


Norfolk Voting Registers - 1734 Poll


Towns & Parishes beginning with Y

A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the county of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, May 22, 1734 taken before William Woodley Esq., High Sheriff

The Towns are set in an alphabetical Order; and so are all the Freeholders under each Town.

Each Page consists of six Columns. The first contains the Names of the Resident Freeholders in each Town; the second, the Freeholds when different from the Place of Residency. The other four have the initial Letters of the Candidates Names set at Top, and the Black Lines drawn under them shew how every Freeholder voted.


This contains the following parishes where property was held.


  [Great Yarmouth]

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

[Page 194]
Abbon Robert   

Acheson Robert   

Appleby Thomas   

Armiger Lazarus 

Armiger William 

Armstrong Thomas   

Arnold Jacob   

Arnold Richard   

Arnold Robert 

Artis Samuel   

Bacon Richard   

Baker Jos.   

Baldry Francis   

Baldwin Joseph   

[Page 195]
Banting Thomas   

Barbew Thomas 

Barcham Marmaduke   

Barcham Simon   

Barnard Christopher 

Baxter Joseph   

Bayly Samuel   

Bear Bartholomew 

Beatman John   

Beckett Thomas 

Bell Elisha 

Bell Nicholas   

Benceley Thomas   

Betts John 

Bew Robert   

Blackman Thomas 

Bolt RobertHickling

Bortis Benjamin 

Boswell JohnHadscoe (Haddiscoe)

Bottom Robert   

Boyce John 
Bracey William   

Bream William 

Briggs George   

Brooke Samuel   

Brown Benjamin 

Brown Henry   

Brown John   

Brown Joseph   

Brown Robert 

Brown Robert   

Brown Robert, Sen. 

Brown William 

Brown William   

Brown William   

Brown William 
Brown William, Esq;   

Buck RobertWells  

Burdett Thomas   

[Page 196]
Burton William **     
Bussey Nicholas 

Butterfield William 

Buttolph JacobRamplinham (Wramplingham)

Cabon John   

Cammell Samuel 

Carnaby Nathaniel 

Carsey William   

Carter HumphryBanningham  

Christmas Thomas   

Clark William   

Cley James   

Clifton Abel   

Clifton Gabriel   

Clifton James   

Clifton William   

Cobb John   

Cobb Jos.   

Cockman William **     
Cocks Robert 

Coleby Dover 

Coleby Nathaniel   

Coleby Samuel 

Collings William 

Cullyer Charles   

Colson William 

Cook Thomas   

Cook WilliamOrmsby (Ormesby)  

Cooper Henry 

Cooper John 

Cooper Robert   

Cooper Robert 

Cotman John 

Cotman Jos. 

Creak RobertRunham  

Creak Thomas 

Creed William   

Crisp Samuel 

Crowforth Thomas   

[Page 197]
Cullyer William 

Custings Samuel   

Darby Thomas 

Dawson James 

Dicks John   

Disney Daniel 

Ditcham John   

Docking George   

Doughty William 

Dowson Gibson, Hen.   

Dowson John   

Draper Benjamin   

Draper Henry 

Draper John 

Draper William   

Duck Robert 

Dunnell Christopher   

Durrant Edmund 

Durrant Job   

Durrant John   

Dye Robert   

Earle William   

Eaton William   

Edwards Thomas   

Eldridge John   

Eldridge William   

Ellis Anthony, Esq; 

Ellis Thomas 

Ellis William 

Emeris William 

Emms Robert 
England Edmund   

English Philip 

Errington Samuel   

Fargerson John   

Faux Benjamin   

Ferrier Benjamin, Gent.Rollesby

Ferrier Richard, Esq;Hemsby  

[Page 198]
Fish John   

Fish John   

Fisher John   

Fisher William   

Flemming Roger 

Foster Jacob 

Foster Pexall 

Frezer Jos.   

