Norfolk: Norwich
Voting Registers - Polls 1710
An Alphabetical Draught of the POLL of ROBERT BENE, Esq;, RICHARD BERNEY, Esq;, WALLER BACON, Esq; and STEPHEN GARDINER, Esq; (for 2 members of Parliament for the City of Norwich) taken the 18th of October, 1710.
The Poll Book is split into 2 sections:-
- Section one comprises pages 1 to 19 and contains those who voted for BENE (labelled "Benee" in Poll Book) and/or BERNEY.
- Section two is contained within pages 19 to 34 and lists those who voted for BACON and/or GARDINER.
- Note that some people appear in both sections as they only voted for one person in each.
1. Order of Parishes etc. in first section of Poll Book.
(Voters for Bene and/or Berney)
Page numbers are given in brackets "()".
USE links to go to the WARD or Area
(or alternatively in section 3. link takes one straight to parish in required Ward etc.)
CONISFORD WARD St. Peter Southgate (1) St. Julian (1) St. Etheldred (1) St. Peter per Mountergate (1) St. John Sepulchre (2) St. Michael at Thorn (2) St. John Timberhill (3) All Saints (3) MANCROFT WARD St. Stephen (3,4) St. Peter Mancroft (4,5,6) St. Giles (6,7) WYMER WARD Heigham (7) St. Benedict (7,8) St. Swithin (8) St. Margaret (8) St. Lawrence (9) St. Gregory (9) St. John Maddermarket (9,10) St. Andrew (10,11) St. Michael a Plea (11) St. Simon (& St. Jude) (11) St. Peter Hungate (11,12) | WYMER WARD (continued) St. George Tombland (12) St. Martin a Palace (12,13) St. Helen (13) NORTHERN WARD (Ward Beyond the Water) St. George Colegate (13) St. Michael Coslany (13,14) St. Mary (at Coslany) (14) St. Martin at Oak (14,15) St. Augustine (15) St. Saviour (15,16) St. Clement (16) St. Edmund (16) St. Paul (16,17) St. James and Pockthorp (17) COUNTRY MEN Country-men [Country Voters] (17,18) Trowse, Carrow & Bracondale (17) [Under Countrymen] Eaton (18) [Under Countrymen] In the Close, &c. (18,19) |
2. Order of Parishes etc. in second section of Poll Book.
(Voters for Bacon and/or Gardiner)
Page numbers are given in brackets "()".
USE links to go to the WARD or Area
(or alternatively in section 3. link takes one straight to parish in required Ward etc.)
CONISFORD WARD St. Etheldred (19) St. Peter Southgate (19) St. Julian (19) St. Peter per Mountergate (20) St. John Sepulchre (20) St. Michael at Thorn (20,21) St. John Timberhill (21) All Saints (21) MANCROFT WARD St. Stephen (21,22 ) St. Peter Mancroft (22,23) St. Giles (23,24) WYMER WARD St. Benedict (24) Heigham (24) St. Margaret (24,25) St. Swithin (25) St. Lawrence (25) St. Gregory (25,26) St. John Maddermarket (26) St. Andrew (26,27) St. Michael a Plea (27) St. Peter Hungate (27) St. Simon (& St. Jude) (27) | WYMER WARD (continued) St. George Tombland (27,28) St. Martin a Palace (28) St. Helen (28) NORTHERN WARD (Ward Beyond the Water) St. George Colegate (29) St. Michael Coslany (29,30) St. Mary (Coslany) (30,31) St. Martin's at Oak (31) St. Augustine (31,32) St. Saviour (32) St. Clement (32,33) St. Edmund (33) St. Paul (33) St. James and Pockthorp (33,34) COUNTRY MEN Earlham (34) Country-men (34) Trowse, Carrow & Bracondale (34) [Under Countrymen] Eaton (34) [Under Countrymen] In the Close (34) |
3. Norwich Parishes and places outside the City boundary
Alphabetical list with links to same Ward pages etc. as described in 1. & 2 above.
In the above table the abbreviations for the Wards are as follows:-
CON = Conisford, OVER = Ward Beyond the Water (or Northern Ward), MAN = Mancroft, WYMER = Wymer.
Votes as published in later Poll Books were :-
Robert Bene Esq; Mayor | 1315 |
Richard Berney Esq; Steward | 1298 |
Waller Bacon Esq; | 1107 |
Stephen Gardiner Esq; Recorder | 1073 |
Votes by Parish etc.
A TABLE of the Number of VOTERS in each Parish, &c. has been constructed [by the author] from figures in the Poll Book. In later Poll books (although not in the the original transcribed here) the printers normally issue a disclaimer to the effect that not all voters were necessarily recorded correctly by the Printers agents and also some people may then have been missed from the printed work. This may be the reason that there are discrepancies in the figures?
