Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - T
Surnames beginning with 'T'
Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
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TABBERER, Fred | Surgeon, Jury St, Warwick | 677 |
TABBERER, John | Victualler, Sheldon | 579 |
TABBERNER, Josh. | Joiner, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
TABBERNER, Josh. | Victualler, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
TABERNER, W. | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
TAFFORN, W. | Furniture broker, Gosford St, Coventry | 779 |
TAFT, William | Builder, Southam | 746 |
TALBOTT, John | Tailor 54, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
TALLISS, J | Carpenter, Snitterfield | 544 |
TANDY, George | Victualler, New St, Coventry | 779 |
TANFIELD, John | Collector of Excise, St Nicholas St | 779 |
TANN, Thomas | Brush maker, Earl st, Coventry | 779 |
TAPLIN, Edward | Shoemaker, High St, Stratford | 544 |
TAPLIN, Wm. | Victualler, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
TARLETON, John | Farmer of Henley | 507 |
TARLETON, Mrs | Of Henley | 507 |
TARNER, Matthew | Baker, Windsor St, Leamington | 721 |
TARNS, Mesdames | Milliners, Bath St, Leamington | 721 |
TARPICE, William | Chairmaker & bleeder with leeches - Henley | 507 |
TASKER, Jno. | Grocer, High Street, Stratford | 544 |
TASKER, John | Gentleman and JP of Stratford | 539 |
TASKER, T. | Churchwarden for Stratford | 539 |
TASKER, Thos. | Gent, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
TASKER, W. | Jury member Stratford | 539 |
TASKER, Wm jun | Butcher, High St, Stratford | 544 |
TASKER, Wm jun | Butcher, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
TATE, Joseph | Dyer & scourer etc, Atherstone | 556 |
TATE, Mrs. Emma | Warwick St, Leamington | 715 |
TATHAM, Maria | Grocer, Saltisford, Warwick | 677 |
TATLOCK, M. | Warwick Row, Coventry | 779 |
TATLOW, M & S. | Milliners, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
TATNEL, Hen. | Lodging ho., Union Parade, Leamington | 721 |
TAVERNER, James | Painter, plumber & glazier, Coleshill | 577 |
TAVERNER, Joseph | Gent, Coleshill | 576 |
TAVERNOR, Wm. | Brazier, ironmonger, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
TAWNY, Richard Esq | , Rugby | 735 |
TAYLOR & Lloyd | Bankers | 190 |
TAYLOR & Son | Whitesmiths, , Smith St, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, Catherine | Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
TAYLOR, Charles | Coach builder, Brook St, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, Chas. | Coach maker, Brook St, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, Chas. | Coachbuilder, Regent Grove, Leamington | 721 |
TAYLOR, Edward | Smith, Swan St, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, Hugh | Victualler & Excise Office, George Inn | 590 |
TAYLOR, J. | Architect 22, Park St, Leamington | 721 |
TAYLOR, J.F. | Confectioner etc Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, James | Victualler, Wells Green, Sheldon | 579 |
TAYLOR, James | Governor of B'ham school 1830 | 207 |
TAYLOR, Jno. | Tailor & draper, Coventry Rd, Nuneaton | 563 |
TAYLOR, John | Tailor, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
TAYLOR, John | Producer of gilt buttons, gilt snuff boxes | 298 |
TAYLOR, John | of Bordesley Hall - arsoned 15/7/1791 | 272 |
TAYLOR, John | Bought Sheldon manor mid 18th century | 579 |
TAYLOR, John | Died 1775, aged 64 | 298 |
TAYLOR, John | Serjeant at Mace of Warwick | 669 |
