


Norfolk: Norwich


Voting Registers - Poll 1761

Votes cast in Mancroft Ward

An alphabetical draught of the polls for 2 members of Parliament for the City of Norwich taken the 27th Day of March 1761.

This page contains only those people who voted (from those eligible) who resided in the parishes in Mancroft Ward as listed below. (For other parishes and places, see the main 1761 Norwich Poll Book page.)

Parishes etc.
[Mancroft Ward]
[Links are to
this page]
St Giles  21-23
St. Peter Mancroft  17-21
St. Stephen  14-17

This election was between Harbord Harbord Esq. (H-d.), Edward Bacon Esq. (B.), Robert Harvey Esq. (H-y.), and Nockold Tompson Esq. (T.)

Transcription of Mancroft Ward in the Poll Book follows:-


( 14 )


[Voter, Occupation]
Abbot Charles, Wool-comber  

Adcock Charles, Worsted-weaver   
Aldham John, Gentleman

Annison Charles, Taylor

Annison Dennis, Taylor
Asticle William, Cordwainer

Athill John, Gardener

Barry John, Worsted-weaver

Batch Richard, Baker

Bilham Walter, Worsted-weaver

Bloy Henry, Worsted-weaver

Bowler Henry, Worsted-weaver

Bridges William, Worsted-weaver

Briggs Samuel, Cordwainer
Brooks John, Worsted-weaver

Brown William, Cordwainer

Buck Grantham, Worsted-weaver  

Buck St. John, Worsted-weaver  

Burrell William, Worsted-weaver  

Burrell Nich., Worsted-weaver, Freeh. in St. Stephen

Cannon William, Baker

Catherall Isaac, Gentleman

Chapman Thomas, Worsted-weaver

St. STEPHEN continued.15
Clarke Thomas, Barber

Claxton Nathaniel, Worsted-weaver

Claxton Nathaniel, Mason

Claxton John, Mason

Clyatt Thomas Morley, Worsted-weaver

Cobb James, Worsted-weaver

Collop John, Worsted-weaver

Cooper Sam., Apothecary Freehold in St. Stephen

Copeman John, Staymaker

Cordy Cha., Sawyer Freehold in St. Stephen

Cory Arthur, Baker

Cotton John, Worsted-weaver  

Cotton John, Worsted-weaver  

CROWE WILLIAM, Esq; Alderman

Curl Samuel, Worsted-weaver

Curl William, Cordwainer

Dady John, Cobler  

Dallywater John, Wool-comber
Dalrymple William, Distiller
Davy John, Worsted-weaver

Daydon William, Worsted-weaver

Daydon John, Worsted-weaver

Dye John, Worsted-weaver

Earl John, Worsted-weaver

Edwards Jos., Worsted-weaver

Elis Thomas, Worsted-weaver

Ellis Ephraim, Worsted-weaver
Fleming James, Sawyer

Francis Robert, Gentleman

Freeman Robert, Mason 
Fromantell Daniel, Clerk

Fromow Peter senior, Wool-comber  

Fromow Peter, Wool-comber  

Fuller Robert, Labourer
Fuller Robert, Barber  

Gay Benjamin, Gentleman

Gay John, Worsted-weaver  

GOODMAN JOHN, Esq; Alderman

Gorbould John, Joiner
Grantham Abner, Worsted-weaver  

Greenaway Samuel, Worsted-weaver

Harrold Peter, Tallow-Chandler  

Haws Samuel, Cordwainer

Hewitt Thomas, Wool-comber

Hewitt Nicholas, Baker

16                               St. STEPHEN continued.
Hewitt Michael, Worsted-weaver 

Holl Augustine, Gardener

Hutchinson James, Aleh.-keeper, Freeh. Stephen  

Jarvis John, Worsted-weaver
Johnson Samuel, Worsted-weaver
Johnson Jonathan, Worsted-weaver

