Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/ERY/ERYChCollection.txtData from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.
The place: HULL HOLY TRINITY. Church dedication: HOLY TRINITY. Church type: Vicarage.
Area, 900 acres. Hullshire wapentake. -Population, 29,687 *1; Church-room, 3,500 *2; Net value, £605. -Originally appendant to Hessle. No endowment is mentioned by Torre. On the 14th Kal. April 1301, a license was granted to make a cemetery at Hull.11th February 1425, commission to the Bishop of Dromore to consecrate the Chapel.
27th June 1443, the feast of the dedication, anciently held on the 10th March, was translated by the Archbishop of York to the Sunday next ensuing the feast of the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, in regard to Lent season, when it formerly fell, and brought a concourse of people thither to the observation of it.
24th June 1484, an ordination was made touching oblations. -Vide Torre's MS. page 1077.
John Swann, of Hull, merchant, by his will, proved penult November 1476, bequeathed to the Rector and Vicar of the Church of Kingston-upon-Hull, for tithes forgotten and unjustly detained, £4, so that they might absolve his soul from all danger on that part.
There were four Chantries in this Church. Two are mentioned in the Valor Ecc.
Patron, the Archbishop of York, until sale of the Advowson under the Municipal Act, the former patrons being the Corporation of Hull.
24th September 1819, license was granted to celebrate divine service in the Pottery School, in the parish of the Holy Trinity, in Hull, on the Sabbath-day.
The glebe house is fit for residence.
The Register Books commence in 1558; defective in 1569, 1570, 1579, 1580, and 1581.
The Charter House, or God's House. Sir Michael Delapole, knight, by letters patent, dated 1st March, 7th Richard II., established an hospital for thirteen poor men and thirteen poor women, feeble or old, in two of his messuages, called La Maison Dieu, in Myton, such hospital to be called " God's House of Hull." Endowment now consists of 339a. 3r. 8p. of land, a stone quarry, about twenty houses, rents-charge of £3. 12s. per annum, and dividends on £1,700 three per cent. consols, and dividends on Hull-dock share of £38. 16s. The testator ordered, that every master should have orders of priesthood, be thirty years of age and more, and keep personal residence in the hospital, have an habitation for himself nigh the said house, and have the ordering of all things for the ruling thereof, and for the guidance and correction of the brethren and sisters, and to have for his maintenance £10 per annum, and that he should chaunt or sing in the Chapel every day, and in case of absence to find another priest, at the expense of the house, to celebrate therein. The poor people to attend to their devotions and prayers every day, and the master to pay to each of them 40s. per annum for living and clothing, viz., 8d. each per week, and the residue at the four usual feasts in the year, and that when the master, or brethren, or sisters should die, the said Sir Michael Delapole and his heirs, lords of the manor, to appoint another proper person, and in default within one month, then the Prior of the Charter House within a fortnight afterwards, then the mayor, and within a fortnight afterwards, or on his failure, then the Archdeacon of the East Riding to have the nomination for that time only. Since 1506, on the attainder for high treason of Edmund Delapole, son and heir of the said Michael Delapole, his estates, with the manor, became vested in the Crown ; and 6th Edward VI. the manor of Myton and other manors and estates were granted to the mayor and burgesses, and their successors, who have, ever since the grant, as lords of the manor, exercised the right of appointing the master and poor people of the hospital. -The Commissioners reported, that before 1755 the mayor and burgesses of Hull appeared at different times to have made rules and orders for the management of the charity ; and on the occasion of a dispute with the then master, they filed an information in Chancery, praying that their right to superintend the same might be established, but which was ultimately dismissed. That the number of poor persons and their stipends had been increased from time to time, the number, at the time of the Report, being twenty-eight men and twenty-nine women, who had each of them a room in the hospital, 6s. per week, a yearly allowance of turves, two chaldrons and a quarter of coals, a supply of water, and medical attendance when necessary : and since 1813, the master's salary was augmented to £200 per annum, as ordered by the Court of Chancery, on a petition presented by him for that purpose. Balance in hand, at the time of the Report, £1,052. 17s. 4d.
