


Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - M


Surnames beginning with 'M'

Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

MACKIE, Mrs Mary Butts, Warwick 670
MACKWORTH, Thomas Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter 195
MACNALLY, Richard West St, Warwick 675
MADELEY, Jno. Tanner, Solihull 589
MAKEPEACE, Elizabeth Saddler & Harness maker, Southam 746
MAKEPEACE, George Saddler & harness maker, Southam 746
MALE, Dr Humane Society Birmingham 1803 248
MALLARD, George Carrier, Leamington to Northampton etc 722
MALLARD, George Carrier , Southam to Daventry etc, Southam 747
MALLETT, James Tailor, Coleshill 577
MALLETT, Wm. Tailor, Coleshill 577
MALLHABAR, Samuel Miller (corn), Alder Mills, Atherstone 555
MALLIBRAND, Wm. Carrier to Leicester from , Coventry 784
MALLIE, Miss Charlotte Coleshill 576
MALLORY, Daniel & Henry Linen drapers, Market Square, Warwick 675
MALLORY, Daniel Esq , Saltisford, Warwick 670
MALLORY, Daniel sen , Saltisford, Warwick 675
MALLORY, John Baker, Saltisford, Warwick 675
MALONECK, Mrs. S. Union Terrace, Leamington 715
MAMMATT, Thomas Victualler, Coleshill 577
MANDER, George Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick 675
MANDER, Hen. Master Bablake School, Hill st, Coventry 775
MANDER, Henry Bablake Free School, Hill St, Coventry 766
MANDER, J. Net maker, Tavistock St, Leamington 719
MANDER, Joseph Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick 675
MANISON, Samuel Vict. Sheep St, Stratford 543
MANN & STEPHENS Jewellers, High st, Coventry 775
MANN, Charles Vict. Sheep St, Stratford 543
MANN, John Painter, West St, Warwick 675
MANN, Wm. Boot & shoe Maker, Rugby 736
MANN, Wm. Victualler, Smithford St, Coventry 775
MANNING, Jno. Hosier, Cross Cheaping, Coventry 775
MANNING, Thomas vict,. Church St, Stratford 543
MANSTY, Mrs Old Town, Stratford 543
MANTON, Jno. Butcher, New St, Kenilworth 698
MARGETTS, J. Assistant Burgess of Warwick 669
MARGETTS, John Auctioneer, Castle St, Warwick 675
MARGETTS, Wm. Bryan Auctioneer etc, Hertford st, Coventry 775
MARIES, John Shoe maker of Henley 507
MARLER, Wm. Victualler, Little Sutton, Sutton Coldfield 583
MARLER, Wm. Wheelwright, Little Sutton, SuttonColdfield 583
MARLOW, Wm. Gardener & seedsman, Priory St, Warwick 675
MARRIOTT, Charles Grocer & tea dealer, Regent St, Leamington 719
MARRIOTT, John Grocer & Tallow chandler, Wood St Stratford 543
MARRIOTT, Miss Sophia Newtown, Rugby 735
MARRIOTT, Richard Crown Life Ins. Office, Pepper La, Coventry 770
MARRIOTT, Richard Grocer, cook st, Coventry 775
MARRIOTT, Richard Attorney, Pepper lane, Coventry 775
MARRIOTT, Thomas Seedsman etc, Aldergate St, Tamworth 608
MARRIOTT, Wm. Whitesmith, Bailey Lane, Coventry 775
MARRISTER, Mrs. , High St, Warwick 675
MARROW, Thomas Resided Berkswell 1555 148
MARSH, Rev. R Austin St Mary's Chapel , Coventry 765
MARSH, Sarah Lodging Ho. Augusta Place, Leamington 719
MARSH, Thos. Ribbon dresser, Spon st, Coventry 775
MARSHALL, Frederick Organist Episcopal Ch 18 Church St,Leamingt 719
