


Norfolk: People and Families


This section contains references to well known (or infamous) Norfolk people and families.
See also Norfolk: Names, Personal.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Pat Newby.
April 2015


Aickman, Dorothy Jean
John Aickman's Foundery MDCCCXXVII, King's Lynn: a fragment of Lynn history (Aickman family 1827-1896).
[ISBN 0950706809, 1980]


Robinson, J.A. (Editor)
The Ames correspondence: letters to Mary: a selection from letters written by members of the Ames family of Lakenham, Norwich, 1837-1847. (The letters are mainly to Mary Ames Thompson from family members in Norwich and New York.
[Norwich, Norfolk Record Society vol 31, 1962]


See Boileau
Sir John Boileau.


Astley, Sir Albert Edward Delaval, 21st Baron Hastings
Astley of Melton Constable, 1236-1936.
Ketton-Cremer, Robert Wyndham and Yaxley, David
Three generations: Astley family correspondence (Civil War 1642-1649).
[ISBN 0948400188, Larks Press, 1992]
List of people.


No author
Recollections of the Late Mr Hugh Aylmer of West Dereham Abbey, Downham, Norfolk.
[Live Stock Journal, 25 May 1894]
Norwich Mercury 1867
Inquest on the Death of George Aylmer of Fincham.


Key, Jane (editor)
The Letters and Will of Lady Dorothy Bacon, 1597-1629.
[Norwich, Norfolk Record Society, vol 56, 1991]
Lindsay, Donald
Sir Edmund (Castell) Bacon: a Norfolk life.
[ISBN 0947656014, Maldon, Plume, 1988]
Norfolk Record Society
The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon (1547-1622) of Stiffkey.
[Vol 1: 1556-1577: Norfolk Record Society, vol 46, 1979]
[Vol 2: 1578-1585: Norfolk Record Society, vol 49, 1983]
[Vol 3: 1586-1595: Norfolk Record Society, vol 53, 1990]
[Vol 4: 1596-1602: Norfolk Record Society, vol 64, 2000]
Saunders, Herbert Washington (Editor)
The official papers of Sir Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey, as Justice of the Peace, 1580-1620; selected and edited.
[London, Royal Historical Society, Camden third series Vol 26, 1915]
Taylor, Jill R.
Nathaniel Bacon (1547-1622): an Elizabethan squire: his family and household and their impact upon the local community.
[Norwich, University of East Anglia Thesis, 1989]


See Lennard.


Wallace, Edgar (Editor)
The Trial of Herbert John Bennett: The Yarmouth Beach Murder.
[London, G. Bles, 1929]


Barrett, George Slatyer
Thomas Bilney: Martyr for the faith of Christ: a sermon.
[London, Jarrold, 1884?]
Whitwell, Eric W.
Thomas Bilney of East Bilney.
[Dereham, Dereham Baptist Church, 2002]


Blofeld, Grizel
An account of the Blofeld family of Hoveton House (in Hoveton St John) in the county of Norfolk.
[For private circulation, c1980]


Coxswain Henry Blogg (1876-1954)
From the RNLI Heritage Trust.
Henry Blogg Museum, at Cromer
Description, etc.
Bensley, Mick
The Rescues of Henry Blogg and the Crews of the Cromer Lifeboats.
Including 39 watercolours of the rescues.
[Bengunn, 2001]
Jolly, Cyril
Henry Blogg of Cromer: the greatest of the lifeboat-men.
[ISBN 0946148597, Poppyland Publishing, 2002]
Contents, prefaces, and first chapter
Jolly, Cyril
The Loss of the English Trader: RNLI Coxswain Henry Blogg's Toughest Mission.
[ISBN 0906554063, Lutterworth Press, 1988]


Campling, Arthur
Thomas Blundeville, of Newton Flotman, Norfolk (1522-1606): author and poet, tempo. Elizabeth.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, in "Norfolk Archaeology", vol.21, 1923]