Kendall William, Wool-comber

Keymer Timothy, Worsted-weaver  

Keymer Henry, Worsted-weaver

Kirby Charles, Worsted-weaver

Kirk William, Cordwainer

Lodge John, Patten-maker

Loftis Jonathan, Cordwainer

Mallows Ambrose, Cordwainer  

Manners John, Worsted-weaver  

Manser John, Worsted-weaver

Martin Robert, Millwright  

Mathews Timothy, Merchant

Mathews Richard, Glass-Merchant

Miles Thomas, Worsted-weaver  

Mollet James, Glazier

Moore Jonathan, Baker
Moore Thomas, Merchant

Moseley Joseph, Whitesmith

Miniser John, Cordwainer  

Nichols Thomas, Worsted-weaver

Nicholson James, Taylor

Norgate John, Worsted-weaver

Norton William, Worsted-weaver

Page John, Taylor
Paston Ellis, Gentleman
Patteson John, Merchant

Pendleton John, Cordwainer

Phillips John, Worsted-weaver

Randall John, Worsted-weaver  

Rookwood John, Cordwainer

Rose Phillip, Cordwainer

Row Adam, Freehold in St. Stephen

Row Edmund, Worsted-weaver

Rudd John, Worsted-weaver

Selth John, Worsted-weaver

Shin Samuel, Worsted-weaver

Simpson John, Cooper

Slater William, Grocer

Smith Francis, Worsted-weaver

Smith Daniel, Fishmonger

St. STEPHEN continued.17
Smith James, Innholder

Smith Peter, Worsted-weaver

Steward Brereton, Baker

Stimpson John, Worsted-weaver

Talbot John, Vintner

Tylor Robert, Cobler

Tayler Robert, Worsted-weaver

Trowman John, Nailor
Twiddy James, Carpenter

Tyler John, Cobler

Wakefield John, Hotpresser

Warner Francis, Baker

Warner Richard, Alehousekeeper
Warren William, Worsted-weaver

Wells Wm., Mason, Freehold in Thorn

Williamson John, Worsted-weaver  

Willson John, Cordwainer

Wylde Matthew, Worsted-weaver

Youngs Samuel, Carpenter

[Totals for Parish of St. Stephen]  108  96  22  35

Adamson Henry, Peruke-maker

ADDEY MARK, Esq; Alderman

Addey John, Merchant

Alday Thomas, Innholder

Aldridge John, Ironmonger

Alderson William, Worsted-weaver

Appleby Edward, Haberdasher

Baker Merchant, Cutler

Barker Robert, Barber

Barker Francis senior, Staymaker

Baret Robert, Grocer

Barlow Benjamin, Merchant

Bayley Thomas, Linnen-draper   
Beloe William, Shoemaker

Bennet Tim., Physician, Freehold in Mancroft
Bell Thomas, Worsted-weaver
Berry Jeremiah, Gentleman

Bennet John, Whitesmith

Bennet George, Baker
Bensley Thomas, Brazier
18                               St.Peter Mancroft continued.
Biggot John, Worsted-weaver

Blancher Benjamin, Gunsmith  

Bookey Sacheverel, Clerk, Freeh. Maddermarket

Booth Martin, Bookseller

Brown Palmer, Taylor

Brand John, Clerk

Brown John, Sadler

Brown John, Linnen-draper
Brown John, Grocer

Brown Benjamin, Ironmonger

Brown Peter, Baker
Bradfield William, Grocer

Brooks Perison, Worsted-weaver
Candler Peter senior, Cordwainer

Candler Peter, Cordwainer

Callow James, Worsted-weaver

Catherell Jos., Tallow-chandler  

Catton Thomas, Blacksmith

Chamber Andrew, Mercer

Church James, Cordwainer

Clarke Samuel, Esq;

Christmas John, Linnen-draper

Clarke Peter, Cordwainer

Copeman Jos., Worsted-weaver

Colthorpe William, Cooper
Cooper Vander, Mason

Cooke Samuel, Grocer
Cordwin Stephen, Taylor
Corbold John, Hatmaker
Crew Job, Gentleman