TAYLOR, John | Clerk of the Market, Castle St, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, John | Carriage Office, Castle St, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, John | Pawnbroker, West Orchard, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, John | Grocer, Bull Ring, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, John | Chapel Row, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, Jos. | Butcher,, Market Square, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, Jos. | Farmer & maltster, Knowle | 593 |
TAYLOR, Joseph | Butcher, Market St, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, Joseph | Grocer, Spon end, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, Mary | Milliner & haberdasher, Solihull | 590 |
TAYLOR, Mrs. | Academy, 22 Park St, Leamington | 721 |
TAYLOR, Samuel | Turner, Warwick Lane, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, Sarah | Haberdasher, Fleet st, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, Theophilus | Architect & builder, St John's, Warwick | 677 |
TAYLOR, Thomas | Miller, Alverstone | 545 |
TAYLOR, Thos | Marble & stone mason, Guildpits, Stratford | 544 |
TAYLOR, Thos | Auctioneer, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
TAYLOR, Thos. | Victualler, Coventry St, Nuneaton | |
TAYLOR, Thos. | Turner, Dog Lane, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, William | Builder, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
TAYLOR, William | Shoemaker, Sheldon | 579 |
TAYLOR, Wm | Blacksmith of Henley | 507 |
TAYLOR, Wm | Mason, Shottery, Stratford | 545 |
TAYLOR, Wm | Slater, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
TAYLOR, Wm | Maltster, Meriden | 599 |
TAYLOR, Wm. | Wine & spirit merchant, Market Pl, Nuneaton | |
TAYLOR, Wm. | Linen & woollen draper, Market Pl, Nuneaton | |
TAYLOR, Wm. | Coach builder, Fleet St, Coventry | 779 |
TAYLOR, Wm. Esq | , Southam | 745 |
TAYTON, James | Victualler, Hill st, Coventry | 779 |
TEAKSTONE, Mrs. Eliz. | Regent St, Leamington | 715 |
TEASDALE, M. | Hertford Street, Coventry | 779 |
TEBAY, Thos. | Prof: of Dancing, Stoke Green, Coventry | 779 |
TEDD, Wm. | Joiner, Gosford St, Coventry | 780 |
TEMPLE, Joseph | Gent. Castle, Tamworth | 605 |
TENNANT, John | Tailor, Butts, Warwick | 677 |
TERRILL, Edward | Saddler & harness maker, Brook St, Warwick | 677 |
TERRILL, Edward | Swan St, Warwick | 677 |
TERRILL, John | Grocer Evesham St Alcester | 495 |
TERRILL, Mary | Post Mistress, High St Alcester | 495 |
TERRILL, Mary Ann | Straw hat maker, Swan St, Warwick | 677 |
TERRILL, Mr. H. | Chapel St, Warwick | 677 |
TERRILL, Wm. | Boot & shoemaker Evesham St Alcester | 495 |
TERRITT, Richard | Victualler, Henley St, Stratford | 545 |
TERRY & HORTON | Surgeons, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
TERRY, J. | Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull | 588 |
TERRY, Jno | Fishmonger etc, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
TEW, Arthur & Edward | Butchers, Rugby | 736 |
TEW, Edward | Baker, Theatre St, Warwick | 677 |
TEW, Mr. John | Butts, Warwick | 677 |
TEW, Robert | Glass & china, West Orchard, Coventry | 780 |
TEW, Robert | Baker etc, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 780 |
TEW, Thos. | Baker, 37, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
TEYTON, Mary | Victualler, Gosford St, Coventry | 780 |
THACKER, Wm. | Draughtsman, Chauntry Place, Coventry | 780 |
THOMAS, Chas. | Victualler, Much Park St, Coventry | 780 |
THOMAS, Eliz. | Shopkeeper, Smithford St, Coventry | 780 |
THOMAS, Joseph | Patten & clog maker, Atherstone | 556 |
THOMAS, William | Ribbon maker, High st, Coventry | 780 |
THOMAS. Wm | Farmer of Henley | 507 |
THOMASON, Mr | Owner of manufactories & showrooms B'ham | 177 |
