Name Index
Puritanism in Devon and the Exeter Assembly
Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 9 (1877), pp. 250-291.
R.N. Worth
Prepared by Michael Steer
Worth's paper, delivered at the Association's July 1877 Kingsbridge meeting is a treasure chest for family historians. Non-conformist views have always tended to be strong in Devon, although until the mid C17 puritans in the county generally stayed within the established Church of England. During the Commonwealth, Presbyterianism became the official form of worship in the parish churches with Anglican clergy either conforming or being replaced by puritan ministers. However, with the Restoration of Charles II, the Anglican Church was also restored and non-conformist puritan ministers were ejected from the parish churches. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the University of Michigan Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Ackland, Baldwin | 281 |
Acland | 267 |
Adams, John | 291 |
Adams, Samuel | 288, 290 |
Adams, William | 275 |
Alden, John | 281 |
Alden, Thomas | 271 |
Alleigh, William | 252, 261 |
Allen, Richard | 264 |
Arundel, Sir Humphry | 256-7 |
Ashton, Roger | 281 |
Ashwood, Bartholomew | 271 |
Atkins, Henry | 289 |
Atkins, Mr Robert | 272, 281, 286 |
Atkins, Samuel | 275 |
Atkinson, ___ | 291 |
Ayshford, Thomas | 283 |
B | |
Bache, James | 272 |
Bagley, Henry | 273 |
Bake, William | 281 |
Baker, Thomas | 272, 275 |
Ball, John | 289 |
Ball, Robert | 273 |
Baller, John | 291 |
Banger, Josiah | 271, 283 |
Bankes, William | 281 |
Bar, Jeffry | 288 |
Baron, Peter | 290 |
Bartlet, John | 272, 281 |
Bartlet, Perry | 288 |
Bartlett, Robert | 291 |
Bartlett, William | 271, 290 |
Battishill, William | 274 |
Bawdon, Thomas | 271 |
Baylies, Jacob | 289 |
Bayly, William | 274, 282 |
Beadon, Roger | 288, 290 |
Beare, John (Bovey Tracey) | 263 |
Beare, Richard (Bovey Tracey | 263 |
Beckett, Nicolas | 282 |
Beere, Roger | 263 |
Beford, Thomas | 274 |
Bell | 289 |
Benet | 250 |
Bennet, Thomas MA | 252 |
Bennett, Matthew | 272 |
Bernard, Francis | 263 |
Berry, John | 283, 289, 291 |
Berry, Benjamin | 273 |
Berry, Daniel | 273 |
Berry, John | 256, 272 |
Besly | 289 |
Biddle, John | 291 |
Binmore, Richard | 275 |
Bishop, Edward | 289 |
Bishop, Thomas | 288, 290 |
Blake, Martin | 271 |
Bloy, Stephen | 282 |
Bond, Cornelius | 288, 290 |
Bourcher, William | 273 |
Bowcher, George | 289 |
Bowden, John | 273 |
Bowden, Jonathan | 282 |
Bowden, Joshua | 282 |
Bowden, Will | 281 |
Bowher, Robert | 274 |
Bradford, Lewis | 283 |
Bradick | 288 |
Bradridge, Bishop | 261 |
Brampton, Wilmot | 263 |
Bray, Henry | 257 |
Bray, John | 273 |
Bray, Vicar of | 251-2 |
Brayne, John | 282 |
Bretland, Joseph | 288 |