Chadwick, Owen
Victorian Miniature.
The lives of William Wayte Andrew (d. 1889) and Sir John Boileau (d.1869) at Ketteringham, Norfolk: a study of squire and parson in a little Victorian village.
[ISBN 0521422515, Cambridge University Press, 1991]


Bradfield, Ted
Ted Bradfield of Heacham.
[King's Lynn, West Norfolk Historical Society, 1980]


Brightwell, Cecilia Lucy
Memorials of the life of Mr Thomas Brightwell of Norwich, by his daughter.
[Norwich, Fletcher, 1869]


Alexander, John (Minister of Princes Street Chapel, Norwich)
A brief memoir of the Rev. James Browne, of North Walsham (1781-1857).
[London, Jarrold, 1859]
Batty Shaw, Anthony
Sir Thomas Browne of Norwich (1605-1682).
[Norwich, Browne 300 Committee, 1982]
Campling, Arthur (Editor)
Browne of Elsing, Norfolk, from pedigree rolls at Elsing Hall; with annotations and additions.
[London, Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 1937, Reprinted from "Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica"]


Bullard, Herbert H.
Sir Harry Bullard, Kt, MP, JP, DL, three times mayor of Norwich, three times MP for Norwich, three jubilees: a record of a busy public life.
[Norwich, Goose, 1902]


Bultitude, Frederick
Frederick Bultitude: Great Yarmouth Sand Artist.
[ISBN 1872992048, Lowestoft, Rushmere, 1992]


The Buxton Papers at Cambridge University Library (this is a link to an archived copy).
Including a history and pedigree of the Buxton family, and description and indexes of the collection.


Lee-Warner, Henry James
The Calthorps of Burnham.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, in "Norfolk Archaeology" vol.9, 1884]


Edith Cavell 1865-1915, a Norfolk Heroine
The Edith Cavell web site.
Nurse Edith Cavell (1865-1915)
NRO Information Leaflet 16.
Clark-Kennedy, A.E.
Edith Cavell: pioneer and patriot.
[London, Faber and Faber, 1965]
Grant, Sally
Edith Cavell, 1865-1915.
[ISBN 0948400285, Dereham, Larks Pocket Biographies 1, c1995]
Leeds, Herbert
Edith Cavell: her life story: a Norfolk tribute.
[London, Jarrold and Sons, 1915]
Ryder, Rowland
Edith Cavell.
[ISBN 0241891736, London, Hamilton, 1975]
Vinton, Iris
The story of Edith Cavell.
[Sampson Low, London, Signature Biographies, no.12, 1960]


James, Charles Warburton
Chief Justice Coke (Sir Edward Coke, 1552-1634): his family and descendants at Holkham.
[London, Country Life, 1929]
Parker, Robert A.C.
Coke of Norfolk: a financial and agricultural study, 1707-1842.
(Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester, of Holkham, 1752-1842)
[ISBN 0198224036, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1975]
Great Britain: Statute
Coke (Thomas William, Earl of Leicester, and Juliana, Countess of Leicester) marriage settlement act, 1843.
An act for confirming a settlement and jointure provision made by the Right Honourable Thomas William, Earl of Leicester, of Holkham in the county of Norfolk, during his minority, out of certain entailed estates in the county of Norfolk, in favour of Juliana Whitbread spinster, in contemplation of their marriage: 11th April 1843.
[London, George Edward Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, 1843]


Harrod, Dominic (Ed)
War, Ice and Piracy: the Remarkable Career of a Victorian Sailor.
The Letters of Samuel Gurney Cresswell.
[ISBN 1861761384, Chatham Publishing, 2000]


Collier, Karilyn
The Rector of Stiffkey - His Life and Trial (this is a link to an archived copy)
Harold Francis Davidson (1875-1937)
[Zevrika Publications, 2004]
Cullen, Tom
The Prostitutes' Padre, the story of the notorious Rector of Stiffkey, Harold Davidson.
[London, Bodley Head, 1975]
Davidson, Harold Francis (Rector of Stiffkey)
The reason why.
[London, Deane Printing Works, 1935]


Caulfield, Richard
Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies (1649-1721), LL.D, from March 8 1688-9 to September 29 1690.
[London, Camden Society first series vol 68, 1857]


Drury of Norfolk and Suffolk
This is a link to an archived copy.


