Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - M
Surnames beginning with 'M'
Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
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MACKIE, Mrs Mary | Butts, Warwick | 670 |
MACKWORTH, Thomas | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
MACNALLY, Richard | West St, Warwick | 675 |
MADELEY, Jno. | Tanner, Solihull | 589 |
MAKEPEACE, Elizabeth | Saddler & Harness maker, Southam | 746 |
MAKEPEACE, George | Saddler & harness maker, Southam | 746 |
MALE, Dr | Humane Society Birmingham 1803 | 248 |
MALLARD, George | Carrier, Leamington to Northampton etc | 722 |
MALLARD, George | Carrier , Southam to Daventry etc, Southam | 747 |
MALLETT, James | Tailor, Coleshill | 577 |
MALLETT, Wm. | Tailor, Coleshill | 577 |
MALLHABAR, Samuel | Miller (corn), Alder Mills, Atherstone | 555 |
MALLIBRAND, Wm. | Carrier to Leicester from , Coventry | 784 |
MALLIE, Miss Charlotte | Coleshill | 576 |
MALLORY, Daniel & Henry | Linen drapers, Market Square, Warwick | 675 |
MALLORY, Daniel Esq | , Saltisford, Warwick | 670 |
MALLORY, Daniel sen | , Saltisford, Warwick | 675 |
MALLORY, John | Baker, Saltisford, Warwick | 675 |
MALONECK, Mrs. S. | Union Terrace, Leamington | 715 |
MAMMATT, Thomas | Victualler, Coleshill | 577 |
MANDER, George | Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick | 675 |
MANDER, Hen. | Master Bablake School, Hill st, Coventry | 775 |
MANDER, Henry | Bablake Free School, Hill St, Coventry | 766 |
MANDER, J. | Net maker, Tavistock St, Leamington | 719 |
MANDER, Joseph | Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick | 675 |
MANISON, Samuel | Vict. Sheep St, Stratford | 543 |
MANN & STEPHENS | Jewellers, High st, Coventry | 775 |
MANN, Charles | Vict. Sheep St, Stratford | 543 |
MANN, John | Painter, West St, Warwick | 675 |
MANN, Wm. | Boot & shoe Maker, Rugby | 736 |
MANN, Wm. | Victualler, Smithford St, Coventry | 775 |
MANNING, Jno. | Hosier, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 775 |
MANNING, Thomas | vict,. Church St, Stratford | 543 |
MANSTY, Mrs | Old Town, Stratford | 543 |
MANTON, Jno. | Butcher, New St, Kenilworth | 698 |
MARGETTS, J. | Assistant Burgess of Warwick | 669 |
MARGETTS, John | Auctioneer, Castle St, Warwick | 675 |
MARGETTS, Wm. Bryan | Auctioneer etc, Hertford st, Coventry | 775 |
MARIES, John | Shoe maker of Henley | 507 |
MARLER, Wm. | Victualler, Little Sutton, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
MARLER, Wm. | Wheelwright, Little Sutton, SuttonColdfield | 583 |
MARLOW, Wm. | Gardener & seedsman, Priory St, Warwick | 675 |
MARRIOTT, Charles | Grocer & tea dealer, Regent St, Leamington | 719 |
MARRIOTT, John | Grocer & Tallow chandler, Wood St Stratford | 543 |
MARRIOTT, Miss Sophia | Newtown, Rugby | 735 |
MARRIOTT, Richard | Crown Life Ins. Office, Pepper La, Coventry | 770 |
MARRIOTT, Richard | Grocer, cook st, Coventry | 775 |
MARRIOTT, Richard | Attorney, Pepper lane, Coventry | 775 |
MARRIOTT, Thomas | Seedsman etc, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 608 |
MARRIOTT, Wm. | Whitesmith, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 775 |
MARRISTER, Mrs. | , High St, Warwick | 675 |
MARROW, Thomas | Resided Berkswell 1555 | 148 |
MARSH, Rev. R Austin | St Mary's Chapel , Coventry | 765 |
MARSH, Sarah | Lodging Ho. Augusta Place, Leamington | 719 |
MARSH, Thos. | Ribbon dresser, Spon st, Coventry | 775 |
MARSHALL, Frederick | Organist Episcopal Ch 18 Church St,Leamingt | 719 |
