


Hull Holy Trinity


The Ancient Parish of HULL HOLY TRINITY

[Transcribed information mainly from the early 1820s]

"HULL HOLY TRINITY, a parish in the county of Kingston upon Hull. The Church of the Holy Trinity is a stately and beautiful structure, consisting of a nave, chancel, and transepts, at the intersection of which rises an extremely fine tower, upon four lofty arches. The period of its foundation is not recorded; it is, however, certain, that it was existing in the reign of Edward I. a licence for a cemetery to it being granted by Archbishop Corbridge, in 1301, to the Prior of Gysburn, patron of the mother church of Hessle, in which parish the rising town was principally situate. The present chancel and transepts exhibit the style of that period, and being built partly of brick, may fairly claim to be the most ancient known specimen of brick building in England, since the time of the Romans. The east window is a particularly fine example of the tracery of that time, and was, externally, at least, restored to view some years ago, on the removal of the old shambles, whilst internally it is chiefly filled up with plaster, on which is indifferently painted the last supper, by Parmentier. The nave and tower are probably of the early part of the 15th century; the west front has been very fine, but is hidden by a row of houses, built about fifty years ago; and the whole appearance of this noble structure is grievously injured by the loss of all the pinnacles which crowned the buttresses on the north and south sides, whieh now present to the eye a naked line of flat coping, utterly at variance with the genius of the pointed arch. On the south side of the chancel have been several splendid chantries, now almost wholly destroyed, and converted into vestries and burial vaults, in repairing which, were lately discovered a recumbent female figure, and an arch charged with figures and armorial bearings. Internally, the view of this church is striking to the beholder, the pillars of the chancel are uncommonly light and elegant, and the arches lofty. It contains many memorials of the dead, not a few of whose names and families have become wholly extinct. The most remarkable monuments are that of the Rev. Joseph Milner, M. A. by Bacon, and one, erroneously attributed to the De la Poles, representing a merchant and his wife in the costume of the 14th century. Divine service is performed, contrary to usual custom, in the nave, the chancel being entirely open. This church, as before stated, was originally only a Chapel of Ease to Hessle, from which it was separated by act of parliament, and made a vicarage, in 1661, under the patronage of the Corporation. It is the largest parochial church, not collegiate, in the kingdom, and occupies an area of not less than 20,056 square feet. The clergy attached to the Holy Trinity are the Rev. John Healey Bromby, M. A. Vicar; the Rev. John Scott, M.A. lecturer; and the Rev. G. J. Davies, N. A. curate. The service commences in the Summer at half past ten in the morning, and at three o clock in the afternoon; and in winter half an hour earlier the afternoon. There is also divine service at ten o'clock on Wednesday mornings. See also Hull."

[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]



Church History


Church Records





You can see maps centred on OS grid reference TA099286 (Lat/Lon: 53.742205, -0.335142), Hull Holy Trinity which are provided by:


Memorial Inscriptions

