


Norfolk: Voting: Norwich Wards


Norwich was split up into Wards for Voting and Registration purposes. The Poll Books which cover the City of Norwich are laid out by wards and then Parishes contained in each.

Wards in 19th Century Norwich

Taking the Castle as a central point of reference :-

  • "Conisford" or "Conesford" indicated by "Con" was the South-East quarter of the City bounded by the city wall and river Wensum.
  • "Mancroft" indicated by "Man" was the South-West quarter of the City bounded by the city wall.
  • "North" (or "Over the Water" or "The Ward beyond the Water") was north of the river Wensum and bounded by the city wall.
  • "Wymer" was the North-West and North-East quarters of the City bounded by the city wall and St. Benedicts Parish to the west, the river Wensum to the North and East but excluding the Cathedral precinct.
  • Cathedral precinct or "The Close".

List of Parishes and Wards

Norwich Parish Ward
All Saints Con
Lakenham Man
St. Andrew Wymer
St. Augustus (St Augustine) North
St. Benedict Wymer
St. Clement North
Earlham Wymer
St. Edmund North
St. Etheldred Con
St. George Colegate
  (St George Colgate)
St. George Tombland Wymer
St. Giles Man
St. Gregory Wymer
Heigham Wymer
St. Helen Wymer
St. James North
St. John Maddermarket Wymer
St. John Sepulchre Con
St. John Timberhill Con
St. Julian Con
St. Lawrence Wymer
Norwich Parish Ward
St. Margaret Wymer
St. Martin-at-Oak North
St. Martin-at-Palace Wymer
St. Mary-at-Coslany North
St. Mary-in-the-Marsh Cath
St. Michael-at-Coslany
  (St. Miles)
St. Michael-at-Plea Wymer
St. Michael-at-Thorn Con
St. Paul North
St. Peter Hungate Wymer
St. Peter Mancroft Man
St. Peter-per-Mountergate
  (also called St. Peter Parmentergate)
St. Peter Southgate Con
Pockthorp(e) [Hamlet of] North
St. Saviour North
St. Simon & St. Jude Wymer
St. Stephen Man
St. Swithin Wymer
Trowse, Carrow & Bracondale Con

(Key Cath=Cathedral precinct, Con=Conesford, M=Mancroft, N=North, W=Wymer)

Wards and Parishes contained in each

  • Conisford
    • All Saints, St. Etheldred, St. George Tombland (small part), St. John Sepulchre, St. John Timberhill, St. Julian, St. Michael-at-Thorn, St. Peter-per-Mountergate (Parmentergate), St. Peter Southgate, Trowse, Carrow & Bracondale.
  • Mancroft
    • Lakenham, St. Giles, St. Peter Mancroft, St. Stephen.
  • North
    • St. Augustus (Augustine), St. Clement, St. Edmund, St. George Colegate (Colgate), St. James, St. Martin-at-Oak, St. Martin-at-Palace (small part), St. Mary-at-Coslany (St Mary), St. Michael-at-Coslany, St. Paul, Pockthorp(e) [Hamlet in St James's], St. Saviour.
  • Wymer
    • St. Andrew, St. Benedict, Earlham, St. George Tombland (most of), St. Gregory, Heigham, St. Helen, St. John Maddermarket, St. Lawrence, St. Margaret, St. Martin-at-Palace (most of), St. Michael-at-Plea, St. Peter Hungate, St. Simon & St. Jude, St. Swithin.
  • Cathedral precinct
    • St. Mary-in-the-Marsh (The Close &c.)

See also the main Voting page and the norwich elections page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
March 2014