MARSHALL, George | Broker, Priory Road, Warwick | 675 |
MARSHALL, Henry | Ward end, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
MARSHALL, James | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
MARSHALL, James | Music Professor organist, St Mary's Warwick | 675 |
MARSHALL, James | Whitesmith, Jury St, Warwick | 675 |
MARSHALL, James | Ribbon maker, White Friars Street, Coventry | 775 |
MARSHALL, James | Ribbon maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry | 775 |
MARSHALL, John | Chair maker, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
MARSHALL, John Scott | Victualler, Solihull | 589 |
MARSHALL, John Scott | Posting & Commercial Inn,Greswolde Arms | 592 |
MARSHALL, Thomas | Boot & shoe maker, Atherstone | 555 |
MARSHALL, Thomas | Mentioned in King Edwd 6th Charter | 195 |
MARSHALL, Thomas | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
MARSHALL, Thomas | Builder, Cole Hill, Tamworth | 608 |
MARSHALL, Thos. Esq | Solihull | 589 |
MARSHALL, Wm. & Son | Music seller, Bath St, Leamington | 719 |
MARSON, Edw. | Watch & clock maker, Rugby | 736 |
MARSTON, Francis | School master, Free School, Coventry | 775 |
MARSTON, Jos. | Saddler, Bishop st, Coventry | 775 |
MARSTON, Mrs. Rosamund | , Townpool St, Kenilworth | 697 |
MARSTON, T.S. | Carpenter & joiner, Union Row, Kenilworth | 698 |
MARSTON, Thomas | m Sarah and had issue- Joe, Thos & Jacob | 266 |
MARSTON, Thos. | Watchmaker, Spon st, Coventry | 775 |
MARSTON, Wm | Boarding School, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 608 |
MARTIN, John | Gardener & seedsman, Atherstone | 555 |
MARTIN, John | Confectioner baker etc, Southam | 746 |
MARTIN, Robert | Agent to John Baskerville | 262 |
MARTIN, Thomas | Auctioneer, Southam | 746 |
MARTIN, W. | Constable for Stratford | 539 |
MARTIN, Walter | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
MARTIN, Wm | Bricklayer, Waterside, Stratford | 543 |
MARTIN, Wm | Corn miller , Alder Mills, Tamworth | 608 |
MASCALL, Geo. | Corn dealer, Southam | 746 |
MASE, Jno. Wm. Gerrard | Builder & surveyor, Kenilworth St, Leamingt | 719 |
MASH, Hen. | Coach maker, Castle Hill, Warwick | 675 |
MASH, Preston | Victualler, Southam | 746 |
MASKALL, W.H. | Auctioneer Henley St Alcester | 493 |
MASON, Christopher | Baker & confectioner, Southam | 746 |
MASON, Eliz. | Victualler, Southam | 746 |
MASON, Jos. | Carpenter & joiner, Grey Friars St,Coventry | 775 |
MASON, Thomas Esq | Church Street Stratford | 539 |
MASON, Wm. | Brazier & tinplate worker, Rugby | 736 |
MASON, Wm. | Clock & watchmaker, Jury St, Warwick | 675 |
MASON, Wm. | Corn miller, Southam | 746 |
MASTER, Joshua | Saddler, Bishop st, Coventry | 775 |
MASTERS, Ann | Milliner dressmaker, Park St, Leamington | 719 |
MASTERS, Edw. | Gardener & seedsman, Coventry St, Warwick | 675 |
MASTERS, Joseph | of Coughton Alcester | 493 |
MASTERS, Samuel | Grocer, Earl street, Coventry | 775 |
MASTERS, Thos. | Locksmith, Regent Terrace, Leamington | 719 |
MASTERS, Wm. | Shopkeeper, Coleshill | 577 |
MASTERS, Wm. | Wharfinger, Saltisford, Warwick | 675 |
MASTERS, Wm. | Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick | 675 |
MASTERS, Wm. | Locksmith, Tavistock St, Leamington | 719 |
MASTERS, Wm. | Carpenter & joiner, Southam | 746 |
MATTERSON, Sml. | Ribbon maker, Much Park St, Coventry | 775 |
MATTHEWS & VERNON | Saddlers & harness makers, Atherstone | 555 |
MATTHEWS, Christopher | Rope dresser, Grey Friars, Coventry | 775 |
MATTHEWS, Jas. | Builder, Chauntrey Place, Coventry | 775 |