MARSHALL, George Broker, Priory Road, Warwick 675
MARSHALL, Henry Ward end, Castle Bromwich 574
MARSHALL, James Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
MARSHALL, James Music Professor organist, St Mary's Warwick 675
MARSHALL, James Whitesmith, Jury St, Warwick 675
MARSHALL, James Ribbon maker, White Friars Street, Coventry 775
MARSHALL, James Ribbon maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry 775
MARSHALL, John Chair maker, Lichfield St, Tamworth 608
MARSHALL, John Scott Victualler, Solihull 589
MARSHALL, John Scott Posting & Commercial Inn,Greswolde Arms 592
MARSHALL, Thomas Boot & shoe maker, Atherstone 555
MARSHALL, Thomas Mentioned in King Edwd 6th Charter 195
MARSHALL, Thomas Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter 195
MARSHALL, Thomas Builder, Cole Hill, Tamworth 608
MARSHALL, Thos. Esq Solihull 589
MARSHALL, Wm. & Son Music seller, Bath St, Leamington 719
MARSON, Edw. Watch & clock maker, Rugby 736
MARSTON, Francis School master, Free School, Coventry 775
MARSTON, Jos. Saddler, Bishop st, Coventry 775
MARSTON, Mrs. Rosamund , Townpool St, Kenilworth 697
MARSTON, T.S. Carpenter & joiner, Union Row, Kenilworth 698
MARSTON, Thomas m Sarah and had issue- Joe, Thos & Jacob 266
MARSTON, Thos. Watchmaker, Spon st, Coventry 775
MARSTON, Wm Boarding School, Gun Gate, Tamworth 608
MARTIN, John Gardener & seedsman, Atherstone 555
MARTIN, John Confectioner baker etc, Southam 746
MARTIN, Robert Agent to John Baskerville 262
MARTIN, Thomas Auctioneer, Southam 746
MARTIN, W. Constable for Stratford 539
MARTIN, Walter Farmer, Sheldon 579
MARTIN, Wm Bricklayer, Waterside, Stratford 543
MARTIN, Wm Corn miller , Alder Mills, Tamworth 608
MASCALL, Geo. Corn dealer, Southam 746
MASE, Jno. Wm. Gerrard Builder & surveyor, Kenilworth St, Leamingt 719
MASH, Hen. Coach maker, Castle Hill, Warwick 675
MASH, Preston Victualler, Southam 746
MASKALL, W.H. Auctioneer Henley St Alcester 493
MASON, Christopher Baker & confectioner, Southam 746
MASON, Eliz. Victualler, Southam 746
MASON, Jos. Carpenter & joiner, Grey Friars St,Coventry 775
MASON, Thomas Esq Church Street Stratford 539
MASON, Wm. Brazier & tinplate worker, Rugby 736
MASON, Wm. Clock & watchmaker, Jury St, Warwick 675
MASON, Wm. Corn miller, Southam 746
MASTER, Joshua Saddler, Bishop st, Coventry 775
MASTERS, Ann Milliner dressmaker, Park St, Leamington 719
MASTERS, Edw. Gardener & seedsman, Coventry St, Warwick 675
MASTERS, Joseph of Coughton Alcester 493
MASTERS, Samuel Grocer, Earl street, Coventry 775
MASTERS, Thos. Locksmith, Regent Terrace, Leamington 719
MASTERS, Wm. Shopkeeper, Coleshill 577
MASTERS, Wm. Wharfinger, Saltisford, Warwick 675
MASTERS, Wm. Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick 675
MASTERS, Wm. Locksmith, Tavistock St, Leamington 719
MASTERS, Wm. Carpenter & joiner, Southam 746
MATTERSON, Sml. Ribbon maker, Much Park St, Coventry 775
MATTHEWS & VERNON Saddlers & harness makers, Atherstone 555
MATTHEWS, Christopher Rope dresser, Grey Friars, Coventry 775