Brett, George | 290 |
Brett, Henry | 290 |
Briant, ___ | 272 |
Bridgman, ___ | 273 |
Bridgman, Thomas | 282 |
Brinley, Nicholas | 290 |
Britte, Walter | 250 |
Brown, ___ | 275 |
Brown, Hugh | 290 |
Brownrigg, Bishop | 272 |
Brynmore, Richard | 282 |
Buckley, John | 282 |
Burdwood, James | 272 |
Burgess, John | 271, 282 |
Burnard, James | 271, 275 |
Burnell, Lawrence | 272 |
Bury, John | 272 |
Butler | 289 |
Byam, Henry | 272 |
Byfield, Nathaniel | 274 |
C | |
Camden | 264 |
Camper, Toby | 264 |
Caper, Daniel | 290 |
Cardmore, John (also Cadmore) | 275, 290 |
Carel, Robert | 275 |
Carew family | 256, 267 |
Carew, John | 273 |
Carew, Thomas | 282 |
Carkeet, Samuel | 290 |
Carleton, Guy | 264 |
Carslake, William | 275, 281 |
Carter | 289 |
Castle, George | 291 |
Chanon, Thomas | 283 |
Chapman, Stephen | 271 |
Chapman, Thomas | 291 |
Charles I | 263-4 |
Charles II | 266, 268 |
Chase, Gamaliel | 275 |
Chishul, John | 275 |
Chumleigh, ___ | 290 |
Churchill | 263 |
Churchill, Charles | 272 |
Churchill, George | 264 |
Churly | 288 |
Clare, Ambrose | 274 |
Clark, Isaac (also Clarke) | 289, 290-1 |
Cleland, Benjamin | 274, 282 |
Cleland, Thomas | 282 |
Clifford, Mr Matthew | 270, 273 |
Clyde, William | 273, 282 |
Cock, Joseph | 290 |
Cock, Nathaniel | 290 |
Cocke, Richard | 264 |
Cocke, William | 264 |
Coffin | 256 |
Coke | 289 |
Cole, Thomas | 264 |
Collins, Robert | 274, 283 |
Colton, Edward | 288, 290 |
Conant, Richard | 283 |
Condye, Edmund | 283 |
Cooper, John | 273 |
Coplestone, John | 290 |
Cotton, Edward | 271, 274 |
Cotton, William | 274-5 |
Courtice, John | 282 |
Coven, Stephen | 274 |
Coverdale, Miles | 252 |
Cox, John | 289 |
Cox, William | 272 |
Cranch, John | 291 |
Crishull, Mr John | 283 |
Crispin, Dr | 257 |
Crocker, Mr John | 269 |
Crompton, William | 272, 283 |
Cutcliffe, John | 250 |
D | |
Daniel, Richard | 291 |
Davies, David | 274 |
Dennys, J | 264 |
Devonshire, Henry | 254 |
Dodds, Dean | 260 |
Dowdel, Bernard | 288, 291 |
Down, Anthony | 273, 282 |
Down, Mark | 272, 281 |
Down, Nicholas jnr | 282 |
Down, Thomas | 272, 281 |
Downy, Mr Nicholas | 270 |
Drake, Edmund | 251 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 251, 262, 270 |
Dunster, ___ | 290 |
Durant, Mr Nathaniel | 272, 283, 286 |
Dury, Mr | 286 |
E | |
Eastway, Elias | 282 |
Edgcumbe, John | 273 |
Edgley, Thomas | 289 |
Edmonds, John | 290 |
Edward VI | 251-2, 254-5, 259-60, 266 |
Eedes, ¬¬¬___ | 272-3 |
Elizabeth I | 251, 253, 259-60, 262, 265-7 |
Ellis, Mr | 270 |
Ellyott, ___ | 272 |
Elurs | 288 |
Enker, Nicholas | 273 |
Enty, John | 289 |
Ernbery, Mr | 270 |
Evans, Richard | 289, 290 |
Eveleigh, Josiah | 288-9 |
Exeter, Bishop of | 261 |
F | |
Fabyen, Peter | 291 |
Facy, Lewis | 275 |
