


General Index to


Illustrating the History of the Catholic Religion


Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts.

and Gloucester

In Two Parts

Historical and Biographical

With notices of the Dominican, Benedictine and Franciscan

Orders in England


The Very Rev. George Oliver, D.D.

Canon of the Diocese of Plymouth

London, Charles Dolmen, 61 New Bond Street, 576pp., 1857

Personal names from pp. 1-126

Transcribed by Michael Steer

This index was produced from a digital copy of the book, which can be downloaded from: https://books.google.com/ Google, in partnership with a number of public libraries has sought to make more widely accessible, old, hard-to-get books on which copyright has expired.. Dr George Oliver was born at Newington in Surrey in 1781 and died at Exeter in 1861. After studying for some years at the Sedgley Park School, he entered Stonyhurst in 1796. A prolific author, this, his best known work is a 'Collection' containing numerous biographical notices of Catholics, both clergy and laity, in the West of England. The original, from which this copy has been digitised, is held at Harvard University Library. This index will treat only with names relating to Devon and its adjacent counties; Cornwall, Dorset and Somerset.

Abbott, Dr.52
Agar, Rev. William Seth45
Ainsworth, Rev. Ralph57
Alley, Dr. William3
Alboni, Cardinal52
Alstock, Rev. Thomas103
Aquaviva, Fr. Claudius3
Arundell & Surrey7, 21
Arundell, Charles Esq.69
Arundell, Clara40, 46
Arundell, Dorothy16
Arundell, Elizabeth69
Arundell, Earl James69
Arundell family41
Arundell, George Esq. of Lanherne17
Arundell, Gertrude16
Arundell, Henry, Lord42, 46, 48, 69
Arundell, Humphry of Helland, Esq.16, 30
Arundell, Lady38
Arundell, Mr.37
Arundell, Mr. John16, 17
Arundell of Lanherne16, 17, 29, 30
Arundell, Sir John16
Arundell, Thomas40, 46
Arundell of Wardour75
Aston, Hon. Catherine48
Aston, Walter, Lord48
Audley, Baron68
Audley family68
Audley, George68
Audley, Lord Mervyn68
Austen (Schoolmaster of Chidiock)38
Babbington, Thomas9
Baggott, Old8
Baggs, Bishop28, 45, 65
Baines, Bishop27, 27, 31, 43, 55, 59, 62
Baines, Fr. Peter Augustine58
Ballyman, Fr. Thomas59
Bannister, Fr. William55
Barnham, Elizabeth68
Bastard, Edmund Rodney Pollexfen, Esq. of Kitley   28
Baudoin, Rev. George61
Bayley, Robert12
Baylee, Rev. Joseph of Birkenhead44
Bayley, William, Gent.12
Beadon, John9
Benfield, Henry, Gent.2
Bettisworth, Dr.48
Betts, Edward MD70
Betts, Sir John70
Birdsall, Fr. John Augustine57
Blackhurst, Miss Margaret20
Blackley, Lawrence3
Blore, Richard47
Blount, George of Ashcombe12
Blount, Fr. Richard16
Bond, Rev, William Peter45
Bonham, Editha60
Bonham family60
Borlase family of Treluddra22
