Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - S
Surnames beginning with 'S'
Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
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SABIN, Thomas | Welch Hall, Meriden | 599 |
SACKERSON, James | Watch gilder, Spon st, Coventry | 778 |
SADLER, Catherine | Grocer, Gosford St, Coventry | 778 |
SADLER, Edward | Attorney, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SADLER, Edward | Spirit merchant, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SADLER, Rev Robert | Over Whitacre, Coleshill | 576 |
SADLER, Richard | Attorney, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SALE & LADBURY | Drapers, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 608 |
SALE, Geo | Linen & woollen draper, Atherstone | 556 |
SALE, Mary | Confectioner, High St, Warwick | 676 |
SALE. John | Assist. Writing Master Rugby School, Rugby | 736 |
SALLAWAY, Wm. & George | Carpenters, Smith St, Warwick | 676 |
SALLOWAY, William | Yeoman of Corporation of Warwick | 669 |
SALMON, Rev Geo. | Master of Free School, Coleshill | 577 |
SALMON, Rev George MA | Coleshill | 576 |
SALMON, Wm. | Atherstone (house of Dr Thomas) | 544 |
SALT, Han. | dealer in sundries, Boleridge St, Tamworth | 608 |
SALT, T.C. | Gas lamp maker of Paradise Street B'ham | 240 |
SAMMONS, Wm. | Butcher , Spon st, Coventry | 778 |
SANDERS & Son | Coal merchants,Saltisford Wharf, Warwick | 676 |
SANDERS, Geo. | Watch & clock maker, Atherstone | 556 |
SANDERS, George | Victualler, Much Park st, Coventry | 778 |
SANDERS, John | Wine & spirit merchant, Atherstone | 556 |
SANDERS, Philip | Hairdresser, Old Square, Warwick | 676 |
SANDERS, Richard | Jury Street, Warwick | 676 |
SANDERS, Richard & Son | Timber merchant, Butts &, Saltisford, | 676 |
SANDERS, Thos. | Boat builder, Saltisford, Warwick | 676 |
SANDERS, Thos. | Butcher, Much Park st, Coventry | 778 |
SANDERS, William | Ribbon maker, Providence Pl, Coventry | 778 |
SANDERS, William | Victualler, Spon end, Coventry | 778 |
SANDERSON, Henry | shopkeeper, Fleet st, Coventry | 778 |
SANDLES, John | Watchmaker High St Alcester | 494 |
SANDS, Charles | Joiner Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SANDS, George | Butcher, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SANDS, Joseph | Boot and Shoe maker, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SANDS, Joseph | Butcher, Atherstone | 556 |
SANDS, Sarah | dealer in sundries, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
SANDS, Thos. | Boot and Shoe maker, Atherstone | 556 |
SANDS, Wm. | Boot and Shoe maker, Atherstone | 556 |
SANSOM, Charles | Painter, Church St, Tamworth | 608 |
SARGEANT & COX | Ribbon makers, Little Park St, Coventry | 778 |
SARSONS, Wm | Maltster , baker & miller of Henley | 507 |
SATCHELL, James | Carpenter, Brook St, Warwick | 676 |
SATCHELL, John | Builder, Rugby | 736 |
SATCHELL, Thos. | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
SATCHWELL, James | Builder, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SATCHWELL, Mr. | Brook Street, Warwick | 676 |
SATCHWELL, Thos. | Gardener etc, Smith St, Warwick | 676 |
SATCHWELL, Wm. | Butcher, Old Square, Warwick | 676 |
SATTERTHWAITE, Edward | , Little Park St, Coventry | 778 |
SAUNDERS, Benjamin & Son | Fancy silk button maker, Greenhill St | 544 |
SAUNDERS, J. | Alderman of Stratford | 539 |
SAUNDERS, James | Resident of Main St Stratford | 532 |
SAUNDERS, James Esq | of Old town Stratford | 539 |
SAUNDERS, John | Blacksmith, Boleridge St, Tamworth | 608 |
SAUNDERS, Mary | Milliner, Coleshill | 577 |
SAUNDERS, Wm. | Watch springer, Spon end, Coventry | 778 |
SAVAGE, John | Victualler, Bridge St, Stratford | 544 |
SAVAGE, John | Builder etc, Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth | 698 |
SAVAGE, Rich | Butcher, Evesham St Alcester | 494 |
