


Norfolk: King's Lynn -


Voting Registers - Poll 1768

(Original Poll Clerks Book)

King's Lynn elected 2 people to represent the Borough in Parliament from at least 1298 until 1885 after which only one person was elected. Before the secret ballot of 1872 Poll Books were published for many contested elections indicating how the voters (only Freemen of the Borough until 1832) voted. See King's Lynn Voting page for all known.

This transcription is from the original poll clerks book of freemen who voted on Monday, March 21, 1768. This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document found in the King's Lynn archives.

There were changes indicated by (*) or (*="actual difference") between this and the printed poll book of the same year. Some are minor while others are errors either in this or in the printed word.

Transcriptions available

  • 1747 - Original hand written poll clerks books Nos 2, 3 & 4 only.
      Names, occupation and residence.
  • 1747 - Original hand written full copy of poll.
      Detail is as above but with differences in spelling, trades etc.
  • 1768 - Names, occupation and residence
  • 1768 - Original hand written poll clerks book. Names, occupation and residence - This document.
  • 1784 - Names, occupation and residence
  • 1822 - Names, occupation and residence
  • 1822 - Original hand written poll clerks books (including some non-voters).
      Detail is as above plus Christian names & Street addresses.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

The Hon. Thomas Walpole, Esq.
Sir John Turner, Bart.
Crisp Molineux, Esq.


NameAdditionsPlace of AbodeW.T.M.
Thomas De GreyEsqrMerton

Walter Robertson (*=Roberson)[Blank] (*=Merchant)Lynn

Jas Robertson (*=Roberson)[Blank] (*=Merchant)Lynn

John HanslipGrocerLakenheath

Charles PhelpsClk (Clerk)Lynn

Maxey AllenBrewer  Do 

George PattesonEsq (*=Draper)  Do

Ben(jamin) UnderwoodClk (Clerk)[Blank] (*=Basingstoke)

William ScottClk (Clerk)London
John CrispCordwainerLynn 

John ClaxtonPilottLynn 

William OffleyMercht (*=Gent.)London

Benjamin Lyther Junr(*)PlumberLynn 

William PottsPerukemaker (*=Barber)  Do

Wm (*=Peter?) ForemanCordwainerNorwich  
Robert HuntPerukemaker (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn

Edmund Patrick (*=Pattrick)Tanner  Do  
John KingBaker  Do (*=Gaywood)

Roger WormanBricklayer (*=Mason)  Do

William MoodyPlumberEly 
Robert HamiltonM. D.Lynn

Thomas Goscar (*=Goskar) JunrPlumber  Do 

Matthew Pank(s)Plumber  Do
Saml AldredCooperLondon (*=King's-mills?) 

Thos GillingsPerukemaker (*=Barber)Lynn 

James LytherJoiner  Do 

William WardButcher  Do 
Robert DixSadlerSwaffham

Wm DillinghamButcherLynn 
Joshua BirdDraperSt. Ives

Dennis HerbertMerchtBigleswade (Biggleswade) 
Edward Everard JunrEsq. (*=Merchant)Lynn
Charles Wingfield (*=Winkfield)Perukemaker (*=Meter)  Do
Benjamin BarlowCollar-maker  Do
Francis Carleton (*)Grocer  Do 

Edmund GrimstoneButcher  Do
Francis Allen  Do  Do
Henry KingMercht  Do

Matthew Wollaston (*=Woolaston)Marrr  Do
Thomas MasonButcher (*=C. H. Officer)  Do

John MasonMarinerNewcastle (*=Shields) 
Richard CarterSadlerLynn
Thomas CarterTanner  Do
John BarcockMarrr (*=Porter)London
George GurlingCabtmaker (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn

Charles BannisterMarrr (*=Cust. H. Officer)  Do

William WhethamSadlerSt. Ives 

William ElstobbMerchantLynn

Riches VincentCarpenter (*=C. H. Officer)  Do

Robert CordellCooperSt. Ives

Thomas WhethamSadlerSt. Neots

Stephen NewmanGrocerLondon 
Robert ConyEsq.North Runcton (*)

