Books and Articles
Andrews, J.H.B. The rise of the Bible Christians, and the state of the Church in North Devon in the early 19th century. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 96, (1964) pp.147-185. [1815-1900]
Baring-Gould, Rev. S. A Devon and Cornwall Calendar, With the Days of Commemoration of the Patron Saints
of the Several Churches and Chapels in the Undivided Diocese of Exeter, and the Days of the Village Feasts and Fairs. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XXXII, (1900), pp. 341-389. [Index]
Barry, Jonathan. Religion and the Spread of Nonconformity before 1800. In Historical Atlas of South-West England, ed. R. Kain and W. Ravenhill, pp.220-227, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, (1999).
Brockett, A. Index to Papers on Non-Conformist History Published in the Transactions, 96, (1964) pp.186-189.
Bond, Frederick Bligh assisted by Arthur A. Radford. Devonshire Screens and Rood Lofts. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 1902, Vol XXXIV, illus., plates, pp.531-550. [Index]
Brownlow, Bishop. Clerical and Social Life in Devon in 1287. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XXVI, (1894), pp. 209-229. [Index]
Calamy, Edward and Palmer, Samuel. The non-conformist's memorial: being an account of the lives, sufferings and printed works of the two thousand ministers ejected from the Church of England by the Act of Uniformity, August 24, 1662, 2nd Edition, In Three Volumes, London: J Cundee (1802). [Index to Vol. 2, pp. 2-114, on Devon]
Chanter, Rev. J F. First Report of the Church Plate Committee. Trans. Devon. Assoc. (1905), vol. 37, illus. pp. 146-153. [Contains a comprehensive listing of Devonshire goldsmiths and plate workers] [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Christianity In Devon Before A.D. 909. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. XLII, (1910), pp. 475-502. [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Third Report of the Committee on Church Plate - Deanery of South Molton. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 42, 2nd Series, Plymouth: W Brendan & Son (1910). Paper read at Cullompton July 27th, illus. pp. 91-111. [Deanery of South Molton] [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Fourth Report of the Church Plate Committee - Deanery of Exeter and its Suburbs. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 44, (1912), illus. pp. 86-125. [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Fifth Report of the Committee on Church Plate - Deanery of Totnes. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 45, 3rd Series, Plymouth: W Brendan & Son (1913). Paper read at Buckfastleigh, July 23rd , illus. pp. 93-117. [Deanery of Totnes] [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Sixth Report of the Committee on Church Plate - Deaneries of Chulmleigh and Hartland. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 47, 3rd Series, Plymouth: W Brendan & Son (1915). Paper read at Barnstaple July 21st, illus. pp. 134-159. [Deaneries of Chulmleigh and Hartland] [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Seventh Report of the Committee on Church Plate. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 48, (1916), illus. pp. 101-136. [Deaneries of Holsworthy and Torrington] [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Eighth Report of the Committee on Church Plate - Deaneries of Ottery and Honiton. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 49, 3rd Series, Plymouth: W Brendan & Son (1917). Paper read at Barnstaple July 19th, illus. pp. 109-158. [Deaneries of Ottery and Honiton] [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Tenth Report of the Committee on Church Plate - Deaneries of Collumpton and Tiverton. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts. Vol 51, 5th Series, Plymouth: W Brendan & Son (1919). Paper read at Tiverton, 23rd July, illus. pp 80-113. [Deaneries of Collumpton and Tiverton] [Index]
Chanter, Rev. J F. Eleventh Report of the Committee on Church Plate - . Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts. Vol 2, 4th Series, Plymouth: W Brendan & Son (1920). Paper read at Totnes, 21st July, pp. 80-121. [Deaneries of Cadbury and Kenn] [Index]
Chanter, J.R.. Cluniac Houses in Devon - A Visitation of the Province in 1279. Trans. Devon. Assoc. Vol XX, (1888), pp. 383-390. [St. James at Exeter and St Mary Magdalene at Barnstaple] [Index]
Chope, R. Pearse. 1921. The S.P.C.K. in the west, Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 11, pp. 178-84. [Index]
Clarke, Miss Kate M., The Baptismal Fonts of Devon, Part I. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XLV, (1913), illus., pp. 314-329. [Index]
Clarke, Miss Kate M., The Baptismal Fonts of Devon, Part II. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XLVI, (1914), illus., pp. 428-436. [Index]
Clarke, Miss Kate M., The Baptismal Fonts of Devon, Part III. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XLVII, (1915), illus., pp. 349-356. [Index]
Clarke, Miss Kate M., The Baptismal Fonts of Devon, Part IV Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XLVIII, (1916), illus., pp. 302-319. [Index]
Clarke, Miss Kate M., The Baptismal Fonts of Devon, Part VII. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. LII, (1920), illus., pp. 327-335. [Index]
Copeland, G W. Devonshire Church-Houses. Trans. Dev. Assoc. 92 (1960) pp.116-41.