Boroughs, Walter6
Bosgrave, Thomas37
Bradshaw, Fr. Bernard56
Brantyngham, Bishop29
Brewer, John Bede DD56-7
Brewer, Rev. John60
Brice's (Exeter paper)41
Brigham, Rev. Henry SJ29
Brindle, Thomas58
Brooks, Ferdinand39
Brown, Sir Henry10
Browne, Dr. Thomas Joseph59
Bruning, Fr. Francis55
Bruning, Rev. Thomas60
Buckingham, Duke of70
Buggenoms, Louis31
Bullaker, Rev. Thomas10
Burgess, Dr.58, 66
Burke, Rev. John43
Butler, John56-7
Butler, Rev. Thomas, DD.43
Calderbank, Rev. James58
Calvert, G.7
Campion, Fr. Edward2
Capes, Rev. J. Moore65
Carew16, 50
Carew, Sir Guerin, Kt.30
Carroll, Dr John40
Carron, l'Abb51
Cary, Edward Esq.21, 27
Cary family20, 24
Cary, George, Esq.25
Cary, Robert Seddon Sulyarde, Esq.25
Cary, Sir George12, 20
Cary, Sir Edward12, 19, 20
Cary, Thomas12
Cary, Thomas John37
Casemore, Fr. Ignatius30
Casey, Rev. William41
Castlehaven, Elizabeth, Countess of69
Castlehaven, Lord68
Castlemain, Roger Earl of20
Catherine, Queen69
Chabannes, Mme. Rosalie Augustin de42
Challoner, Dr.3, 20, 35, 37, 39, 67
Chapple, Mr.19
Charles I, King8, 10, 19, 68, 70
Charles II, King21, 46, 53, 60
Chester family of Bearscombe22
Chichester, Ann19
Chichester, Charles19
Chichester, Charles Joseph27
Chichester, family, of Arlington19, 20
Chichester, John of Arlington, Esq.19
Chichester, John Palmer19, 27
Chichester, Prudence62
Chichester, Ursula62
Clarence, Isabella Duchess of46
Clement XIII, Pope56
Cleverdon, John, Gent.12
Clifford family22, 71
Clifford, Hugh, Lord23, 51, 60
Clifford, Lady Bridget of Ugbrooke30, 51
Clifford, Lord Treasurer60
Clifford, Thomas22, 51
Clifton, Bishop of61
Clifton, Thomas of Lytham, Esq.61
Coffin, John12
Coffin, Mr. Humphry, Gent. of Wambrook12, 39, 53
Collingridge, Bishop43, 61
Colltaret, Mr.26
Compton, Rev. Philip27
Conolly, Mr.65
Conquest, Charles, MD70
Conway, Lord53
Conyers, Rowland Esq.26, 30, 43
Coombes, Dr.61, 66
Coombes family66
Cooper, Rev. Ralph Maurus58-9
Coram, Mr.52
Cornelius, Fr. John37
Corsini, Cardinal22
Costello, Rev. Thomas27
Cottington, Ann71
Cottington, Charles70
Cottington family70
Cottington, Frances71
Cottington, Margaret70
Cottington, Sir Francis70
Cottington, Theresa70
Cotton, Dr.9
Couch family of Tolfoy33
Courtenay family17, 19
Courtenay family of Molland20
Courtenay, Henry, KG. (Marquis of Exeter)17
Courtenay, John19
Courtenay, Lady Frances18
Courtenay, Thomas19
Courtenay, Sir Wm.12, 18, 19
Crowe, Dr.59
Curry, Dr.69
Dawson, Rev. james61
Dennis family22
Derby, Ferdinando, Earl of68
Derby, Lady Anne68
Digby, Fr. Jerome57
Dillon, Mr.70
Dodd46, 68-9
Douane, Mr.53
Douglas, Dr. John41
Doudal, Mr. James2, 3
Doughty, Henry42
Doughty, Sir Edward Tichbourne, Bt.42
Dowes, Mr.6
Dubuisson, l'Abb42
Dwyer, Rev. Joseph43
Eastmond, Mary53