SAVAGE, Wm | vict. High Street Alcester | 494 |
SAVAGE, Wm. | Whitesmith, Court St, Leamington | 720 |
SAWBRIDGE, Chas. | Builder, Little Park St, Coventry | 778 |
SAWBRIDGE, John | Ribbon maker, Gosford St, Coventry | 778 |
SAWBRIDGE, William | Ribbon maker, Gosford St, Coventry | 778 |
SAWER & HALL | Ribbon maker, Union st, Coventry | 778 |
SCAMPTON, John | Grocer, High street, Coventry | 778 |
SCAMPTON, John | Hatter, High street, Coventry | 778 |
SCARBOROUGH, Robert Esq | , Rugby | 735 |
SCATTERGOOD, Jno. | Hairdresser, Windsor St, Leamington | 720 |
SCHOLEFIELD, Joshua | Auditor of Deaf & Dumb School | 285 |
SCOTT, Jos. | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 94 | 123 |
SCOTT, Rev, Benjamin | Harborough Magna, Rugby | 735 |
SCOTT, Sir Joseph | of Barr | 243 |
SCOTT, Wm. | Hairdresser 26, Bath St, Leamington | 720 |
SCRAMBLER, Charles | Baker Henley St Alcester | 494 |
SCRAMBLER, Henry | Baker High St Alcester | 494 |
SCRIVENOR, Jos. | Rope maker, Wash Lane, Nuneaton | 563 |
SEAGER, Peter | Stone mason, Warwick Lane, Coventry | 778 |
SEAGER, Wm. | Stone mason, Chaylesmore Pl, Coventry | 778 |
SEAGROVE, Misses | Jury St , Warwick | 670 |
SEAL & JACKSON | Linen & woollen draper, High st, Coventry | 778 |
SEAL, Robert | Stoke Green, Coventry | 778 |
SEARGEANT, C. | Painter & glazier, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
SEARGEANT, S. | Confectioner, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
SEDGELEY, William | Post Master, Dunchurch, Rugby | 737 |
SEDGLEY, John | Painter, plumber, Smithford St, Coventry | 778 |
SETTLE, Wm. | Watch & clock maker, Butts , Coventry | 778 |
SEWARD, Thomas | Upholsterer & paper hanger, Rugby | 736 |
SEYMOUR, Popham | Inherited manor in 1684 | 495 |
SEYMOUR, Wm Hen. | Coroner for Knightlow | 670 |
SEYMOUR, Wm. Hen. | Solicitor, Little Park St, Coventry | 778 |
SHADLOW, Sarah | Mistress Corporation Sch. Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
SHAKESPEAR, Wm. | Ribbon maker, Freeth st, Coventry | 778 |
SHAKESPEAR, Wm. | Silk Throwster, Mill lane, Coventry | 778 |
SHAKESPEARE, George | Stoke Green, Coventry | 778 |
SHAKESPEARE, James | Shoemaker of Henley | 507 |
SHAKESPEARE, Jno. | Pawnbroker, Gosford St, Coventry | 778 |
SHARP, J. | Printer, Courier Off, Wise St, Leamington | 720 |
SHARP, Robt. | Dealer in sundries, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
SHARP, Thomas | Hat maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 778 |
SHARPE, Charles | Butcher, Swan St, Warwick | 676 |
SHARPE, Henry & Son | Printer (Warwick Advertiser), High St, | 676 |
SHARSHAW, Thomas | Butcher, High St, Stratford | 544 |
SHAW, Adam | Surgeon, Read, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SHAW, J.P. Esq | Clift Hall, Tamworth | 605 |
SHAW, James | Purveyor of oats, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 778 |
SHAW, Samuel | Butcher old Square, Warwick | 676 |
SHAW, Wm. | Pawnbroker, Smith St, Warwick | 676 |
SHAW, Wm. | Collector of rates, Brook St, Warwick | 676 |
SHAYLE, Mrs | Ladies' School Dunnington Alcester | 494 |
SHEAFE, Rich | vict. Globe Commercial Inn, Evesham St | 494 |
SHEARSLEY, Jas. | Bricklayer & victualler, Snitterfield | 544 |
SHEEN, Wm. | Blacksmith, Rugby | 736 |
SHEFFIELD, Thomas | Miller, Blythe Mills, Coleshill | 577 |
SHELDON & GEORGE | Grocers & Pheonix agents, High St,Stratford | 544 |
SHELDON & GEORGE | Fire Office Agent - Phoenix | 545 |
SHELDON, Edward Esq | of Brailes , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
SHELDON, W. | Overseer for Stratford Parish | 539 |
SHELDON, William | Plumber, painter, Sheep St Stratford | 544 |
SHELDON. W. | Jury member Stratford | 539 |
SHELTON, Charles | Victualler, Warwick Row, Coventry | 778 |
SHELTON, Charlotte | Milliner & dressmaker, Atherstone | 556 |
SHELTON, John | Shop Owner | 195 |
