


Norfolk: Runham Vauxhall


Kelly's Directory of Great Yarmouth with Gorleston and Southtown, 1921-1922 Runham Vauxhall Street Directory

Extracts for Runham Vauxhall from the Street Directory for Yarmouth, Gorleston and Southtown

"To account for missing numbers in Streets, it may be understood that either the house was empty at the time the revision was made, or let in weekly tenements, or that the information was refused".

ARCHER's ROAD (Vauxhall) from 19 North River road.

    North side.
1 Traynier George
2 Edwards Edwin
3 Savory James
    South side.
4 Archer Clement
5 Gibbs Mrs
6 Thacker Mrs

BRIDGE ROAD (Vauxhall), from Suspension bridge to Station yard.

    South side.
Great Yarmouth Iron Works
     & Foundry Co. Limited
Congregational Mission Hall
1 Riddle Albert Henry
2 Ingram Benjamin, shrimper
3 Redgrave Miss, grocer
.......... here is Saloon st ..........
4 Bly Mrs
5 Brand Arthur Simpson
6 Tiptod William
7 Duffell Joseph
8 Monson Mrs
9 Watts Frederick
.......... here is Vauxhall st ..........
10 Hardy David
11 Thompson Benjamin Samuel
12 Nichols Walter
13 Mortlock John Thomas
    North side.
15 Bramble Fredk. Wm. whlwrght
16 Warnes George
17 Newman James, coal merchant
18 Sharman William
19 Goose William Henry, florist
20 Anderson Mrs
21 Docwra Mrs. E
.......... here are Read bldgs ..........
22 George William Robert
23 Jary Victor
24 Atkins Arthur John
.......... here is Sidegate road ..........
25 Bucksey George, beer retailer

BURE ROAD, from 21 North River road.

1 Dennington Jesse
2 Durrant Mrs
3 Hughes Mrs
4 Adams Robert
5 Myhill George
6 Thomas Mrs. F.E
7 Jeary Elijah
8 Pearks Mrs

CLARKE'S ROAD (Vauxhall), from 31 North River road.

Juby Thomas H. carpenter  

EIGHT FEET ROAD, from Archers road.

Bales William  

HENRIETTA SQUARE (Vauxhall), from School road.

    East side.
1 Steer Charles Robert
2 Fuller William
3 Balls Mrs
4 Samuel Harold
    West side.
5 Miller George
6 Ford John
7 Copeland William H
8 Holman Bert

NORTH RIVER ROAD (Vauxhall), from Sidegate road.

    West side.
1 Tooley Thomas Robert
2 Shepherd Mrs
3 Williams William
4 Williams Luke
5 Turner William
6 Smith James
7 Ward Mrs
8 Rudrum James, bricklayer
9 Barber Mrs
10 Fuller Henry
11 Harwood John George
12 Rudd Thomas
13 Lock William
14 Hellenburgh Arthur
15 Lock George
16 Symonds John
17 Turner Albert
18 Smith William
19 Barber Henry
.......... here is Archer's rd ..........
20 Cox John
21 Whiterod George, poulterer
.......... here is Bure rd ..........
22 Turner Mrs
23 Tubble Samuel
24 Burgess Ernest
25 Speare Richard
26 Keates Mrs
27 Johnson Seth
28 Gamble Henry
29 Thomas Samuel
30 Tubble George
31 Simmons B
.......... here is Clarke's rd ..........
32 Nunn Robert William
Archer G. manure merchant
33 Warnes William Palgrave
34 Bulldeath Walter
35 Slack Frederick
36 Johnson Leopold Henry
37 Palgrave William Frederick
.......... here is Yaxley's rd ..........
Taylor George John
British Gas Light Co. Limited,
    manufacturing chemists
Rouse Martin
Prentice Brothers Ltd.
    chemical manure manufacturers
39 Gower George Henry J.P
40 Farrow Arthur Edward
    East side.
41 Barnes George, salt merchant
Mayes Wm. Edwd. (Foundry ho)
Great Yarmouth Iron Works
    Limited, iron founders

PATTINSON'S ROAD, from Yaxley's road.

Hodds William  

READ'S BUILDINGS (Vauxhall), from 21 Bridge road.

1 Clarke Charles
2 Mumford William
3 McLouchlan Mrs
4 Loades Frank Daniel

ROYAL TERRACE, from Vauxhall street.

1 Gillingwater Mrs
2 Rayner Robert John
3 Lark John
4 Leak William
5 Hunt Benjamin P
6 Chandler Mrs
7 Allen Mrs
8 Goulder William
9 Bly Edgar George
10 Ward Mrs

SALOON STREET (Vauxhall), from 3 Bridge road.

    East side.
1 Saunders Francis
2 Dawkins Frederick
3 Claxton Lancelot
4 Edmunds -
5 Symonds Thomas
6 Reynolds Mrs
    West side.
7 Ellis Charles
8 Carver George
9 Brand William George
10 Calver Mrs
11 Green Mrs

SCHOOL ROAD (Vauxhall), from North River road.

    East side.
Traynier A.F & Sons, manufacturers
    of English provisions
..........here is Henrietta sq ..........
8 Liffen Emmanuel
9 Mace Sidney
10 Cooper Charles
11 Godfrey Thomas
12 Last Henry Walter
13 Barber John
    West side.
Council Schools
Simmonds William, florist
14 Alman Mrs
15 Ruddock George
16 Wilson George
17 Rudd Henry
18 Green Mrs
19 Tuvell James

SCHOOL ROAD (BACK) (Vauxhall), from School road.

1 White James Walter
2 Miller Mrs
3 Swanston Mrs
4 Mace Alfred
5 Todd George
6 Duffield Sidney
7 Chambers Mrs
.......... here is School rd ..........

SIDEGATE ROAD, from 24 Bridge road.

1 Cox Frank
2 King Frederick John
3 Ruddick Percy

STATION TER. (Vauxhall), from Vauxhall street.

1 Anderson George
2 Tiptod William
3 Starr Harry
4 Scarles William
5 Gates John
6 Colby Charles Ernest
7 Capps John Robert
8 Stone Wlater Elijah
9 Taylor Robert

STATION YARD (Vauxhall).

Great Eastern Railway Station
Wall Letter Box
Bessey & Palmer Ltd. coal mers
May Thomas Limited, coal factors,
    Harry Josling, district mgr
Vauxhall Tavern, Wm. W. Stone


Palmer Mrs. cowkeeper Hills John, dairyman

VAUXHALL STREET (Vauxhall), from 9 Bridge rd. to Royal ter.

    East side.
4 Moore James
5 Ward Miss
7 Ellis Charles
    West side.
8 Millican Percy Wictor (sic)
9 Nichols Walter
10 Barcham Mrs
11 Powley Ambrose
12 Brown Mrs
13 Amis Percy
Vauxhall inn, Walter Stone

YAXLEY ROAD (Vauxhall), from 37 North River road.

1 Simmons Benjamin
2 Gamble William
3 Beals Robert
4 Scoiles Mrs
5 Tubby Albert
6 Jary George Washington
.......... here is Pattinson's rd ..........
8 Palmer Arthur

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See also the Runham Vauxhall parish page.

Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2004