Craske Thomas, Mercer

Cropton Thomas, Worsted-weaver

Culyer Robert, Barber

Dearn Robert, Glover   
Dersley John, Worsted-weaver

Denny Robert, Blacksmith

Downing John, Grocer

Driver Samuel, Whitesmith

Ellis Charles, Apothecary

Ellis Richard, Woolfactor  

Fenn Benjamin, Draper

Fenn Matthew, Worsted-weaver

Finch Samuel, Taylor

Forster William, Gentleman

Forster Henry, Cordwainer  

St. Peter Mancroft continued.19
Foulsham Robert, Worsted-weaver  

Francis William, Mason

Fromow Aaron, Goaler
Gibson John, Worsted-weaver, Freeh. in Mancroft

Gleed Jonathan, Stationer
Gray James, Gentleman


Harwood Thomas, Upholster

Harland John, Glazier

Harpley George, Whitesmith

Hill William, Linnen-draper

Hirst Thomas, Linnen-draper

Hindmarsh Jos., Oilman
Hipkins James, Worsted-weaver

Hoyle Isaac, Upholster

Howlet John, Worsted-weaver

Hugman Jos., Glover  

Hufflet George, Worsted-weaver

Johnson Jos., Peruke-maker

Jollins Robert, Carpenter

Kett Benjamin, Cordwainer

Key Thomas senior, Hatter

Key Thomas junior, Hatter

Kitton Richard, Cordwainer
Kitton Samuel, Glover

Lay Charles, Gentleman

Le Neve Richard, Gent. Freehold in St. Paul

Linsey Jos., Cordwainer  

Linsey John, Cordwainer  

Manning Edmund, Brazier

Manning Thomas, Glover

Manning William, Glover

Marshal John, Gentleman

Marsham John, Cutler

Martin John, Shopkeeper

Martin William, Heelmaker
Meen Robert, Upholsterer
Minns Edward, Worsted-weaver

Money William jun., Merchant

Monkhouse John, Cordwainer

Nettleship Edward, Haberdasher of Hats

Nevill Joseph, Wool-comber

Nicholls John, Linnen-draper

Nicholls Thomas, Wool-comber  

Nixon William, Brazier
20                               St.Peter Mancroft continued.
Norgate Elias, Surgeon
Norgate Nicholas, Glover

Norgate Charles, Peruke-maker

Patteson Henry Sprake senior, Ironmonger

Patteson Henry Sprake junior, Ironmonger

Page Thomas, Watchmaker
Palmer William senior, Worsted-weaver

Palmer William junior, Worsted-weaver

Parkinson Thomas, Broker

Parkinson Thomas, Innholder

Parker Samuel, Butcher

Piggott John senior, Worsted-weaver
Pinching Thomas, Worsted-weaver

Porter William, Patten-maker

Porter James, Patten-maker

Pratt John, Mercer
Randall Benjamin, Cordwainer 
Reynolds Charles, Draper

Roe Nathaniel, Goldsmith

Rudge Edward, Baker

Rudland Edm., Alehousekeeper Freeh. Mancroft  

Rust Richard, Gentleman

Sargent Philip, Stone-mason

Saul William, Wool-comber

Saunders John, Taylor

Schuldham Isaac, Mercer

Seales Walter, Gardener, Freehold in Colgate

Short Francis, Gentleman

Short Michael, Draper
Sheperson Matthew, Leather-cutter  

Shreve Barlee, Shopkeeper

Skipper Francis, Fishmonger

Smith James junior, Mercer

Smith William, Woollen-draper

Smith Peter, Sexton

Sparrow Samuel, Worsted-weaver
Spratt Robert, Cordwainer

Springall George, Turner

Stannard Robert, Worsted-weaver

Starling Thomas, Ironmonger

Steele William, Linnen-draper

Tennant John, Sadler  

Tompson John, Worsted-weaver

Tooley Stephen, Butcher  

Trigg Francis, Taylor
St. Peter Mancroft continued.21
Trull Henry, Grocer

Trundell Jos., Keelman
Tucker Wm., Baker, Freehold in Mancroft
Turnew Matthew, Trunk-maker  

Unthank William, Barber
Ward William, Linnen-draper

Wilson John, Surgeon, Freehold in Mancroft

Wilson Robert, Waterman

Wilson Robert, Mason

[Totals for Parish of St. Peter Mancroft]  146  121  16  36

Allen George, Locksmith

Allen Henry, Carpenter

Amias Thomas Kempis, Twisterer

Andrews Thomas, Carpenter

Atkinson Samuel, Worsted-weaver  

Beevor John, M. D.