SHELTON, Thos. | Blackmsith, Atherstone | 556 |
SHEPHERD & Co. | Carriers Rugby to London etc | 737 |
SHEPHERD, J. | Town Carrier, West St, Warwick | 679 |
SHERLOCK, Thomas | Bishop of London | 148 |
SHERRARD, Mrs. | , Rugby | 735 |
SHIERS, Michael | Baker, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SHILCOCK, John | Victualler, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
SHILTON, Jas. | Ironmonger, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
SHILTON, John | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
SHIRLEY, Charles Esq | Vicarage House, Coleshill | 576 |
SHIRLEY, E.J. Esq MP | of Eatington Park Stratford | 539 |
SHIRLEY, Geo. | Grocer, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 608 |
SHIRLEY, Geo. | Baker, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 608 |
SHORT, Edward | Attorney, Solihull | 589 |
SHORT, Mr | Surgeon - aged 92 of Solihull | 586 |
SHORT, Mrs | aged 84, Solihull | 586 |
SHORT, Rev Jno. | Chaplain of Balsall Temple,Solihull | 589 |
SHORT, Richard | Surgeon, Solihull | 589 |
SHORTHOSE, Wm. | Stationer Ranelagh St, Leamington | 720 |
SHUCKBROUGH, John Esq | Bourton, Rugby | 735 |
SHUCKBURGH, Sir, Francis | Shuckburgh Park, Southam | 745 |
SHUTE, Abraham | Pawnbroker, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
SHUTTLEWORTH, Edward | Surveyor & timber merchant, Coleshill | 577 |
SHUTTLEWORTH, G.R. | Victualler, Coleshill | 577 |
SHUTTLEWORTH, Robert | Miller, Coleshill | 577 |
SHUUTLEWORTH, Thos. | Baker, Solihull | 590 |
SIBREE, Rev. J. | Minister, Vicar Lane Chapel, Hertford Terr | 778 |
SIDDAWAY, Thos. | Nail & chain maker, Sheep St, Stratford | 544 |
SIDEBOTHAM, Rev M | Curate of Snitterfield | 539 |
SIDWELL, G. | Sundry dealer, Silver st, Coventry | 778 |
SILK, Mrs. | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 84 | 123 |
SIMCOX, George | Governor of B'ham school 1830 | 207 |
SIMCOX, Mr | House owner near Camp Hill Birmingham | 255 |
SIMMONDS, Stephen | Res: Hertford Street, Coventry | 778 |
SIMMONDS, Stephen | Ribbon maker,Bishop st, Coventry | 778 |
SIMMONS, Fanny | Straw etc & hat maker, Atherstone | 556 |
SIMMONS, Geo. | Cabinet maker, Clemens St, Leamington | 720 |
SIMMONS, John | Clock & watch maker of Henley | 507 |
SIMMONS, John | Joiner, Little Park St, Coventry | 778 |
SIMMONS, Thomas | Whitesmith, Atherstone | 556 |
SIMMONS, Thomas | Ironmonger Brazier & tinman, Atherstone | 556 |
SIMMONS, Thomas | Plasterer, St John St, Warwick | 676 |
SIMMS, Elizabeth | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 88 | 123 |
SIMPSON, M. | Hertford Terrace, Coventry | 778 |
SIMPSON, Mrs Sarah | , Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth | 697 |
SIMPSON, R. | Hairdresser, Clemens St, Leamington | 720 |
SIMPSON, Rev, Robert Wm. | Church St, Tamworth | 605 |
SIMPSON, Rev. Robert | Charter House, Coventry | 765 |
SIMPSON, William | Law stationer, Southam | 746 |
SIMPSON, Wm. | Atlas Fire Office agent, Southam | 746 |
SIMS, Mr | Owner of Iron rolling Mills | 223 |
SIMS, William | Carrier to Littleworth from , Coventry | 784 |
SINGLETON, M. | Aqua-fortis manufacturer, Knowle | 592 |
SISAM, Wm | Miller Malster, Arrow Mills, Alcester | 494 |
SITWELL, Rev. M. | Leamington Hastings, Rugby | 735 |
SKALSEY, Ann | Milliner etc Swan Tower, Coventry | 779 |
SKELSEY, John | Victualler, Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 779 |
SKIDMORE, Francis | Jeweller, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 779 |
SKINNER, Mary | Milliner Dressmaker High St Alcester | 494 |
SKIPWITH, Lady Selina | Newbold Hall, Rugby | 735 |
SKIPWITH, Sir Gray | Chairman of the County - of Alveston | 512 |
SKIPWITH, Sir Gray | of Alverstone , Stratford | 539 |
SKIPWITH, Sir Gray | Magistrate for Warwick, of Alveston | 669 |
SKIPWITH, Sir Grey | Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Warwick | 670 |
