


Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - A


Surnames beginning with 'A'

Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

ABBEY, EdmundChemist & Druggist, Southam746
ABBEY, EdwardClerical Medical Ins Office, Southam746
ABBOT, Eliz,Cabinet maker, Park St, Leamington715
ABBOTT, RobertClerk to Holy Trinity, Coventry765
ABBOTT, WilliamSank spa well at Leamington in 1786708
ABBOTTS, Thos.Poulterer etc, Bath St, Leamington715
ABBOTTS, Williamdied 1/3/1805 aged 69, Leamington712
ABBY, Jos.Gunnery Farm, , Leamington Rd715
ABEKLL, Thos.Hairdresser, Hay Lane, Coventry765
ABEL, JohnCheesefactor, Rugby735
ACKEROYD, J.Tailor etc, Silver St, Tamworth605
ACOCK, Wm.Vicutaller, Maltster, Atherstone554
ADAMS, C. & AChild bed linen, Clemens St, Leamington715
ADAMS, Eliz.Victualler, Atherstone554
ADAMS, GeorgeBoot & Shoe maker, Clemens St, Leamington715
ADAMS, H.C. Esqof Anstey,Magistrate for Warwick669
ADAMS, Henry EsqAnstey Hall, Coventry765
ADAMS, Jas.Butcher, Well St, Coventry765
ADAMS, JohnBricklayer, Knowle592
ADAMS, JohnVictualler, Southam746
ADAMS, John EsqSerjeant at Law, , Warwick669
ADAMS, Jos.Linen & woollen draper, Swan St, Warwick671
ADAMS, MichaelButcher, Spon St, Coventry765
ADAMS, Michael,Silk hat maker, Atherstone554
ADAMS, R.C., Castle end, Kenilworth697
ADAMS, Rev. Henry CokerAnstey, Coventry765
ADAMS, RichardSlain April 1643 - Cobbler163
ADAMS, ThomasDog Lane, Coventry765
ADAMS, ThosMiller of Clifford Rhyn540
ADAMS, WilliamRibbon maker, Smithford St, Coventry765
ADAMS, WilliamBroker, Spon St, Coventry765
ADAMS, WilliamTailor, Spon St, Coventry765
ADAMS. Rev T.C.of Anstey, Magistrate for Warwick669
ADCOCK, GeorgeButcher of Henley506
ADCOCK, JohnHairdresser, Bull Ring, Coventry765
ADEN, Johnof Newtown Stratford540
ADEY, RichardHair dresser etc, Market St, Warwick671
ADIE, Thos.Baker & flour delaer, Bond St, Nuneaton561
ADKINS, Danl.Farmer, Hundred Banks, Kenilworth697
ADKINS, HarryGovernor of the County Gaol, Warwick671
ADKINS, Hen.Ribbon maker, Gosford St, Coventry765
ADKINS, MrFarmer of Clifford Rhyn540
ADKINS, Mr.Governor of the Warwick County Gaol670
ADKINS, SamuelVictualler, Gosford St, Coventry765
ADKINS, StephenSmith & farrier of Sheep St Stratford540
ADKINS, WilliamTailor of Beachfields Alcester491
ADSON, JamesCutler, Much Park St, Coventry765
AINSWORTH, Mrsof Evesham Street, Alcester491
ALCOCK, CharlesOlton & Burrough Ends, Solihull588
ALCOCK, GeoWheelwright of Guildpits Stratford540
ALCOCK, JohnMaltster, Atherstone554
ALCOCK, MrThree Tuns Inn, Atherstone554
ALCOCK, R.H.Builder etc, Swanswell Terrace, Coventry765
ALCOCK, Ralph henryCanal carrier to London , Coventry784
ALCOCK, Wmof College Street Stratford540
ALCOT, Jno.Marble stone mason, Warwick Rd, Coventry765
ALCOT, JosiahButcher, Butcher row, Coventry765
ALDRIDGE, AliciaVictualler, Sutton Coldfield583
ALDRIDGE, SamuelCurrier, Church St, Tamworth605
ALDRIDGE, T.D.Farmer, Thickthorn Lodge, Kenilworth697
ALEXANDER, ThosShoemaker, Snitterfield Stratford540
ALLAN, J.Auctioneer etc, Clemens St, Leamington715
ALLAN, Mrs.Straw hat maker, Clemens St, Leamington715
ALLARD, Thos.Colourer, 1, Brunswick St, Leamington715
ALLBUT, John EsqMeriden599
ALLBUTT, Mr.Principal of Academy at Meriden599
ALLDAY, HenryButcher, Hertford St, Coventry765
ALLDAY, JohnButcher, Knowle592
ALLDAY, M.Butcher, Solihull589
ALLDRITT, J.Shoemaker, Bolebridge St, Tamworth605
ALLEBRAND, JohnShoeing smith, St John's St, Warwick671
ALLEN & SMITHmillers of Hoocorn Mills Alcester491
ALLEN, Edw.Farmer & brickmaker, Balsal. Knowle592
ALLEN, GeorgeBuilder, Nuneaton561