Eade, Sir Peter
The autobiography of Sir Peter Eade (Mayor of Norwich): with selections from his diary; edited by S.H. Long.
[London, Jarrold, 1916]


Ted Ellis, 1909-1986
The Ted Ellis Trust, and Wheatfen Nature Reserve at Surlingham.


Ward, William
The life of Mr. Charles Farmery, late pastor of the Baptist Church, at Diss, in Norfolk; from memoirs chiefly written by himself: together with the extraordinary consolations which he enjoyed in his last illness. Published for the benefit of his Widow and three small children.
[London, Printed by J. Cundee; and sold by Button and Son; J. Higham; Annis, Norwich; and J. Waller, Diss, 1801]


Norfolk Record Society
A miscellany: (including) the will of Hugh Atte Fenne, 1476.
[ISBN 0951160060, Norwich, Norfolk Record Society vol 56, 1993]


The Filby Association
An organisation of people the world over with the surname of FILBY or its variants, devoted to the study of the name derived from the village of Filby, Norfolk.


Finchams of East Anglia
Of Fincham, Outwell, etc.


Saint, W.
Memoirs of the life, character, opinions and writings, of that learned and eccentric man, the late John Fransham, of Norwich.
[Norwich, C. Berry, 1811]


Pedigree of the Family of Frere
Of Roydon in Norfolk, and Finningham in Suffolk.


Norfolk Record Society
A miscellany: (including) the letters and will of Thomas Grene (d.1545) rector of Poringland.
[ISBN 0951160060, Norwich, Norfolk Record Society vol 56, 1993]


The archives of the Rev William Gunn are at the Norfolk Record Office.
Search the NRO Catalogue
Riviere, Michael
The Rev William Gunn, B.D.: a Norfolk parson on the grand tour.
[Norfolk Archaeology, 1966]


Alexander, John (Minister of Prince's Street Chapel, Norwich)
Brief memoir of Joseph John Gurney, Esq.
[Norwich, Fletcher, 1847]
Anderson, Verily
Friends and relations: three centuries of Quaker families. A history of the Gurney family.
[London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1980]
Anderson, Verily
The Northrepps grandchildren.
The Gurney family of Norwich and Northrepps, to 1967, with family tree and index. Autobiography of a minor relation of the family, who was brought up at the house.
[ISBN 0904623998, Mallard Reprints, Lavenham, Suffolk, 1979]
[Originally published: Hodder and Stoughton, 1968]
Bidwell, William Henry
Annals of an East Anglian bank, including the Gurney family.
[Norwich, Goose, 1900]
Corder, Susanna (editor)
Memoir of Priscilla Gurney.
[London, Cash, 1856]
Fry, Katharine
Katharine Fry's book; edited by Jane Vansittart. Includes details of the related Gurney family.
[London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1966]
Gurney, Daniel
The record of the house of Gournay: compiled from original documents.
[London, 1848]
Gurney, Joseph John
Memoirs: with selections from his journal and correspondence; edited by J. B. Braithwaite; 2 volumes.
[Norwich, Fletcher and Alexander, 1854]
Gurney, Samuel
Isabel Mrs. Gurney, afterwards the Lady Talbot de Malahide, 1851-1932.
[Norwich, Jarrold, Simpkin Marshall, 1935]
Hare, Augustus
The Gurneys of Earlham, 2 volumes.
[London, George Allen, 1895]
(Norfolk Chronicle)
Record of the death of J.J. (Joseph John) Gurney, Esq. of Earlham; with some remarks on the character, and a report of proceedings connected with the funeral, of that truly christian philanthropist, extracted from the Norfolk Chronicle of January 9th and 16th, 1847.
[Norwich, Stevenson and Matchett, 1847]
Swift, David E.
Joseph John Gurney: banker, reformer and Quaker.
[Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University Press, 1962]


There are many books and web pages about Rider Haggard and the ones shown below are a short selection. Please visit your local library or use a search engine to find other information.

