


Name Index


The Church Goods Commission in Devon (1549-1552)

Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 43, (1911) pp. 237-255.


Beatrix F. Cresswell

Prepared by Michael Steer

This inventory was produced in connection with Commissions appointed in 1552 (6 Edward VI). Four Commissioners were appointed for Devon to make inventories of all church plate, bells and vestments, so that after leaving the barest essentials for use in divine services, whatever else was of value; censers, incense boats, chalices, crosses, pyxes, embroidered vestments, and those of cloth of gold, were removed and assigned "to the King's use". Surviving Devon records are apparently meagre compared to those of other counties. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the Princeton University Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.

Adams, Nicholas255
Andrew, John254
Bedford, Earl of254
Burney, Thomas241
Carew, Sir Gawen239, 242, 249
Carew, Sir Peter239, 242, 249
Champernown, Sir Arthur240, 253
Courtenay, Lord Henry239
Courtenay, Philip, gent247
Davy, Richard254
Duffield, Bernharth240
Duke, Mr Richard240, 250, 253
Duvett, Bernhard240, 253
Edward VI237, 241-2
Etheridge, John244
Geffray, Moris241
Harvey, Anthony Esq239, 242, 249
Harvey, Thomas Esq239, 242, 247, 249, 254
Ley, John241
More, Sir John247
Page, Thomas241
Plimmley, John241
Pomeroy, Richard (also Pomey)250
Raleigh, Mr Walter240, 250
Raleigh, Sir Walter240
Rape, Gilbert241
Rape, John241
Russell, Lord240
Sele, John241
Serple, Aley245
Setter, Robert241
Seyntleger, Sir John254
Stokes, Richard254
Stowell, John251
Tanner, Hugh241
Toker, John253
Wakeham, Andrew241
White, Symon250