Facy, Mark | 288 |
Fairfax, Sir Thomas | 265 |
Farrant, Richard | 273 |
Fewens, Dr | 263 |
Finnemore, James | 289 |
Finney, ___ | 272 |
Flavel, Benjamin | 290 |
Flavel, John | 272, 282 |
Flavin, ___ | 272 |
Flexman, Roger | 288, 291 |
Follet, Abraham | 288 |
Follet, Josiah | 290 |
Fones, Samuel | 275, 283 |
Forbes, James (Bovey Tracey) | 271 |
Force, John | 288, 290 |
Ford | 267 |
Ford, Thomas | 263, 272, 281 |
Forde, Samuel | 281 |
Forse, John | 288 |
Fortescue | 263 |
Fortescue, Edmund | 264 |
Foster, James | 288 |
Foster, Thomas | 272 |
Fotherby, Charles | 272 |
Fownes | 267 |
Friend, T | 273 |
Frost, John | 291 |
Froude, Mr | 253 |
Fullwood, Francis | 282 |
Furse, Walter | 290 |
G | |
Gale, Josias | 271 |
Gandy, John | 271, 281 |
Garins, Edward | 264 |
Garrett, John | 275 |
Gaves, J | 289 |
Gay, John | 275 |
Gay, Matthew | 271 |
Gaylard, Robert | 273, 281 |
Geare, Allen | 272, 282 |
Getsius, Daniel | 271 |
Gibbons, Edward | 272 |
Gibbs, William | 273, 289 |
Gidley, John | 275 |
Gifford, Arthur | 271 |
Gilbert, John | 288 |
Giles, William | 289 |
Gill, John | 274 |
Gillard, Peter | 290 |
Gillespy, William | 291 |
Gilling, Isaac | 289 |
Glanvil, Richard | 290 |
Glass, Dr | 288 |
Godwine, Thomas | 275 |
Gouch, Barnabas | 275 |
Gough, Robert | 290 |
Gould | 288 |
Gowe, Andrewe | 281 |
Graves, George | 289 |
Graves, T | 289 |
Green, James | 289, 290 |
Green, John | 289 |
Green, Richard | 289 |
Gregory, Anthony | 274 |
Grigg, Sam | 290 |
Grove, ___ | 274 |
Gwatkin | 289 |
H | |
Haddridge, James | 273 |
Haddy, Matthew | 290 |
Hall | 289 |
Hall, Bishop | 265 |
Hall, George | 272 |
Hall, Philip | 275 |
Hall, Richard | 272 |
Hall, Samuel | 289 |
Hallett, John | 290 |
Hallett, Joseph jnr | 287-8 |
Hallet, Mr Joseph snr | 268, 287, 289 |
Hallette, William | 288 |
Haller, ___ | 271 |
Hamme, Richard | 281 |
Hamond, George | 282 |
Hammond, ___ | 271 |
Hancock, Eliazer | 290 |
Hancock, Thomas | 291 |
Hanmer, George | 290 |
Hanmer, John | 291 |
Hanmer, Jonathan | 271, 282 |
Hanmer, John jnr | 275 |
Harding, Nathaniel | 289 |
Hare, Ambrose | 281 |
Harris, William | 267, 283 |
Harson, Daniel | 291 |
Hart, Josiah | 263 |
Harvey, W | 271 |
Hatch, Lewis | 274 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 262 |
Haycraft, ___ | 275 |
Haydon, Nathaniel | 267, 282 |
Helliar, William | 272 |
Hellions, William | 256 |
Henry VIII | 251, 256, 259 |
Herniman, Bernard | 273 |
Herniman, Mary | 263 |
Herniman, William | 263 |
Herrick, Robert | 272 |
Herring, John | 273, 281 |
Herring, Richard | 272, 282 |
Hicks, John | 274 |
Hieron, Samuel | 272, 283 |
Hill, James | 273 |
Hill, John | 273 |
Hind, ___ | 273 |
Hoar, John | 271 |
Hoddy, Henry | 264 |
Hodges, Alexander | 272, 281 |
Hogg, John | 288, 291 |