Rider Haggard Society
Membership, journal, meetings, biographies, etc.
The Haggard family at West Bradenham
Newspaper cuttings.
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider
A farmer's year: being his commonplace book for 1898.
A monthly calendar of activities at the author's farms at Bedingham and Ditchingham.
[ISBN 0091708419, London, Cresset Library, 1987]
[Facsimile of edition originally published 1899, with a new introduction by Ronald Blythe]
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider
The private diaries of Sir H. Rider Haggard, 1914-1925, edited by D. Sydney Higgins.
[ISBN 0304306118, Cassell, 1980]


Cozens-Hardy, Basil
The history of Letheringsett in the county of Norfolk: with extracts from the diary of Mary Hardy, 1773-1809.
[Norwich, Jarrold, 1957]


Great Britain: Statute.
Harvey (Robert) Estate Act, 1818.
An act for effecting an exchange of an estate in the county of Norfolk [in Thorpe St. Andrew], devised by the will of Robert Harvey Esquire to John Harvey Esquire under certain limitations, for an estate belonging to the said John Harvey Esquire in fee simple, to be subjected to the like limitations: 23 May 1818.
[London, George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, 1818]


Mourin, Ken
The Hastings Brass (Sir Hugh Hastings, d.1347) at Elsing.
[Dereham, Norfolk Heraldry Society, Norfolk Heraldic Monographs, no.3, 2001]
Sir Hugh Hastings Brass, 1347, Elsing, Norfolk
Picture of the brass.


The Reminiscences of Elizabeth Jones (nee Helsham, 1801-1866)
Early 19th century. Places - Stoke Ferry and Fincham; also the Burnhams, Norwich, Yarmouth, Ely, etc. Families - Helsham and Crowe; also Alexander, Bolton, Dalton, Forby, Glasse, Harvey, Millers, etc.


Batten, B.
The hey-day of the Heydons of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, and West Wickham, Kent.
[ISBN 0900592583, Coloma College of Education Thesis, c1960]
Heydons of Norfolk
In Heydon, Baconsthorpe, etc.
This is a link to an archived copy.


Henderson, Hazel
Frances of Blickling: her life and times.
(Frances Egerton, Lady Hobart, 1603-1664).
[ISBN 0900616598, Wymondham, Norfolk, G.R. Reeve, 1999?]


Haward, Birkin
Master Mason Hawes of Occold, Suffolk and John Hore, Master Carpenter of Diss: a tribute to two fifteenth century master craftsmen.
[ISBN 0952139030, Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, 2000]


Grant, Neil
The Howards of Norfolk.
[London, F. Watts, 1972]
Howard, Earl G. (Compiler)
Howard Pioneers of Tasmania: the story of a family that emigrated from Bodney, Norfolk.
[Watton Library, Norfolk, 36pp. (typescript), no date (before June 1992)]


Hurry, William
Proceedings at the assizes at Thetford, on the 18th of March, 1786, and the 24th of March, 1787, in the trial of William Hurry, merchant, of the borough of Great Yarmouth, on an indictment preferred against him by John Watson, attorney at law, then Mayor Elect of the said borough, for wilful and corrupt perjury.
[Norwich, Chase, 1787]
Hurry-Houghton, Thomas and Hurry-Houghton, Margaret
Memorials of the family of Hurry of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and of America, Australia, and South Africa.
[Liverpool, C. Tinling, 1926]


The Jermy Family of Norfolk and Suffolk
Details of the titled Jermy family from the 13th to 18th centuries (and records of more recent families).
Valdar, Stewart
A brief history of the Jermy family of Norfolk and Suffolk (to 1850).
[ISBN 0950520802, Limited edition of 300 copies, 1976]
See also Rush
James Blomfield Rush