Copeland, G W. Devonshire Church-Houses, Part II. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 93 (1961) pp.250-265.
Copeland, G W. Devonshire Church-Houses, Part III. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 94 (1962) pp.427-439.
Copeland, G W. Devonshire Church-Houses: Part IV. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 95 (1963) pp.135-155,
Copeland, G W. Devonshire Church-Houses, Part V. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 96 (1964) pp.202-207.
Copeland, G W. Devonshire Church-Houses: Part VI. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 98 (1966) pp.157-67.
Copeland, G W. Devonshire church-houses Part VII. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 99 (1967) pp.263-8 .
Cresswell, Beatrix F. The Church Goods in Devon (1549-1552), Trans. Devon. Assoc., 43 (1911) pp.237-255. [Index]
Cresswell, Beatrix F. Ancient Church Needlework in Devon. Trans. Devon. Assoc., 49 (1917) pp. 200-209. [Index]
Edwards, John et al. A Methodist Guide to Bristol and the South West (1991). [ISBN 0946550700] [Devon FHS Library p287.1423]
Ellacombe, Revd H. T. Church Bells in the Towers of all the Parish Churches of Devonshire, Trans. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, vol. 1 (2nd series), part. 3, (1867) [Published by William Pollard, 53 North Street, Exeter] [A Paper read before The Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. June 7, 1866 by the Rev. H.T. Ellacombe M.A., F.A R., Rector of Clyst St George] [Index to Appendix 1]
Enys, John D. Address of the President, The Devonshire Association, 26th July, 1910. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. XLII, (1910), pp.54-61. [On Churches of the West country] [Index]
Fox, Hubert. The Beginning of Quakerism in Devon and Cornwall, (1985). [Devon FHS Library p942.3]
Gray, Todd. Devon's Fifty Best Churches, Mint Press (2011) 200 pp. [ISBN-13 : 978-1903356609] [Brief descriptions of fifty of the Devon’s most outstanding Anglican churche"Brief descriptions of fifty of the Devon’s most outstanding Anglican churches"]
Gray, Todd. Devon's Ancient Bench Ends, Mint Press (2012) 192 pp. [ISBN-13 : 978-1903356616] ["This is the first in-depth study of Devon’s Ancient Church Bench Ends and contrasts carvings in Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset with those of Devon. Features carvings by the Pinwill sisters, Mary Rashleigh Pinwill, Annie Ethel Pinwill and Violet Alice Pinwill. Illustrations of their work at Plympton St Mary and Highweek."]
Griffin, Richard C. Baptist Churches in North Devon: A Book of Remembrance. [Devon FHS Library 286.14235]
Hayman, John Gould. A History of the Methodist Revival of the Last Century, in its Relations to North Devon. From the first visit of the Wesleys to the Centenary Year in 1839 (2nd ed.), (1871) vi, 224 pp.
Hayman, John Gould. Methodism in North Devon, London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 2 Castle Street, City Road (1871) xi, 192 pp. [Index] [Full text]
Hayman, John Gould. Methodism in North Devon, Wesleyan Conference Office (1871). [CD, Devon FHS (2009)]
Hinchcliffe, Peter. Salvation Army & Westcountry Policing: Salvation Army Riots - 3 killed - 669 arrests, Devon Family Historian, vol. 170, (2019) pp.25-32.
Hussell, Allen T. North Devon Churches: Studies of some of the Ancient Buildings, Barnstaple, (c1910) Illusts, [viii] + 126p + [iv] pp.
Jacobson, Walter. Around the Churches of East Devon (1997). [ISBN 1899073515] [Devon FHS Library p942.35] [Index]
Jones, William, Rev. A complete history of all the religious houses in the counties of Devon and Cornwal, before the Dissolution: containing the abbies and priories ..., London, (1775) 95 pp.