MATTHEWS, Rich | Hat maker High St Alcester | 493 |
MATTHEWS, Samuel | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
MATTHEWS, Thomas | Farmer, Snitterfield | 543 |
MATTHEWS, Wm. | Gosford Green, Coventry | 775 |
MATTHEWS, Wm. | Shopkeeper, Much Park St, Coventry | 775 |
MATTHEWS, Wm. | Plasterer, Silver st, Coventry | 775 |
MAUNDER, Francis | Butcher Evesham St Alcester | 493 |
MAUNDER, Henry | Carpenter & joiner Evesham St Alcester | 493 |
MAUNDER, Rich | vict. Evesham St Alcester | 493 |
MAXEY, W. | Coal & corn merchant,Tachbrook Rd,Leamingto | 719 |
MAYCOCK, John | Butcher, Saltisford rock, Warwick | 675 |
MAYNARD, Thomas | Shoemaker, Waterside, Stratford | 543 |
MAYO, M. | Milliner dressmaker, Hertford st, Coventry | 775 |
MAYO, Wm. | Watchmaker, Mill Lane, Coventry | 775 |
MAYO. John | Watchmaker, Hertford St, Coventry | 775 |
MAYOU, Benj. | Linen & woollen draper, Atherstone | 555 |
MAYOU, John jun. | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
MAYOU, John sen. | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
McCALL, Robt. | Tea dealer, Crompton St, Warwick | 675 |
McDONNEL, Rev | Roman Catholic - St Peters | 273 |
McKINNEL & MORRISON | Grocer & tea dealer, Atherstone | 555 |
MEAD, George | Ribbon maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 775 |
MEAD, James | Grocer, Tallow chandler,George St, Tamworth | 608 |
MEAD, William | Coal merchant, Bishop st, Coventry | 775 |
MEADOWS, Samuel | Butcher, White Friars St, Coventry | 775 |
MEADS, John | Carpenter & cabinetmaker, Church St,Warwick | 675 |
MEASURES, Daniel | Victualler, Southam | 746 |
MEDDLECOTT, Wm. | Dyer etc, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
MEDILICOTT, M. | Ribbon dresser. Priory, Coventry | 775 |
MEEKS & GUMMERY | Cabinet makers, Regent St, Leamington | 719 |
MEEKS & GUMMERY | Lodging Ho.Upper Union Pde, Leamington | 719 |
MEEKS & GUMMERY | Upholders, carvers etc, Church St, Warwick | 675 |
MEIGH, John | Linen & woollen draper,Fleet st, Coventry | 775 |
MEIGH, John & George | Curriers , Burgess, Coventry | 775 |
MELLOR, Dr. G. | , Little Park St, Coventry | 775 |
MENDHAM, Rev. Jos. | Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
MERCER, S.C. | Butts, Coventry | 775 |
MERCER, Thomas & Sons | Watch & clock maker, Fleet St, Coventry | 775 |
MERCER, Thos. & Sons | Watch maker, Corn Market, Warwick | 675 |
MERCER, Wm. | Dyer etc, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
MEREY, Thos. | Tailor, Smith St, Warwick | 675 |
MERRICK & BROWN | Ribbon makers, Much Park St, Coventry | 775 |
MERRICK, John | Fruiterer, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
MERRIDEW, Henry | Prop: Coventry Herald, Cross Cheaping | 769 |
MERRIDEW, Henry | Eagle, British & Col. Life, Cross Cheaping | 770 |
MERRIDEW, Henry | Printer bookseller, Cross Cheaping,Coventry | 775 |
MERRIDEW, Hy. | Ribbon maker, Smithford St, Coventry | 775 |
MERRIDEW, John | Bookseller, Bath St, Leamington | 719 |
MERRIDEW, John | Printer, bookseller, High St, Warwick | 675 |
MERRIDEW, John | Deputy Treasurer for Warwick | 670 |
MERRIDEW, Thomas Howell | Silk merchant, Hertford St, Coventry | 775 |
MERRY & BROWN | Ribbon makers, Much Park St, Coventry | 775 |
MERRY & SAWBRIDGE | Ribbon makers, Gosford St, Coventry | 775 |
MERRY, Abraham | Clerical Medical & Gen Life Off.Park St | 769 |
MERRY, Abraham | Accountant, Moon Yard, Coventry | 775 |
MERRY, James | Basket maker, West Orchard, Coventry | 775 |