Edgeworth, Rev. Francis43
Edisford, Rev. John25
Edmonds family53
Edmonds, Jul. Caesar7
Edmonds, Sir Clement6, 7
Edward the Confessor, King19
Edward IV, King17
Edward VI, King1, 16, 30
Elizabeth I, Queen2-4, 9, 16
Elliott, John MD70
English, Dr.65
Eveleigh, George9
Errington, Rt. Rev. Dr. George25, 26, 28, 32, 33
Faugre, l'Abb66
Fieldell, Rev Aemilius32
Fisher, Rev. Charles44
Fisher, Rev. Samuel, OSF.61
Fitzherbert, Thomas of Swynnerton, Esq.49
Flashman, Mr.25
Flear, Mr.38
Fursdon, Alice9
Fursdon, Bridget9
Fursdon family, of Fursdon9, 22
Fursdon, Petronell9
Fursdon, Thomas9
Fursdon, William9
Geary, Fr. Anselm59
George III, King40, 50
Gerard, Fr. John37
Gibson, Dr. William40
Gifford, Anthony12
Gifford family of Halsbury22
Gifford, Honor12
Gifford, John12
Gifford, Mr.5
Gilbert, Davies9
Gillibrand, Rev. William25
Giovanassi, Fr.40
Godolphin family of Cornwall21
Godolphin, Sir William21
Godolphin, Sidney, Lord21
Gollop, G.T. Esq45
Goodridge E. of Bath, Esq.44
Gordon, Lord George56
Gray, Robert MD70
Green, Fr. Hugh35, 39
Grey, Lord Chandos68
Grezille, L'Abb30
Guilbert, Jean Louis26
Haidon, Robert, Esq.9
Hales, Charles20
Hales, Sir Edward20
Hall, Dr. Bishop of Exeter19
Hall, Rev. John66
Hambley, Rev. John67
Hamilton, Marchioness of70
Hamilton, Miss15
Hamilton, Sir Alexander15
Hannes family of Deviock22
Hansom, Mr. Charles.29, 42
Harding, John C. Esq.32
Harrys, Thomas2
Hartley, Rev. Peter43
Hassell, Constable38
Hayman, Fr.33
Heatly, Rev. Hugh57
Held, Fr. Frederick31
Hendren, Bishop66
Henry III, King62
Henry IV, King38
Henry VI, King19
Henry VII, King17
Henry VIII, King17, 30, 52
Hoare, Henry, of Stourhead Esq.60
Hodgson, Rev. Nicholas Maurus59
Holford, John of Sampford Peverell12
Howard family of Bindon40
Howard, Thomas Lord48
Huddlestone family53
Hussey family41, 53
Hussey, Giles53
Hussey, Rev. James60-1
Hutchins37, 39, 47-8, 53
Innes, Rev. Henry27
Hungerford family19
Hunt, Rev. Joseph61
Hyde, Rev. William46
Illingworth, Rev. J.65
Ivers, Rev, William31
James I, King10, 16, 52
James II, King14, 22, 55, 69-70
Jenkins, Fr. John Jerome58-9
Jessope, Mr.George36, 37
Jewell, Bishop71
Joyner, Leonard7, 8
Kele, Sir Warwick5
Kemp, John2
King, Dr.46
Kirkham, Elizabeth19
Kirkham family of Blagdon, Pincourt & Bidwell22
Kirkham, Francis of Pinhoe, Gent.19
Kirkham, Thomas of Bidwell12
Kirkham, William of Pinhoe12
Knight, Charles of Cannington Esq.70
Knight family of Axminster & Comb Pyne22
Knight, Henry Esq.26
Knight, John Esq.26
Knight, William Esq.26
Laithewait, Rev. Thomas4
Langdale, Hon. Charles50
Lanquetuit, l'Abbé Pierre42
Lawson, Fr. Henry59
Lee, Rev. Joseph42
Leigh, Thomas of Northam, Esq.12
Leigh, William, Gent.12
Le Maitre, Mons.28
Lempfrid, Prosper Augustus Xavier31