Margery Kempe (c.1373-1438)
Mediaeval Mystic and Pilgrim


Barrett-Lennard, Thomas
An account of the families of Lennard and Barrett: compiled largely from original documents.
[Spottiswoode and Co, Limited edition, 1908]

Le Strange

Le Strange, Hamon
Le Strange records: a chronicle of the early Le Stranges of Norfolk and the March of Wales A.D. 1110-1310.
[London, Longmans, Green, 1916]
Oestmann, Cord
Lordship and community: the Lestrange family and the village of Hunstanton, Norfolk, in the first half of the sixteenth century.
[ISBN 0851153518, Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 1994]


Abraham Lincoln
This is a comprehensive list of links to web pages.
Abraham Lincoln had an ancestral connection with Norfolk.


Haggard, Lilias Rider
Too late for tears (Margitson family; Ditchingham House).
[Bungay, Waveney Publications, 1969]


Robert Marsham of Stratton Strawless (1708-1797)
Pioneering recorder of events in the natural world, weather, etc.
Marsham, H.P. and Bell, Prof.
The Correspondence of Robert Marsham of Stratton-Strawless, and the Reverend Gilbert White, 1790-1793.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, 1879]


Cornford, Barbara
The De Mautby family at Mautby.
[Great Yarmouth, Great Yarmouth and District Archaeological Society, in "Yarmouth Archaeology", 1991]


Franklyn, Charles Aubrey Hamilton
A genealogical history of the families of Montgomerie of Garboldisham, Hunter of Knap and Montgomerie of Fittleworth.
[Ditchling P, Limited edition, 1967]


There are many web pages about Nelson and the ones shown below are a short selection. They contain links to other Nelson sites, and you can also use a search engine to find other pages.

Similiarly, there are many publications about Nelson and only a few are shown here. Please search the catalogues of your local library, or catalogues on the internet.

Burgess, Ben
A Trilogy of Nelsonian Research.
[Ben Burgess Nelson Memorabilia Trust, 1993]
Coleman, Terry
Nelson: the Man and the Legend.
[ISBN 0747556857, Bloomsbury, 2001]
Fiske, R.C.
Nelson and Associated Heraldry.
[North Walsham, Nelson Society, 1983]
Harris, Nathaniel
The Nelsons: the Family of Horatio Nelson.
[ISBN 0460067362, J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd, 1977]
Hayes, Colin
The Boy from Burnham Thorpe: the Story of Lord Nelson.
[ISBN 1871173019, Saffron Walden, Anglia Young Books, c1989]
Hibbert, Christopher
Nelson: a personal history.
[ISBN 0670843423, Penguin Group, 1994]
Isaacson, Cecil J.
Nelson's 'five years on the beach' and the other 'Horatio' Nelson of Burnham Thorpe.
[ISBN 0950859311, 1991]
Lewis, Charles
Nelson - I am myself a Norfolk man.
[ISBN 0946148724, Poppyland Publishing, 2005]
Selection of Nelson's Letters, Nelson's Crew at Trafalgar, Ship's Log, etc.
Pooley, Graham
Burnham Boy: Horatio Lord Nelson.
[ISBN 095161200x, 1990]


Colvin, Howard and Newman, John (editors)
Of Building: Roger North's writings on architecture.
[ISBN 0198173253, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1981]
Jessopp, Augustus (editor)
The Autobiography of the Hon. Roger North (1653-1734).
[London, David Nutt, Norwich, A.H. Goose, 1887]
Jessopp, Augustus (editor)
The lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford; the Right Hon. Sir Dudley North; and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North, together with the autobiography of the author, the Hon. Roger North (1653-1734).
[3 volumes, London, George Bell and Sons, 1890]
Middleton, Dorothy
Victorian Lady Travellers.
(Including Marianne North 1830-1890).
[London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965
Millard, Peter (editor)
Notes of Me: the autobiography of Roger North.
[ISBN 0802044719, University of Toronto, 2000]
North, Marianne
A Vision of Eden: the life and work of Marianne North (1830-1890).
[ISBN 0906671183, Exeter, Webb and Bower, 1980]
Williamson, Tom
Roger North at Rougham: a lost house and its landscape.
(In "Counties and Communities: essays on East Anglian history: presented to Hassell Smith).
[Norwich, University of East Anglia, Centre of East Anglian Studies, 1996]