Lack, William, H. Martin Stuchfield and Phillip Whittemore. The Monumental Brasses of Devonshire. Monumental Brass Society (2000) 388pp. [ISBN 0 9523315 7 8] [Review and Index (archived)]
Lart, Charles E. The Huguenot Settlements & Churches in the West of England, Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London, vol. VII, (1904)
MacGrath, Kevin. Catholicism in Devon and Cornwall, 1767, Buckfast, Buckfast Abbey (1960).
Masterman, J H B. The monasteries of Devonshire. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 63 (1931).
Morris, Sally. Brass Rubbing in Devon Churches (1967). [Devon FHS Library p929.5]
Murch, Sir Jerom. A History of the Presbyterian and General Baptist Churches in the West of England with Memoirs of Some of Their Pastors. London: R Hunter, 72 St Paul's Churchyard (1835) xxi, 586 pp. [Index to Devonshire section]
Nicolle, George. Devon Churchyard 'Signatures': Some examples from the Eighteenth Century, Devon Family Historian, no. 153, (2015) pp.23-24.
Oldham, D'O. W. Church dedications in Devonshire. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 35 (1903). [Index]
Oldham, D'O. W. Private chapels of Devon: ancient and modern. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 38 (1906). [Index]
Oliver, George. Historic Collections Relating to the Monasteries in Devon, Exeter, (1841) 149 pp. [Index]
Oliver, George. Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon, Being Observations on several Churches in Devonshire, with Some Memoranda for the History of Cornwall, Exeter, (1828).[Preface & Contents] [Surname Index]
Oliver, George. Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon, Being Observations on several Churches in Devonshire, with Some Memoranda for the History of Cornwall, Exeter, (1840-42) 3 vols. bound as one. [Full text] [Index - Vol. 1] [Index - Vol. 2]
Oliver, George. Monasticon Dioceseis Exoniensis, being a Collection of Records and Instruments Illustrating Conventual, Collegiate and Eleemosynary Foundations in the Counties of Cornwall & Devon, with Historical Notices and a Supplement, London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans (1846) 493 pp.
Oliver, George. Collections, illustrating the history of the Catholic religion in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, and Gloucester. London: C. Dolman (1857) viii, 576 pp. [Index]
Oliver, George. The Ancient Religious Houses of Devon, (Ed. Dom John Stephan) (1935) 106 pp. [Available from Google Book Search]
Orme, N., (Ed.). Unity and Variety: A history of the church in Devon and Cornwall, Exeter: Exeter University Press (1991).
Orme, N. English church dedications: with a survey of Cornwall and Devon, Exeter, Devon, University of Exeter Press (1996) xv, 248 pp. [ISBN: 0859895165]
Orme, N. Nicholas Roscarrock's Lives of the Saints: Cornwall and Devon, [ISBN 0901853356] [Devon FHS Library 270.092] (1992).
Orme, Nicholas. The Pilgrims Guide to Devon's Churches: The Location, History, Architecture and Stories of Devon's 618 Church of England Churches, Exeter Civic Society (2008) 192 pp. [ISBN-13: 978-0955896200]
Orme, Nicholas, 'The Medieval Church in North Devon', Trans. Devon. Assoc. 142 (2010), pp. 49-72
Pearson, J B. Church Houses in Devon. Trans. Dev. Assoc. vol. XXXII, (1900), pp. 206-211. [Index]
Pearson, J B. Vicarages in Devon. Trans. Dev. Assoc. 46 (1914). [Owners of the churches in 1535, patrons and impropriators in 1831]
Pearson, The Rev. Canon J.B. The Canon in Residence. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 48, (1916), pp. 260-266. [Index]
Pierce, Hilary R. Origins of the Brethren movement with particular reference to North Devon, Barnstaple, Hilary Pierce (1996) 47 pp. [Barnstaple Library 289.9/BN/PIE]
Reichel, O J.The Devonshire “Domesday”, IVThe “Domesday” Churches of Devon.. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. XXX, (1898), pp. 258-315 [Index]
Reichel, O J. Fees of the Bishop of Exeter in Testa de Nevil. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 1902, Vol XXXIV, pp.566-574. [Index]
Reichel, O J. Churches and church endowments in the 11th and 12th cent. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 39 (1907) pp.360-393. [Index]
Reynolds, H.E. Odd Ways in Olden Days down West: Tales of the [16th c.] Reformation in Devon and Cornwall, [Devon FHS Library 942.3] (1893).
Rogers, W.H.H. The Sepulchral Effigies in the Parish Churches of North Devon, Trans. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society (Second Series), vol. Part II. Volume III, (1877) pp.193-542.
