


Blofield Norfolk - 1825-1826 - Churchwardens' Rate


Blofield raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 317/74(S) and microform MF 959/8] is part of the Churchwardens' accounts book for 1825-1868 and is the rate for 1825-6.

Note that only the names of the ratepayers and the valuations have been transcribed and the rates payable have not (but these can either be deduced or found on the original).

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -    
Collections for
special appeals
1826 (Bell
- Overseers' Accounts -    
- Charities for the Poor -    
Z. Clark book1811    


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

Rate by Jehosaphat Davy Postle and Robert Goulder from Easter Monday 1825 to Easter Monday 1826 at Sixpence in the Pound.

[Occupiers Names]Assessments
£ s
Abbs John  310
Baker John  1  0
Baker Edward  1  0
Bane Matthew2815
-- Do late James Clarke (Rev J D Borton)  9  5
Barber Benjamin  110
Barber James  5  0
Barker James  115
Bayes Thomas  610
Beck John  6  0
Benstead Thomas late Massey  210
Benstead Thomas Junr  4  0
Benstead William  4  0
Benstead Gregory  1  0
Bessey John  1  0
Bishop Thomas  115
Boatwright John  610
Bolton John late Massey  715
Booty William  2  0
Borton J D Revd2715
Browne John (Surgeon)12  0
Browne John (Shoemaker)  2  0
Browne James63  5
Brundell William  1  0
Bulley Charles  615
Bulley Robert  4  0
Bunn Richard  6  0
Bunn Widow  215
Burcham John52  0
Bussey Benjamin  215
Bussey John  6  0
Bussey James  210
Carver James  210
Cheyna James  2  0
Clarke James  715
Clarke Widow  1  0
Clarke William  310
Cockerill Daniel16  5
Crane Joseph  5  0
Crane Robt  8  0
Crowe John1515
Clarke Elizabeth  1  0
Culley Robt  210
Dale John  110
Dane Elizabeth  1  0
DeCarle Robt late Turner Charles  8  0
Devereux Jonathan  5  0
Dobson William late Skedge  1  0
Do uninhabited  2  0
Dunham Robert  4  0
Dunt Adam  2  0
Dye Widow  1  0
Eade Peter uninhabited10  0
Ellingham William  4  0
Ellingham Samuel  310
Ellis Henry  3  5
Ellis William  110
{ Fenn John  1  0
{ Do late Widow Moore  1  0
Fenn John Junr  1  0
Fenn John Lillystone  2  0
Fitt Richard  1  0
Fox Edmund  2  0
Fox Richard  1  0
-- Do late Church High  110
Francis William  110
Freeman James1610
Freeman Mrs43  0
Gates John  115
George Charles  2  0
Goulder Robert155  0
Gowen John  7  0
Gowen John Junr  1  0
Gowen Benjamin  1  0
Grimble James  315
Grimble James Junr45  5
Guymer John  2  0
Hammond John late Bessey  115
Hannant John  110
Hardingham Charles  2  0
Hardingham Charles Junr  2  0
Hardingham Robt  1  0
Harman Samuel  110
Harmer Robt late John Fenn Jr  1  0
Harmer Benjamin  310
Harker John  115
Harper Tristram  3  0
Harrowing Daniel  2  0
Hawes John  115
Hazel Samuel  4  0
Heath Thomas47  0
Hewett John  5  0
High John  1  5
High Church  110
High Robert  1  0
High Benjamin  210
High Benjamin Junr  115
High William  2  0
High Sarah  1  0
Hilling John late Rampley  815
Hilling Do uninhabited  5  0
Hilling Robert  2  0
Hobart Robert  8  0
Hobart James  210
Holsworth James  1  0
Horne Francis  510
Horner Charles  315
Howard William  210
Howard James  1  0
Ives John  2  0
Jary William Esqr104  0
Jary William Heath Esqr254  0
Jex Thomas  115
Jex Richard  1  0
Jones John  3  0
Jones John late Ling  2  0
King George12  0
Lacey John late Thurstell Thomas30  0
Lacey John Rushbrooks  3  5
Lake John  1  0
Layton Edward1315
Layton William  110
Leman Edward29  5
Lilleystone Charles  5  0
Lloyd Mrs17  5
Longe Robt Capt16  0
Loveday Richard  2  5
Lubbock John  7  0
Mallett Edmund  110
Manby Robert10  0
Matthews John23  0
Matthews James  2  0
Minister John  1  0
Moll Edward  5  0
Morris William  2  0
Morris Charles  2  5
Nickolls Fitt1310
Ninhan? William  3  0
Osborne William  5  5
Osborne William Junr  2  5
Do Land late Massey  2  0
Do Do late Patteson  115
Overed William  910
Overed James  515
Parrock John  115
Parsley Henry  110
Patteson John  6  5
Plummer Widow  4  5
Poll Robert  2  0
Postle Jehosaphat188  0
Powley Richard  110
Priest J. F. Exrs of the late  7  0
Pyle John3015
Rampley Wm late Browne Jno21  0
Do Land late Butchers  110
Read Richard  6  0
Read Robert  2  5
Read John late Spanton Thos  115
Reeve James  2  0
Ringer John12  0
Rix Bridget Mrs  4  5
Rope Charles Gillett17110
Rushmore Anthony  6  5
Rushmore Robert  110
Sands John late Holsworth  110
Saul John late Thos Sidall  2  0
Sewell Thomas late Fowler  310
Shingles William  1  0
Sidall Thomas  1  0
Sidall John  5  0
Simmons John  2  0
Skedge James late West Daniel  1  0
Smith James late Watson  110
Smith George late Church High  1  0
Snowley James  2  0
Spanton Robt  8  0
Stapleton Thomas  110
Stannard Widow  410
Stockens William  2  0
Sutton Thomas  4  5
Taylor George  110
Thaxter William  110
Thrower George  2  0
Thurston William  310
Trett John  2  0
Tuck Thomas Esqr392  0
Tuck John Johnson Esqr200  0
Tuck Thomas Gilbert1810
Tunmore John  115
Tunmore John Junr  110
Tunmore Widow  410
Turnbull William12  0
Turner John  2  0
Watts John late Beck John  2  0
Waters John  510
Watson Thomas  2  0
Weal Robert  1  0
Wells Benjamin19  0
Wells Jonas  910
West Daniel  1  0
Withers Sarah  1  0
Woodcock John  1  0
Woodcock Benjamin  3  0
Woodrow Widow late Smith  1  0
Woods John  2  0
Wymer John  4  5
Wymer John Junr  910



[End of Document]

See also the Blofield parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
December 2008