MATTHEWS, Jas. Builder, Chauntrey Place, Coventry 775
MATTHEWS, Rich Hat maker High St Alcester 493
MATTHEWS, Samuel Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull 588
MATTHEWS, Thomas Farmer, Snitterfield 543
MATTHEWS, Wm. Gosford Green, Coventry 775
MATTHEWS, Wm. Shopkeeper, Much Park St, Coventry 775
MATTHEWS, Wm. Plasterer, Silver st, Coventry 775
MAUNDER, Francis Butcher Evesham St Alcester 493
MAUNDER, Henry Carpenter & joiner Evesham St Alcester 493
MAUNDER, Rich vict. Evesham St Alcester 493
MAXEY, W. Coal & corn merchant,Tachbrook Rd,Leamingto 719
MAYCOCK, John Butcher, Saltisford rock, Warwick 675
MAYNARD, Thomas Shoemaker, Waterside, Stratford 543
MAYO, M. Milliner dressmaker, Hertford st, Coventry 775
MAYO, Wm. Watchmaker, Mill Lane, Coventry 775
MAYO. John Watchmaker, Hertford St, Coventry 775
MAYOU, Benj. Linen & woollen draper, Atherstone 555
MAYOU, John jun. Farmer, Sheldon 579
MAYOU, John sen. Farmer, Sheldon 579
McCALL, Robt. Tea dealer, Crompton St, Warwick 675
McDONNEL, Rev Roman Catholic - St Peters 273
McKINNEL & MORRISON Grocer & tea dealer, Atherstone 555
MEAD, George Ribbon maker, Little Park St, Coventry 775
MEAD, James Grocer, Tallow chandler,George St, Tamworth 608
MEAD, William Coal merchant, Bishop st, Coventry 775
MEADOWS, Samuel Butcher, White Friars St, Coventry 775
MEADS, John Carpenter & cabinetmaker, Church St,Warwick 675
MEASURES, Daniel Victualler, Southam 746
MEDDLECOTT, Wm. Dyer etc, Market St, Tamworth 608
MEDILICOTT, M. Ribbon dresser. Priory, Coventry 775
MEEKS & GUMMERY Cabinet makers, Regent St, Leamington 719
MEEKS & GUMMERY Lodging Ho.Upper Union Pde, Leamington 719
MEEKS & GUMMERY Upholders, carvers etc, Church St, Warwick 675
MEIGH, John Linen & woollen draper,Fleet st, Coventry 775
MEIGH, John & George Curriers , Burgess, Coventry 775
MELLOR, Dr. G. , Little Park St, Coventry 775
MENDHAM, Rev. Jos. Sutton Coldfield 583
MERCER, S.C. Butts, Coventry 775
MERCER, Thomas & Sons Watch & clock maker, Fleet St, Coventry 775
MERCER, Thos. & Sons Watch maker, Corn Market, Warwick 675
MERCER, Wm. Dyer etc, Market St, Tamworth 608
MEREY, Thos. Tailor, Smith St, Warwick 675
MERRICK & BROWN Ribbon makers, Much Park St, Coventry 775
MERRICK, John Fruiterer, Market St, Tamworth 608
MERRIDEW, Henry Prop: Coventry Herald, Cross Cheaping 769
MERRIDEW, Henry Eagle, British & Col. Life, Cross Cheaping 770
MERRIDEW, Henry Printer bookseller, Cross Cheaping,Coventry 775
MERRIDEW, Hy. Ribbon maker, Smithford St, Coventry 775
MERRIDEW, John Bookseller, Bath St, Leamington 719
MERRIDEW, John Printer, bookseller, High St, Warwick 675
MERRIDEW, John Deputy Treasurer for Warwick 670
MERRIDEW, Thomas Howell Silk merchant, Hertford St, Coventry 775
MERRY & BROWN Ribbon makers, Much Park St, Coventry 775
MERRY & SAWBRIDGE Ribbon makers, Gosford St, Coventry 775
MERRY, Abraham Clerical Medical & Gen Life Off.Park St 769
MERRY, Abraham Accountant, Moon Yard, Coventry 775
MERRY, James Basket maker, West Orchard, Coventry 775
