 780
WARD, Thomas Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry 781
WARD, Thos. Boot and Shoe maker, Church St, Nuneaton 563
WARD, Thos. Blacksmith, Church St, Nuneaton 563
WARD, Thos. Shoemaker, College Lane, Tamworth 609
WARD, William Slain April 1643 - Cutler 163
WARD, Wm. Basket maker, Coleshill 578
WARD, WM. Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull 588
WARD, Wm. Ribbon maker, White Friars St, Coventry 781
WARD, Wm. Gosford Green, Coventry 780
WARD, Wm. Commercial Traveller,Hertford Terr,Coventry 780
WARDEN, Jos. Hairdresser, Earl st, Coventry 781
WARDEN, Thos. Hairdresser, Jordan Well, Coventry 781
WARDEN, Wm. weavers engine maker,Jordan Well, Coventry 781
WARING, Edmund vict. Studley Alcester 495
WARING, Edw. rope maker, Regent St, Leamington 721
WARING, Edward Rope maker, Castle St, Warwick 678
WARING, John Baker, New St, Coventry 781
WARING, Thos. Grocer, High St, Warwick & Market StWarwick 678
WARING, Wm Cooper, Rugby 736
WARING, Wm. Maltster, Hertford St, Coventry 781
WARMINGTON, M. Stone mason, Wise St, Leamington 721
WARMINGTON, Mrs. Milliner, Windsor St, Leamington 721
WARMINGTON, Richard Dealer in earthenware of Henley 507
WARNER, Hy. Clerk to Canal Office, Coventry 781
WARNER, Hy. Res: Leicester Row, Coventry 781
WARNER, J. Coventry Canal Office, Bishop St, Coventry 769
WARNER, Jno. Grocer & tea dealer, Market Place, Nuneaton 563
WARNER, John Chemist & druggist Silver St, Nuneaton 563
WARNER, Richard Ribbon maker,Jordan Well, Coventry 781
WARREN, A. Victualler, Bridgetown 545
WARREN, Jos. Butcher, Abbey St, Nuneaton 563
WARRILOW, Diana Ladies' day & boarding School, Chapel St 545
WARRILOW, Mrs Bridge St, Stratford 545
WARRINGTON, Robt. Maltster, Bishop St, Coventry 781
WARTON, Thomas Poet visited Ansley Hall in 1758 558
WARWICK, The Earl of Recorder of Warwick 669
WASTINAGE, Mary Victualler, Leicester Row, Coventry 781
WASUIDGE, Edmund Working cutler, Abbey St, Nuneaton 563
WATERFALL, M. , Castle end, Kenilworth 699
WATERFALL, Nathaniel Hairdresser, Burgess, Coventry 781
WATERFALL, William Watch maker, Spon st, Coventry 781
WATERHOUSE, Thomas Bricklayer Moors Alcester 495
WATERMAN, Martha & Eliza (Misses) Atherstone 554
WATERSTON, Thomas Tailor, Spon Street, Coventry 781
WATHEW, Wm. Turner, Mill lane, Coventry 781
WATKINS, William Builder etc, Wise St, Leamington 721
WATSON & Co Painters, plumbers etc Butter St Alcester 495
WATSON, Arthur Miller, Coleshill 578
WATSON, Edw. Builder, Nick's Wharf, Leamington 721
WATSON, Han. Mistress Free School, Market Pl, Nuneaton 562
WATSON, Henry Brush maker, Hertforsd St, Coventry 781
WATSON, Jno. Victualler, Ansley, Nuneaton 563
WATSON, John Butcher, Jury St, Warwick 678
WATSON, Misses Ladies' Boarding Seminary, WestOrchard 781
WATSON, Mrs Elizabeth Church St, Warwick 670
WATSON, Mrs. Margaret Toft, Rugby 735
WATSON, Thos Victualler, Little Park St, Coventry 781
WATSON, Wm Whitesmith Butter St Alcester 495
WATSON, Wm. Donald Surgeon, Jury St, Warwick 678
WATTON, Samuel Builder, Gun Gate, Tamworth 609
WATTS, Arthur Organist, High St, Kenilworth 699
WATTS, Col. Mark Union Terrace, Warwick St, Leamington 715
WATTS, Edward , Castle end, Kenilworth 699
