Sondes at North Elmham
These newspaper cuttings have been found by the Norfolk transcribers for FreeREG. They are undated apart from handwritten dates, and none of the newspapers is named.
Most cuttings are about Lord and Lady Sondes. Knatchbull was the name of the vicar and was Lady Sondes' maiden name, and McMicking the name of the occupier of North Elmham hall in the 1880s.
They are in a transcription (marked NNAS, which is the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society) of the North Elmham registers of baptisms, marriages and burials for 1558-1700.
1874. Decr
On the 17th inst., at Elmham Hall, Norfolk, after a short illness, the Right Hon. Lord SONDES, in his 81st year.
THE LATE LORD SONDES. - We mentioned in the briefest manner yesterday the death of Lord Sondes. The deceased Peer, George John Milles, fourth Lord Sondes, in the Peerage of Great Britain, was the eldest surviving son of Lewis Thomas, second Lord, by Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. Richard Milles of Elmham-hall, Norfolk, whose name he assumed in lieu of his patronymic, Watson. He was born in the year 1794, and was educated at Eton. He succeeded to the title at his brother's death in 1836. His Lordship took an active interest in agricultural pursuits and gained great distinction in sheep breeding. He was a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant for Norfolk, and High Steward of Great Yarmouth, and was a stanch [sic] Conservative in politics. He was also chairman of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company. His Lordship married in 1823, Eleanor, daughter of the late Sir Edward Knatchbull, of Mersham Hatch, Kent, by whom he has had a family of seven children, five daughters and two sons. His only surviving son, The Hon. George Watson Milles, M.P. for the Eastern Division of Kent, who now succeeds as fifth Lord Sondes, was born in 1824, and married in 1859, Charlotte, daughter of Sir Henry Josias Stracey, of Rackheath-hall, Norfolk. He was formerly a captain in the Royal Horse Guard, and holds the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry.
WILLS AND BEQUESTS. - The will and codicil, dated August 12, 1850, and June 11, 1859, of the Right Hon. George John, Baron Sondes, late of Lees Court, Kent, and of 32, Grosvenor-square, who died on the 17th of December last, at Elmham-hall, Norfolk, were proved on the 18th ult. by his widow and eldest son, the surviving executors, the personal estate being sworn under £80,000. The testator gives to his son the Hon. Lewis Watson Milles the land-tax of the parish of Great Gidding, Huntingdonshire, an annuity of £200 charged on his real estate, and a pecuniary legacy of £500; to each of his five other younger children he also gives legacies of £500; and to his widow, Lady Eleanor Sondes, he leases his leasehold house, No. 32, Grosvenor-square, with the residue of his personal estate. All his real estate he devises to his son, the Rev. George Watson Milles, now Lord Sondes. The remaining part of a sum of £20,000, which he has power to appoint under the will of his father, he appoints by the codicil to such of his younger children as have not had their share. The will, with one codicil, dated [extract ends]
On Thursday, the 31st Aug., at Campsea Ashe, the Rev. HENRY E. KNATCHBULL, Rector of that parish, and eldest surviving son of Sir Edward and Dame Mary Knatchbull, of Mersham Hatch, aged 69.
On the 30th ult., very suddenly, at Buckenham Hall, Norfolk, LADY SONDES.
Bur. 1888 28. Augt.
On Friday, the 24th Aug., at Elmham Hall, Norfolk, HELEN, wife of GILBERT McMICKING, of Miltonise, Wigtownshire, and 42 Prince's-gardens, London, in her 65th year.
Bur. 1890 26 April
McMICKING. - April 23, at 42, Prince's-gardens, Gilbert McMicking of Miltonise, Wigtownshire, N.B., aged 67.
1894 10 Sep
SONDES. - On the 10th inst., at Lees Court, Kent, GEORGE WATSON, First EARL SONDES, aged 69.
THE WEST NORFOLK FOXHOUNDS will NOT MEET till after Wednesday, in consequence of the death of Lord Sondes.
Sudden Death of The Dowager Lady Sondes.
On Tuesday evening last, the Dowager Lady Sondes, who has for some time past been residing at Buckenham, one of the county seats of W.A.T. Amherst, Esq., M.P., while at dinner, complained of feeling ill, was seized with faintness, and almost instantly fell back in her chair. A messenger was immediately sent off to Watton for Dr. Alexander, and to Northwold for Dr. Joy, but before either of them could reach the Hall the esteemed lady was dead. She had that day lunched with Mrs. Lyne-Stephens and party, at Lynford Hall, and appeared in excellent health. Heart disease was the cause of death. The deceased lady will be greatly lamented, especially by those who were objects of her kindness during the many years she lived at Elmham Hall. She was a daughter of the late Sir Edward Knatchbull, and she married in 1823, the fourth Baron Sondes, who died in 1874.
THE INTERMENT OF THE DUKE OF ALBANY. - On Saturday last the large church bell was tolled from twelve to one, and a muffled peal was rung at intervals during the evening in loving memory of the departed Prince.
MONUMENT TO THE LATE LADY SONDES. - A very handsome sarcophagus - a fac-simile of that erected to the memory of the late Lord Sondes - was during last week placed side-by-side with it, to commemorate the demise of his wife, Lady Sondes. The base is a "York-landing," supported on brick piers; the plinth is formed of Dartmouth granite, and the ledger, or covering slab, is constructed of polished Irish granite, presenting two sloping tablets, on one side of which the arms of the family are engraved and gilded, and the other, next the church, contains the following inscription:- "Sacred to the memory of Eleanor, fifth daughter of Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart., wife of George John, fourth Baron Sondes, born July 20th, 1804, died October 30th, 1883."
August 1890. [written underneath]
DEATH OF THE HON. MRS. TOWNSHEND GOULBURN. - Several noble families have been placed in mourning by the death, in her 60th year, of this lady, who was sister of Earl Sondes, as well as [as] of the Countess of Courtown and the Dowager Baroness de Ramsey. The deceased lady was the daughter of George John, fourth Baron Sondes, and her mother was Eleanor, fifth daughter of the late Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart. She was born on October 5th, 1830, and was married on March 1st, 1859, to Mr Frederick Goulburn, C.B., for some years Chairman of the Board of Customs, youngest son of the late Right Hon. Henry Goulburn, M.P., twice Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Hon. Mrs Goulburn was left a widow on May 10th, 1878.
See also Sondes in Norfolk People and Families and the North Elmham parish page.
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