MERRY, Joseph Ribbon maker, Nicholas Place, Coventry 775
MERRY, Joseph Baker, Burgess, Coventry 775
MERRY, William Livery stables, Clemens St, Leamington 719
MESSENGER, John Miller, Coke Hill mill, Coleshill 577
MESSENGER, John sen. Miller, Whitacre, Coleshill 577
MESSENGER, Thomas Paper maker, Whitacre, Coleshill 577
MESSINGER, Mr Manufacturer of Birmingham 286
MEYRICK, John Professor Teacher Violin 5, Windsor St, Leamington 719
MICHAELWRIGHT, William smith, Bull Ring, Coventry 775
MICKLEWRIGHT, William Farrier & Shoeing smith, Rugby 736
MIDDLETON, Dr. Amos Woodbine Cottage, Bath St, Leamington 715
MIDDLETON, Lambert Lodging Ho., Union Parade, Leamington 719
MIDDLETON, Thomas Tailor & Habit maker, Atherstone 555
MIDDLETON, W. Surgeon 9,Upper Parade, Leamington 719
MILES, Abel Victualler, High St, Kenilworth 698
MILES, Geo. Ironmonger of Henley 507
MILES, James Victualler, Smithford St, Coventry 775
MILES, John Coal merchant,Saltisford Wharf, Warwick 675
MILES, John Boot & shoe Maker, New Buildings, Coventry 775
MILES, Thomas Butcher, Atherstone 555
MILES, William Master of National School, Stratford 543
MILES, William , Castle end, Kenilworth 698
MILLBOURNE, Jos. Chamber. Furniture broker, Grey Friars Lane,Coventry 775
MILLER, A.G. Esq Mancester, Atherstone 553
MILLER, Ann Straw hat maker, Lichfield St, Tamworth 608
MILLER, David Carrier , Rugby to Dunchurch etc 737
MILLER, F.S. Esq of Radway , Magistrate for Warwick 669
MILLER, Joseph Shoe maker, Church St, Tamworth 608
MILLER, Nathaniel Glover, Park St, Leamington 719
MILLER, Rev Robert M. Atherstone 553
MILLER, Thomas Shoe maker, Lichfield St, Tamworth 608
MILLER, Wm Silk and beaver hat maker, Atherstone 555
MILLINGTON, Henry Blacksmith Stratford Rd Alcester 493
MILLINGTON, Thos Grocer & tea dealer Henley St Alcester 493
MILLMAN, John Builder,Wise St, Leamington 719
MILLNER, William Boot & shoe Maker,WhiteFriarsLane, Coventry 775
MILLS, Charles Taylor John St, Stratford 543
MILLS, J. Alderman of Stratford 539
MILLS, John vict., Park St, Leamington 719
MILLS, John Esq of Rother Street Stratford 539
MILLS, Joseph Clothier & cork cutter, Wood St, Stratford 543
MILLS, Joseph Cabinetmaker, Henley St, Stratford 543
MILLS, Joseph Hosiery maker, Atherstone 555
MILLS, Mrs Charles Barford, Warwick 670
MILLS, Oliver Wines, Upper Assemby Rms, Regent St,Leaming 719
MILLS, Oliver Wine merchant, Church St, Warwick 675
MILLS, Rev. Francis Barford, Warwick 670
MILLS, Rich. Butcher, Jordan Well, Coventry 775
MILLS, Richard Wheelwright, Kenilworth St, Leamington 719
MILLS, S. Burgess of Stratford 539
MILLS, Thomas Medical Practiconer Stratford 540
MILLS, Thomas Victualler, Cook St, Coventry 775
MILLS, Thomas Victualler, Bishop st, Coventry 775
MILLWARD, Edward Baker of Coughton Alcester 493
MILLWARD, G. Stoke Green, Coventry 775
MILLWARD, Rev. Hames Solihull 589
MILLWARD, Wm Jerome Needlemaker Studley Alcester 493
MILLWOOD, Miss Payton St, Stratford 543
MILWARD, Rev RC minister, Solihull 586
MINICHINI, Abate Teacher of Spanish, French, New Town 719