Fuller John, Esq; 

Fuller Richard, Esq; 

Gaines Henry   

Gaines SamuelStalham  

Gallant RobertAlborough
(Aldborough or Alburgh ?)

George John 

George JohnAttleburgh (Attleborough)

Gillett Robert   

Gilling Robert   

Godfrey Thomas 

Godfrey Timothy 

Goodwyn John   

Gosker Thomas   

Greemer Thomas 

Green John   

Green Jonathan   

Green Thomas   

Greenacre Peter 

Grey Andrew   

Grimstone Thomas 

Grove MatthewL. Riburgh
(Little Ryburgh)

Hammond George   

Hanly Thomas   

Hannott James   

Harley Cornelius 

Harrod Peter   

Harvey John 

Harwick Jos.   

Harwick Jos. Jun.   

Harwood Henry 
Hassel John 

[Page 199]
Haws Joseph, Sen.   

Haws Joseph, Jun.   

Haws William   

Hearn William   

Hearn Thomas   

Helmes ThomasFilby

Herring William   

Herrydance Richard   

High Henry   

High John   

Hill Henry   

Hill James 

Holyday John   

Hook William   

Horsely Thomas 

Howse John   

Howse William 

Hurnard Robert   

Jackson Robert   

Jacomb Samuel   

Jarvis Robert 

Jarvis Thomas   

Jarvis William   

Jennings Henry 

Jermy Jeremiah   

Jermy John, Sen.   

Ingram Charles 

Johnson John   

Jolly Benjamin 

Ireland John, Esq;   

Ives George 

Ives JohnAylesham (Aylsham)  

Keates Thomas   

Kemin John   

Kett Christopher 

King Andrew   

Kipping Lowin   

Kirkman Peter 

[Page 200]
Kirkman Sim. Peter   

Kirkman William 

Knipe John   

Lane Benjamin   

Lane John 

Lane Jonas 

Lee Thomas 

Leeds John   

Leggett John   

Lessey Walter   

Lewis Isaac 

Lewson HewlingFishly (Fishley)  

Lewson RobertWhitacre B. (Wheatacre Burgh)  

Lockwood John 

Lombe Samuel 

Lombe Thomas   

Lone Richard   

Love Barry, Esq;Ormsby (Ormesby)  

Lulman Roger, Gent. 

Lyall Peter   

Macro Thomas, D. D.Hockwold & W.
(Hockwold cum Wilton)

Mallet Robert   

Manby John   

Manclark Thomas 

Manning ThomasGestwick (Guestwick)  

Manning William   

Manser Thomas 

March John   

Murrell William 

Marsden Thomas 

Marshall Samuel 

Marstone Jos. 

Martins George   

Mash John 

Maskett Thomas 

Master Mark   

Merryment James   

Middleton Thomas 

Meadows William 

[Page 201]
Miller Richard 

Miller Thomas 

Miller Thomas   

Miller Thomas, Jun.   

Mingay John, Clerk.Lammas  

Mitchells John 

Munniman John   

Moor Francis   

Moor William   

Morden RobertSuffield  

Morris John   

Morris Thomas   

Morse Francis   

Moyse RichardWooton (Woodton
or Wootton N. or S.)

Natteress ThomasIngham  

Newton William   

Nicholson William 

Nolbrow John   

Norton William, Sen. 

Norton William, Jun. 

Nunn Jonathan   

Oliver Samuel   

Palgrave Robert   

Palling William   

Palmer WilliamEllingham  

Parnell Clement 

Parsons John   

Patrick JerminEmneth  

Pearson Matthew 

Peartree Josiah 

Phipps John   

Pickering Thomas   

Pigg John 

Platt John   

Playfoot Robert   

Playford John 

Plunckord Philip 

Pope John   

Postle Thomas   

[Page 202]
Poynter Robert 

Prick Simon 

Pultney Michael   

Ransom William 

Rastall Thomas 
Read William   

Reddall Robert   

Reeve Thomas   

Riches Henry 

Ringer John   

Ringer Robert 

Rising Edward   

Robinson John   

Row John   

Row Matthew   

Rowland John   

Royall Thomas   

Ruderham Robert 

Rumath Henry   

Ryall James 

Say John 

Sayer HenryFilby  

Sayer James, Sen. 