THOMPSON, Benj. | Farmer, Whitemore's Farm, Kenilworth | 699 |
THOMPSON, Cath. | Straw hat maker, Smithford St, Coventry | 780 |
THOMPSON, James | Grocer, druggist, tallow chandler,Solihull | 590 |
THOMPSON, Jas. | Cabinet maker, Castle St, Warwick | 677 |
THOMPSON, John | Plumber, Glazier & Painter, Solihull | 590 |
THOMPSON, John A. | Linen & woollen draper, Cross Cheaping | 780 |
THOMPSON, Joseph | Watch & clock maker, Atherstone | 556 |
THOMPSON, Mark | Timber merchant. Clinton Green, Kenilworth | 699 |
THOMPSON, Mr | Medical Practicioner Stratford | 540 |
THOMPSON, Mrs | Solihull | 590 |
THOMPSON, Ralph | Gent Witherley Bridge, Atherstone | 554 |
THOMPSON, Richard | Boys' Academy, Solihull | 590 |
THOMPSON, Samuel | Gent. Witherley Atherstone | 554 |
THOMPSON, Thos. | Victualler, Atherstone | 556 |
THOMPSON, Thos. | Gardener, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
THOMPSON, Wm. | Plasterer, Ely St, Stratford | 545 |
THONGAR, Rev | Scotch Minister of Newhall St Chapel 1828 | 274 |
THORNECROFT, William | Tinman, Rugby | 736 |
THORNELEY, Charles | Maltster, Sheldon, Coleshill | 577 |
THORNELOE, Eliz. | Lodging ho. Upper Union Pde, Leamington | 721 |
THORNLOE, Fran. | Sheriff's Officer, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
THORNTON, J. | Olton & Burrough Ends, Solihull | 588 |
THRASHER, John | Watch pendulum maker, Spon st, Coventry | 780 |
THROCKMORTON, John | Purchased Spernal in reign of Henry VI | 495 |
THROCKMORTON, Sir Charles | Owner of Coughton in 1828 | 499 |
THURMAN, Ed. | Butcher, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
THURMAN, Ed. | Victualler, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
THURMAN, Eliz. | Flax dresser, rope, twine maker,Atherstone | 556 |
THURMAN, Eliz. | China & glass dealer, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
THURMAN, Elizabeth | Victualler, Atherstone | 556 |
THURMAN, Hugh | Tallow Chandler, Atherstone | 556 |
THURMAN, J. | Carpenter, New St, Warwick | 677 |
THURMAN, Joseph | Victualler, Atherstone | 556 |
THURNAM, Benjamin | Painter , High St, Warwick | 677 |
THURTELL, Maria | Milliner & dressmaker, Atherstone | 556 |
THWAITES, Chas. | Victualler, Gosford St, Coventry | 780 |
TIBBETS, Jeremiah | Toy dealer, Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
TIBBETS, Mr. Jas | Town Clerk, Warwick | 669 |
TIBBITS, James | Solicitor & town clerk, Northgate StWarwick | 677 |
TIBBITS, Mr. R. | Clerk to the Magistrates Warwick | 669 |
TIBBITS, R. | Assistant Burgess of Warwick | 669 |
TIBBITS, Rob. | Solicitor, High St, Warwick | 677 |
TIBBITS, Thomas | Maltster & butcher, West St | 677 |
TIBBITS, W. | Alderman of Warwick | 669 |
TIBBITS, Wm. & Son | Solicitors, Northgate St, Warwick | 677 |
TIBBITTS, William | Attorney Stratford | 540 |
TIBBS, Wm. | Victualler, Solihull | 590 |
TIBBY, Wm. | Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull | 588 |
TIBSON, Thos. | Boot & shoe Maker, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 780 |
TIDMAN, Thomas | Pelican Life & Phoenix, Jury St, Warwick | 677 |
TIDMARSH, Job | Boot & shoe maker, Henley St,. Stratford | 545 |
TIDMARSH, Thos. | Hill Farm, Kenilworth | 699 |
TIDMARSH, Thos. | Sovereign Place, Coventry | 780 |
TIDMAS, Thomas Esq | Jury St, Warwick | 670 |
TIDMAS, W.A. | Butcher, Saltisford, Warwick | 677 |
TIE, Wm | Agent County Fire Office, Coleshill | 576 |
TIGH, Matthew | Brazier & tinman, Spon st, Coventry | 780 |
TIMMS, John | Serjeants at Mace Stratford | 539 |
TIMMS, John | Maltster Sheep St, Stratford | 545 |
TIMMS, John | Grocer tea dealer, High St Alcester | 495 |
TIMMS, John | Builder, Saltisford Rock, Warwick | 677 |
TIMMS, Mrs. | , High St, Warwick | 677 |