Xtopher PeekGrocerLynn 

John DavilleClk (Clerk)St Mary's (*Wiggenhall)

Thomas StaffordMarinerLynn 
William SmithTaylor  Do
Timothy FyshGent.Ringstead
Thomas RixBakerLondon 

John AllenButcherLynn 

Lynstead (*=Linsted) PettetGent. (*=Ironmonger)Lynn

Lynstead (*=James) RichardsonCooper  Do

William ClarkeMerchant  Do 
John BaggeBrewer  Do

James WhittingtonShopkeeperMassingham

John GrimittPilotLynn 

Robert CookBaker  Do 
William Plowright  Do  Do 

John KirkFreestone-mason (*)  Do

John JempsonCarpenter  Do 

Daniel BrowneMerchantLynn
Richard HopkinsHatter  Do 

William PeacockTaylor  Do
Thomas TaylorPerukemaker (*=Barber)  Do 
Richard YoungCooperWisbeach (Wisbech)
William BellCooperLynn 
Francis KirbyCordwainer  Do
Thomas BondMasonRingstead
Edmund EdgeBaker (*=Meter)Lynn
Sir John PeytonBart.London 
Thomas HubbardMarinerLynn 
Thomas BrowneButcherLondon 
Edward CowellCarpenterLynn

Robert AshleyButcher  Do 
Wm Dillingham JunrStone-MasonLond. 
Richard RavenPainterLynn 

Stona WellsPerukemaker  Do

Henry WatsonBaker (*=C. H. Officer)  Do

James PorterSail-maker  Do 
Thomas BerneyGent.Lynn 
John HarrisBakerEnfield 
John Darney  Do  Do 
George Beets (*=Beats)Mason  Do 

Crispin BroadwayCordwainer  Do
Hugh PowellMilk-man  Do
Joseph PeacockCordwainer  Do

John StreamBaker  Do

James CowellBaker  Do

Isaac VincentMason  Do
Jeremiah CornwellCordwainerLynn
Edward GreenacreTaylorLynn
Edward BarretSail-makerLondon 
Samuel WarnesCooperLynn
John HenleyGent.London

Samuel BrowneSail-MakerLynn 
Timothy MassingarbSadlerLondon (*=Wisbich) 
Edward PaineCordwainerLynn 

Henry PooleyButcherLynn 

George Pooley  Do  Do 

Griffith JenkinsMariner  Do
William MeverlyCordwainerLynn 
John Rudkyn (*=Rudkin)Carpenter  Do 
George KingVictualler (*=Innholder)London 
Thomas TilsonSail-Maker  Do 
William OldmeadowMason  Do 
John WoodrowCooper  Do 
Edmund ElsdenMerchantLynn

Thomas AllenCordwainer (*=Cust. H. Officer)  Do

Robert FarthingGrocerLondon

James RichmondPerukemaker (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn

Stephen ScarnallPerukemaker (*=Barber)Lynn 
Henry SkeltonMarrr (*=C. H. Officer)Wells 
Samuel DexterCarpenterLynn 
Stephen Magnus (*=Magnis)Sail-makerWells 
Burgess DillinghamButcherLynn
John Petchey (*=Petchy)Stone Masom  Do
Money GoreShipwrightLynn
John SwanBakerLynn
Henry TaylorSurgeon  Do
John RichardsonBricklayer (*=Mason)  Do
John NuthallGent.Norwich

Henry StortButcherLynn

William BloomNavy LieutenantLynn

Matthew (*) Grey CooperSadler  Do

William LangmanSadlerFakenham

Edward TilsonGrocerLynn 

Thomas CaseAttorney  Do
Scarlet BrowneTown Clerk  Do
James FyshMerchant  Do
Thomas AldersonMerchant  Do
Robert WoodcockBrazierLynn

Peter Commins (*=Cummins)Cooper  Do 
James HorncastleBaker  Do 
James SeckerButcher (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn

James LovedayMeter  Do

Edmund Cremer (*=Creemer)Grocer  Do

John WrightBaker  Do

Henry Stort JunrGrocer  Do
William ClaxtonLinen-Draper  Do
Richard Goodwin Junr(*)GrocerLynn
Philip ReevePainterLondon
Robert AndersonFreeStone-MasonLynn
Robert GoodwinClk (Clerk)Wells