*1 Viz. St. Mary's, 3 271 ; Holy Trinity, 2,755; Austin, 2,755; part of Humber ward, 3,856 ; Myton, north division, 7,121 ; ditto, south division, 7,765 ; part of North ward, 3,342; and part of White Friars' ward, 2,093. -The population of the town of Hull, with Sculcoates, is 46,426.*2 In 1818, the return was 6,000.
Other information:
OF THE GUILD OR FRATERNITY OF THE TRINITY-HOUSE OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL.The Guild or Brotherhood of Masters and Pilots, Seamen of the Trinity-House of Kingston-upon-Hull, which has existed under different charters of incorporation, the first of them granted 20th Henry VI., and the last being dated 18th November, 13th Charles II., originated in 1369 as a guild or fraternity of persons, associated for religious purposes and for mutual relief, under the name of the Guild of the Holy Trinity. The income, at the time of the Report, arose from the rent of 96a. 1r. 26p. of land, the port duties (about £3,374. 7s. 1d. per annum), rent of about thirty-seven houses, and rents-charge of £40. 8s. per annum, and also 6d. per month on seamen's wages, for purposes expressed in 20th Geo. II. cap. 38. The corporation, out of the funds under their control, support six almshouses or hospitals in Hull, containing together ninety-nine apartments for superannuated seamen above fifty-two years of age, and the wives of such of them as are married, and widows of seamen, and allow various sums to the inmates thereof. They also maintain a marine school for thirty-six boys, seamen's sons, from eleven to fourteen, who are clothed, educated, and have all their books, &c. used at school provided them ; weekly and quarterly pensions to several out-pensioners of different classes (at the time of the inquiry, four hundred and eighty-four), being seamen and seamen's widows, or fatherless children ; and weekly and temporary relief to sea-faring people and their families, and shipwrecked seamen, at the discretion of the warden. -The Commissioners reported, that Ferries's Hospital had been rebuilt, at an expense of £2,000 by the Trinity House, and that in consequence thereof the annual fund would be still larger than heretofore.
Alderman Thomas Ferries's charity, by will, dated 22nd January 1630. Rents of 87a. 2r. 14p. of land, four houses, and dividends on £328 three per cents. stock, which, after deducting occasional repairs, are applied in apprenticing fatherless children. The premiums given with boys bound for seven years, £5. 5s., and smaller sums for boys bound for shorter terms, and about £3. 3s. with girls.
Thomas Ferries's and Thomas Bury's charities, by wills, dated respectively 22d Jan. 1630 and 8th June 1627. Rents of two houses, and dividends on £100 navy five per cents., for exhibitions, for and towards the yearly maintenance of a scholar of Hull at the Universities of Cambridge or Oxford, and the other for a poor scholar of Hull ; and if not one there, then one from Beverley, whose friends should not be able to maintain him at school, and that when he should be fit for Cambridge, that the mayor and burgesses should, for his better exhibition and maintenance, place him in some of the halls or colleges of Cambridge ; and £3. 6s. 8d. (Ferries's) to poor persons of Hull ; and £1 per annum to the poor of Howden, by and at the discretion of the mayor for the time being. -The Commissioners reported, 'that there were sometimes three or four candidates ; that at the time thereof there was one who received £40 per annum, which had been the usual sum since 1798, but had been in some few instances £50, and once £70 per annum. Balance in hand, at the time of the Report, £58.
Said Thomas Ferries's charity, by will, £200 for the setting the poor of the Charity Hall on work, with a request that the mayor and aldermen would take some good course to provide a man for the said Charity Hall, to teach the poor children, and keep the poor on work, and maintain them for their labour, and to keep the said stock up-standing. -The Commissioners reported, that they could obtain no account either of the receipt, application, principal sum, or interest, of this legacy, and that the mayor and burgesses were possessed of no property the acquisition of which could be traced to that source.