SLACK, Thos. | Master of the Workhouse, Atherstone | 556 |
SLATER, Chas. | Tailor, Clemens St, Leamington | 720 |
SLATER, Joseph | Bricklayer, Coleshill | 577 |
SLAY, Thomas | Hill street, Coventry | 779 |
SLOANE & BARNS | Ribbon makers, Hertford St, Coventry | 779 |
SLOANE, John | Butcher, Burgess, Coventry | 779 |
SLOANE, Richard | Ribbon makers, Hertford St, Coventry | 779 |
SLOANE, Sarah | Shopkeeper, Hertford St, Coventry y | 779 |
SMADLEY, Thomas | Vict. Smith St, Warwick | 676 |
SMALLBONES, Rich. | Lodging ho.,Gloucester St, Leamington | 720 |
SMALLBROOK, Richard | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 196 |
SMALLEY, Hannah | Straw hat maker, Back St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SMALLEY, Thos. | Hatter, Back St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SMALLWOOD, Abraham | Tailor & parish Clerk, Solihull | 590 |
SMALLWOOD, Charles | Cooper & patten maker, Coleshill | 577 |
SMALLWOOD, John | Castle Bromwich | 575 |
SMALLWOOD, Mary | Stay maker, West St, Warwick | 676 |
SMALLWOOD, Wm jun. | Shopkeeper, Solihull | 590 |
SMART, Benj. | res: Rockmill Cottage,Emscote, Leamington | 720 |
SMART, Benj. | Livery stables, Ranelagh Mews, Leamington | 720 |
SMART, Benj. | Prop; Marble baths, Clemens St, Leamington | 720 |
SMART, Benjamin | Rock Cottage, Emscote, Warwick | 670 |
SMART, Jas. | Tailor, Kenilworth St, Leamington | 720 |
SMART, Nathan | Stonemason, Attleborough | 563 |
SMART, William | Shopkeeper, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 608 |
SMEATHS, Mary | Victualler, Wash Lane, Nuneaton | 563 |
SMEATON, John | Engineer of Worcester Birmingham Canal | 104 |
SMITH, Ann | Shopkeeper, Bridge St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Boteler Chernocke | Attorney, Atherstone | 556 |
SMITH, Charles | Maltster, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SMITH, Chas | Wheelwright Butter St Alcester | 494 |
SMITH, David | Tailor & draper, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SMITH, Edward | Tailor, Maney, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SMITH, Edward | Shopkeeper, Chancery Lane, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Eliz. | Straw hat maker, Rugby | 736 |
SMITH, Eliz. | Stay maker, Southam | 746 |
SMITH, Elza. | Mistress St Peter's Charity Sch,Smith St | 676 |
SMITH, Francis | Carpenter, St Nicholas, Church St, Warwick | 676 |
SMITH, Francis | Bookseller, stationer etc, Southam | 746 |
SMITH, George | Ailston | 544 |
SMITH, George | Victualler, Cook St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Giles | Victualler, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Harry | Innkeeper, Three Tuns etc, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SMITH, Harry | Maltster, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SMITH, Harvey | Firs, Castle Bromwich | 575 |
SMITH, Henry | Boot and Shoe maker, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
SMITH, Henry | Farmer, Tiddington | 544 |
SMITH, Henry Lilley | Surgeon & oculist, Southam | 746 |
SMITH, J. | Vict., Regent St, Leamington | 720 |
SMITH, James | Bookkeeper, accountant, Bridge St,Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, James | Carrier to Coleshill, Atherstone | 556 |
SMITH, James | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
SMITH, James | Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, James | Coal dealer, Rugby | 736 |
SMITH, Jas. | Whitesmith, White Friars Lane, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Jno | Surgeon of Henley | 507 |
SMITH, Jno. | Baker, Rugby | 736 |
SMITH, Job. | Shopkeeper, Knowle | 592 |
SMITH, Joel | Shopkeeper, Mill lane, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
SMITH, John | Boot and shoe maker of Henley | 507 |
SMITH, John | Farmer of May's Hill | 507 |
SMITH, John | Endowed St John's Chapel 1382 | 253 |