Hoker | 259 |
Holgrew, George | 275 |
Hooker, William | 262, 289 |
Hooper, Nicholas | 272 |
Hopkins, John | 283 |
Hoppin, John | 275 |
Hopwood, W | 272 |
Hornabrook, Thomas | 288 |
Horsford, ___ | 271 |
Horsham, John | 263, 274 |
Horsham, William | 289 |
How, James | 288, 290 |
How, Jasper | 290 |
Howe, John | 275 |
Huckenss, William | 281 |
Hughes, Mr George | 265, 274, 281, 283 |
Hughes, John | 289 |
Hughes, Obadiah | 274 |
Hunt, Edward | 272, 281 |
Hunt, Roger | 264 |
Hussey, John | 281 |
Hutchenson, William | 272 |
Hutton, William | 282 |
Huxham, Dr | 288 |
I | |
Irwin | 288 |
Isaacke | 261 |
J | |
Jackson, Thomas | 273 |
Jacob, Nathaniel | 275, 282 |
Jacomb, George | 288 |
James I | 262, 267 |
James II | 268 |
Jayer, Richard | 263 |
Jeffery, Thomas | 288-9 |
Jelinger, Mr Christopher | 271, 281 |
Jellicoe | 289 |
Jesse, Mr | 269 |
Jewel, Dr | 259 |
Jones, Thomas | 274, 290 |
K | |
Karslake | 267 |
Katercamp | 289 |
Kay, Richard | 273 |
Kellard, John | 274 |
Kellow, Daniel | 289 |
Kellow, Peter | 289, 291 |
Kempster, John | 271, 282 |
Kendal, George | 273, 281 |
Ket | 255 |
Kiddle, Henry | 291 |
King | 288 |
Knaplock, William | 282 |
Knapman, William | 271, 281 |
Knight, John | 269, 272-3 |
Knot, Samuel | 271-2 |
L | |
Lacy, ___ | 291 |
Lake, James | 272 |
Lamb, Charles | 281 |
Landes, Mr | 270 |
Lane, William | 271, 274 |
Lang | 288 |
Lange, William | 263-4, 271 |
Langford, Edward | 264 |
Larkham, Deliverance | 289 |
Larkham, Thomas | 275 |
Laud, Archbishop | 263-5 |
Lavers, John | 273 |
Lavington, John | 290-1 |
Lavington, Samuel | 291 |
Lawe, Robert | 282 |
Lawrence, ___ | 275 |
Lethbridge, ___ | 271 |
Lethbridge, John | 271 |
Leyton | 250 |
Lisle, Thomas | 273 |
Livermore, William | 274 |
Long, Richard | 272 |
Lovelace, William | 259 |
Luce, Richard | 282 |
Luxon, John | 271 |
M | |
Majendie | 288 |
Majendie, Andrew | 289 |
Mall, Thomas | 272, 281, 287 |
Manning, James | 289 |
Manston | 288 |
Manton, Joseph | 290 |
March, Richard | 272 |
Marsh, Mr | 276 |
Martyn, Michel | 289 |
Martyn, Samuel | 274 |
Martyn, Thomas | 274, 281 |
Mary, Queen | 251, 258-9 |
Mather, Nathaniel | 271, 282 |
Mauduit, John | 271 |
Mawditt, Benjamin | 283 |
May | 288 |
Maye, Peter | 281 |
Maynard, Thomas | 273 |
Mayne, John | 272 |
Merivale, John | 288-9 |
Merivale, Samuel | 291 |
Miller, William | 282 |
Mills, John | 273 |
Moore, Henry | 290 |
Moore, John | 289 |
Moore, Mr | 288 |
Moore, Richard | 288, 291 |
More, Daniel | 272 |
Morgan, Samuel | 291 |
Moreman, Dr | 257 |
Mortimer. George | 273, 282 |
Mortimer, John | 274 |
Morton, Daniel | 271, 282 |
Mudge, Zachary | 288 |
Mugg | 289 |
Musgrave, Lawrence | 274 |
N | |
Nation, Francis | 273 |
Nation, William | 290 |
Neal | 253, 260-1 |
Newte, Richard | 275 |