Sayers John   

Scott Benjamin 

Seagoe William   

Seeley John   

Shaw William   

Shearman William   

Shilley John, Sen.   

Shilley John, Jun.   

Shreeve George   

Silver John 

Simpson Peter   

Slapp Benjamin   

Smith John 

Smith John   

Smith Robert 

Smith Samuel   

[Page 203]
Smith Thomas   

Smith Thomas   

Southwell Thomas 

Spanton Samuel   

Speciall Thomas   

Spellman Thomas   

Spencer William   

Spendlove Richard   

Spooner WilliamClipsby (Clippesby)  

Spurgeon Richard   

Stuntley Joseph 

Suggett William   

Swanson Samuel   

Symonds Edward   

Symonds John   

Symonds Jos.Remerstone (Reymerston)  

Symonds Nathaniel   

Taney Richard   

Tayler Charles   

Tayler Christopher 

Tayler William 

Thirkettle Benjamin   

Thirkettle Robert   

Thompson Henry 

Thompson Lyonel 

Thurgarton Robert 

Titshall Charles 

Tolver Samuel 

Trimmons AbrahamAlderby (Aldeby or Alby ?)

Trueman Timothy 

Truelove Samuel   

Turner Samuel   

Turner ThomasOrmsby (Ormesby)

Tyler John 

Underwood Edmund   

Wade Samuel 

Wakeman John   

Wakeman Nathaniel   

Wakeman Samuel   

[Page 204]
Wakeman Samuel, Jun.   

Wakeman Thomas   

Wallett Thomas 

Walsham John 

Ward Benjamin   

Ward George, Esq;   

Ward Henry   

Ward John   

Ward Robert, Esq;   

Watts Edmund   

Watts James   

Watson Robert 

Weatherbury John 

Whitton Thomas   

Wilch James   

Wilcock Edward   

Wilcock Richard   

Williams Henry   

Wilson John   

Wilson Thomas   

Wilson WilliamOrmsby (Ormesby)

Winn Edmund 

Winn FrancisRunham  

Winn George, Sen.   

Winn George, Jun.   

Winn James 

Wise Robert 

Witchingham John 

Witherell Thomas   

Wallis John 

Woods JohnMundham

Woolmer Robert   

Woolstone Benjamin 

Woolstone Giles   

Worship William   

Wright Samuel   

Yell Solomon 

[Totals] 152147250252
[Page 205]
Yaxham Mitt. H.     
Barker Benjamin 

Burton Richard   

Butcher William   

Clements William 

Colvy JohnMattishall

Dynes John 

Gentleman RobertsonGuest (Guist)

Park StephenHolme Hale  

Sapy William   

Shittle Bartholomew   

Wright John 

[Totals] 6655
Yelverton Hens. H.     
Burgess Robert 

Freston AnthonyDenton  

Goose JohnBurghapton (Bergh Apton)  

Hood Edward 

Johnson Francis, Clerk.Brooke  

Keddington Charles 

Rant Thomas, Esq; 
Utting JohnWrenningham (Wreningham)

[Totals] 5434


  • 1. All the Hundreds and Candidates together with their abbreviations are to be found on the main 1734 Poll Book page.
  • 2. In the transcription of the Poll Book the modern spelling of place names has been added in brackets "()" to many of the entries so that a search will find them.
  • 3. "**" indicates no votes printed.

The Poll book continues with Out of County Towns & Parishes.

Towns and Parishes

The book contains the following (where "A" is Acle to Aylsham etc.):-

  Outside Norfolk (By County)Uncertainties

See also the main Voting page and the main 1734 Poll Book page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2010