SMITH, John | Gents' Boarding school, Coton, Nuneaton | 563 |
SMITH, John | Builder, Gerrard St, Warwick | 676 |
SMITH, John | Wine & Hop merchant, Market Square, Warwick | 676 |
SMITH, John | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
SMITH, John | Nurseryman, Jordan Well, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John | Ribbon maker, Upper Well st, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John | Victualler,Spon st, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John | Victualler, Well st, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John | Boot & shoe Maker, Well st, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John | Butcher, Gosford St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John | Surgeon, Gosford St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, John & William | coal merchants & wharfingers, Southam | 746 |
SMITH, Jos. | Fruiterer & greengrocer, High St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Jos. | Grocer & tea dealer, Henley St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Jos. | Shopkeeper, George St, Tamworth | 608 |
SMITH, Joseph | Carrier to Atherstone, Coleshill | 507 |
SMITH, Joseph | Maltster of Henley | 507 |
SMITH, Joshua | Sadler & Harness maker High St Alcester | 494 |
SMITH, M. | Bath prop:, Royal Parade, Leamington | 720 |
SMITH, M. | Academy, Brunswick Lodge, Leamington | 720 |
SMITH, M. | Earl Street, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, M. | , Little Park St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Mark | Ribbon maker, Much Park St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Mark | Tailor, Much Park st, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Mrs | John St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Mrs. | Academy Beauchamp Terrace, Leamington | 720 |
SMITH, Mrs. Eliz. | Portland St, Leamington | 715 |
SMITH, Peter | Butcher, Gosford St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Pigott Mr | Surveyor of Birmingham | 175 |
SMITH, Ralph | Farmer, Clifford Rhyn | 544 |
SMITH, Rich | Farmer, Snitterfield | 544 |
SMITH, Rich. | House painter, Smith St, Warwick | 676 |
SMITH, S, | Fireman at Stratford | 545 |
SMITH, Samuel | Blacksmith, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Samuel | Innkeeper Swan Hotel, posting Ho, Coleshill | 577 |
SMITH, Samuel | Smith & bell hanger, Market Square, Warwick | 676 |
SMITH, Sarah | Straw etc & Bonnet maker, Atherstone | 556 |
SMITH, Sarah | Grocer & tea dealer,Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SMITH, Sol. | Builder, Auctioneer,Four Oaks, S.Coldfield | 584 |
SMITH, T. | Jury member Stratford | 539 |
SMITH, Thomas | Farmer, Clifford Rhyn | 544 |
SMITH, Thomas | Plumber & glazier, Henley St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Thomas | Paper maker, Coleshill | 577 |
SMITH, Thomas | Adjutant (sic), Meriden | 599 |
SMITH, Thomas | Carpenter, Knowle | 592 |
SMITH, Thomas | Shopkeeper, Spon St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Thomas | Joiner, New St, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Thomas | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Thomas & Son | Grocer etc , Broadgate, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Thos | Solicitor Henley St Alcester | 494 |
SMITH, Thos. | Tailor & Habit maker, Atherstone | 556 |
SMITH, Thos. | Atherstone on Stour | 544 |
SMITH, Thos. | Farmer, Snitterfield | 544 |
SMITH, Thos. | Broker etc, Fleet st, Coventry | 779 |
SMITH, Timothy | Maltster, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Timothy | Estate Owner | 283 |
SMITH, Timothy | Farmer Sheep St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, W. | Jury Foreman of Stratford | 539 |
SMITH, W. | Fire Office Agent - Norwich | 545 |
SMITH, W. | Burgess of Stratford | 539 |