Le Verrier, Mons.29
Lewis, Rev. John25
Lingard, Mrs.33
Livingstone, Charlotte Baroness60
Lomax, Rev. Charles29
Lorymer, Fr.71
Loughnan, Mr.15
Lyncoln, Jo.7
Macdonnell, Rev. James43
Macdonnell, Rt. Rev. Alexander DD51
Macdonnell, Rev.T.M.61
Mahoney, Daniel47
Mahoney, John, of Castle Mahoney, Cork47
Malony, John Baptist14
Manger, Rev. Mr.37
Mannock, Lady Anastasia42
Mannock, Sir Thomas42
Martin, Dr. Gregory2
Mary, Queen18, 69
Maskell, William Esq.54
Maynard, Charles, Gent.12
Maynard, Christopher12
Maynard, John, Yeoman of the Queen's Guard17
Mayne, Rev. Cuthbert2
M'Donnell, Mr.44
Mendez, Ferdinando MD70
Meredith, Anne70
Mervyn, Lucy68
Mervyn, Sir James68
Metcalf, Fr.58
Montague family10
Montague, Lord42
Montier, Rev. Jean Marc27
Moore, Catherine47
More, Fr. Henry4
Morewood, Fr. Bernard65
Morris, Fr.14
Morris, Very Rev. John Brande28
Moulins, Dr. Pierre42
Mullan, John3
Murphy, Rev.44
Nagle, Joseph, Esq.27
Needham, John62
Noel, Ann68
Norris, Rev. Richard25
Odescalchi, Cardinal32
Paget, Lord18
Parfitt, Rev. Charles65
Pembridge, Fr. Michael57
Peniston, Mr.42
Petcherine, Fr. F. Vladimir31
Petre, Edward Lord49
Petre, Julia49
Petre, Lady3
Philip, King of Spain18
Pilchard, Fr. Thomas35
Pike, Mr. & Mrs.32, 33
Pike, William (Carpenter)36
Pius VIII, Pope52
Plowden, Rev. Charles50-1
Pollard family of Horwood22
Poulter, John7, 8
Powell, Mrs.10
Power, Canon Maurice25
Poynter, Bishop51
Poyntz family62
Pozzo, Fr. Peter de65
Pritchard, Bishop55-6
Prowse, John6
Quelon, Monseigneur51
Quin, Fr. Bernard55
Rawe, Richard Esq.41
Reeve, Rev. John, alias Paine3
Reynell, Richard8, 9
Reynolds family of Pinhoe22
Rigby, Fr. Bede59
Riley, Edward3
Risdon, Dorothy12
Risdon, Rev. Edward20
Risdon family of Bableigh in Parkham20
Risdon, John6, 20
Risdon, Thomas12, 20
Risdon, Wilmote20
Rishton, Fr. Clement59
Roberts, Charles Esq.28
Rollings, Fr. Thomas58
Rollins, Fr. Augustine59
Ronquillio, Don Pedro de47
Rooker, Dr.58
Rooker, Rev. Thomas Francis65
Rowe, Elizabeth62
Rowe family of Kingston22, 62
Rowe family of Endelion & Trevithick22
Rowe, John of Kingston, Esq.14
Rowe, John of Arlington, Esq.62
Rowe, John of Staverton12
Rowe, Robert62
Russel, Lord John1
Ryan, Rev. John45
Rymer10, 53
Salmon, Patrick37
Scroope, Florence Mary, of Danby29
Seymour, Miss50
Shaftesbury, Lord22
Shann, Rev. Christopher Austin59
Sharrock, Bishop30
Shepherd, Rev. Joseph59
Shirlie, Sir Harry52
Short, Sir Thomas70
Shuttleworth, Miss Ellen45
Simeon, Margaret48
Simeon, Sir James48
Simpson, Fr. Cuthbert57
Smith, Mr & Mrs Campbell29
Smith, Rev. William, SJ68
Smythe, Mary49
Smythe, Walter of Bambridge, Hampshire49
Snelgrove, Alexander5
Southwell, Fr. Nathaniel5
Sparrow, Dr. Anthony22, 25
Spinola, Fr. Charles3
Stafford, Mr.42