Bradbroke Thomas, Worsted-weaver

Bradford Richard, Worsted-weaver  

Brettingham Robert, Mason

Bristow Jacob, Cordwainer

Bristow Jacob, junior, --  

Brooks George, Worsted-weaver

Burcham John, Clerk

Butcher Henry, Worsted-weaver

Butcher Hezekiah, Wool-comber

Butcher John, Worsted-weaver

Cady William, Worsted-weaver  

Cawdell William, Wool-comber 

Clapham Jeremiah junior, Worsted-weaver
Clapham Jeremiah, Worsted-weaver
Codd Charles, Merchant

Cork Thomas, Innholder

Dack Robert, Physician, Freehold in St. Giles

Davy Robert, Printer, Freehold in St. Giles

Davey Robert, Wool-comber

Dewing William junior, Gentleman

Earle James, Worsted-weaver

Elmy James, Gentleman

Elmy James, Gentleman

22                               St. GILES continued.
Elmy William, Gentleman

Fawcet Henry, Worsted-weaver
Field Robert, Worsted-weaver
Fleming Wm. Hen. Esq; Freeh. in Geo. Colgate

Frary James, Wool-comber

Frary William Oxley, Wool-comber

Friend James, Worsted-weaver

Gamble William, Worsted-weaver

Godfrey Thomas, Cordwainer

Greenwood Erasmus, Blacksmith

Green John, Taylor

HARCOURT JERMY, Esq; Sheriff and Alderman

Harper Edward, Worsted-weaver

Hill Charles, Barber

Hott John, Worsted-weaver

Houghton George, Butcher  

Huggins John, Worsted-weaver  

Jenkinson Sam., Worsted-weaver

Indeville Daniel, Worsted-weaver

Ireland Stephen, Worsted-weaver

Junipee Jonas, Worsted-weaver

Lane Thomas, Worsted-weaver

Laws Thomas, Worsted-weaver

Laws Edward, Worsted-weaver

Lillington Isaac, Merchant

Lindsey William, Worsted-weaver

Miller Isaac, Freehold in St. Giles

Miller Thomas, Pavior
Mills Daniel, Worsted-weaver

Molden George, Clerk  

Money John, Worsted-weaver

Money Thomas, Clerk

Moy John, Merchant

Norgate John, Carpenter

North Nathaniel, Gentleman   
Offley William, M. D. Freehold in St. Giles

Ownsworth William, Mason

Reeman George, Worsted-weaver  

Reeman Nicholas, Worsted-weaver  

Routh Francis, Gentleman Freehold in Timberhill

Slack James, Blacksmith

Smith James senior, Gentleman

Spencer Robert, Worsted-weaver

Swift Robert, Worsted-weaver

Symonds Thomas, Worsted-weaver

St. GILES continued.23
Tallowin Samuel, Last-maker  

Tallowin Stephen, Wool-comber

Thompson Thomas, Barber

Trappet Benj., Gentleman, Freeh. in St. Giles
Vincent John, Bricklayer

Walsby John, Bookbinder

Warner William, Baker

White John, Worsted-weaver

Wild James, Worsted-weaver
Wright Francis, Gentleman

[Totals for Parish of St. Giles]  73  67  10  14

The Poll book continues with voters in the Parish of St. Benedict in Wymer Ward.


  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the parishes/places.
  • 2. The following alternative spellings for parish names should be noted :-
    St. George Colgate/St. George Colegate, St. Laurence/St. Lawrence, St. Peter Permountergate (Parmentergate)/St. Peter-per-Mountergate, St. Swithen/St. Swithin
  • 3. Abbreviations used in the Poll Book have the following meanings :- "F.H." = "Freeholder","Freeh." = "Freehold", "W.W." or "Wd.w." = "Worsted-weaver".
  • 4. The following alternative spellings for trades should be noted:- Gardiner/Gardener, Joyner/Joiner, Linnen-draper/Linen draper, Taylor/Tailor, Wool-comber/Woolcomber.

See also the Norfolk Voting Registers, Norwich Voting Registers and the main 1761 Norwich Poll Book pages.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
December 2014