SMITH, widow | Wheelwright, Knowle | 592 |
SMITH, William | Farmer, Knowle | 592 |
SMITH, William | Overseer, Knowle | 593 |
SMITH, Wm. | Grocer & tea dealer, High St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Wm. | Baker & flour dealer, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SMITH, Wm. | Chemist, druggist, High St, Stratford | 544 |
SMITH, Wm. | Carpenter etc, Coleshill | 577 |
SMITH, Wm. | Painter, Plumber, Satchwell St, Leamington | 720 |
SMITH, Wm. | Bath Prop:, Bath St, Leamington | 720 |
SMITH, Wm. | Slater, Gerrard St, Warwick | 676 |
SMITH, Wm. | Plumber, glazier 9, Bath St, Leamington | 720 |
SMITH, Wm. Esq | Red House, Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
SMITH, Wm. Lilley Esq | , Southam | 745 |
SMITHS, Mesdames | Ladies Boarding Sch, Warwick St, Leamington | 720 |
SMYTH, Charles | Solicitor, Jury St, Warwick | 676 |
SMYTH, John | Schoolmaster, East Chapel, Warwick | 676 |
SMYTH, Miss | Ladies' school, Castle Bromwich | 575 |
SMYTH, Mrs Bohun | Jury St, Warwick | 670 |
SMYTHE, Sir Charles | Created baron by Charles I - of Wootton | 504 |
SNELL, BRICE & Co | Canal Carriers | 679 |
SNEPPE, Thos Esq | of Henley | 507 |
SNOW, John | Solicitor Evesham St Alcester | 494 |
SODEN & ILIFF | Linen & woollen drapers, High st, Coventry | 779 |
SODEN, Ann | Cooper & Victualler, High st, Coventry | 779 |
SODEN, Jas. | Ribbon maker, Well st, Coventry | 779 |
SODEN, Wm Hill | Attorney, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SODEN, Wm. | Teacher of maths, Northgate St, Warwick | 676 |
SODIN, Thos. | Victualler, Bridge St, Stratford | 544 |
SODIN, Thos. | Grocer, Bridgetown, Stratford | 544 |
SOMMERS, John | Baker, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 608 |
SOMMERVILLE, Rev. Wm. | Meriden | 599 |
SOTT & WYLEY | Wholesale Chemists, High St, Coventry | 779 |
SOURE, Wm. | Stoke Green, Coventry | 779 |
SOUTHAM, Dr. John | Spon street, Coventry | 779 |
SOUTHAM, Wm. | Victualler, Bridge St, Stratford | 544 |
SOUTHEY, Robert | Boot & shoe maker, Windsor St, Leamington | 720 |
SOWLEY, Ann | Victualler & farmer, Knowle | 593 |
SPARE, Robt. | Cooper, Market St, Tamworth | 608 |
SPARKES, Benjamin | Malster corn dealer, Church St Alcester | 494 |
SPARKS, John | , High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
SPARROW, Jos. | Hairdresser, Rugby | 736 |
SPELL & SLINGSBY | Grocers etc, Broadgate , Coventry | 779 |
SPENCER, Charles | Victualler, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
SPENCER, Edw. | Flax dresser & rope maker, Atherstone | 556 |
SPENCER, Everton | Ribbon maker, Hay lane, Coventry | 779 |
SPENCER, George | Boot and Shoe maker, Coleshill | 577 |
SPENCER, George | Baker & flour dealer, Southam | 746 |
SPENCER, John | Blacksmith, Southam | 746 |
SPENCER, Joseph | Builder, Atherstone | 556 |
SPENCER, Thomas | of Claverdon - died 1580 | 510 |
SPICER, Thomas | Saddler & harness maker, Jury St, Warwick | 676 |
SPICER, Thomas | Watch case maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 779 |
SPIERS, Mr | Clifford Rhyn | 544 |
SPINE, William | 498 | |
SPOONER, Abraham | Resident of Birmingham Jan 1780 aged 89 | 123 |
SPOONER, Isaac | of Witton Governor of B'ham school 1830 | 207 |
SPOONER, Isaac Esq | of Witton , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
SPOONER, Jeremiah | Basket & sieve maker Evesham St Alcester | 494 |
SPOONER, John | Grocer, Bridewell Lane, Warwick | 676 |
SPOONER, R.P. | Academy, Church St, Tamworth | 608 |
SPOONER, Richard Esq | of Birmingham , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
SPOONER, Thos | Needlemaker Church St Alcester | 494 |
SPOONER, Thos. | Shopkeeper Evesham St Alcester | 494 |
SPOONER, Wm | Basket & sieve maker of Henley | 507 |
SPRAWSON, Eliz. | Lodging ho., Upper Union Parade, Leamington | 720 |
SPRAWSON, John | Basket maker, Market Square, Warwick | 676 |