Norfolk Record Society
A miscellany: (including) the autobiography of Elizabeth Oakley (1831-1900).
[ISBN 0951160060, Norwich, Norfolk Record Society vol 56, 1993]


Duff, David
Man of God: the story of a Norfolk parson.
Privately published in memory of the late Rev. Reginald C. Page.
[England, 1956]


There are many books and web pages about Thomas Paine, who was born in Thetford in 1737, and the ones shown below are a short selection. Please visit your local library or use a search engine to find other information.

UK Thomas Paine Society
Events, publications, membership, etc.
Thomas Paine National Historical Association
Events, publications, membership, etc.
Thomas Paine
His life and works.
Thomas Paine
Full text of several works.


The Palgrave Society
Membership, activities, etc.
Palmer, Charles John and Tucker, Stephen.
Palgrave Family Memorials.
[Norwich, Miller and Leavins, 1878]
Palgrave, Derek A.
Archives of Flegg relating to the Palgraves.
[Palgrave Society, 1975]
Palgrave, Derek A.
North Barningham, the Church, the Hall and the Palgrave Family.
[ISBN 0950533505, Doncaster, 1974]
Palgrave, Derek A.
The Palgraves of Rollesby: A brief history, 1773-1973.
[ISBN 0950533513, Doncaster, 1976]
Palgrave, Derek A. and Palgrave-Moore, Patrick T.R.
The History and Lineage of the Palgraves.
[ISBN 0950533556, Palgrave Society, 1978]
Palgrave-Moore, Patrick
The Palgraves of Ludham.
[Doncaster, Palgrave Society, 1977]


Barber, Richard (editor)
The Pastons: A Family in the Wars of the Roses.
[ISBN 0851153380, Woodbridge, Suffolk, Boydell Press, 1993]
Bennett, Henry Stanley
The Pastons and their England: studies in an age of transition.
[ISBN 0521398266, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991]
Collin-Smith, Richard
Margaret of the Paston letters.
Davis, Norman (editor)
The Paston letters: a selection in modern spelling.
[ISBN 0192816152, Oxford, Oxford University Press, The World's Classics no 591, 1983]
Davis, Norman (editor)
Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century.
[ISBN 0198125550, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 3 parts, 1971-6]
Hughey, Ruth (editor)
The correspondence of Lady Katherine Paston, 1603-1627.
[Norwich, Norfolk Record Society, v14, 1941]
Ketton-Cremer, Robert Wyndham
Sir William Paston, 1610-1663.
[Privately printed, 1951]
Mullini, Roberta
Tradition and innovation in the Paston women's "ego-documents" (this is a link to an archived copy)
Three generations of women in the 15th century.
Richmond, Colin
The Paston family in the fifteenth century: 3 volumes.
- Vol 1: The First Phase.
[ISBN 0521385024, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990]
- Vol 2: Fastolf's Will.
[ISBN 0521562384, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996]
- Vol 3: Endings.
[ISBN 0719059909, Manchester University Press, 2000]
Robbins, Edgar C.
William Paston, justice: founder of the Paston family, 1378-1444.
[Norwich, Jarrold and Sons, 1932]
Virgoe, Roger (editor)
Illustrated letters of the Paston family: private life in the fifteenth century.
[ISBN 0333480996, London, Macmillan, 1989]
Warrington, John (editor)
The Paston letters, 2 volumes.
[Dent, Everyman's Library 752 and 753, 1956]
Worship, Francis
Account of a manuscript genealogy of the Paston family in the possession of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, communicated to the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, printed by Charles Muskett, 1852]
Yaxley, David
Sir William Paston, 1610-1663.
[ISBN 0948400358, Dereham, Larks Press, Larks Pocket Biographies, no 6, 1995]


