


Norfolk: Blofield - 1759-1760 - Overseers' Rate


Blofield raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD PD317/92(S) and microform MF/X/247/21] is the Overseers' rate for the year 1759-60.

Note that only the names of the ratepayers and the valuations have been transcribed and the rates payable have not (but these can either be deduced or found on the original).

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -    
Collections for
special appeals
1826 (Bell
- Overseers' Accounts -    
- Charities for the Poor -    
Z. Clark book1811    


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

A Rate made by Mr John Fitt Overseer from Oct 14 1759 to Easter 1760 at 1.6 per £

[Occupiers Names][Assessment]
£. s. d
The Revd Mr Candler52.15.  0
Absalom Wm  1.10.  0
Browne Tho £48 10s
his own late Preston's Esqr £21
his own late Clarke's £4.10s
Tithes £8.10s
82.10.  0
Bond Bernd £23 Mr Whaite's £6.5s29.  5.  0
do for the Farm late in the Occupation
of Mr Henry Postle deceased
17.  5.  0
Broughten John £10 Rayners £2 Tithes £113.  0.  0
Blyth Isaac £4 Lords Land £6.510.  5.  0
Brumstead Wm £3.10 Mr Barnes's £4  7.10.  0
Beverly John with Lords Land  5.  0.  0
Bygrave Rt £1 for the Wind Mill £3  4.  0.  0
Downing John10.  5.  0
Dove John  1.10.  0
Ellingham John  2.  0.  0
Fitt Wm with Tithes40.15.  0
Fitt John £29.5s Dockings Land £1.15 Tithes £435.  0.  0
Futter John £15 Skinners Land £8.5s
Lds Ld £1 Strumpshaw Glebe
  2.10.  0
Fenn Wm  1.10.  0
Grigg Tho  2.  0.  0
Horner Francis  0.10.  0
High John  0.15.  0
Jewlear Philip £11.10 Horners Land £112.10.  0
Lines  1.15.  0
Moss James £14 Tithes £1.1515.15.  0
Mallett Sam  3.  0.  0
Mallett Rt13.  0.  0
Palgrave Widow  1.15.  0
Pierce Wm  1.  0.  0
Rix John £58.10 Tithes £6.1065.  0.  0
Rope Cha: £35 Tithes £5.10s Brooks Ld 16.8d41.16.  8
Ringer Wm  0.  0.  0
Smith Geo £20 Lord's L & Tithes £525.  0.  0
Shorten Wm Junr  0.15.  0
Tuck Sam £61 Tithes £8.10s69.10.  0
Thurston Widow £26.6.8 Tithes £329.  6.  8
Wright Rt £6 Lords Land £1.10s  7.10.  0
Withers Joseph  3.  0.  0
Withers Tho Senr  1.  0.  0
Withers Tho Junr  1.  0.  0
Waller Wm  2.  0.  0
Ward John  1.10.  0
Ward Henry  0.15.  0
Wilgress Geo  1.  0.  0
Inhabitants642.18.  4
Out Setters 
Atkins Tho  0.10.  0
Batchelder John  7.  0.  0
Brook John  4.  0.  0
Cubitt John  9.  6.  8
Cotton John for Strumpshaw Glebe  1.10.  0
Green Jonn  6.  0.  0
Goffon Alexr  2.  5.  0
Heath Wm Gent  3.  5.  0
Hall Wm  5.  0.  0
Jary Robt  8.  0.  0
Miles James Senr  0.10.  0
Miles James Junr  3.  0.  0
Plummer Tho  2.  0.  0
Rix Wm  0.15.  0
Saul John Senr12.  0.  0
Saul John Junr  3.  0.  0
Suffield Stepn  1.  0.  0
Wells Wm  3.  0.  0
Out Setters72.  1.  8
Inhabitants642.18.  4
[Total]715.  0.  0



[End of Document]


  • In the other rate documents listed there are alternative spellings which appear to refer to the same people/places:- Goffon/Goffin, Julear/Juler/Julier

See also the Blofield parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
December 2008