SPRAWSON, M. | Stone mason, Harbury, Southam | 746 |
SPRAWSON, Rich. | Sculptor & marble mason, Castle Hill Warwic | 676 |
SPRIGGS, S. | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
SPRIGGS, Thomas | Chauntry Place, Coventry | 779 |
SPROSTON, John | Fishmonger, Bridge St, Stratford | 544 |
SPURRIER, W. Esq | Under Sheriff of Warwick | 669 |
SQUIRES, John | Cooper, West St, Warwick | 676 |
STAFFORD, Francis | Plumber, Glazier & Painter, Solihull | 590 |
STAFFORD, John | Ale, porter vaults, Gloucester St, Leamingt | 720 |
STAIT, T. | Town Carrier, West St, Warwick | 679 |
STAMFORD, Jno. | Victualler, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
STAMFORD, Mary | Poulterer, Satchwell St, Leamington | 720 |
STANBRIDGE, Edw. | Hat & hosiery 28, Bath St, Leamington | 720 |
STANBRIDGE, John Tagg | Auctioneer etc Union Street, Coventry | 779 |
STANDISH, Mr. | , Saltisford, Warwick | 676 |
STANDISH, Wm. | Hairdresser, High St, Warwick | 676 |
STANDLEY, Thos. | Victualler, Boleridge St, Tamworth | 608 |
STANDLEY, Wm. | White & gun smith, St Nicholas, Church St | 676 |
STANFORD, Ann | Poulterer 8, Satchwell St, Leamington | 720 |
STANLEY, James | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
STANLEY, John | Grocer & seedsman, High St, Kenilworth | 698 |
STANLEY, John | Vict. Brook St, Warwick | 676 |
STANLEY, John Jacob | Ribbon maker, Butts, Coventry | 779 |
STANLEY, Jos. | Dealer in ale etc , Smith St, Warwick | 676 |
STANLEY, Mrs | of Alverstone | 539 |
STANLEY, Mrs. | Castle Bromwich | 575 |
STANLEY, Phoebe | Milliner & dressmaker, Wood St, Stratford | 544 |
STANLEY, Stephen & Son | Ribbon makers, Mill lane, Coventry | 779 |
STANLEY, Thos | Bricklayer Malt Mill Lane Alcester | 494 |
STANTON, Hugh | Collar & harness maker, Atherstone | 556 |
STANTON, Jno. | Plumber, glazier & painter, Atherstone | 556 |
STANTON, Mary | Collar & harness maker, Atherstone | 556 |
STARKEY, Tim | Miller, Langley, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
STARKEY, Wm. | Silk Throwster, Mill lane, Coventry | 779 |
START, Thos. | Common carrier, Smith St, Warwick | 676 |
STAUNTON, Dr. John | 3,Upper Union Parade, Leamington | 715 |
STAUNTON, Rev. John Grove | Smith St, Warwick | 670 |
STAUNTON, William Esq | of Longbridge , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
STAUNTON, Wm.Esq | Longbridge, Warwick | 670 |
STAVELEY, Geo. | Furniture broker, John St, Coventry | 779 |
STEADMAN, Ann | Straw hat maker, Smithford St, Coventry | 779 |
STEADMAN, Jas. | Millwright, Smithford St, Coventry | 779 |
STEEL, John | Chief Constable & coal merchant, Butts | 676 |
STEEL, Mr J | Chief Constable Warwick | 670 |
STENSON, Samuel | Butts, Coventry | 779 |
STENTON, Captain Fras. MC | Regent St, Leamington | 715 |
STEPHENS, James | Shopkeeper High St Alcester | 494 |
STEPHENS, John | victualler & malster Swan Inn Alcester | 494 |
STEPHENS, Mr | Steam engine mills maker | 273 |
STEPHENS, Robert | vict. High St Alcester | 494 |
STEPHENS, Thomas | Needlemaker of Alcester | 494 |
STEPHENSON JOHNSON SLOANE | milliners dressmakers, Spon st, Coventry | 779 |
STEPHENSON, Edw. | Plumber etc, Burgess, Coventry | 779 |
STEPHENSON, Miss | Milliner dressmaker, Spon St, Coventry | 779 |
STEPHENSON, Wm. | Gentlemens' School, Little Park St,Coventry | 779 |
STEVENS, E.W. | Watch & clock maker,Brunswick St, Leamingto | 720 |
STEWARD, Charles | Saddler & Harness maker High St Alcester | 494 |
STEWARD, Rev. Henry | Wasperton, Warwick | 670 |
STEWARD, S.E. | Alderman of Warwick | 669 |
STEWARD, Samuel Esq | Myton, Warwick | 670 |
STEWART, Rev Wasperton | Minister of Charlecote Church | 539 |
STEWART, Robert | Blacksmith, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
STICKLEY, John | Brazier & tinman, High St, Stratford | 544 |
STILES, Wm. | Natonal School, Greenhil St, Stratford | 544 |