Vaughan-Lewis, William; and Vaughan-Lewis, Maggie
See you in court: The Potts family of Mannington Hall Norfolk, 1584-1737.
[ISBN 0956179500, Lavenham, Itteringham History, 2009]


Ransome, Arthur
Wereham memories: horse-work and horse-play.
Reminiscences of a Norfolk horse-man.
[ISBN 0952449307, King's Lynn, Horsley Press, 1994]


Fisher, Dr J.R.
Clare Sewell Read, 1826-1905.
A Farmers' Spokesman of the late Nineteenth Century.
[ISBN 0900480386, University of Hull, 1975]


John Rolfe (1585-1622)
Married to Pocahontas in 1614.
Berry, Veronica
The Rolfe papers: the chronicle of a Norfolk family, 1559-1908.
[ISBN 0950947016, Brentwood, 1986]
Gunther, Albert Everard and Gunther, Robert
Rolfe Family Records.
Volumes I and III by A.E. Gunther.
Volume II by R.T. and A. Gunther.
[London, 1914 and 1962]
Wilson, Richard and Mackley, Alan
Founding a landed dynasty, building a country house: the Rolfes of Heacham in the eighteenth century.
(From "Counties and Communities: Essays on East Anglian History", presented to Hassell Smith).
[Norwich, University of East Anglia, Centre of East Anglian Studies, 1996]


Roys of Wroxham
This shop is situated in Hoveton. It began in Coltishall in 1895.
Taylor, Chris; and Court, Shirley V.
"The world's largest village store": A brief history of Roys of Wroxham.
[ISBN 095221010X, Hoveton, Roys (Wroxham), 1993]


James Blomfield Rush
He was executed in 1849 for the Stanfield Hall murders.
Family, pictures (including locations and broadsheets), etc.
(Anon. 1849) The Stanfield Hall Assassinations!
Authentic Report of the Trial, Conviction, and Extraordinary Defence of Jas. Bloomfield Rush; including Every incident in the Most Appalling Tragedy of real Life ever Recorded in the Annals of Crime.
[Cleave, London]
(A.D.Bayne, 1849) The Stanfield Tragedy
A Complete Narrative.
[Jarrold and Sons, London]
(Rush, James Blomfield)
A Full report of the trial of James Blomfield Rush for the murder of Mr. Jermy and his son, of Stanfield Hall, in the County of Norfolk: commencing on Wednesday, March 28 and concluded April 4, 1849, at Norwich Assizes.
[London, Printed and published by W.M. Clark, 1849]
(Rush, James Blomfield)
Life and Character of J. B. Rush, who was tried and convicted for the cruel murders of Mr Jermy and Son, at Stanfield Hall, etc.
[London, 1849]
See also Jermy


Finch, Jonathan
Fragments of Ambition: the Monuments of the Shelton family at Shelton, Norfolk.
(In "Counties and Communities: Essays on East Anglian History").
[Norwich, University of East Anglia, Centre of East Anglian Studies, 1996]


Harris, Dr Simon
Sir Cloudesley Shovell, Stuart Admiral.
[ISBN 1862270996, Staplehurst, Spellmount, 2001]


Lord Sondes at North Elmham
Newspaper cuttings.


Robert Southwell (Catholic Encyclopaedia article)
Jesuit priest, martyr and poet, 1561-1595
Southwell Family
See Woodrising.