Sir John Lister's Hospital, founded' by will, dated 20th December 1640, for the habitation of six poor men and six poor women of good and honest reputation and carriage, and each of the said poor people to have 7s. each per week paid them ; to the assistant-preacher, for reading prayers among the said poor people once every day, and for instructing and catechizing them every week, 40s. per annum, and rent of house (£18) ; and to the clerk for keeping the accounts, &c., £20 per annum ; to coals, on an average, £35 per annum ; and for repairs, water-rent, turves, and sundry expenses, averaging about £50 per annum. Endowment : 67a. 2r. 27p. of land, and dividends on £1,128. 10s. 6d. new four per cent. consols, and ditto on £500 new three per cent. stock.
all. This institution was established under an Act passed 9th and 10th William III. for erecting workhouses and houses of correction in the town of Kingston-upon-Hull. It is under the care of the mayor and aldermen, and twenty-four other persons chosen by the six wards, who are thereby constituted a corporation by the Act, by the names of the Governor, Deputy-Governor, Guardians, and Assistants of the Poor, with power to purchase ground for erecting the necessary buildings for the above purposes, and to levy rates for the maintenance of the said poor. Income : rent of 11a. 0r. 36p. of land and four houses, let, at the time of the Report, for £74. 12s. per annum, and interest of £400 in the hands of the corporation, and also £1 per annum from Watson's general charity for this county. The property arises from Edmund Duncalf's charity, by will, dated 9th June 1713. House, &c., for employing the poor of the town of Hull, and £10 per annum to the reader or clergyman of the High Church for expounding the Catechism to the boys and girls of the workhouse every Sunday at the Charity Hall, and for instructing them in the grounds and principles of the Christian Protestant religion. The children are also taught reading,writing, and accounts, by a master employed by the governors, who is paid out of the general funds of the institution.Ebenezer Robson's benefaction, by will, dated 17th July 1714. House in the " Brode entry in Scalene," and £40 for the uses aforesaid. -The Commissioners reported, that they had found no entries in the corporation books relative to the further legacy of £40, or to the residue of the testator's estate, left by will to the poor, neither had they been able to trace what had become of the funds ; but as no special trusts were annexed to the property, that probably the personalty was applied to the general purposes of the charity.
Alderman Tower Wallis's benefaction, by will, dated 10th February 1718. Several houses, &c., as aforesaid ; and Hannah Lindall's gift, by will, dated 26th May 1781. Interest of £400 for the relief of such poor and necessitous persons as the governors, guardians, and assistants of the poor of Hull should think worthy objects, being such as were in distress and want through sickness, and could not with propriety be relieved out of the poor's rates, and is distributed by the clerk of the workhouse on the court days, once in two months. There are also several other charities of land and rent charge, by the respective gifts of George Ellis, Lady Perott, and William Mould, jointly, George Ellis, aforesaid, and rent charge by the will of Mrs. Anne Watson, of which a separate Report is given under the General Charities for this county.
William Hawson's charity for Dissenters, by will, proved at York on the 5th April 1744. Interest of £120, of which the interest of £100 is paid to the minister of the Chapel in Dagger-lane. and the interest of £20 is distributed on new year's day to such Protestant Dissenters who attend the Chapel regularly. About ten persons used to partake of the distribution. The Chapel was shut up in 1817, in consequence of some dispute between the trustees and the congregation ; and no application being made for the interest either by the minister or the poor, Mr. Thompson (one of the parties to the deed, and in whose hands the money was placed at the time of the Report,) suspended payment ; but the Commissioners reported, that they were given to understand that the Chapel would be re-opened, and the arrears paid, when Mr. Thompson had ascertained who was the person legally entitled to receive them.