WATTS, Edward Victualler & maltster, Smith St, Warwick 678
WATTS, Geo. Victualler, High St Alcester 495
WATTS, John Builder Priory St Alcester 495
WATTS, John Maltster, West St, Warwick 678
WATTS, John Victualler, Rugby 736
WATTS, Robert Carrier to Stretton upon Dunsmore ,Coventry 784
WATTS, Thomas Butcher, Rugby 737
WAYHAM, John Tailor & draper, New Bond St, Nuneaton 563
WEAMAN, Mrs Gave land for Chapel of St Mary 1774 224
WEARE, Jas. Res: Hertford Terrace, Coventry 781
WEARE, Jas. Nursery & seedsman, Cross Cheaping 781
WEATISLAW, Wm. Ferdinand Attorney, Rugby 737
WEAVER, Saml. Shoemaker, Castle Bromwich 575
WEBB, Henry Painter plumber glazier, Abbey St, Nuneaton 564
WEBB, Henry Butcher, Gun Gate, Tamworth 609
WEBB, Henry Well street, Coventry 781
WEBB, John Surgeon Priory House, Alcester 495
WEBB, John Boot & shoe maker, Smith St, Warwick 678
WEBB, John Joiner etc, Clarendon St, Leamington 721
WEBB, John Baker, Little Park St, Coventry 781
WEBB, John Watch dial maker, Hill st, Coventry 781
WEBB, Mary Confectioner, Rugby 737
WEBB, Misses Sutton Coldfield 583
WEBB, Rev Elias of Sherbourn , Magistrate for Warwick 669
WEBB, Rev. Elias Sherbourne, Warwick 670
WEBB, Richd Butcher, Spon end, Coventry 781
WEBB, Thomas Wood St, Stratford 545
WEBB, William Artist, Gun Gate, Tamworth 609
WEBB, William Patten maker, Southam 746
WEBB, William Blacksmith, Southam 746
WEBB, Wm. Maltster, Rugby 737
WEBB, Wm. Plasterer, Cow Lane, Coventry 781
WEBSTER, Ann Milliner, Earl st, Coventry 781
WEBSTER, John Witnessed will of John Baskerville 268
WEBSTER, Jos. Wire worker, Penn's Mills, Sutton Coldfield 584
WEBSTER, Mrs Sarah Lady Brdige Bank, Tamworth 605
WEBSTER, Robt. Shoemaker, Church St, Tamworth 609
WEBSTER, Thos. Blacksmith, Lichfield St, Tamworth 609
WEET, John Ironmonger, brazier, & tinman, Atherstone 556
WEETMAN, R. Coal dealer, Saltisford Wharf 678
WEEVER, John Butts Lane, Coventry 781
WELCH, George Butts, Coventry 781
WELCH, John Victualler, Spon street, Coventry 781
WELCH, John Ribbon weaver, Spon street, Coventry 781
WELCH, Mr Licensee of George Inn Park St Birmingham 252
WELCH, Mrs Ann High St, Warwick 670
WELCH, Wm. Butcher, 2,Court St, Leamington 721
WELLS, Hy. Grocer & tea dealer, Earl St, Coventry 781
WELLS, Jno. Watch case maker, Spon end, Coventry 781
WELLS, T. Shirley End, Solihull 588
WELLS, William Farmer, Sheldon 579
WELLS, Wm. Watch & clock maker, Solihull 590
WELLS, Wm. General shopkeeper, Cow Lane, Coventry 781
WELLVISE, Thos. Victualler Warwick Lane, Coventry 781
WELTON, John Butcher, Butts Lane, Coventry 781
WESSON, Thos. Straw hat maker, Butter St Alcester 495
WEST, Benjamin Victualler, Atherstone 556
WEST, James Roberts Esq of Aslcot Park Stratford 539
WEST, Mary Milliner etc, Earl st, Coventry 781
WEST, Mrs Resident of Main St Stratford 532
WEST, Mrs Old town Stratford 539
WEST, Mrs Ann Church St, Tamworth 605
WEST, Thos. Shoeing & whitesmith, Royal Parade,Leamingt 721
WEST, Thos. Surgeon, Earl St, Coventry 781
WESTCOMBE, Saml. Stamp Office High St Alcester 495
WESTLEY, Rebecca Beneficiary in John Baskerville's will 267
WESTLEY, Thomas Uncle of Isaac MARSTON 266
WESTON, Ann Straw hat maker, Fleet st, Coventry 781
WESTON, Chas. Victualler, Silver st, Coventry 781