MINION, Gilbert Victualler & Wharfinger, Atherstone 555
MINION, William Victualler, Atherstone 555
MINORS, Elizabeth Pastry cook & confectioner, High St 543
MINSON, John Brazier etc, Clemens St, Leamington 719
MINSTER, R.H. Guardian Ins. Office, Derby Lane, Coventry 772
MINSTER, Robert Harvey Solicitor, Derby Lane, Coventry 775
MINSTER, Thomas Solicitor, Derby Lane, Coventry 775
MINSTERS, Misses Warwick Row, Coventry 775
MINSTRELL, Jos. Builder, Well st, Coventry 775
MINSTRELL, Mrs. Laundress 32 Park St, Leamington 719
MITCHELL, Fanny & Ellen (Misses) Atherstone 553
MITCHELL, Henry Stone mason, Aldergate St, Tamworth 608
MITCHELL, J. Farmer, Castle Bromwich 574
MITCHELL, James Gent, George St, Tamworth 605
MITCHELL, Mrs. Lodging Ho., Regent St, Leamington 719
MITCHELL, William Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter 195
MLLWARD, G. & J. Chemists, Earl Street, Coventry 775
MOLE, Mr Bronze and Ormolu maker of Paradise Street 240
MOLESWORTH, Jno. Ribbon maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry 775
MOLLADY, John Hat maker, Rugby 736
MONCRIEFF, Lady Elizabeth Union Parade, Leamington 715
MONK, Joseph Boat builder, Emscote, Warwick 675
MONRO, Mr Owner of the Baths at Lady-well B'ham 237
MOODY, Mrs C. Rock House Emscote, Warwick 670
MOOR, Rev, J.H.C. Assisant Master Rugby School, Rugby 736
MOOR, Rev. Jas, H.C. Clifton, Rugby 735
MOORE, Charles Wheelwright, Atherstone 555
MOORE, Daniel Watch & clock maker, Cross Cheaping 775
MOORE, E. Boot & shoe maker, Clemens St, Leamington 719
MOORE, Edward Grocer & tea dealer etc, Southam 746
MOORE, Elizabeth Post mistress, Southam 747
MOORE, Geo. Ribbon maker, Mill lane, Coventry 775
MOORE, Humphrey Shoeing smith, Bedford St, Leamington 719
MOORE, John Tailor Lichfield St, Tamworth 608
MOORE, John Farmer, Knowle 592
MOORE, John Post Horse hirer, Lichfield St, Tamworth 608
MOORE, Jos. Turner & chain maker, Coleshill 577
MOORE, Joseph Triennial Music Festival 1812 248
MOORE, Mrs Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 104 123
MOORE, Robert Glass & china, High st, Coventry 775
MOORE, Samuel Swanswell Terrace, Coventry 775
MOORE, Thomas Wheelwright, Atherstone 555
MOORE, Thomas Butcher, Windsor St, Leamington 719
MOORE, Thomas Maltster, Knowle 592
MOORE, Thomas Esq of Shottery 539
MOORE, William High Street, Coventry 775
MOORE, Wm. Post Horse hirer, Lichfield St, Tamworth 608
MOORE, W.E. Painter & gilder, Church St, Tamworth 608
MORALL, Isaac Glass & china, Market Place, Coventry 775
MORAM, James Shopkeeper, Lichfield St, Tamworth 608
MOREWOOD, John Grocer & tea dealer, Atherstone 555
MOREWOOD, Wm. Palmer Esq of Ladbrooke , Magistrate for Warwick 669
MORFITT, John Barrister of Birmingham 118
MORGAN, John Excise Officer, Coleshill 577
MORGAN, Morgan Shopkeeper, Knowle 592
MORGAN, Wm. Boot & shoe maker, Bedford St, Leamington 719
MORLEY, Richard Schoolmaster, Knowle 592
MORRAL, Rich. Cooper, Smith St, Warwick 675
MORRALL, John Plumber & glazier of Alcester 493
