


Norfolk: Norwich


Voting Registers - Poll 1710

An alphabetical draught of the polls for 2 members of Parliament for the City of Norwich taken on the 18th of October, 1710.

This page contains all the voters for either "Robert Bene" or "Richard Berney" who resided in the parishes in Conisford Ward as listed below. (For other parishes and places, see the main 1710 Norwich Poll Book page.)

Parishes etc.
[Conisford Ward]
Bene & Berney
[Links are to
this page]
Bacon & Gardiner
[Links are to a
separate page]
All Saints   3   21
St Etheldred   1   19
St. John Sepulchre
  [St John Sepulcher]
  2   20
St. John Timberhill   3   21
St. Julian   1   19
St. Michael at Thorn
  [St. Miles Thorne]
  2   20,21
St. Peter Permountergate
  [St. Peters per Mountergate]
  1   20
St. Peter at Southgate   1   19

( 1 )

The Alphabetical Draft of the POLL
of ROBERT BENE, Esq; and
Taken the 18th of October, 1710.

[Page] St. Peters Southgate. Beene Berney
A Robert Aubury, Joyner

B Thomas Browne, Cordwainer

C John Cooke, Cooper

G Edward Gayford (Jun.), Worsted-weaver

Thomas Goldenknop, Mason

H John Hunton, Brewer

Edmund Hunton, Grocer

K John King, Freeholder

L Robert Lewis, Worsted-weaver (F. H.)

P John Paull, Baker

S Joseph Spring, Worsted-weaver

T Henry Turney (Turner), Worsted-weaver

John Turnel, Worsted-weaver

Y John Youngs, Freeholder (W. W.)

In all   14
St. Julians. Beene Berney
A John Arlham, Baker, (W. w.)

B Thomas Bennett, Barber

C Robert Carr, Freeholder

D William Dawson, Baker

William Dixson, Carpenter

H Thomas Hardy, Worsted-weaver

L Christopher Lilly, Worsted-weaver

Robert Lulman, Freeholder

Isaac Lulman, Worsted-weaver

Michael Lulman, Freeholder

M William Mallett, Worsted-weaver

John Miller, Freeholder

T Edmond Thompson, Worsted-weaver

James Townshend, Felt-maker

William Tricket, Blacksmith

W James Weeds, Worsted-weaver

In all   16
St. Etheldred. Beene Berney
B Edward Bowle, Worsted-weaver

M William Marsham, Worsted-weaver

John Matthews, Freeholder

T William Tompson, Worsted-weaver

In all   4
St. Peters per Mountergate. Beene Berney
B William Bantfather, Worsted-weaver

Nathaniel Beals, Freeholder

C Richard Clarke, Worsted-weaver

William Clarke, Freeholder

Peter Crane, Freeholder

F John Faucet, Taylor

James (Samuel) Frost, Gardener

G Robert Game, jun. F. M. (Grocer)

Edward Gayford, jun. Keelman

James Glawyn, Worsted-weaver

John Gotter, Worsted-weaver

Richard Grievous, Cordwainer

Robert Griffey, Freeholder

H Francis Horth, Worsted-weaver

Francis Huson, Worsted-weaver

J John Johnson, Freeholder

K George Kemp, Freeholder

Charles King, Worsted-weaver
Thomas King, Worsted-weaver

L William Lincoln,

M Tho. Marshall, Worsted-weaver (Marchar)

Nathaniel Moreland, Freeholder

P Francis Pike, Worsted-weaver (Spite)

Q Bryan Quinton, Freeholder

S Peter Simpson, Mason

George Simons, Worsted-weaver

Y Edward Youngs, Carpenter

In all   27
2 St. John's Sepulchre. Beene Berney
A Richard Allen, Freeholder

Edward Alden, Freeholder

Edmund Allin, Freeholder
Joseph Allum, Shoemaker

John Arlham, Butcher

James Arlham, Butcher

Samuel Austin, Butcher

B Thomas Barwick, Worsted-weaver

Joseph Bell, Freeholder

William Billingsby, Smith

Robert Burton, Glover (Glazier)

John Burrowes, Cordwainer

C William Cartwright, Butcher

John Cartwright, Butcher

Matthew Chandler, Butcher

D Charles (Christopher) Dyer, Joyner

G Thomas Garrett, Taylor

John Gibbs, Freeholder

H Thomas Hansel, Freeholder

William Hammond, Freeholder

J William Johnson, Worsted-weaver

John Johnson, Worsted-weaver

L Thomas Lambe, Butcher

M William Miles, Baker

P Peter Pearse,

Thomas Phillips, Freeholder

Thomas Phillips, Butcher
R Robert Reeve, Butcher

Ralph Rogers, Butcher

S Robert Scrivener, (Cordwainer)

James Sheringham, Butcher

William Shippey, Worsted-weaver

John Sparham, Freeholder

T John Titshell, sen. Butcher

Thomas Tillyard, Worsted-weaver

William Turner, Baker

V William Varnish, Butcher

Edward Varnish, Butcher

Stephen Varnish, Butcher

Richard Varnish, Worsted-weaver

W Edmond Wade, Worsted-weaver (Butcher)