ALLEN, HarrietHouse painter, High St, Warwick671
ALLEN, JamesPainter, plumber, Little Park St, Coventry765
ALLEN, JnoBaker of Henley St Stratford540
ALLEN, JohnMason of Wood St Stratford540
ALLEN, JohnBlacksmith, Saltisford, Warwick671
ALLEN, JohnPlumber & glazier,, Little Park St,Coventry765
ALLEN, JosephProperty taken for building Town Hall233
ALLEN, MissSchool Teacher B'ham Infant School217
ALLEN, MrClothier of High Street B'Ham230
ALLEN, MrsResident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 88123
ALLEN, Peterbaker of Evesham St Alcester491
ALLEN, RobtVict & maltster, High St, Coventry765
ALLEN, SamuelHat maker, Atherstone554
ALLEN, ThomasRibbon maker, Atherstone554
ALLEN, ThomasCooper of High Street Alcester491
ALLEN, WilliamBaker & flour dealer, Atherstone554
ALLEN, Wm.Cabinet maker, Park Place, Leamington715
ALLEN, Wm. ThompsonAtherstone553
ALLIBRAND, JohnBaker of Henley506
ALLPORT, DanielShop keeper, Atherstone554
ALLPORT, MrBuilt clock for Free Church B'ham215
ALLPORT, R.Grocer & druggist, Church St, Tamworth605
ALLPORT, Rev, JosiahAtherstone553
ALLPORT, RichardCutler etc, Church St, Tamworth605
ALLUM, R.Surveyor of roads, Bridge Bank, Tamworth605
ALVENS, ThomasBridge St Stratford540
AMBLER, Rich.Wheelwright, High St, Leamington715
AMERY, JohnBanker190
AMES & ATKINSONRibbon makers, Mill Lane, Coventry765
ANDERSON, G.H.gentleman of Salsford Alcester491
ANDERSON, JohnWhitesmith, New St, Coventry765
ANDERSON, JosephHill St, Coventry765
ANDERTON, IsaacGovernor of B'ham school 1830207
ANDERTON, SusanShopkeeper, Solihull589
ANDERTON, WilliamGovernor of B'ham school 1830207
ANDREWS, Rev. Richard T.Dunchurch, Rugby735
ANKERS, Williamof Alcester491
ANNERLEY, Mrs Eliz.Cole Hill, Tamworth606
ANNESLEY, Rev Arthurof Clifford539
ANSON, Thos.Rope maker, Abbey St, Nuneaton561
APPLEBEE, Benj.Wheelwright , Snitterfield Stratford540
APPLEBEE, ThomasGrocer & Com Fire Off. Old Square, Warwick671
APPLEWAITE, James EsqLindley Hall, Nuneaton561
ARCHER, EdmundButcher Chapel St Stratford540
ARCHER, JamesBoot & Shore maker of Henley St Alcester491
ARCHER, JohnCorn miller, Atherstone554
ARCHER, JohnBoot & Shore maker of Henley St Alcester491
ARCHER, JohnVictualler, Southam746
ARCHER, SamButcher, Church St, Warwick671
ARCHER, ThomasOf Umberslade 1746148
ARCHER, ThomasFounder175
ARCHER, WilliamAccountant & Globe Insurance Church St540
ARKELL, MrSurveyor of Highway Stratford539
ARKELL, ThomasInnkeeper Henley St Stratford540
ARKESDEN, JohnArmy baker, West St, Warwick671
ARMSTRONG, S.D.Librarian Subscription library, Hertford St769
ARMSTRONG, SamuelRibbon dresser, Inion St, Coventry765
ARMSTRONG, Samuel DykeLibrarian, Hertford St, Coventry765
ARNOLD, B.R.Linen draper, Old Square, Warwick671
ARNOLD, CatherineStraw hat maker of Henley506
ARNOLD, EdwardButcher, Sutton Coldfield583
ARNOLD, J.Shoemaker, Lichfield St, Tamworth605
ARNOLD, Jas.Brickmaker, Castle end, Kenilworth697
ARNOLD, Jas. EsqUpper , Union Parade, Leamington715
ARNOLD, Jno.Turner & chair maker, Gosford St, Coventry765
ARNOLD, JohnBoot & shoe maker of Henley506
ARNOLD, JohnCarpenter & joiner,Joyce Pool, Warwick671
ARNOLD, MrsOf Henley506
ARNOLD, Rev, ThomasHead master Rugby Schhol, Rugby736
ARNOLD, Rev. Thomas DD, Rugby735
ARNOLD, Robertvict. Much Park St, Coventry765
ARNOLD, Thos David & Jos.Maltsters & brickmakers, Lichfield St,605
ARNOLD, Thos.Brickmaker, New St, Kenilworth697
ARNOLD, Wm.Perfumer, Back St, Nuneaton561
ARNOLD, Wm.Stone mason, Clinton Green, Kenilworth697
ARNOLD, Wm.vict. Much Park St, Coventry765
ARNWAY, RichardGentleman High Street Alcester491