Alderman William Cogan's charity for a Girls' School and Marriage Portions, by deed, dated 2nd July 1753. Rents of two houses and dividends on £2,500 three per cent. consols, and ditto on 6,£359. 15s. 3d. new four per cents., for clothing twenty poor girls, and providing a mistress to teach and instruct them, and for providing books for them ; £10 per annum to be set apart for buying a Bible for each of the children who have been three years in the school, and for laying out for each of them the sum of 20s. for necessaries, in case they should respectively go out to service. The mistress to be a sober, grave, elderly, unmarried woman. The girls to be ten years old or upwards, healthful, and their parents to have legal settlements within Hull, and be sober, orderly people of good report, who should not sell ale or spirituous liquors, or receive weekly allowance, or ask alms, or let any of their children beg ; that no girl of any widow to be taken in unless she has another child, and no girl to be taken out of a family where both father and mother should he living, unless they should have two or more other children ; and the girls to be taught to knit, sew, wash and get up linen, to wash rooms, and other house-work, to fit them for useful servants, and to be taught to read, and learn the Church Catechism, and a private morning and evening prayer, and none of them to he kept at school longer than three years ; that every of the children should have the particular articles of clothing therein mentioned, and should twice a day on Sundays and holy days go to Church with their mistress. That there should be a sermon preached annually on Whit-Monday by the minister on the subject of the public benefit of educating poor children, and forming their minds to virtue and industry, for which sermon he receives the sum of £2; and after that, he should catechize the children, and hear them read a chapter in the New Testament ; the girl that reads best, and is most perfect in her Catechism, to be paid 2s. 6d. as a reward, the next best 2s., and the third beat 1s., and all the others 2d. each, and that the trustees should give unto each of them a Bible with the New Testament, and lay out for each of them £1 for necessaries, to fit them for service in good families, provided they go with the approbation of the trustees and their parents within three months after leaving the school.
By another deed, reciting the former, dated 1st June 1760, books tending to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, of good paper and handsome binding, are directed to be given every Whit-Monday after the sermon ; £120 to be raised and given to and amongst the twenty girls then in the said school, and the survivors of them, who should have continued at school three years, and should within three months after the expiration thereof go into service as aforesaid, and continue in service seven years, and not 'less than one year in a place, without some reason, to be approved of by the said trustees or any two of them, and should, at the end of such service, marry within seven years next following, with the approbation of the trustees as aforesaid, either before or after such marriage, and on producing testimonials from their masters or mistresses of their good behaviour, and their marriage certificate, £6 to be paid her as her marriage portion ; but in case any of the twenty girls should die, or not serve her full time as above, then the accumulations to be divided amongst such as do comply with the said conditions. The clerk of the trustees to be acquainted with the name, place of abode, and business or quality of the master or mistress whose service she should propose to enter into, and the same to be always approved of by the other trustees, by their subscribing their names and testifying their consent thereof; provided, that if during any term of three years the number of girls to be clothed and taught in the school should be altered by the trustees on account of any of the contingencies in the said deed mentioned, so as to be more or less than twenty, then the sum of £120, to arise as aforesaid from the time of such number of girls being entered in the school, should be proportioned and divided. amongst such number of girls last mentioned (be they more or less than twenty), or the survivors of them, who should continue in the school three years, and after marry, and observe and perform all such conditions, and produce such testimonials and certificates as thereinbefore directed with respect to the service and marriage of the twenty girls then being in the school ; that is to say, if there should be more than twenty, then amongst such twenty of them as should be chosen by lot ; and if there should be less than twenty, then equally amongst them all.
The Commissioners reported, that since Whitsuntide 1822, the number of girls, on account of the increased income, was augmented to forty, and that it was intended, after the expiration of three years, to increase the number to sixty ; that the mistress's salary was then £50 per annum, it being raised at Whitsuntide from £30 per annum, on account of the number of girls being increased. Balance in hand, at the time of the Report, £345. 2s. 4d., lodged in one of the Hull banks. That before 1789, a doubt was entertained as to the propriety of applying part of the school funds to that of the marriage portion fund, which was inadequate for the provisions thereof ; but the trustees were advised that the funds ought to be kept totally distinct. The applications for marriage portions were not numerous, as there were in 1811 but two ; none from that time till 1817 ; in 1817, four ; in 1818 and 1819, none ; and in 1820, three ; and there had been none (at the time of the Report) since. There was a balance in hand of £70, arising from unapplied dividends, and as often as the accruing balance amounts to £120 or upwards, the trustees, at their discretion, divide the money amongst such persons as have previously received marriage portions. The last was in 1816, when sums of £34 each were given to three of them, and the balance left was £25. 15s.