Stanley, Miss Mary Massey50
Stanley, Sir William of Hooton, Bt.15
Stapledon, Bishop29
Stocker family71
Stoker, Fr. Augustine OSB71
Stonor, Mr.21
Stourton family50
Stourton, Hon. William29
Stourton, Lord Charles Philip60
Stourton, Lord Edward60
Stourton, Mary47
Strange, Sir Roger le47
Sutton, Rev. William60
Swarbrick, Mr.44
Sweete, Fr. John5, 7-9, 20
Sweetland, Margaret15
Talbot family54
Talbot, John, Earl of Shrewsbury69
Talbot Mary69
Talbot, Mr.16
Talbot, Rt. Rev. James15
Taunton, Ann70
Taunton, Grace70
Taunton, Thomas Esq.42, 70
Thorpe, Fr. John21, 40, 48, 56
Throgmorton, Mr.16
Tilbury, Canon44
Timings, Rev. Charles27
Touchet, Col. Mervyn69
Touchet, George69
Touchet, James69
Touchet, William (Audley)68
Towsey, Mr.42
Trebisond, George Archbishop of62-3
Tregian, Sir Francis2, 9
Trelawny, Anne Letitia32
Trelawny, Dr. John32
Trelawny, Mary32
Trelawny, Sir Harry32
Tremain, Mrs.37
Tremayne, Richard2, 9
Trevanion family22
Trevelyan, Arthur of Littleham12
Trosse, George14
Truscott, Mr.25
Tucker family53
Turberville, Bishop3
Ullathorne, Bishop42, 45
Vaughan, Bishop28
Vaughan, John of Courtfield, Esq.48
Vaughan, Mary Theresa48
Vaughan, Rev. William Joseph44, 45
Verstegan, Richard (Antiquary)37
Voyaux, L'Abb51
Wakeman, Thomasin12
Waldgrave family69
Waldgrave, James, Baron69
Waldgrave, Lady69
Waldgrave, Sir Edward69
Waldgrave, Sir Henry69
Waldgrave, Sir William, MD70
Wales, George Prince of49
Wales, Henry Prince of14
Walmesley, Rev. Dr Charles (Bishop)24, 40, 56-7, 59
Walter, Obediah20
Warford, Rev. William35
Warmoll, Rev. John Bernard59
Warnford, Fr. Peter71
Waters, Rev. Mr. OSB21
Webb family52
Webb, Rev. James15
Webb, John of Canford Esq.53
Webb, Major-General53
Webb, Sir John49, 51
Webb, William of Salisbury52
Weld, Cecily47
Weld, Dr.51
Weld, Edward48-50
Weld family46, 48, 53
Weld, Frances46
Weld, George (or Wilde)46
Weld, Henry46
Weld, Hon. Mrs48
Weld, Humphry Esq. of East Barnet40, 46-7
Weld, John49
Weld, Joseph Esq.51-2
Weld, Mary Euphresia50
Weld, Mary Lucy51
Weld, Mr.49
Weld, Mr. William46-7
Weld, Peter DD.46
Weld, Sir John, Kt.46-7
Weld, Joseph, Esq.51
Weld, Sir William46
Weld, Thomas Esq.41-42, 49-51
Welda, John de46
Welda, Matilda de46
Wells, Gilbert (& Mary)19
Weston, Fr. William71
White, Eustachius39
Whittie, Rev. John21, 23
Widdicombe, William Esq.62
Wilks, Fr. Joseph57
William, Prince of Orange21, 23
William III, King62
Williams, Fr. Anselm55
Williams, John2
Wilson, Rev. Joseph Peter58-9
Winchester, Marquis of12
Wiseman, Cardinal28
Woolton, John3
Worcester, Earl of12
Worsley, Rev. John Clement59
Worster, E.7
Wrey, Bourchier Palk28
Wrey, the Lady (Sourton)12
Wrey, Sir Bourchier27
Yonge, Walter5, 38
York, Dr. Laurence55-6
York, Catherine of17
Young, Rev. William31, 32