WESTON, Edw. Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry 781
WESTON, Jno. Watch maker, Jordan Well, Coventry 781
WESTON, John Maltster, Whitacre, Coleshill 578
WESTON, John Victualler, Lichfield St, Tamworth 609
WESTON, Thos. Smith, Snitterfield 545
WESTON, Wm. Victualler, Gun Gate, Tamworth 609
WESTON, Wm. Tailor, Bailey Lane, Coventry 781
WETHERINGTON, Wm. Bookkeeper, Henley St, Stratford 545
WETTON, Jos. Silk dyer, Park St, Coventry 781
WHARR, Elizabeth & Mary Ladies' boarding & day school, Coleshill 578
WHATELEY, J.W. Coroner ofr Hemlingford 670
WHATELEY, Mr Resident of Temple Row West Birmingham 219
WHEAL, Richard Confectioner, 7 Gloucester St, Leamington 721
WHEATLEY, Henry Silk dyer, Spon st, Coventry 781
WHEELER, Ann Smith, Smith St, Warwick 678
WHEELER, Captain Ed. Leamington Hastings, Rugby 735
WHEELER, Chas. Jno Esq Leamington Hastings, Rugby 735
WHEELER, Edward Alcester Road, Stratford 545
WHEELER, Grocer, Ely Place, Stratford 545
WHEELER, Henry T. Esq Leamington Hastings, Rugby 735
WHEELER, John Farmer Basall, Knowle 593
WHEELER, Jos. Miller. Charterhouse Mill, Coventry 781
WHEELER, R of Greenfield 283
WHEELER, Thos. Blacksmith, Smith St, Warwick 678
WHEELER, William Butcher, Old Sq, Warwick 678
WHEELER, Wm. Coal dealer & farmer, Knowle 593
WHEELER, Wm. Carpenter, Smithford St, Coventry 781
WHEELEY, Henry Gardener, Gun Gate, Tamworth 609
WHELER, Robert Bell Historian of Stratford on Avon 520
WHELER, Robert Bell Attorney Stratford 540
WHILTON, Mary Butcher, Castle Bromwich 575
WHISSELL, George victualler, Henley St Alcester 495
WHISSELL, Jas. Neeedle maker Henley St Alcester 495
WHISSELL, Mrs Milliner Stratford St Alcester 495
WHITAKER, Joseph Stay maker, Smith St, Warwick 678
WHITALL, Hen. worsted shoe maker, Windsor St, Leamington 721
WHITBY, Henry Gent MD, Atherstone 554
WHITCHMAN, Jos. Whitesmith, Regent Grove, Leamington 721
WHITE, Geo. Hill Clerk of St Michael's Bailey Lane, Coventry 781
WHITE, Jno. Chemist etc, Cross Cheaping, Coventry 781
WHITE, John , Castle end, Kenilworth 699
WHITE, John Carrier to Frankton from , Coventry 784
WHITE, John Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry 781
WHITE, N,. , Castle end, Kenilworth 699
WHITE, Rev. Thomas Henry Jordan Well, Coventry 765
WHITE, Sarah Tea & wine warehouse, Cross Cheaping, Coven 781
WHITE, T,. Gardener, Kenilworth St, Leamington 721
WHITE, Thos. Timber merchant, Atherstone 556
WHITE, Thos. Butcher, Cross Cheaping, Coventry 781
WHITE, Wm Grocer & druggist High St Alcester 495
WHITE, Wm jnr Agent to Norwich Union Fire, High St 495
WHITE, Wm. General shopkeeper, White Friars St,Coventr 781
WHITE. R. Bread weighers for Stratford 539
WHITEHALL, Mr Slain April 1643 - a minister 163
WHITEHEAD WESTON GREENWAY & GREAVES, bankers, High St, Warwick 678
WHITEHEAD, Chas. Bookbinder, Hertford St, Coventry 781
WHITEHEAD, D.S. Gentlemens' Academy, Providence Pl,Coventry 781
WHITEHEAD, James County Fire Office, Southam 746
WHITEHEAD, James Stone mason, Southam 746
WHITEHEAD, James Victualler, Southam 746
WHITEHEAD, John Esq Barford, Warwick 671
WHITEHEAD, Jos. Boot & shoe Maker, Bailey Lane, Coventry 781
WHITEHEAD, Richard Bookbinder, Cow Lane, Coventry 781