MORRALL, Thos. Music master Church st Alcester 493
MORRIS & OSWIN Ribbon makers, Earl St, Coventry 776
MORRIS, E.J. Bookseller, Royal Parade, Leamington 719
MORRIS, Isaac Swanswell Terrace, Coventry 775
MORRIS, John Timber & salt merchant, Atherstone 555
MORRIS, John Tailor, Ely St, Stratford 543
MORRIS, John Builder, Butts, Warwick 675
MORRIS, Josh. Victualler, Knowle 592
MORRIS, M Bookseller, High St, Stratford 543
MORRIS, Mary B'ham Fire Office agent, Ely St Stratford 540
MORRIS, Mary Post Mistress, New St, Kenilworth 699
MORRIS, Mary Victualler, New St, Kenilworth 698
MORRIS, Mary Milliner dress, Smithford St, Coventry 776
MORRIS, Misses Ladies' Boarding Academy, Ely St, Stratford 543
MORRIS, Mrs Fire Office Agent - Birmingham 545
MORRIS, P. Fireman at Stratford 545
MORRIS, Rev R Curate of Stratford 539
MORRIS, Rev Richard of College St Stratford 539
MORRIS, Rev, R. Master Grammar School, Old Town Stratford 542
MORRIS, S.F. Tailor, Clemens St, Leamington 719
MORRIS, Thomas Bricklayer, Coleshill 577
MORRIS, Thomas Blacksmith, Coleshill 577
MORRIS, Thomas Victualler,Coleshill 577
MORRIS, Thomas , Church St, Warwick 675
MORRIS, Thomas Ribbon maker, Jordan Well, Coventry 776
MORRIS, Thomas Gent. Earl St, Coventry 765
MORRIS, Thomas & Son Ribbon maker, Bishop st, Coventry 776
MORRIS, Thomas sen Earl Street, Coventry 776
MORRIS, Wm. Shopkeeper, Southam 746
MORRISON & Son Farmers of Red Hill Alcester 493
MORTON, James Carrier to Littleworth from , Coventry 784
MOSELEY, Rev Thomas Vicar of St Martins Church B#Ham 1828 229
MOSS, John Gardener, Clarendon St, Leamington 719
MOTTRAM, Jno. Licensed brewer, West St, Warwick 675
MOTTRAM, John Woolstapler, Aldergate St, Tamworth 608
MOTTRAM, Thos. Woolstapler, Gun Gate, Tamworth 608
MOULD, Thomas Shoemaker, Castle Bromwich 574
MOULD, Wm. Farmer, Castle Bromwich 574
MOULSEY, Mrs of Alverstoke 539
MOULTON, James Farmer, Fernhill Farm, Kenilworth 698
MOULTON, John Rounsell's Farm, Kenilworth 698
MOULTON, Samuel Grocer tea dealer, Smith St, Warwick 675
MOULTON, Wm. Grocer tea dealer, Jury St, Warwick 675
MOUNTFORD, John Baker etc Boleridge St, Tamworth 608
MOUNTFORD, Joseph Baker etc, Market St, Tamworth 608
MOUSELEY, Rob. Butcher, Regent St, Leamington 719
MOUSLEY, Catherine Wine & spirit dealer, Atherstonene 555
MOY, Thomas Timber merchant, Priory, Coventry 776
MOY, William Mealman & maltster, Smithford St, Coventry 776
MUCKLEY, Wm. Schoolmaster, Brook St, Warwick 675
MUDDIMAN, Thos. Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick 675
MULLIS, John Solicitor, Much Park St, Coventry 776
MULLIS, John Alliance Fire Off, Well St, Coventry 765
MULLIS, M. Bishop Street, Coventry 776
MUNDEN,. Mr Organist at Free Church B'ham 1830 215
MUNTZ & PURDEN Rolling Mills Birmingham 249
MURRELL, Susannah Milliner High St Alcester 493
MURRILL, Hannah Victualler, Brook St, Warwick 675
MUSTON, Joseph Woolstapler, Atherstone 555
MUSTON, M. Priory Row, Coventry 776
MUSTON,Miss Meriden 599

[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]