User links
User links
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/YKS/YKSconditions.txt Contact information:
If you want to report an error on one of the pages which I (Colin Hinson) maintain, please use the link at the bottom left of the relevant page.
If you want to contact me with regard to anything else, please see my Email page
Suggestions for links from the GENUKI pages for
Yorkshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire or Huntingdonshire
(pages maintained by Colin Hinson).
I really do appreciate you taking the time to suggest a link or links from the pages that I maintain, but please remember that my time is precious too and that I maintain over 60,000 pages (as of 2017) and so I need an accurate description of the link and the page on which you are suggesting it should be placed.
When you came to this page, it should have given you another browser window or tab. In order to get the URL (address) of the pages you need to deal with in the form, simply switch tabs or windows to get to the relevant page, highlight the address of the page (at the top of that window), then copy and past the data into your email as appropriate. You need to email this information to me. If you use a local email client (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc) then use the email link below to generate an email. If you use web mail, then this may not work and you will need to copy and paste the small template into your emailer and then fill it in. The template is given below the instructions.
please turn on Java Script (scripting) to get the email address. but if this fails to generate an email, please use the template below.
Instructions (hopefully simple!):
Links must be either related to Genealogy or of interest to Genealogists/Family history researchers.
A. They should also be of general interest - e.g. a list of all the Harrisons in Market Weighton in 1841 is not of general interest, whereas a single year of a parish register would be.
B. Please, no direct links to out and out commercial sites unrelated to Genealogy, though links to a Genealogy related page on a commercial site may be acceptable - my decision is final I'm afraid.
C. Links to commercial sites related of interest to researchers are fine - such as Yorkshire Ancestors.com, Ancestry.com, YorkshireCDbooks.com, etc. This includes of course the Family History Societies who sell fiche, CDroms, booklets etc.
Instructions (hopefully simple!):
Item 1: The address of the GENUKI page. This is given in the address bar of your browser when you are looking at the GENUKI page from which you are suggesting a link be made. Highlight the address and then copy and paste it below item 1 in the email.
Item 2: The suggested heading under which the link should be placed. A list of the more commonly used headings is given below.
Item 3: The text which should be used to define and make the link. Please no "click here"s! You will find examples on nearly any of the GENUKI pages. Please enclose the text from which the actual link should be made in "curly braces"
e.g. Joe Blogg's site has a transcription of the {1841 census for York}.
Item 4: The address of the page to which the link should be made. This is given in the address bar of your browser when you are looking at the page to which you are suggesting a link be made. Highlight the address and then copy and paste it below item 4 in the email.
Template - copy and paste into your emailer, then follow the above instructions.
You will need to type the email address into your emailer - it is given below as an image.
Hi Colin,
Here is my suggestion for a link:-
1. The URL (address) of the GENUKI page from which the link should be made:
2. The heading under which the link should be placed:
3. The text which should be used to make the link.
4. The URL (address) of the page to which the link should be made.
Archives and Libraries | Bibliography | Business and Commerce Records |
Cemeteries | Census | Charities |
Churches | Church Records | Church History |
Civil Registration | Community Websites | Correctional Institutions |
Court Records | Description and Travel | Dwellings |
Directories | Emigration and Immigration | Gazetteers |
Genealogy | History | Land and Property |
Manors | Maps | Medical Records |
Memorial Inscriptions | Merchant Marine | Military History |
Military Records | Monumental Inscriptions | Names (Geographical) |
Names (Personal) | Newspapers | Occupations |
Officials and Employees | Periodicals | Politics and Government |
Poorhouses and Poor Law Etc | Probate Records | Public Records |
Records | Schools | Social Life and Customs |
Societies | Statistics | Taxation |
Town Records | Visitations | Voting Records |
Voting Registers |
Colin Hinson