George Watts, Butcher

Alexander Wade, Butcher

Gregory Wade, Butcher

Gregory Wade, Worsted-weaver

Robert Ward, Freeholder

Anthony ( Arthur ) Weld, Baker

Thomas Wilson, Body-maker

Augustin Woods, Mason

In all   48
St. Miles of Thorne. Beene Berney
A Thomas Adhams, Freeholder

Thomas Adams, Cordwainer
B Robert Brooke (Boot), W.w. (Hotpresser)

Richard Bulbrooke, Worsted-weaver

C Samuel Canby, Pipe-maker

Benjamin Chapman, Freeholder

John Copland, Worsted-weaver

Thomas Cocking, Wool-comber

E William Elwyn, Worsted-weaver

F Joseph Fenn, Worsted-weaver

William Foster, Mason

H John Hammond, Worsted-weaver

John Hoth, Locksmith

M Henry Miles, Butcher

N John Nickhoulds, Carpenter

P Richard Page, Smith

Samuel Pitts, Grocer

R Simon Ransom, Freeholder ( Baker )

Francis Rogers, Butcher

S John Scott, Worsted-weaver

John Spring, Freeholder

Marmaduke Springall, Carpenter

T Robert Thompson, Freeholder (St. Paul's)

U Robert (Roger) Undy, (jun.) Baker

W Thomas Webb, Carpenter

Charles West, Worsted-weaver

Thomas Wright, Freeholder

Richard Wright, Cordwainer

In all   27
3 St. John's Timberhill. Beene Berney
A William Adamson, Worsted-weaver

John Allen, Locksmith

B John Bennet, Baker

Thomas Boyce, Mason

Thomas Buttyfunt,   [Blank]

C Edward Cannings, Freeholder

Richard Chambers, Gentleman

John Church, Cordwainer (Wor.-weaver)

Peter Clues, Baker

Francis Cole, Worsted-weaver

D Richard Dale, Blacksmith

William Davy, Cordwainer

Samuel Decele, Surgeon
E John Elliott (jun.), Butcher

F John Farchild, Carpenter

James Flemming, Grocer

G Simon Grimson, Worsted-weaver

John Greene, Barber

Bussey Greene (Gent.), Freeholder

H Edward (Edmond) Harman, Baker

William Harper, Body-maker

Joseph Howard, Freeholder

Christopher Hodgson, Worsted-weaver

I John Johnson, Worsted-weaver

M Charles Man, Cobler

William Money, Worsted-weaver

O Robert Osburne, Worsted-weaver

Edmond Osbourne, Freeholder

John Oaknall, Freeholder

P Cornelius Pally, Cordwainer

Robert Pitcher, Worsted-weaver

John Purtt, Grocer

John Pyecroft, Draper (Taylor)

S Townsend Sheringham, Grocer

John Tyler, Innholder

W William Warner, Glover

Simon Wissater,   [Blank]

Thomas Willings, Smith

In all   37
All Saints. Beene Berney

B Francis Beals, Mason

Matthew Bingley, Whitesmith

Edward Boot, Worsted-weaver

Richard Burton, Taylor

George Budwell, Worsted-weaver
Jacob Bell, Mason
C Samuel Claphamson, Worsted-weaver

E John Ebbetts (Abbott), Worsted-weaver

G Samuel Greenfield, Barber

Samuel Greenfield, jun. Barber

J Henry James, Freeholder

Joseph Jewett, Freeholder
L Nathaniel Lesley, Cooper

M Samuel Mason, Sadler

R Hilary Riches, Worsted-weaver

S Samuel Stebbing, Freeholder

John Swift, School-master

T James Tillards, Taylor

In all   17

The Poll book continues with voters for either "Robert Bene" or "Richard Berney" in Mancroft Ward.


  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the parishes/places.
  • 2. The following alternative spellings for parish names should be noted :- St. Augustin/St. Augustine,
    St Benedictus/St. Benedict,
    St. George Colgate/St. George Colegate,
    St. Helen/St. Hellen,
    St. John Maeldemarket/Maddemarket/Maddermarket,
    St. Laurence/St. Lawrence,
    St. Martin a Pallace/St. Martin at Palace,
    St. Miles of Thorne/ Michael at Thorn,
    St. Peter Permountergate (Parmentergate)/St. Peter-per-Mountergate,
    St. Steven/St. Stephen
  • 3. Abbreviations used in the Poll Book have the following meanings :- "F.H." = "Freeholder", "F.M." = "Freeman?", "W.W." = "Worsted-weaver".
  • 4. Entries where the third column is "[Blank]" had nothing printed in that column.
  • 5. All other entries are exactly as printed. An example of this is "Henry Turney (Turner)" on Page 1. There are no explanatory notes in the book about the words contained in round brackets ie. "(Turner)" here. These appear to be possible corrections to names (or aliases) and occupations or additional information?

See also the Norfolk Voting Registers, Norwich Voting Registers and the main 1710 Norwich Poll Book pages.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
May 2014