Norfolk: Blofield - 1819-25 - Churchwardens' Payments
Blofield raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.
For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.
This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 317/73(S) and microform MF 959/7] and which contains the Churchwardens' accounts book for 1772-1825 and these are the payments for the years 1819-25.
Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Common events eg. bread/wine, some non-specific trade bills etc. have for the most part been excluded.
Other accounts available
- Churchwardens' Accounts - | |||||
Rates | 1772-73 | 1790-92 | 1809-11 | 1819 | 1825-26 |
Payments | 1772-90 | 1819-25 | |||
Collections for special appeals | 1826 (Bell appeal) | ||||
- Overseers' Accounts - | |||||
Rates | 1747-48 | 1759-60 | |||
- Charities for the Poor - | |||||
Z. Clark book | 1811 |
[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]
Disbursements of Messrs Charles Gillett Rope and Robert Goulder, Churchwardens from Easter 1819 to Easter 1820.
[Disbursements] | £/s/d |
William Shingles 10 days work | 15/- |
14 loads of sand and carting | 1/3/4 |
Carting 1000 pavements from Strumpshaw | 12/- |
Do 500 Do from Freethorpe | 12/- |
Do of Bricks from Mr Postles' kiln | 1/- |
2 large loads of Sharl and carriage | 1/6/- |
a Ribbon to surplice 1s/- Plate cleaning 2s/- | |
a Ringlet for Church keys 6d | |
13lbs of Candles for lighting the Church at the funeral of his late Majesty King Geo 3d | 10/10 |
3 Mattresses for the Altar | 12/- |
Mr John Wymer (Blacksmith) his bill | 3/5/4 |
John Withers (Bricklayer) his bill | 49/19/9 |
Messrs James Grimble and William Benstead (Carpenters) bill * | 191/14/1 |
Mr Mears' Do for Estimate | 3/-/- |
Do Do for Valuing Carpenters work | 2/10/- |
William Ellis for catching 56doz. Sparrows | 14/- |
Disbursements of Messrs Charles Gillett Rope and Robert Goulder, Churchwardens from Easter 1820 to Easter 1821.
[Disbursements] | £/s/d |
Messrs Sl & Wm Ellingham (Painter) bill | 49/13/- |
Wymer | |
Mr James Grimble Carpenters | |
Ellinghams bill for Oil & 2 years looking afterr the Windows | 5/9/8 |
Mr Jno Wymers Bill for the Screen hinges | 3/-/- |
Thomas Benstead bill for repairing bell ropes | 5/- |
Ringers Bill for Brushes &c | 7/8 |
Cranes Do Blacksmiths work | 2/17/-½ |
* Interest of 80£ for 1 year at 5 per Cent due May 1821 | 4/-/- |
William Ellis for catching Sparrows | 14/9 |
Disbursements of Messrs Charles Gillett Rope and Robert Goulder, Churchwardens from Easter 1821 to Easter 1822.
[Disbursements] | £/s/d |
John Withers bill repairing South West Buttress of Steeple | |
Joseph Crane - Blacksmith | |
Brushes and Doileys | 10/- |
George Goodrum 6 days Work in Church Yard for footpath | 9/- |
John Fenn Do | 9/- |
Church High 4 Do | 6/- |
" Loads of Sharle |
Disbursements of Messrs Charles Gillett Rope and Robert Goulder, Churchwardens from Easter 1822 to Easter 1823.
[Disbursements] | £/s/d |
Paid Mary Horner 1s/6d per week for 26 Wks to Lady (Day) | 1/19/- |
Town meeting at the Globe (Public House) | 1/12/3 |
Cash Received of John Ellis last Michs for the maintenance of Mary Horners Illegitimate child deducting Ten Shillings for stamp duty £27/10/-
Disbursements of William Heath Jary and William Turnbull Churchwardens from Easter 1823 to Easter 1824.
[Disbursements] | £/s/d |
2 Mats for Desk and Pulpit | 3/- |
32 Hassocks 1/12/- [ 1s/- each] | |
Dust pan | 1/2 |
James Barkers bill for Bells &c | 16/3 |
Mary Horners child at 1/6d per week
(See [Vestry] Minutes Dec 16, 1822)
Disbursements of William Heath Jary and William Turnbull Churchwardens from Easter 1824 to Easter 1825.
[Disbursements] | £/s/d |
Mr Bane for carting water | |
John Watts cleaning Church path | |
Hannah Dane for cleaning Church path | |
Town meeting at the Swan (Public House) | 1/5/4 |
Income - By Old Doors sold to John Walls | 3/- |
[End of Document]
See also the Blofield parish page.
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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
December 2008