Nicoll, John | 281 |
Nicolls, Mr Ferdinando | 272, 281, 284-5 |
Nosworthy, John | 273 |
O | |
Orchard, Joel | 291 |
Osborn, Peter | 273, 282 |
P | |
Padfield, John | 273 |
Palk, Thomas | 275 |
Palk, William | 290 |
Palmer, Anthony | 271, 282 |
Parker, Archbishop | 261 |
Parr, Bartholomew | 289 |
Parr, Edward | 274 |
Parr, John | 288, 290 |
Parr, Robert | 283 |
Parry, Henry | 259 |
Parsons, ¬¬¬___ | 275 |
Parsons, John | 273 |
Parsons, Robert | 272 |
Patrick | 289 |
Peard, Oliver | 275 |
Pearse, William | 272 |
Pemberton, Matthew | 272 |
Pembroke, Earl of | 259 |
Penny, John | 270 |
Perry, Nathaniel | 282 |
Peterson, William | 272 |
Petre, Sir William | 251 |
Phare, John | 271, 275 |
Pierce, George | 268, 274 |
Pierce, James | 289 |
Pike | 289 |
Pincombe, John Esq | 263 |
Pinson, John | 274 |
Pitts, ___ | 274 |
Pitts, Aaron | 288, 291 |
Pole, Lord Cardinal | 257 |
Polwheele, Degory | 281 |
Polwhele, Theophilus | 267, 274, 283 |
Pomeroy, Sir Thomas | 256 |
Poole | 291 |
Pope, John | 275, 289 |
Porter, Francis | 281, 289 |
Pote, Richard | 273 |
Powel, Thomas | 272 |
Powell, John | 289 |
Powell, Theophilus | 275 |
Preston, William | 264 |
Prideaux | 263, 267 |
Prideaux, Edward | 264 |
Prideaux, Sir Peter | 264 |
Prideaux, Solomon | 282 |
Prince, Leond | 282 |
Prior, Will | 288 |
Prowse, Edward | 263-4 |
Pym | 264 |
Q | |
Quick, John | 271 |
R | |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 270 |
Randall, ___ | 275 |
Randall, William | 282 |
Raynolds, Richard | 274-5 |
Reed, Edward | 273 |
Reynell, John | 291 |
Reynolds, Dr John | 262 |
Reynolds, William | 262 |
Randal, Anthony | 261 |
Remmet | 289 |
Rocor, William | 288 |
Rollins, Thomas | 272, 274 |
Rosewall, Sir H | 264 |
Rosewell, John | 289 |
Rowe | 288-9 |
Rowe, Joseph | 281 |
Rudge, John | 291 |
Russell, Lord | 256-8 |
Ryves, Dr Bruno | 265 |
S | |
Sainthill, Francis | 263-4 |
Salkeld, John | 272 |
Sandercock, Jacob | 289 |
Sanders, John | 264 |
Sandon | 289 |
Saterly, William | 273 |
Saunders, Mr Humphry | 273, 282, 286 |
Saunders, Richard | 273, 283 |
Scoare, Richard | 264 |
Searle, Richard | 272 |
Segar | 256 |
Selly, Edward | 274-5 |
Serle, Edward | 283 |
Serle, John | 274, 282 |
Serle, Philip | 283 |
Sharpe, Mr Lewis | 270 |
Sherwill, Nicholas | 274 |
Short, Anthony | 272, 274 |
Short, John | 289, 291 |
Short, Samuel | 289 |
Shute, Humphrey | 282 |
Shute, Timothy | 267, 272 |
Sloly, John | 289 |
Smith | 289 |
Smith, Henry | 272 |
Smith, Zechariah | 273 |
Snell, John | 275 |
Snow, Robert | 273-4 |
Soreton, Francis (also Sourton) | 273, 283 |
Sparke, Angel | 289 |
Sprake, Ralph | 275 |
Spurway, Thomas | 282 |
Squier, Mr Joseph | 281, 287 |
Staddon, Samuel | 290 |
Starr, John | 288 |
Stephens, John | 274, 282 |