Thomas StortButcherLynn
William LawPerukemaker (*=Barber)  Do 

Thomas LockMarrr (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn

Henry Partridge Esq.Recorder  Do 
Sr Wm BrowneKnt (*)London 
John PartridgeGent.Croydon (*=London) 
John HillMeterLynn

George Twiddle (*=Tweddale)CarpenterLynn 
Richard SmithCooperLynn

John Wardell (*=Wardale)ButcherLynn 
Abraham Wardell (*=Wardale)WheelwrightDenver 
John RaynerMarrr (*=C. H. Officer)Woolferton

Thomas SteedGrocerPeterborough 
Benjamin BryantMarrr (*=Cust. H. Officer)Wolferton

John Mann  Do (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn
Adam HolditchMeter  Do
William AllenHatterNorwich
Edward ColletPlumberSnettisham
James BoardmanMasonLynn 

John TaylorMariner  Do
Richard Meers (*=Mayors)ShipwrightLynn
John LeachPlumberBrandon
James Hanwell (*=Handwell)PlumberLynn
Thomas WrightPlumberBurnham
Adam Windlove (*=Windlow)ButcherTilney
Robert WisemanMasonIslington
George CookButcherLynn

Thomas KingMasonLynn 
William BadgerCooperLynn 
William TaylorSadler  Do 
John WilkinsonMariner  Do 
John FairchildCollar-MakerStoke 
Robert CrispButcherWareham (Wereham) 
Timothy LunnCordwainerLynn 
Briggs CaryClk (Clerk)Lynn
Charles Baily (*=Bailey)Gent.  Do 
Nicholas LytherCooperThornham
Joseph BodhamBricklayerLynn
Roger BoardmanCarpenterLondon
John Brichett (*=Burke)PorterLynn
Daniel DexterShipwrightLynn
John HarrisMarrr (*=C. H. Officer)  Do 
James WestButcher (*=Meter)Lynn 
Robert Baker MoodyMerchantLynn 
Thomas Ashley (*=Athley)Marrr (*=Cust. P. Officer)  Do 
William CoxMerchantLynn 
Robert ButterworthPerukemaker (*=Barber)  Do 
Richard Lawrence JunrMasonLynn
Morgan SuttonBlacksmith  Do
Matthew NichollsParish ClerkLynn
John Patteson (*=Paddeson)MasonLynn
Thomas WestJoiner  Do
Thomas AvisMason  Do
William FolkesEsq.Hillington 
John WilsonEsq.Lynn 
Robert Pett  DoLondon 
William HudsonGent.Lynn 
Samuel FarthingBrewerLynn 
Joseph TaylorM. D.  Do 
Nicholas EdwardsGent.Lynn 
John DunhamCordwainer (*=Cook)London 
Robert HaycockBlacksmithLynn 
Philip SharpBakerDocking
Robert BuntingButcherLondon (*=Pickenham)  
John PulvertoftTanner (*=Currier)London
John HartMerchantLynn
Samuel Browne  Do  Do
William BaggeMerchantLynn
John Cary Junr.Merchant  Do
Charles BaggeD.(octor). D(ivinity)  Do
William MixsonMerchant  Do
Edmund RolfeEsq.Lynn
Thomas SomersbyEsq.  Do
John Loader (*=Loder)CooperBoston

Robert CopelandButcherFreestone

William Sherman (*=Shearman)MeterLynn
John FarthingJoinerLynn
Henry CrowSail-MakerLynn
Thomas LordTaylorLynn
Walter ScottButcher  Do 

John SouthwellMerchantWisbich (Wisbech)
Thomas ScalesBakerOutwell (Oxtwell)
Nathaniel HaycockBlacksmithLynn
John Beales (*)Cabt Maker (*=Joiner)Lynn
Robert RansomMasonIngoldsthorpe (Ingoldisthorpe)
Henry OutlawMarinerLynn
John AdlingtonCarpenterLynn
Thomas BurchSail-MakerLynn
James RusselInnholder  Do 
Wm (*=John?) DeanCooperBury