Bene | Berney | Bacon | Gardiner | |
All Saints | 17 | 18 | 16 | 16 |
St. Andrew | 76 | 76 | 42 | 40 |
St. Augustine | 42 | 42 | 29 | 29 |
St. Benedict | 39 | 38 | 8 | 9 |
St. Clement | 16 | 15 | 35 | 33 |
St. Edmund | 14 | 14 | 19 | 19 |
St. Etheldred | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
St. George of Colegate | 38 | 37 | 75 | 71 |
St. George of Tombland | 31 | 29 | 47 | 49 |
St. Giles | 54 | 53 | 39 | 34 |
St. Gregory | 39 | 39 | 34 | 34 |
Heigham | 16 | 15 | 20 | 18 |
St. Helen | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 |
St. James and Pockthorpe | 26 | 26 | 31 | 32 |
St. John Maddermarket | 45 | 44 | 24 | 23 |
St. John Sepulchre | 48 | 48 | 29 [*] | 27 |
St. John Timberhill | 37 | 38 | 24 [*] | 23 |
St. Julian | 16 | 16 | 24 | 26 |
St. Lawrence | 19 | 18 | 35 | 34 |
St. Margaret | 21 | 22 | 13 | 14 |
St. Martin at Oak | 41 | 36 | 30 | 25 |
St. Martin at Palace | 47 | 46 | 37 | 36 |
St. Mary (at Coslany) | 37 | 34 | 50 | 45 |
[Sub-total] | 731 | 716 | 672 | 648 |
[*] Note the following incorrect values are printed in the Poll Book for Bacon:- St. John Sepulchre has "27" and St. John Timberhill has "23".
Bene | Berney | Bacon | Gardin. | |
St. Michael of Coslany | 24 | 21 | 54 | 56 |
St. Michael at Plea | 20 | 18 | 21 | 22 |
St. Michael at Thorn | 27 | 28 | 25 | 23 |
St. Paul | 32 | 33 | 39 | 37 |
St. Peter of Hungate | 21 | 21 | 9 | 9 |
St. Peter of Mancroft | 153 | 149 | 81 | 85 |
St. Peter Permountergate | 27 | 27 | 38 | 40 |
St. Peter at Southgate | 14 | 14 | 12 | 12 |
Pockthorpe (see St. James) | ||||
St. Saviour | 30 | 30 | 26 | 24 |
St. Simon & St. Jude | 11 | 11 | 9 | 9 |
St. Stephen | 81 | 82 | 57 | 61 |
St. Swithin | 26 | 25 | 15 | 14 |
[Sub-total] | 401 | 459 | 386 | 392 |
[Brought forward] | 731 | 716 | 672 | 648 |
Bene | Berney | Bacon | Gardiner | |
(Total) Inhabitants of the CITY | 1198 | 1175 | 1058 | 1040 |
Countrymen - [Inc. - Earlham, Trowse, Carrow & Bracondale] | 99 | 92 | 50 | 46 |
The Close | 19 | 18 | (Inc. above) | |
| ||||
TOTAL | 1315 | 1285 | 1108 | 1086 |
Layout of each page
The Parish or area is named and under each of these are five columns as indicated below :-
- Column 1. Page Number of Start Letter of Alphabetical section in each Parish or area.
- Column 2. Names of people who voted set out in an alphabetical Order. These include Freeholders and Freemen but they are not all separately indicated. Some possibly alternative names are given for people and some places of trade etc.
- Columns 3. Trade and/or Status of each Voter. Some Places of Freehold are given.
- Columns 4 and 5. Each voter had up to 2 votes. Horizontal bar(s) indicate the 1 or 2 candidates voted for if they voted on the 18th of October, 1710.
- 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the parishes/places.
- 2. The following alternative spellings for parish names should be noted :- St. Augustin/St. Augustine,
St. Benedictus/St. Benedict,
St. George Colgate/St. George Colegate,
St. Helen/St. Hellen,
St. John Maeldemarket/St. John Maddemarket /St. John Maddermarket,
St. Laurence/St. Lawrence,
St. Martin a Pallace/St. Martin a Palace/St. Martin at Palace,
St. Michael a Plea/St. Michael at Plea,
St. Miles of Thorne/St. Michael at Thorn,
St. Peter Permountergate (Parmentergate)/St. Peter-per-Mountergate,
St. Steven/St. Stephen - 3. The hamlet of Pockthorpe is in St. James's parish.
- 4. The spelling of many of names would appear to be as they were heard. Note that it is worth looking at alternatives if the name one is searching for can not be located. Examples of this are :- Edmund/Edmond, Greenfield/Greenfeild, Hartstonge/Hartstongue, Springfield/Springfeild, Taylor/Taylour, Wilson/Willson, Wingfield/Wingfeild etc. - see search below.
- 5. Poll Book was probably printed in Norwich? The actual printer is currently unknown although it could be by Henry Cross-grove as it has similarities to his 1714 Norwich Poll?
Searching this Poll Book
Use the Genuki-NFK "Contents & Search" button linked from the top of the page and then use "Search GENUKI Norfolk" box and type in the following four words (separated by spaces):-
Norwich Poll 1710 "Surname-required"
eg. norwich poll 1710 morse
eg. norwich poll 1710 Harts*
See also Norfolk Voting Registers, Norwich Voting Registers and the Norwich pages.
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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
May 2014