WHITEHEAD, T.S. Maltster, Butts, Warwick 678
WHITEHEAD, Wm. Mealman, Butts, Warwick 678
WHITEHOUSE & Co Canal Carriers (fly boats), Southam 747
WHITEHOUSE, Ann Glass and China dealer, Sutton Coldfield 584
WHITEHOUSE, J. Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
WHITEHOUSE, Mrs of Alverstoke 539
WHITEHOUSE, Mrs of Alveston 512
WHITEHOUSE, Thomas Farmer, Meriden 599
WHITFORD, Thos. Hairdresser & net maker, High St Alcester 495
WHITFORD, Wm. Seedsman Bleachfields, Alcester 495
WHITING, Geo. Butcher, Bishop St, Coventry 781
WHITING, George Victualler, Bishop St, Coventry 781
WHITING, J. Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
WHITLOCK, Wm. Victualler, High St, Coventry 781
WHITMORE, John Butcher, Market St, Warwick 678
WHITMORE, Jos. Victualler, Much Park St, Coventry 781
WHITTELL, Wm. Patten maker, Hampton St, Warwick 678
WHITTEM & Son Wines & spirits, Smithford St, Coventry 781
WHITTEM & Son Shroud makers, Smithford St, Coventry 781
WHITTEM, GATER & Co Curriers, Earl St, Coventry 781
WHITTEM, John Shopkeeper, Meriden 599
WHITTINGHAM, James Hosier Church St Alcester 495
WHITTINGTON, John Farmer of Wootton 507
WHITTINGTON, Thomas Farmer of Wootton 507
WHITWELL, Catherine Portrait painter, Cross Cheaping 781
WHITWELL, Isaac Nind Maltster, Ironmonger Lane, Coventry 781
WHITWELL, Saml. Surgeon, Cross Cheaping, Coventry 781
WHITWORTH, Thomas Grocer & tea dealer, Sutton Coldfield 584
WICKSTEAD, Matthew Butcher, Boleridge St, Tamworth 609
WIGGETT, Phoebe China & glass warehouse, Henley St, 545
WIGLEY, G. J. Norwich Union Ins Office, West Orchard 776
WIGLEY, Geo. John Norwich Union Fire Off. West Orchard 781
WIGRAM, Mrs. Cape Near, Saltisford, Warwick 678
WIKINS, Wm. Tailor & habit maker, Henley St, Stratford 545
WILCOX, Catherine Grocer, Lichfield St, Tamworth 609
WILCOX, Chas. Cooper, Lichfield St, Tamworth 609
WILCOX, Jas. & Saml. Lace makers, Church St, Tamworth 609
WILCOX, S. & J. Norwich Union Fire Off. Silver St, Tamworth 608
WILCOX, Saml. Victualler, Church St, Tamworth 609
WILCOX, Samuel & James nail, patten, makers, Lichfield St,Tamworth 609
WILCOX, T.B. Plumber, Aldergate St, Tamworth 609
WILCOX, Thos. Brittain Globe Fire Office, Aldergate St, Tamworth 607
WILCOX, W. Poulterer, Regent St, Leamington 721
WILCOX, Wm. Farmer, Knowle 593
WILD, Rev Claverton, Warwick 671
WILDAY, Jos & Co Bankers (Veres & Co LND), Atherstone 556
WILDAY, Joseph Wholesale hat manufacturer, Atherstone 556
WILDAY, Joseph Advert: Royal Hotel New Street Birmingham opp 788
WILDAY, Mr Royal Hotel Owner,Newly opened, Birmingham 789
WILDING, Thomas Blacksmith, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILFORD, Samuel Ribbon maker, Child's Moor, Coventry 781
WILKES, Harriet Milliner, Clemens St, Leamington 721
WILKES, Wm. Standing overseer, Solihull 590
WILKINS, Benj. Chandler, Castle end, Kenilworth 699
WILKINS, Benjamin Saddler, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILKINS, Daniel Spade maker, Blabs, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILKINS, Daniel Boot and Shoe maker, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILKINS, George Butcher, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILKINS, Miss Milliner, Bath St, Leamington 721