TIMMS, Mrs. Dinah | Grocer, Smith St, Warwick | 677 |
TIMMS, Thomas George | Coach & Commercial Inn, Market Square, | 677 |
TIMMS, Thos. | Maltster, Sheep St, Stratford | 545 |
TIMMS, William | Wheelwright, Southam | 746 |
TIMMS, Wm. | Baker, Smith St, Warwick | 677 |
TIMS, John | Builder, High St, Warwick | 677 |
TIMS, Mr. Wm. | , High St, Warwick | 677 |
TINDAL, M. | Excise Officer, Gosford St, Coventry | 780 |
TINSLEY, John | Victualler, Coton, Nuneaton | 563 |
TIPPING, Hen. | Lodging ho. Church St, Leamington | 721 |
TIPPING, John | Grocer, 35, Bath St, Leamington | 721 |
TIPSON, Saml. | Victualler, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 780 |
TIPSON, Thos. | Boot & shoe Maker, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 780 |
TITE, Wm. | Bookseller & stationer & stamps, Coleshill | 577 |
TODD, Anthony | Butcher, Coleshill | 577 |
TODD, Joseph | Maltster, Whitacre, Coleshill | 577 |
TOMES & HANDLEY | Salt merchants, Emscote, Warwick | 677 |
TOMES, Edward Esq | , Southam | 745 |
TOMES, J. | Member of Parliament for Warwick | 669 |
TOMES, John Esq MP | Jury St, Warwick | 670 |
TOMES, M. Richard | , Saltisford, Warwick | 677 |
TOMES, RUSSELL & Co | Bankers, Bath St, Leamington | 721 |
TOMES, RUSSELL & TOMES | Bankers, New St, Warwick | 677 |
TOMES, Thomas | Blacksmith of Henley | 507 |
TOMES, Wm. | Shoeing & whitesmith, John St, Leamington | 721 |
TOMES,(Russell & Tomes) | (of Warwick) Bankers, Southam | 746 |
TOMKIES, Edw. | Boot & shoe Maker, Much Park st, Coventry | 780 |
TOMKIES, Justinian | Boot & shoe Maker, Bishop st, Coventry | 780 |
TOMKINS, J. | Fireman at Stratford | 545 |
TOMKINS, John | Shopkeeper, Birmingham Row, Stratford | 545 |
TOMLINSON, Rev. John | Rugby | 735 |
TOMPSON, M. | Chimney sweep, 2 Bedford St, Leamington | 721 |
TOMPSON, THomas | Prop: Albion House, High St, Leamington | 721 |
TOMPSON, W. | Straw hat maker, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
TOMPSON, Walter | Saddler, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
TONGUE, W. Esq | Comberford Hall, Tamworth | 605 |
TOON, Job | Corn miller, Atherstone | 556 |
TOONE, Jno. | Builder, , Warwick St, Leamington | 721 |
TOOTH, Richard Esq | Coleshill | 576 |
TORR, Mrs & Ms Elliston | Dancing Academy, Bath Cottage, Leamington | 721 |
TORRE, N.L. Esq | Bath Cottage, Leamington | 715 |
TOVEY, J.B. | Attorney, Ranelagh Terr, Leamington | 721 |
TOVEY, Joliff | Deputy Constable of Henley | 507 |
TOWERS, Mrs. | Lodging ho. , Union Parade, Leamington | 721 |
TOWLE, John Esq | Abbey St, Nuneaton | 561 |
TOWLE, Wm. | Woolstapler, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
TOWNLEY, Damel | Farrier, Saltisford, Warwick | 677 |
TOWNS, Samuel Esq | Gent, Coleshill | 576 |
TOWNSEND, Ann & Son | Hatters, High st, Coventry | 780 |
TOWNSEND, B. | Alderman of Stratford | 539 |
TOWNSEND, Benj, | Boarding School, Ely St, Stratford | 545 |
TOWNSEND, Geo. | Wood turner & glass silverer, Church St | 545 |
TOWNSEND, George | Needlemaker Evesham St Alcester | 495 |
TOWNSEND, Jno & Thos. | Coal merchants, Leicester Row, Coventry | 780 |
TOWNSEND, John | Beneficiary in John Baskerville's will | 267 |
TOWNSEND, John | , Gosford St, Coventry | 780 |
TOWNSEND, Jos. | Union Place, Coventry | 780 |
TOWNSEND, Richard | Beneficiary in John Baskerville's will | 267 |
TOWNSEND, Robert | Brazier & tinman, Corn Market, Warwick | 677 |
TOWNSEND, S. | Plumber & glazier,, South Pde, Leamington | 721 |
TOWNSEND, Thomas & Son | Solicitors, Rugby | 736 |
TOWNSEND, Wm S & W, | drapers, High st, Coventry | 780 |
TOWNSEND, Wm. | Furniture broker, Little Park St, Coventry | 780 |