ARTHUR, JosephPawnbroker, Derby Lane, Coventry765
ARTHUR, ThomasButcher Henley St Stratford540
ASEMONT, ThomasShop Owner195
ASH, Benj.Tailor, West St, Warwick671
ASH, DrPhysician of Birmingham Hospital 1779247
ASHBY, AndrewBookseller, Stationer etc, Rugby735
ASHBY, Wm.Grocer & tea dealer, Southam746
ASHFIELD, JnoVictualler Chapel St Stratford540
ASHFIELD, JohnDirector, Engine House at the Falcon545
ASHFIELD, JohnAsst. Overseer for Old Stratford parish539
ASHFIELD, Richardbutcher high street Alcester491
ASHFORD, StephenGardener, Sutton Coldfield583
ASHLEY, Mrs. ElizabethPost Mistress, Rugby737
ASHMORE, ElizabethVictualler of Henley506
ASHMORE, J.Saddler, Bath St, Leamington715
ASHMORE, JohnSaddler & collar maker of Henley506
ASHMORE, John & WilliamCarrier to Birmingham, Atherstone556
ASHTON, DanielMaster Corporation Sch. Sutton Coldfield583
ASHTON, JohnCanbinet maker, Much Park St, Coventry765
ASHTON, JosephUpholsterer, Smithford St, Coventry765
ASHWIN, E.Overseer for Stratford Parish539
ASHWIN, GetleyLinen & woollen draper High St Stratford540
ASHWIN, Mr EdwBridge St Stratford540
ASHWIN, T.Fire Office Agents - County545
ASHWIN, T.Burgess of Stratford539
ASHWIN, ThomasCounty Fire Office Chapel St Startford540
ASKINSON, M.Gas works, Leamington715
ASSINDER, JohnMachine ruler stationer, Saltisford,Warwick671
ASTBURY, ThomasBaker, Sutton Coldfield583
ASTLEY, HenryButcher, Market Place, Nuneaton561
ASTLEY, JohnGrocer & tea dealer, Market Place, Nuneaton561
ASTLEY, JosephOil & colourman, Broadgate , Coventry765
ASTON, J.Brandy merchant, Dolphin Inn,Cross Cheaping766
ASTON, J.Coach Prop: Dolphin Inn, CrossCheaping783
ASTON, Samuel EsqRowington , Warwick670
ASTON, SarahResident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 98123
ASTON, WalterVictualler, Bedford St, Leamington715
ATHERLEY, Miss ElizabethAtherstone553
ATKINS, CharlesBootmaker, Knowle592
ATKINS, J.Baker & flour dealer, Cole Hill, Tamworth605
ATKINS, JohnEmscote Tavern, Emscote, Warwick671
ATKINS, JohnBasket maker, Market Pl, Coventry766
ATKINS, JohnCarrier to Berkswell from, Coventry783
ATKINS, MissEmscote Cottage, Warwick671
ATKINS, MrsPayton St Stratford540
ATKINS, T.H.Auctioneer, Sheriff Off., Church St,Warwick671
ATKINS, Wm.Stay maker, Abbey St, Nuneaton561
ATTEBRAND, Wm.Smith, Cotton End, Warwick671
ATTRIDGE, EdwardTailor, Coleshill576
ATTWOOD, GeorgeResidence next to Edgbaston Hall B'ham286
ATTWOOD, George & ThomasMakers of Copper cylinders of Easy Hill272
ATTY, R.W. Esqof Snitterfield539
ATTY, Robert Middletonof Snitterfield,Magistrate for Warwick669
ATWOOD, Rev. Henry A. S.Hill St, Kenilworth. Warwick697
AUCOCK, DianaLodging house, Wellington St, Leamington715
AUSTER, JohnOlton & Burrough Ends, Solihull588
AUSTER, JohnFarmer, Solihull589
AUSTEY, Rev Charles, Rugby735
AUSTIN, ThomasSalt merchant, Atherstone554
AVERILL, ThomasRope & twine maker High Street Alcester491
AVERN, SamlMaltster, Knowle592
AVERY, JohnMalster, Studley Alcester491
AVERY, Jos.Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull588
AVERY, ThomasMaltster, Knowle592
AVERY, Wm.Maltster, Solihull589
AVINS, WilliamVictualler, Atherstone554
AYLESFORD, Rt Hon Earl ofPackington Hall, Coleshill576
AYLESFORD, The Earl ofPackington Hall, Meriden599
AYRES, Sir William 166
AYSCOUGH, Wm.Ribbon maker, Hertford St, Coventry766
AYTON, Jno.Ribbon Maker, High St, Coventry766
AYTON, Jno.Protector Ins, Office, Hertford St,Coventry777
AYTON, JohnBookseller, Hertford St, Coventry766
AYTON, ObadiahSurgeon, Hogg Lane, Kenilworth697


[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]