WILKINS, R. Ladies shoe maker, Bridge St 545
WILKINS, THomas Maltster, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILKINS, Thomas Tailor of Henley 507
WILKINS, William Corn miller, Southam 746
WILKINS, Wm. Tallow Chandler, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILKINSON, Charles Tailor, Church St, Tamworth* 609
WILKINSON, Isaac Lodging ho., Union Parade, Leamington 721
WILKINSON, Isaac Esq Union Parade, Leamington 715
WILKINSON, Jas. Basket maker, West Orchard, Coventry 781
WILKINSON, John Wharfinger, Coton, Nuneaton 564
WILKINSON, Jos. Watch & clock maker, WestOrchard, Coventry 782
WILKS, G. Fireman at Stratford 545
WILKS, John Auctioneer, Solihull 590
WILL, Wm. Grocer & tea dealer, Gosford St, Coventry 781
WILLARD, John Tailor, Rugby 737
WILLARD, Mary Milliner 737
WILLCOX, Miss Catherine , High St, Kenilworth 697
WILLERTON, Thos. Chemist etc, Much Park St, Coventry 782
WILLETT, M. Esq Pailton, Rugby 735
WILLEY, John Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter 196
WILLEY, Willoughby Victualler of Henley 507
WILLEYTON, William Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter 195
WILLIAMS, Edmund Tailor, Clemens St, Leamington 721
WILLIAMS, James Maltster, Smith St, Warwick 678
WILLIAMS, Jno. Regent Hotel, Lwr Parade, Leamington 721
WILLIAMS, John Upholsterer etc, Smith St, Warwick 678
WILLIAMS, John Plasterer, Theatre St, Warwick 678
WILLIAMS, John Preston Tailor, High St, Stratford 545
WILLIAMS, Lt Gen. Henry , Warwick St, Leamington 715
WILLIAMS, Mrs Frances Importer of Wines, Henley St Alcester 495
WILLIAMS, Philip Carpenter, Jury St, Warwick 678
WILLIAMS, Rev. J. Henry Union Parade, Leamington 715
WILLIAMs, Thomas Breeches maker & glover, High St Stratford 545
WILLIAMS, Wm. Lace maker, Smith St, Warwick 678
WILLIAMS, Wm. Plasterer, Theatre St, Warwick 678
WILLIAMS, Wm. Brush maker, Chauntry Place, Coventry 781
WILLIAMS. M. Surgeon, Rugby 737
WILLIAMS. Martha Lodging ho., Upper Union Pde, Leamington 721
WILLIAMSON, J. silk & ribbon maker, Union Row, Coventry 781
WILLIAMSON, John Carrier to Grandborough from, Coventry 784
WILLINGTON, Francis Esq Cole Hill, Tamworth 605
WILLINGTON, Thomas Attorney, Cole Hill, Tamworth 609
WILLINS, Lucy Milliner , Jury St, Warwick 678
WILLIS & GOOLD Milliners, Smith St, Warwick 678
WILLIS, James Academy, Church St, Tamworth 609
WILLIS, Wm Baker & maltster, Rother market 545
WILLMOT, Thos. Jas. Solicitor, Hay Lane, Coventry 782
WILLN, Richard & Son Ironmongers, braziers & tinmen, Atherstone 556
WILLN, Richard & Son Builders, Cabinet makers etc, Atherstone 556
WILLNER, Joseph Shopkeeper, Southam 747
WILLOUGHBY, Jas. Smith, Tachbrook Rd, Leamington 721
WILLS, Thomas Tailor, Southam 747
WILLSON, John Gent., Solihull 589
WILMOT, Sir J. E.E. of Berkswell,Magistrate for Warwick 669
WILMOT, Sir J.E.E. Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Warwick 670
WILMOT, Thomas Property taken for building Town Hall 233
WILMSHURST, J. Alderman of Warwick 669
WILMSHURST, John Surgeon, Church St, Warwick 678
WILSON & HARRIS Coal dealers, Guy's Cliff Wharf, Warwick 678
WILSON & HARRIS coal merchants, Bishop St, Coventry 781