Peabody, Ron (editor)
Memories of Aylsham: the Memoirs of William Frederick Starling, 1851-1937.
[ISBN 0952156431, Aylsham Local History Society, 2000]


Turner, Haward
The Turner family of Mulbarton and Great Yarmouth in Norfolk, 1547-1906: collections and notes. New edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged, by Frederic Johnson.
[London, Jarrold, 1907]


Yaxley, Susan (editor)
Sherringhamia: the journal of Abbot Upcher 1813-16.
[ISBN 0948400048, Stibbard, Larks Press, 1986]


Anderson, Bern
The life and voyages of Captain George Vancouver: surveyor of the sea.
[Seattle, University of Washington Press, c1960]
Anderson, G. H.
Vancouver and his great voyage: the story of a Norfolk sailor, Captain Geo. Vancouver, R.N., 1757-1798.
[King's Lynn, Thew, 1923]
Lamb, W. Kaye (Editor)
A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world 1791-1795: George Vancouver, 1758-1798.
[London, Hakluyt Society, 1984]
[ISBN 0904180174 (vol 1), 0904180182 (vol 2), 0904180190 (vol 3), 0904180204 (vol 4), 0904180166 (vols 1-4)]
There are many more publications and web pages.
See library catalogues, and web search engines.


Henderson, Thulia Susannah (Editor)
Memorials of John Venning, Esq. (b.1776) (formerly of St. Petersburgh, and late of Norwich), with numerous notices from his manuscripts relative to the Imperial family of Russia.
(Reprint of the 1862 edition by John Venning, published by Knight London).
[Cambridge, England, Oriental Research Partners, 1975]


Only some of the publications about the Walpoles are shown here. Please search the catalogues of your local library, or catalogues on the internet.

Bradfer-Lawrence, Harry Lawrence
Castle Rising and the Walpoles.
A supplement to Blomefield's Norfolk.
[London, Clement Ingleby, 1929]
Broome, John Henry
Houghton and the Walpoles.
[King's Lynn, Thew and Son, 1865]
Jessopp, Augustus
One generation of a Norfolk house: a contribution to Elizabethan history.
[London, Burns and Oates, T. Fisher Unwin, 1913]
Nevill, Lady Dorothy
Mannington and the Walpoles, Earls of Orford.
[London, Fine Art Society, 1894]
Rye, Walter
The later history of the family of Walpole of Norfolk: to which is prefixed some remarks as to the probable identity of the Houghton family with the early merchants of King's Lynn.
[Norwich, Hunt, 1920]
Tomes, Sir Charles Sissmore
Mannington Hall and its owners.
[Norwich, Goose, 1916]
Walpole, Lady Nancy
The Walpoles of Wolterton.
[ISBN 0863321658, The Book Guild, 1986]


Hawkins, Angus and Powell, John (editors)
The journal of John Wodehouse, First Earl of Kimberley, for 1862-1902.
[ISBN 0521623286, Cambridge University Press, for the Royal Historical Society, Camden fifth series, vol.9, 1997]
Wodehouse, John, Earl of Kimberley
The Wodehouses of Kimberley.
[London, Privately printed, 1887]


Parson James Woodforde was the rector at Weston Longville from 1774 until 1803.

The Parson Woodforde Society
The society, membership, Woodforde's diary, publications, etc.
Woodforde's Diary
The Parson Woodforde Society has a detailed list of the various editions of Woodforde's diary, the society's journals, etc.
See also
the Weston Longville Parish Page.


Wyndham, H.A.
A family history.
Vol 1: 1410-1688: the Wyndhams of Norfolk and Somerset.
Vol 2: 1688-1837: the Wyndhams of Somerset, Sussex and Wiltshire.
[London, Oxford University Press, 1950]
See also
the Felbrigg Parish Page.


Norfolk Record Society
A miscellany: (including) the will of Oliver Wyth, 1291.
[ISBN 0951160060, Norwich, Norfolk Record Society vol 56, 1993]


Yorke, Katherine
The strange family at Yorke's Hill, Attlebridge, Norfolk seventy years ago.
(Autobiography of Katherine York, 1920s).
[ISBN 0948400730, Dereham, Larks Press, 1998]