The Ancient Parish of BLACKTOFT
[Transcribed information mainly from the early 1820s]
"BLACKTOFT, a parish in the wapentake and liberty of Howdenshire; 7 miles SE. of Howden, situated on the North bank of the Ouse. Opposite the village sometimes great quantities of vessels anchor, being considered a good road-stead. The steam boats from Selby and Thorne pass daily on their way to and from Hull. A bed of sand, which at low water extends over several acres, serves for the ballasting of small craft. One mile from this place, the Ouse and Trent form a junction, and from this point, (Trent Falls) the joint collection of waters are called Humber. -There is here a chapel (see Churches for photograph), not in charge, to the vicar of Brantingham. -Population 278.A proposal was made at the latter end of the reign of Charles II. by the then Duke of Bolton, to the city of York, to get an Act of Parliament at his own charge for cutting a new river or canal from this place, on the Humber, in a direct line for York. An actual survey was taken, the charge of the ground the cut was to be made through, computed, &c. This treaty unfortunately broke off, otherwise, such a flow of tide must necessarily have come up, that we should now have had the pleasure of seeing ships of two or three hundred tons burthen lying at Ousbridge. --Drake's Ebor."
"CLEMENTHORPE, a farm house in the township and parish of Blacktoft; 3 miles NNW. of Blacktoft, 6 miles from Howden."
"GOWTHORPE, (now Gowthorpe House) a single house in the parish of Blacktoft, wapentake and liberty of Howdenshire; 3 miles N. of Blacktoft, 8 miles ESE. of Howden."
"NEWTON, farm house in the township of Scalby, and parish of Blacktoft; 3 miles N. of Blacktoft, 4 miles from Howden, 9½ from South-Cave."
"OXMARDYKE, in the parish of Blacktoft, wapentake and liberty of Howdenshire; 2½ miles NNE. of Blacktoft, 6 miles E. of Howden."
"SCALBY, in the parish of Blacktoft, wapentake and liberty of Howdenshire; 3¼ miles N. of Blacktoft, 5½ miles WSW. of South Cave. Pop. 179."
[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]
- Photographs of the over 140 gravestones in Blacktoft Churchyard with a surname index.
- Here are photographs of Churches etc. in the parish:
- Holy Trinity Church, Blacktoft - view 1.
- Internal view looking down the nave
- The font
- Holy Trinity Church, Blacktoft - view 2.
- The former Wesleyan Methodist Church, Blacktoft.
- Holy Trinity Church, Blacktoft - view 1.
- Transcript of the entry for Blacktoft in the "Collections relative to Churches and Chapels".
- The whereabouts and dates of the Registers etc. for the Parish of Blacktoft.
- Colin Hinson has transcribed the following:
- The Blacktoft baptisms for 1700-1812.
- The Blacktoft Burials for 1700-1812.
- The Blacktoft Marriages for 1700-1812.
- The List of Incumbents in Blacktoft church.
- Transcript of the entry of "professions and trades" in the Baines's Directory of 1823, of the East Riding.
- Transcript of the entry of "professions and trades" in the Bulmers Directory of 1892. of the East Riding.
- There is further information about this parish from the National Gazetteer 1868, Yorkshire extracts.
- There is further information about this parish from the Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England 1835, Yorkshire extracts.
- There is further information about this parish from the Bulmer's 1892 History and Directory of the East Riding.
- Ask for a calculation of the distance from Blacktoft to another place.
- For a detailed map of this parish see this parish boundaries map.
- For a more detailed map of the parishes in the riding please see the Yorkshire parish maps page.
- For a more detailed map of the county please see the Yorkshire map page.
- Here is a map showing the wapentakes for the county.
You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SE843243 (Lat/Lon: 53.708328, -0.724345), Blacktoft which are provided by:
- OpenStreetMap
- Google Maps
- StreetMap (Current Ordnance Survey maps)
- Bing (was Multimap)
- Old Maps Online
- National Library of Scotland (Old Ordnance Survey maps)
- Vision of Britain (Click "Historical units & statistics" for administrative areas.)
- English Jurisdictions in 1851 (Unfortunately the LDS have removed the facility to enable us to specify a starting location, you will need to search yourself on their map.)
- Magic (Geographic information) (Click + on map if it doesn't show)
- GeoHack (Links to on-line maps and location specific services.)
- All places within the same township/parish shown on an Openstreetmap map.
- Nearby townships/parishes shown on an Openstreetmap map.
- Nearby places shown on an Openstreetmap map.
- The War Memorial in Blacktoft Churchyard.
- A transcription of the School Timetables, around 1902-3 in Adobe pdf format.
- This parish is covered by the following Society:
- A list of those paying the 1379 Subsidy Rolls (Poll Tax) for this parish.
- The 1834 Electoral Roll for this parish