William Cogan's charity for Apprentices, by will and codicil, dated 1st October, 1772. Dividends on £6,500 three per cent. consols, for apprenticing poor boys (freemen's sons, if they offer for it) to ploughmen, seamen, joiners, bricklayers, smiths, shoemakers, and tailors ; and the master who should have any of the boys to be paid, on expiration of the said apprenticeship, £2, if he should have used the boy well ; and if the boy should have served his apprenticeship truly and dutifully, upon the recommendation of his master, and could read six verses of the fifth chapter of St. Matthew, to have £4 given him : the boys not to be under twelve years of age when apprenticed.
The Commissioners reported, that as an inducement to the masters to take boys, the trustees had allowed the further sum of £7 with each boy (except in the case of seamen's apprentices), which sum was paid to the master by yearly instalments of £1 at a time, upon a condition, provided for in the indentures, of his laying out the money in clothing the boys ; but only £3 was paid to the master in the case of seamen's apprentices. The first were put out in 1787, since which time nearly eight hundred boys had been bound. Freemen's sons had always the preference ; and that upon an average of seven years preceding their Report, it appeared that seventeen boys were regularly apprenticed, and from ninety-five to one hundred were then receiving the charity.
Weaver's Hospital, in Dagger-lane. This almshouse contains apartments for six poor women, each of whom receives from the mayor and burgesses 2s. 6d. per week and a yearly supply of coals and turves. Endowment : rent of two hundred and four square yards of land, and interest of £410, in the hands of the corporation, given by John Buttery, by deed, dated 28th March 1775, and also £1 from Watson's general charities.
John Gregg's almshouse, in Posterngate, founded 3rd Henry V., for twelve poor women, having an allowance from the mayor and burgesses of 2s. each per week, and a yearly supply of coals and turves. Endowment : rent charge of £3. 0s. 8d. per annum, and interest of £346. 6s. 8d., given by Mr. John Buttery in 1779, for allowing to the said poor people for their better support 2d. per week each, and to the fourteen poor people in Watson's almshouse, after-mentioned, 4d. each per week.
Bishop Watson's Hospital, in the Church Side, founded about 1690, but not endowed by him with any estate or property, the income being included in Trinity-House charities and Gregg's almshouse ; but William Watson, brother of the Bishop, by will, dated 28th October 1721, left £300 (since laid out in the purchase of an estate, vide Trinity-House charities), for six poor women, appointed by the corporation of the Trinity-House, such six women to be well affected to the Church of England, and be obliged to attend Trinity Church. The hospital is inhabited by twenty poor women, fourteen of whom are appointed by the mayor and aldermen, and receive from them a weekly sum of 2s. each, a quarterly allowance of half a chaldron of coals to each, and a supply of turves. The other six almswomen are appointed by the corporation of the Trinity-House, who pays each of them 4s. 6d. a week, with a sufficient supply of coals and turves.
William Gee's almshouse, in Chapel-lane, founded by will, dated 22nd October 1600. Endowment : rents of four houses, let, at the time of the Report, for £54. 10s. per annum, for ten poor women, appointed by the mayor and burgesses, who pay to each of them 2s. per week, and an adequate supply of coals and turves.
Mr. Harrison's Hospital, in Chapel-lane, founded by will, in 1550, for ten poor women, and augmented by Mary Fox, for four more, by deed, dated 26th June 1795. Endowment : the interest of £400, which is distributed in weekly payments amongst the four poor women living in the hospital, and to be appointed by the mayor and burgesses, and Peter William Watson and William Todd. The women to be single, and fit objects of charity ; and they also receive, with the said ten poor women, the sum of 2s. a week each, and a supply of coals and turves from the corporation. The rooms were erected by Mrs. Fox in her lifetime, and are occupied by two poor women appointed by the mayor and burgesses, and two others nominated by Messrs. Watson and Todd ; and these four receive from the mayor and burgesses the same weekly stipends and allowances as the other ten almswomen, so that more than £20 per annum are applied for their benefit.