MERRY, Joseph | Ribbon maker, Nicholas Place, Coventry | 775 |
MERRY, Joseph | Baker, Burgess, Coventry | 775 |
MERRY, William | Livery stables, Clemens St, Leamington | 719 |
MESSENGER, John | Miller, Coke Hill mill, Coleshill | 577 |
MESSENGER, John sen. | Miller, Whitacre, Coleshill | 577 |
MESSENGER, Thomas | Paper maker, Whitacre, Coleshill | 577 |
MESSINGER, Mr | Manufacturer of Birmingham | 286 |
MEYRICK, John Professor | Teacher Violin 5, Windsor St, Leamington | 719 |
MICHAELWRIGHT, William | smith, Bull Ring, Coventry | 775 |
MICKLEWRIGHT, William | Farrier & Shoeing smith, Rugby | 736 |
MIDDLETON, Dr. Amos | Woodbine Cottage, Bath St, Leamington | 715 |
MIDDLETON, Lambert | Lodging Ho., Union Parade, Leamington | 719 |
MIDDLETON, Thomas | Tailor & Habit maker, Atherstone | 555 |
MIDDLETON, W. | Surgeon 9,Upper Parade, Leamington | 719 |
MILES, Abel | Victualler, High St, Kenilworth | 698 |
MILES, Geo. | Ironmonger of Henley | 507 |
MILES, James | Victualler, Smithford St, Coventry | 775 |
MILES, John | Coal merchant,Saltisford Wharf, Warwick | 675 |
MILES, John | Boot & shoe Maker, New Buildings, Coventry | 775 |
MILES, Thomas | Butcher, Atherstone | 555 |
MILES, William | Master of National School, Stratford | 543 |
MILES, William | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
MILLBOURNE, Jos. Chamber. | Furniture broker, Grey Friars Lane,Coventry | 775 |
MILLER, A.G. Esq | Mancester, Atherstone | 553 |
MILLER, Ann | Straw hat maker, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
MILLER, David | Carrier , Rugby to Dunchurch etc | 737 |
MILLER, F.S. Esq | of Radway , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
MILLER, Joseph | Shoe maker, Church St, Tamworth | 608 |
MILLER, Nathaniel | Glover, Park St, Leamington | 719 |
MILLER, Rev Robert M. | Atherstone | 553 |
MILLER, Thomas | Shoe maker, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
MILLER, Wm | Silk and beaver hat maker, Atherstone | 555 |
MILLINGTON, Henry | Blacksmith Stratford Rd Alcester | 493 |
MILLINGTON, Thos | Grocer & tea dealer Henley St Alcester | 493 |
MILLMAN, John | Builder,Wise St, Leamington | 719 |
MILLNER, William | Boot & shoe Maker,WhiteFriarsLane, Coventry | 775 |
MILLS, Charles Taylor | John St, Stratford | 543 |
MILLS, J. | Alderman of Stratford | 539 |
MILLS, John | vict., Park St, Leamington | 719 |
MILLS, John Esq | of Rother Street Stratford | 539 |
MILLS, Joseph | Clothier & cork cutter, Wood St, Stratford | 543 |
MILLS, Joseph | Cabinetmaker, Henley St, Stratford | 543 |
MILLS, Joseph | Hosiery maker, Atherstone | 555 |
MILLS, Mrs Charles | Barford, Warwick | 670 |
MILLS, Oliver | Wines, Upper Assemby Rms, Regent St,Leaming | 719 |
MILLS, Oliver | Wine merchant, Church St, Warwick | 675 |
MILLS, Rev. Francis | Barford, Warwick | 670 |
MILLS, Rich. | Butcher, Jordan Well, Coventry | 775 |
MILLS, Richard | Wheelwright, Kenilworth St, Leamington | 719 |
MILLS, S. | Burgess of Stratford | 539 |
MILLS, Thomas | Medical Practiconer Stratford | 540 |
MILLS, Thomas | Victualler, Cook St, Coventry | 775 |
MILLS, Thomas | Victualler, Bishop st, Coventry | 775 |
MILLWARD, Edward | Baker of Coughton Alcester | 493 |
MILLWARD, G. | Stoke Green, Coventry | 775 |
MILLWARD, Rev. Hames | Solihull | 589 |
MILLWARD, Wm Jerome | Needlemaker Studley Alcester | 493 |
MILLWOOD, Miss | Payton St, Stratford | 543 |
MILWARD, Rev | RC minister, Solihull | 586 |
MINICHINI, Abate | Teacher of Spanish, French, New Town | 719 |
MINION, Gilbert | Victualler & Wharfinger, Atherstone | 555 |