STILES, Wm. | Master National School, Greenhill St | 543 |
STIRLEY, Richd. | Victualler, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
STOCK, Mr (of Bristol) | Designed Altar piece Free Church 1810 | 215 |
STOCKLEY, Thomas | Tailor of Henley | 507 |
STOCKLY, George | Mercer & draper, Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
STOCKTON, Mr Jos. | Officer of Excise, Rother market, Stratford | 544 |
STOKES, Henry Esq | Bole Hall, Tamworth | 605 |
STONE, James | Tailor, Bishops Street, Coventry | 779 |
STONE, John | Butcher, Burgess, Coventry | 779 |
STONE, Wm & Co | Silk mercers, Clemens St, Leamington | 720 |
STONEHOUSE, Wm. | Basket maker, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
STOTT, Richard | Bookseller binder, New Buildings, Coventry | 779 |
STOW, G. | Assistant Burgess of Warwick | 669 |
STOW, John | Maltster, Smithford St, Coventry | 779 |
STOWE, George | Maltster & Medical Pract, High St, Warwick | 676 |
STOWE, Rev George | Wheat Lane, Nuneaton | 561 |
STOWELL, Mary | Shopkeeper, High St, Stratford | 544 |
STRATTON, Wm. | Shopkeeper, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 608 |
STREET, Henry | Baker, Gosford St, Coventry | 779 |
STRETTON, Mary | Rope line & twine maker, Coleshill | 577 |
STRETTON, Thomas | Currier, Coleshill | 577 |
STRETTON, Thomas | Chemist & druggist. Coleshill | 577 |
STRICKLAND, Edward Rich. | Wholesale chemist, Smithford St, Coventry | 779 |
STRICKLAND, George | Hertford Street, Coventry | 779 |
STRINGER, John | Olton & Burrough Ends, Solihull | 588 |
STUART, Sarah | Witnessed will of John Baskerville | 268 |
STUCHBURY, Reuben | Grocer & tea dealer, High St, Warwick | 676 |
STUCHFIELD, Wm. | Brewer, Tavistock St, Leamington | 720 |
STUDHOLME, Robt. | Stone mason, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
STURCH, Eliz. | Shopkeeper, Much Park St, Coventry | 779 |
STURDY, Joseph | Asst Poor Overseer, Much Park St, Coventry | 779 |
STURDY, Robert | Grocer etc, Fleet st, Coventry | 779 |
STURGE, Wm. | Coal merchant & Roman cement, Saltisford, | 677 |
STURLEY, A. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
STURLEY, C. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 698 |
STURLEY, Jos. | Mason, Hogg Lane, Kenilworth | 698 |
STURLEY, Luke | Comb maker & Parish clerk, Union Row | 698 |
SUCH, John | Boot & shoe maker, Alverstone | 544 |
SUCH, R, | Jury member Stratford | 539 |
SUCH, Robt. | Boot & shoe maker, Front Bridge St | 544 |
SUCKLING, Sarah | Victualler, Grey Friars Lane, Coventry | 779 |
SUFFOLK, Thomas | Painter, plumber etc, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
SUMMER, Thomas | of Coughton Alcester | 494 |
SURCOMBE, Mrs. Eliz. | Confectioner, Bath St, Leamington | 720 |
SUTTON, George | Ribbon maker, Gosford St, Coventry | 779 |
SUTTON, Rev. Wm | Bilton, Rugby | 735 |
SUTTON, William | Attorney, Dunchurch, Rugby | 736 |
SUTTON, Wm. | Gardener, Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
SWADKINS, Thos | Butcher & baker, Solihull | 590 |
SWAIN, Wm. | Carpenter & joiner,9 Wise St, Leamington | 721 |
SWAINE, Richard | Clock & watchmaker, Bridge St, Stratford | 544 |
SWAINE, Thos. | Victualler, Bridge St, Stratford | 544 |
SWAN, J. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
SWAN, Mrs Naomi | Coleshill | 576 |
SWAN, T. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
SWAN, Thos. | Baker, White Friars Lane, Coventry | 779 |
SWANWICK, Mrs. | Academy, Bellevue Place, Leamington | 721 |
SWANWICK, Wm. Reynolds | Land Agent, Guildpits, Stratford | 544 |
SWEET, Geo. L. | Academy, Mill Street, Warwick | 677 |
SWINBURNE, Richard | Bishopton | 544 |
SWINNERTON, Hester | Straw hat maker, Coleshill | 577 |
SWINNERTON, Isaac | Timber merchant, Bond end, Nuneaton | 563 |
SWINNERTON, Wm. | Boot and Shoe maker, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]