Alderman George Crowle's Hospital, in Sewer-lane, founded by will, dated 26th June 1682, for twelve poor persons, who receive each 2s. 6d. per week, with an allowance of coals and turves. Endowment : rent of one house, let, at the time of the Report, for £20, and rent charge of £8 per annum. The mayor and aldermen are the trustees. Six chaldrons of coals and six thousand turves yearly are provided. The poor persons are directed to be single, and burgesses, and preference to be given to any of the testator's poor relations. By deed, dated 2nd and 3rd January 1699, the trustees conveyed the hospital to the mayor and burgesses, and the founder in 1689 made rules for the government of the house (vide Tickers History of Hull, page 760) ; and by another deed, dated 14th January 1750, as an augmentation to the hospital, William Crowle, father of the testator, left 4d. each per week to the poor persons, but on condition that the corporation and mayor and aldermen should continue to pay to the said poor 6d. each per week out of the assessments ; and as a further augmentation, Mr. Daniel Wilson, in November 1821, the representative of the Crowle family, gave £100, afterwards invested in £102. 19s. 6d. four per cent. consols, the dividends to be distributed equally amongst the poor at Christmas.
The Commissioners reported, that after the expiration of the term in 1800, the rents continued to be received by the corporation, and that no claim had then or ever been set up by the representatives of George Crowle, the lessor.
Hospital in Salthouse-lane, founded by Robert Ratcliffe, by will, dated 14th August 1572, for four poor women, who receive from the mayor and burgesses a supply of coals and turves, of the value of £6 or £7 per annum, but have no pecuniary stipend or provision.
The Commissioners reported, that Hadley, in his History of Hull, states that a hospital in Salthouse-lane was established by Joseph Ellis in or about 1683, for four widows, and that by his will he left the management to the corporation after the death of his widow ; and that she afterwards gave £60, in trust, to the corporation, as a fund, to raise £3 per annum every winter for turves and coals for the use of this hospital ; and they further reported, that it was uncertain to which of the above-named founders its origin may be ascribed.
Hannah Lindall's charity, by will, dated 26th May 1781. The residue of all her personal estate and effects, subject to the payment of debts, legacies, &c., and to such other bequests as she might after appoint or direct, for the use of poor persons of Hull and Cottingham, being such as are proper objects of charity. The bequest to Cottingham is by codicil in 1781, wherein the testatrix says-" I give £20 to the poor of Cottingham ; the remainder of my money, when my household furniture is sold up, I direct shall be given where my executors shall think is the greatest charity, whether augmenting the weekly pay of a hospital in Hull, or given to the poor clergy, or poor families, widows, and children." The accounts were made up to the end of 1789, when the balance was then £1,044. 9s. Id. The money was first distributed in 1786, viz., £1. 1s. each to fifty poor widows yearly. The sum thus distributed had amounted, at the time of the Report, in the whole, to £1,839. 12s., which considerably exceeded the residue, but since, by the allowance of interest on the amount of money in hands of the executors at the end of each year, after deducting the pensions, not only had this difference been made good, but there was, at the time of the Report, a balance in the hands of Mr. Henry Broadley, of £992. 2s. -The Commissioners advised that the money should be invested, which the trustees were agreeable to.
Chamberlain's charity. -Vide General Charities.
rent charges. -rent charge of £1. 10s. per annum. This is an ancient payment, issuing out of land in Hessle, belonging to Joseph Robinson Pease, of Hesslewood-house, Esq.; it falls due on the 1st June, and is received soon after by the churchwardens.
John Forcet's rent charge, by will, dated August 1682. 1s. every Sunday, in penny loaves, to poor widows or other necessitous poor. Forms part of the general fund.