TOWNSEND, Wm. | Ribbon maker, High st, Coventry | 780 |
TREADGOLD, Edw. | Timber merchant, Church St, Leamington | 721 |
TREEN, John | Tailor, Rugby | 736 |
TREPASS, Wm. | Builder, Old Mill La, Priory Rd, Warwick | 677 |
TREPASS, Wm. & Son | Builders, Saltisford, Warwick | 677 |
TRESLOVE, Mrs | Ladies' Boarding School King's Coughton | 495 |
TRICKETT, James | smith, White Friars St, Coventry | 780 |
TRICKETT, Wm. | smith, Palmer's Lane, Coventry | 780 |
TRICKLE, Thos. | Victualler, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
TRICKLE, Thos. | Grocer & tea dealer, Bridge St,Nuneaton | 563 |
TROTH, John | Bricklayer of Henley | 507 |
TROUGHTON & LEA | Solicitors etc, Little Park St, Coventry | 780 |
TROUGHTON, Nathaniel | Surgeon, Priory Rd, Coventry | 780 |
TROUGHTON, Thos Ball Esq | , Little Park St, Coventry | 780 |
TRUEMAN, Sam. | Lace maker, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
TRUSLOVE, Cornelius | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 780 |
TRUSS, Wm | Mealman, Bridgetown | 545 |
TUCKLEY, Charles | Nail maker, Coleshill | 577 |
TUCKLEY, Thomas | Brazier, & tinman, Coleshill | 577 |
TUCKLEY, Thomas | Nail maker, Coleshill | 577 |
TUFFIELD, Frederick | Master, National School, Church St,Tamworth | 608 |
TUFLEY, John | Brazier & tinman, Market Street, Warwick | 677 |
TUNNICLIFFE, Wm Esq | Coventry Road, Warwick | 677 |
TURALL, Wm. | Carrier to Coughton from, Coventry | 783 |
TURNBULL, John | Tailor, Smith St, Warwick | 677 |
TURNBULL, John | Tailor , Old Square, Warwick | 677 |
TURNER, Charles | Carpenter, Smithford St, Coventry | 780 |
TURNER, Chas. | Boarding Sch. Abbey Hill, Kenilworth | 699 |
TURNER, Edward | Stoke Green, Coventry | 780 |
TURNER, Geo. | Boot and Shoe maker, Atherstone | 556 |
TURNER, J, | Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull | 588 |
TURNER, James | Corn dealer & Maltster, Southam | 746 |
TURNER, Jno. | Printer bookseller, High st, Coventry | 780 |
TURNER, Mrs. | , Northgate St, Warwick | 677 |
TURNER, Mrs. | Straw hat maker, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
TURNER, Saml. | Carpenter, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
TURNER, Thomas | Staircase builder 8 Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
TURNER, Thomas | Maltster, Old Mill Lane, Warwick | 677 |
TURNER, William | Victualler, Southam | 746 |
TURNPENNY, George | Victualler, Coleshill | 578 |
TURNPENNY, John | Boot and Shoe maker, Coleshill | 578 |
TURRELL, James | Book-keeper, Church St, Leamington | 721 |
TURTON,William | Slain April 1643 - Cutler | 163 |
TURVILLE, Rev. Mr. | Hampton, Warwick | 670 |
TWAITES, Jas. | Ribbon maker, Bull yard, Coventry | 780 |
TWAITES, Thomas | Union Place, Coventry | 780 |
TWAMLEY, Josiah | Wine Merchant, Northgate St, Warwick | 677 |
TWAMLEY, Wm | Miller, Newhall, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
TWAMLEY, Zach. | Miller & farmer, Castle Bromwich | 575 |
TWIGG, Eliz. | Ladies' Boarding Sch., Union st, Coventry | 780 |
TWINT, John | Blacksmith, Bridgetown | 545 |
TWIST, John | Solicitor, Bishop street, Coventry | 780 |
TWIST, William | Victualler, Sheldon | 579 |
TWYCROSS, John | Shroud maker, Millers Alley, Coventry | 780 |
TWYCROSS, Mary | Grocer & tea dealer, Cross Cheaping | 780 |
TWYCROSS, Richard | Butcher, Castle St, Warwick | 677 |
TWYCROSS, Wm. | Dyer, Miller's Alley, Coventry | 780 |
TYLECOTE, Sam. | Wine merchant, Cole Hill, Tamworth | 608 |
TYLER, Henry | Ironfounder, Henley St, Nuneaton | 563 |
TYLER, Samuel | Farmer of Henley | 507 |
TYRALL, Richard | Grocer, West St, Warwick | 677 |
TYSOE, John | Maltster, Waterside | 545 |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]