William AllenWoollen-Draper  Do 
Edward EverardEsq.Lynn
Thomas HammondSurgeonBristol
William JervisPerukemaker (*=Barber)London
William SharpeBakerLondon
Ralph LewisMerchantNorwich
William FellowsGent.London (*=Mile-End)
William EverardClk (Clerk)Lynn
Robert FarthingMariner  Do
John CaryEsq.  Do
Thomas HendryBrewer  Do 
Thomas BaggeMerchant  Do
John Baily (*=Bailey)Gent.  Do 
Edward Gee (*=Jee)CarpenterNorwich
John LovedayMeterLynn
John AlcockStone-Mason  Do
Stephen Stoakham (*=Stokeham)Bricklayer (*=Mason)Lynn
William GrundyGrocerLondon 
William ClementsGrocerLondon

John JenkinsSail-makerLondon
Francis PooleySalesmanLondon
William ElstobbSurveyorBoston
Thomas Bulmer (*=Balmer)GrocerLondon
Richard GlewMarinerLynn
John Mountford (*=Monford)Carpenter (*=Joiner)London
Townshend Mackenger (*=Mackender)ButcherFulham (*=London)
John EarishBakerLynn
Joseph AldersonPipemaker (*=Merchant)Lynn
George HoggeMerchant  Do 
Gavin HamiltonMerchant  Do 
Robinson CrusoUpholsterer (*=Upholder)  Do 
Thomas DayMerchantLynn 
James Hamilton  Do  Do 
Thomas AudleyMerchant  Do 
Thomas Somersby JunrGrocer  Do

William TiddGent. (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn
Joseph BrethettGrocer (*=Cust. H. Officer)Lynn
Isaac Foster (*=Forster)Sail-MakerLynn
David PaxtonCordwainer  Do
Daniel Lohar (*=Locus)Sail-MakerLynn (*=Brancaster)
John DexterCooper (*=C. H. Officer)Lynn
William Patrick (*)  Do (*=C. H. Officer)  Do
Daniel SwaineEsq.Leverington (Cambs) 
Henry GoodwinEsq. (*=Gent.)London

Thomas SmithBakerLynn
Robert BodhamCurrier  Do  
Robert CowellMerchantUpwell
Thomas ClaxtonMerchantLynn
John ChadwickUpholsterer (*=Upholder)  Do
John Sison (*=Sisson)Plumber  Do
Richard HammondEsq.Westacre
Philip CaseEsq.Lynn
Bartholomew EdwardsEsq.Swaffham
William RodwellMerchantSwaffham
Edward BaconEsq.Earlham

Benjamin NuthallMerchantLynn

Robert WeskettMerchantLondon

Horace HammondD. D.Harpley
William LangleyEsq. (*=Merchant)Lynn
James StrattonMariner  Do  
Silvanus (*=Silvan) GarrettCarpenterLynn (*=London)
Robert Massham (*=Massam)CooperLynn
William DixBakerSwaffham

William OldBakerSwaffham
Robert SayClk (Clerk)Swaffham
Richard LawrenceBricklayer (*=Mason)Lynn  
Edward ManningBrazierNorwich  
Charles TurnerEsq. MayorLynn 
Sir John TurnerBart.Warham 



[End of Poll Book]


  • 1. Some variation will be found in the names of the places when compared to their standard spelling which are given in "()".
  • 2. Column headings shows votes for W.=Walpole, T.=Turner or M.=Molineux . Note that the order in the printed book is "T","W","M"
  • 3. In other documents the following alternative spellings have been seen which appear to refer to the same people/places:-
    Brethett/Brethet, Lohar/Locus/Locust, Pattrick/Patrick, Peake/Peek, Scot/Scott, Young/Youngs
  • 4. Marrr = "Mariner"
  • 5. All the people with the trade of "Perukemaker" (Wigmaker) have their trades changed to "Barber".

See also the main Voting pageKing's Lynn Voting pageCounty elections page and the King's Lynn parish page.

These pages are for personal use only. They may not be copied, and the links within them may not be harvested for use on your own web pages. Please see the Copyright Notice.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
July 2011