Rowe, J. Brooking. The Cistercian Houses of Devon, IV Ford Abbey, Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 10 (1878), pp. 349-376. [Index]
Salter, M. The Old Parish Churches of Devon, Folly Publications (1999) [ISBN: 1871731399]
Slader, J.M. The Churches of Devon, Newton Abbot, (1968) 160 pp.
Smith, Rev. George. Devonshire. In The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, London Missionary Society, No 1, (July 1861), pp. 485-492. [Index]
Spurr, David. Devon Churches, Merlin Books (1993). [ISBN 0863031266] [Devon FHS Library 726.5]
Stabb, John. Some Old Devon Churches: Their Rood Screens, Pulpits, Fonts, etc.: With One Hundred and Sixty-two Illustrations from Photographs by the Author (3 vols.), (1908) vii + 186 pp. [Transcription]
Stabb, J. Devon Church Antiquities: Being a Description of many objects in the old parish churches of Devon, (1909) xii + 152 pp.
Tanner, Thomas. Notitia monastica: An account of all the abbies, priories and houses of friars heretofore in England and Wales and also of all the colleges and hospitals founded before AD MDXL, (1744) Published by John Tanner, AM, Vicar of Lowestoft. London: Printed by William Bowyer at the expense of the Society for the Encouragement of Learning. Illus., pp. lx, 552. [Surname Index to Devonshire Section]
[Thompson, D.]. A Book of Remembrance: or a Short History of the Baptist Churches in North Devon, (1885) 150 p.
Thorne, R. The Last Bible Christians: their church in Devon, (1975). [Devon FHS Library p287.14235]
Thorne, Roger. Methodism in the South West: An historical bibliography (1983). [Devon FHS Library p287.14235016]
Thorne, Roger. Methodist Circuits and Preaching Plans, Devon Family Historian, vol. 144, (2012) pp.30-31.
Thorne, Roger and James Petherick. Chapel. DFHS CD 086, (2015). [A pictorial record of Bible Christian Chapels in Devon. This CD contains photographs of [most of] the Bible Christian chapels in Devon.]
Walker, Hilder M. Notes for a Study of Bishop Walter de Stapledon and the Church in the West Country in the Early Fourteenth Century, Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 93, (1961) pp.310-328.
Warne, A. Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century Devon, Newton Abbot: David and Charles (1969). [Index]
Whitley, H M. Visitations of Devonshire churches [1301-30]. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 42 (1910). [Index]
Whitley, H M. Sanctuary in Devon. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 45, (1913), pp. 302-313. [Index]
Whitmore, P J. The lost monumental brasses of Devonshire. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 34,2 (1978) pp. 57-61.
Wickes, Michael J.L. West Country Preachers - A History of the Bible Christians 1805-1907. Jamaica Press, Hartland, Devon, (1987). [ISBN 0 9512660 0 4] [Index]
Wickes, Michael J.L. West Country Preachers - A History of the Bible Christians 1805-1907, (Second edition, February 2007). ] [Full text (1.4Mb PDF) - completed by Rosie Wickes after Michael Wickes died in 2004, and made available here by her kind permission.]
Wickes, M.J.L. John Wesley in Devon: Extracts from the Journals of John Wesley referring to his travels throughout Devon between 1739 and 1789 (2nd. ed.), Plymouth and Exeter Methodist District (1988) 43 pp.
Wickes, M.J.L., (Ed.). Devon in the Religious Census of 1851, M.J.L. Wickes (1990) 157 pp.
Worth, R.N.. Puritanism in Devon and the Exeter Assembly., Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 9 (1877), pp, 250-291. [Index]
Youings, Joyce. Devon Monastic Bells. In Devon Documents (ed. T. Gray). Tiverton: Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, Special Issue (1996) [ISBN 0925836203] pp.210-213.
On justification: The twelfth circular letter of the several ministers and messengers of the churches comprising the South Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association, Assembled at Helston, May 11 & 12th 1836, together with the Minutes of their meeting, facts & observations etc; Home Mission report etc. Falmouth: Printed by James Philp. 16 pp. [Index]
A Catalogue of the Collection of Drawings, Plans, Notes on Churches, Houses, and various archaeological matters, made by the late Sir Henry E. L. Dryden, etc. Northamoton Museum (1911) 130pp. [Contains a number of photographs, drawings and notes related to Devon] [British Library].