MINION, William | Victualler, Atherstone | 555 |
MINORS, Elizabeth | Pastry cook & confectioner, High St | 543 |
MINSON, John | Brazier etc, Clemens St, Leamington | 719 |
MINSTER, R.H. | Guardian Ins. Office, Derby Lane, Coventry | 772 |
MINSTER, Robert Harvey | Solicitor, Derby Lane, Coventry | 775 |
MINSTER, Thomas | Solicitor, Derby Lane, Coventry | 775 |
MINSTERS, Misses | Warwick Row, Coventry | 775 |
MINSTRELL, Jos. | Builder, Well st, Coventry | 775 |
MINSTRELL, Mrs. | Laundress 32 Park St, Leamington | 719 |
MITCHELL, Fanny & Ellen | (Misses) Atherstone | 553 |
MITCHELL, Henry | Stone mason, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 608 |
MITCHELL, J. | Farmer, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
MITCHELL, James | Gent, George St, Tamworth | 605 |
MITCHELL, Mrs. | Lodging Ho., Regent St, Leamington | 719 |
MITCHELL, William | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
MLLWARD, G. & J. | Chemists, Earl Street, Coventry | 775 |
MOLE, Mr | Bronze and Ormolu maker of Paradise Street | 240 |
MOLESWORTH, Jno. | Ribbon maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry | 775 |
MOLLADY, John | Hat maker, Rugby | 736 |
MONCRIEFF, Lady Elizabeth | Union Parade, Leamington | 715 |
MONK, Joseph | Boat builder, Emscote, Warwick | 675 |
MONRO, Mr | Owner of the Baths at Lady-well B'ham | 237 |
MOODY, Mrs C. | Rock House Emscote, Warwick | 670 |
MOOR, Rev, J.H.C. | Assisant Master Rugby School, Rugby | 736 |
MOOR, Rev. Jas, H.C. | Clifton, Rugby | 735 |
MOORE, Charles | Wheelwright, Atherstone | 555 |
MOORE, Daniel | Watch & clock maker, Cross Cheaping | 775 |
MOORE, E. | Boot & shoe maker, Clemens St, Leamington | 719 |
MOORE, Edward | Grocer & tea dealer etc, Southam | 746 |
MOORE, Elizabeth | Post mistress, Southam | 747 |
MOORE, Geo. | Ribbon maker, Mill lane, Coventry | 775 |
MOORE, Humphrey | Shoeing smith, Bedford St, Leamington | 719 |
MOORE, John | Tailor Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
MOORE, John | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
MOORE, John | Post Horse hirer, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
MOORE, Jos. | Turner & chain maker, Coleshill | 577 |
MOORE, Joseph | Triennial Music Festival 1812 | 248 |
MOORE, Mrs | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 104 | 123 |
MOORE, Robert | Glass & china, High st, Coventry | 775 |
MOORE, Samuel | Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 775 |
MOORE, Thomas | Wheelwright, Atherstone | 555 |
MOORE, Thomas | Butcher, Windsor St, Leamington | 719 |
MOORE, Thomas | Maltster, Knowle | 592 |
MOORE, Thomas Esq | of Shottery | 539 |
MOORE, William | High Street, Coventry | 775 |
MOORE, Wm. | Post Horse hirer, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
MOORE, W.E. | Painter & gilder, Church St, Tamworth | 608 |
MORALL, Isaac | Glass & china, Market Place, Coventry | 775 |
MORAM, James | Shopkeeper, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
MOREWOOD, John | Grocer & tea dealer, Atherstone | 555 |
MOREWOOD, Wm. Palmer Esq | of Ladbrooke , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
MORFITT, John | Barrister of Birmingham | 118 |
MORGAN, John | Excise Officer, Coleshill | 577 |
MORGAN, Morgan | Shopkeeper, Knowle | 592 |
MORGAN, Wm. | Boot & shoe maker, Bedford St, Leamington | 719 |
MORLEY, Richard | Schoolmaster, Knowle | 592 |
MORRAL, Rich. | Cooper, Smith St, Warwick | 675 |
MORRALL, John | Plumber & glazier of Alcester | 493 |