WILSON, Charles Dealer in patent medicine High St Alcester 495
WILSON, Dorothea Grocer & tea dealer, Sutton Coldfield 584
WILSON, Eliz. Rounsell's Farm, Kenilworth 699
WILSON, James Baker. Old Square, Warwick 678
WILSON, Jas. Basket maker, West Orchard, Coventry 782
WILSON, Jno. Watch & clock maker, Church St, Nuneaton 564
WILSON, Jno. Blacksmith, Abbey St, Nuneaton 564
WILSON, Jno. Coal merchant, Hertford St, Coventry 781
WILSON, John Hairdresser, Bridge St, Stratford 545
WILSON, John Butcher, Atherstone 556
WILSON, John Farmer, Solihull 590
WILSON, John Livery stables, Satchwell St, Leamington 721
WILSON, John Globe Ins Office, Hertford St, Coventry 771
WILSON, Jos. Maltster & Victualler, West Orchard 782
WILSON, Jos. Swanswell Terrace, Coventry 781
WILSON, Messrs Farmer of Wootton 507
WILSON, Thomas Plumber & glazier, Jordan Well, Coventry 782
WILSON, Thos. Victualler, Back St, Nuneaton 564
WILSON, W, Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
WILSON, W. Educationalist of Walthamstow Essex 216
WILSON, Wm Farmer of Wootton 507
WILSON, Wm. Cooper & Sieve maker, Jordan Well, Coventry 781
WILSON, Wm. Cooper, Jordan Well, Coventry 782
WIMBRIDGE, Mrs, C. Solihull 590
WINBUSH, John Hay dealer, West St, Warwick 678
WINBUSH, Wm. Gardener etc West St, Warwick 678
WINCOTT, Mary Dressmaker, Smith St, Warwick 678
WINDRIDGE, Thos. Tailor, Fleet St, Coventry 782
WINFIELD, Mr Maker of brass bedsteads 273
WINFIELD, Thos. Car Prop:, Park St, Leamington 721
WINGRAVE, Mary & Ann Milliners, Hay Lane , Coventry 781
WINKLEY, Edward Boot & shoe Maker, Southam 747
WINKLEY, John Grocer etc, Windsor St, Leamington 721
WINN, Thos. Butcher, Swan St, Warwick 678
WINTER, Jno. Blacksmith, Rugby 737
WINTER, Josh. coal dealer, Gosford St, Coventry 782
WINTER, Richard Victualler, Atherstone 556
WINTER, Samuel Butcher, Atherstone 556
WISE, Henry Farmer, Knowle 593
WISE, Jacob Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
WISE, M. Owner of health spa well nr Leamington 708
WISE, Matthew Esq Tachbrook Rd, Leamington 715
WISE, Matthew Esq Owner of manor, Tachbrook Rd Leamington 710
WISE, Rev. Henry , Warwick 671
WISE, Rev. John Martin, Warwick 671
WISE, Wm. Solicitor, Rugby 737
WITHERINGTON, William Wharfinger, Long Itchington, Southam 747
WITHERS, John Bishops Statute 21/10/1676 Birmingham 200
WITTON, Wm. Ribbon maker, Little Park St, Coventry 782
WOOD, Eliz. Straw hat maker, Spon St, Coventry 782
WOOD, Jno. Boulton Excise Officer, Spon St, Coventry 782
WOOD, Jno. Boulton Watch pendent maker, Spon St, Coventry 782
WOOD, John Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
WOOD, Miss Luana , Southam 745
WOOD, Miss Sarah Coleshill 576
WOOD, Mr Surgeon of Humane Society 1803 248
WOOD, Richard Governor of B'ham school 1830 207
WOOD, Thomas Esq , Southam 745
WOOD, Timothy Builder, Sutton Coldfield 584
WOOD, Wm. Confectioner, Regent St, Leamington 721
WOODBRIDGE, Mr Deaf and Dumb Instructor from America 284
WOODCOCK & CALDICOTT Ribbon makers, Much Park St, Coventry 782
WOODCOCK & TWIST Solicitors, Bailey Lane, Coventry 782
WOODCOCK, James Victualler, St John's Street, Coventry 782
WOODCOCK, Jno. Boot and Shoe maker, Solihull 590
WOODCOCK, Joseph Victualler, George St, Tamworth 609