Stephenson, Bennet | 290 |
Stidson, William | 273 |
Stiles, Jonas | 274 |
Stogdon, Hubert | 288 |
Stoneman, Benjamin | 288, 291 |
Stooke, William | 273 |
Strode, John | 272-3 |
Strode, Sir Richard | 263-4 |
Strode, William | 264 |
Strype | 259 |
Stuchey, ¬¬¬___ | 272 |
Stucley, Lewis | 267, 272, 281 |
Symmonds, Samuel | 283 |
Symonds, Jellinger | 289 |
Symons, Penuel | 289 |
Syms, John | 272, 282 |
T | |
Taylor, John | 289 |
Taylor, Michael | 274, 283 |
Taylor, William | 272 |
Temple | 289 |
Thomas, Samuel | 290 |
Tickell, John | 281 |
Tindall, Mr John | 281, 288 |
Tingcomb, Thomas | 289 |
Tooker, John | 282 |
Towgood, Mr Matthew | 288-9m 290 |
Towgood, Stephen | 290 |
Travers, John | 271 |
Travers, Samuel | 274 |
Tremayne | 260 |
Trescott, Thomas | 274, 283, 286 |
Trevithick, William | 274 |
Triggs, Elizeus | 274 |
Triggs, Robert | 283 |
Tross, George | 275 |
Tross, John | 271 |
Trosse, Roger | 274 |
Tucker, Edmund | 272 |
Tucker, Mary | 264 |
Tucker, William | 290 |
Turbervil, Bishop | 252 |
Turner, Mr Anthony | 274, 288 |
Turner, John | 291 |
Tyler, William | 263 |
U | |
Underhill, William | 256 |
V | |
Ven, Richard | 274 |
Vicary, James | 289 |
Voysey, Bishop John | 252 |
W | |
Wakely, Nicholas | 274 |
Walker, Alexander | 290 |
Walker, John | 288, 290-1 |
Walker, Philip | 263-5 |
Wall, ___ | 274 |
Walrond, Henry | 288 |
Walrond, John | 289, 291 |
Walrond, Thomas | 275 |
Walton, Bishop | 261 |
Ware, Samuel | 274 |
Warren, Mr Henry | 268, 273 |
Washer, Thomas | 271 |
Waters, George | 291 |
Watkins | 291 |
Watson, James | 281 |
Welch | 258 |
Wellman, Thomas | 273 |
Welsh, Thomas | 289 |
West, ___ | 291 |
West, Edith | 264 |
West, Peter | 264 |
West, William | 289 |
Westcot | 288 |
Westcot, Samuel | 288, 290 |
Wethicke, William (also Werthicke) | 282 |
Wheeler, Jonathan | 290-1 |
Whiddon, Francis | 267, 275, 282 |
Whiston | 268 |
White | 288 |
White, James | 288 |
Wills, Benjamin | 290 |
Wills, Henry | 291 |
Withers, John | 289 |
Whitehorn, Thomas | 281 |
Whitford, William | 264 |
Wickliffe | 250 |
Wilcox, Francis | 281, 283 |
Wilcox, Thomas | 281 |
Wilkins, John | 272 |
William III (Prince of Orange) | 267 |
Williams, ___ | 274 |
Willing, John | 283 |
Wilson, Aaron | 274 |
Wilson, Henry | 271 |
Winnel, John | 272 |
Winslade | 256 |
Wood, Richard | 272 |
Wood, Robert | 290 |
Wood, Samuel | 289 |
Woodcock, Thomas | 274 |
Woolcomb, Robert | 273, 282 |
Woolcombe, William | 267, 282 |
Wraxall | 289 |
Wrayford, Thomas | 283 |
Wreyford, Samuel | 291 |
Wright, William | 283 |
Wyatt, Henry | 263 |
Wyatt, Hugh | 264 |
Wyne, Robert | 275, 281 |
Y | |
Yarde, George | 263-4 |
Yeo, Bartholomew | 267, 273, 282 |
Yeo, William | 275, 282-3 |
Youat, William | 289-90 |
Young, Edward | 272 |