Frances Smith's, by will, dated 22nd May 1689. rent charge of 1s. 6d. per week, applied at the same time as the preceding one, and carried to the same account.
John Horsman's charity, by will, dated 3rd February 1704. rent charge of 40s. per annum in bread, distributed with the general fund.
Mary Porter's charity, by will, dated 8th August 1721. Rent charge of 40s. per annum, in bread, for the poor, on the feast of St. John the Baptist.
Lawrence Robinson's charity, by will, dated 13th May 1724. rent charge of 52s. per annum, applied with the general fund.
Trippett's charity, vide St. Mary's. £2. 12s., carried to the account with the general fund.
Gault and Harris's charity, vide St. Mary's. The proportion of the rent due to this parish is £7. 10s. per annum. This rent is also carried to the general account.
Money Benefactions. - William Skinner's charity, by will, dated in 1680. Interest of £100 for bread, among such honest poor persons of the parish as the churchwardens should think fit, on the first Sunday in every month.
Mary Harrison's charity, by will, dated in 1716. Interest of £20 in bread to the poor, at the discretion of the churchwardens.
Thomas Hawkins's charity, by will, dated in 1774. Interest of £50 in bread to the poor, at the discretion of the churchwardens.
Thomas Hewson's charity, vide St. Mary's. The proportion of interest due to this parish is £2. 5s., which is duly received.
The total annual amount of the charities before-mentioned is £35. 11s., of which sum £27. 2s. is disposed of by the minister and churchwardens weekly. in twopenny and penny loaves, on the first and other Sundays in each month, in the same manner as in the parish of St.
Mary. There is also a further distribution of bread on St John's day, but which depends on the amount of the fund in hand.
Gee's Legacy for the Repairs of the Church, vide St. Mary's. The sum of £2. 17s. 8d. is received as the share due to this parish.
Estate for the Repairs of the Church. This property. which has been held from ancient time by the churchwardens, in trust for the above use, but of the appropriation thereof to such use no account could, at the time of the Report, be rendered, consists of two houses and several buildings, let, at the time of the Report, for £105 per annum.
The Vicar's School, in Vicar-lane. This institution was founded about 1734, at the instance of the Rev. William Mason, then Vicar of the parish, by the voluntary contributions of individuals, for the education of poor children inhabiting the town of Hull and its neighbourhood, according to the principles of the Church of England. Endowment : interest of £400, and two legacies of £100 each, the one given by Mrs. Porter in 1816, and the other by Sir Henry Etherington, Bart. in 1819, and £50 from former savings, which sums, amounting together to £650, are placed in the hands of the mayor and burgesses. The schoolhouse contains apartments for the master : it was erected on a part of the Vicarage garden, for which a ground-rent of £4 per annum is paid to the Vicar. There were, at the time of the Report, fifty-four boys. The scholars are instructed in reading, writing, arithmetic, and the Church Catechism ; each pays 1s. per quarter, and they are required to resort to the parish Church on Sundays, attended by the master, and are examined once a year by the Vicar, when small rewards in money are made to those who have made the greatest proficiency. The master's salary is £45 per annum ; and books, stationery, and fuel are allowed for the use of the school.
The Commissioners reported, that the annual expenditure, including repairs and taxes, amounted, on an average for the seven years preceding their Report, to about £70, and had exceeded the income received during the like period by about £6 or £7 a year, which had hitherto been made up out of a balance of £80, which the trustee had in hand in 1815.
The Free Grammar School. The Commissioners reported, that they had postponed the Report of this, in consequence of some further information expected to complete it. -Vide 9th Report, pages 784. 810.
Torre's MS., page 1059. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. ii. Burton's Monasticon, pages 57. 67. 317. 347. Gent's (Thos.) History of Hull-York, 1735. Frost's Early History of Hull. Tickell's History of Hull. Thompson's Occ. Prom., page 147, &c. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xciv. page 16. Gilbert's Liber Scholasticus, page 292.
George Lawton in 1842..
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