WOODCOCK, Rich. Hair dresser, Market St, Tamworth 609
WOODCOCK, Thos. cooper, Much Park St, Coventry 782
WOODFIELD, Ed. vict. Maltster etc Wise St, Leamington 721
WOODHOUSE & HADDON Linen drapers etc , Bath St, Leamington 721
WOODHOUSE, Christopher Silk & ribbon maker, Earl St, Coventry 782
WOODHOUSE, Edwin Lodging ho., Union Parade, Leamington 721
WOODHOUSE, Eliz. Spirit Vaults, Earl St, Coventry 782
WOODINGTON, Rev Hampton in Arden, Meriden 599
WOODINGTON, Rev.Henry TB , Warwick 671
WOODS, Miss Catherine Coleshill 576
WOODS, Mrs Mary Coleshill 576
WOODWARD, John Victualler, West St, Warwick 678
WOODY & TOMPSON Surgeons, Lichfield St, Tamworth 609
WOODY, Robert MD Tamworth Lunatic Asylum 602
WOODYATT, Richard Saddler, Swan St, Warwick 678
WOOLISON, John Plumber etc, Park St, Warwick 678
WOOLLEY, James Governor of B'ham school 1830 207
WOOLLEY, Wm. Carver & gilder, Smith St, Warwick 678
WOOLLISON, J. Plumber & glazier, Morris St, Leamington 721
WOOLLLARD, Samuel Baker St John St, Warwick 678
WOOLRIDGE, P. Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
WOOLSTON, John Plumber, Saltisford, Warwick 678
WOOTTON, J. County Fire Office, George St, Tamworth 607
WOOTTON, John Poulterer, Henley St, Stratford 545
WOOTTON, John Carpet maker, George St, Tamworth 609
WOOTTON, John Draper, George St, Tamworth 609
WOOTTON, John Provident Fire Office,George St, Tamworth 608
WOOTTON, Thos. Dealer in sundries, Atherstone 556
WOOTTON, Wm. Ribbon maker, Little Park St, Coventry 782
WORCESTER, Jos. Grocer etc, Much Park St, Coventry 782
WORCESTER, M. Ladies' School, Spon St, Coventry 782
WORCESTER, Mrs. Ladies Boarding sch., Bedford St, Leamingto 722
WORRALL & PUNKER Plumbers, painters etc, High St Stratford 545
WORRALL, W. Bread weighers for Stratford 539
WORRALL, Wm Confectioner, High St, Stratford 545
WORTHAM, F. Linen draper, Clemens St, Leamington 721
WORTHINGTON, Miss , Rugby 735
WORTON, Wm. & Son Whitesmith & bell hangers, Earl St,Coventry 782
WREN, Mrs Wroxall Abbey, Warwick 671
WRIGHT, George Maltster, Bridge St, Stratford 545
WRIGHT, Jessey Hatter etc, West St, Warwick 678
WRIGHT, John Maltster, Minworth, Coleshill 578
WRIGHT, John Author of 1643 121
WRIGHT, John Baker, Attleborough, Nuneaton 564
WRIGHT, John Malster of Studley Alcester 495
WRIGHT, John Chair maker, Cole Hill, Tamworth 609
WRIGHT, John Baker,Kenilworth St, Leamington 721
WRIGHT, Josiah Shoemaker Bleachfields Alcester 495
WRIGHT, Maria Dressmaker, West St, Warwick 678
WRIGHT, Mrs of Henley 507
WRIGHT, Mrs. Lodging House, Brook St, Warwick 678
WRIGHT, Richard Victualler, Attleborough, Nuneaton 564
WRIGHT, Thomas Farmer, Dodwell 545
WRIGHT, Thomas Gent, Coleshill 576
WRIGHT, Thomas Samuel Esq , Southam 745
WRIGHT, Thos. Butcher, Regent St, Leamington 721
WRIGHT, Thos. Car Prop;,Park St, Leamington 721
WRIGHT, Wm. Boot & shoe maker 8,Park St, Leamington 721
WRIGHTON, John Paper maker of Aston Cantlow Nr Alcester 495
WYATT, Thos. Bishop St, Coventry 782
WYATT, Wm. Tea & grocery, Earl St, Coventry 782
WYERLY, John Hertford Street, Coventry 782
WYLDE, Rev Rob of Claverton 507
WYLERLY, John Late Justice of the Peace 280

[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]