MORRALL, Thos. | Music master Church st Alcester | 493 |
MORRIS & OSWIN | Ribbon makers, Earl St, Coventry | 776 |
MORRIS, E.J. | Bookseller, Royal Parade, Leamington | 719 |
MORRIS, Isaac | Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 775 |
MORRIS, John | Timber & salt merchant, Atherstone | 555 |
MORRIS, John | Tailor, Ely St, Stratford | 543 |
MORRIS, John | Builder, Butts, Warwick | 675 |
MORRIS, Josh. | Victualler, Knowle | 592 |
MORRIS, M | Bookseller, High St, Stratford | 543 |
MORRIS, Mary | B'ham Fire Office agent, Ely St Stratford | 540 |
MORRIS, Mary | Post Mistress, New St, Kenilworth | 699 |
MORRIS, Mary | Victualler, New St, Kenilworth | 698 |
MORRIS, Mary | Milliner dress, Smithford St, Coventry | 776 |
MORRIS, Misses | Ladies' Boarding Academy, Ely St, Stratford | 543 |
MORRIS, Mrs | Fire Office Agent - Birmingham | 545 |
MORRIS, P. | Fireman at Stratford | 545 |
MORRIS, Rev R | Curate of Stratford | 539 |
MORRIS, Rev Richard | of College St Stratford | 539 |
MORRIS, Rev, R. | Master Grammar School, Old Town Stratford | 542 |
MORRIS, S.F. | Tailor, Clemens St, Leamington | 719 |
MORRIS, Thomas | Bricklayer, Coleshill | 577 |
MORRIS, Thomas | Blacksmith, Coleshill | 577 |
MORRIS, Thomas | Victualler,Coleshill | 577 |
MORRIS, Thomas | , Church St, Warwick | 675 |
MORRIS, Thomas | Ribbon maker, Jordan Well, Coventry | 776 |
MORRIS, Thomas | Gent. Earl St, Coventry | 765 |
MORRIS, Thomas & Son | Ribbon maker, Bishop st, Coventry | 776 |
MORRIS, Thomas sen | Earl Street, Coventry | 776 |
MORRIS, Wm. | Shopkeeper, Southam | 746 |
MORRISON & Son | Farmers of Red Hill Alcester | 493 |
MORTON, James | Carrier to Littleworth from , Coventry | 784 |
MOSELEY, Rev Thomas | Vicar of St Martins Church B#Ham 1828 | 229 |
MOSS, John | Gardener, Clarendon St, Leamington | 719 |
MOTTRAM, Jno. | Licensed brewer, West St, Warwick | 675 |
MOTTRAM, John | Woolstapler, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 608 |
MOTTRAM, Thos. | Woolstapler, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 608 |
MOULD, Thomas | Shoemaker, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
MOULD, Wm. | Farmer, Castle Bromwich | 574 |
MOULSEY, Mrs | of Alverstoke | 539 |
MOULTON, James | Farmer, Fernhill Farm, Kenilworth | 698 |
MOULTON, John | Rounsell's Farm, Kenilworth | 698 |
MOULTON, Samuel | Grocer tea dealer, Smith St, Warwick | 675 |
MOULTON, Wm. | Grocer tea dealer, Jury St, Warwick | 675 |
MOUNTFORD, John | Baker etc Boleridge St, Tamworth | 608 |
MOUNTFORD, Joseph | Baker etc, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
MOUSELEY, Rob. | Butcher, Regent St, Leamington | 719 |
MOUSLEY, Catherine | Wine & spirit dealer, Atherstonene | 555 |
MOY, Thomas | Timber merchant, Priory, Coventry | 776 |
MOY, William | Mealman & maltster, Smithford St, Coventry | 776 |
MUCKLEY, Wm. | Schoolmaster, Brook St, Warwick | 675 |
MUDDIMAN, Thos. | Coal merchant, Saltisford Wharf, Warwick | 675 |
MULLIS, John | Solicitor, Much Park St, Coventry | 776 |
MULLIS, John | Alliance Fire Off, Well St, Coventry | 765 |
MULLIS, M. | Bishop Street, Coventry | 776 |
MUNDEN,. Mr | Organist at Free Church B'ham 1830 | 215 |
MUNTZ & PURDEN | Rolling Mills Birmingham | 249 |
MURRELL, Susannah | Milliner High St Alcester | 493 |
MURRILL, Hannah | Victualler, Brook St, Warwick | 675 |
MUSTON, Joseph | Woolstapler, Atherstone | 555 |
MUSTON, M. | Priory Row, Coventry | 776 |
MUSTON,Miss | Meriden | 599 |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]