




"TOTNES, an ancient borough and market town, which retains some portions of its once formidable castle, and gives name to an archdeaconry and deanery, to a large union, and to county court and polling districts; is picturesquely seated on the western bank of the navigable river Dart, opposite the suburb of Bridgetown, 10 miles N.W. by W. of Dartmouth. . . . Its parish contains 967A. 1R. 24P. of land, mostly in meadows and pastures; and had 2503 souls in 1801; 2725 in 1811; 3128 in 1821; and 3442 in 1831. . . . There are some neat and substantial mansions in the town and suburbs, and a considerable number of respectable houses have been erected during the last twenty years, on and near the Plymouth road. . . . Being in the heart of the fruitful district called the South Hams, or garden of Devonshire, which abounds in rich pastures, meadows, corn fields, and orchards, its weekly market, held every Saturday, is abundantly supplied with provisions. . . . The Church (St. Mary,) is a handsome structure, in the early perpendicular style, with a lofty tower at the west end, containing eight bells. Its date was unknown until about 1800, when the south-east pinnacle, being struck down by lightning, fell through the roof of a small room over the porch, in which were found two chests full of ancient records, from which it appeared the church was rebuilt in 1259, and again in 1432. . . . The vicarage, valued in K.B. at £12. 8s. 9d., and in 1831 at £200, is in the patronage of the Lord Chancellor and incumbency of the Rev. J. W. Burrough, who has a good residence. . . . At Follaton House is a small Roman Catholic Chapel, and in the town is an Independent Chapel, and a small Wesleyan Chapel. . . ." [From White's Devonshire Directory (1850)]

Also known as Totton. A parish in Coleridge Hundred, the Archdeaconry of Totnes, and the Diocese of Exeter. Bridgetown, across the River Dart Bridge was in effect a suburb of Totnes, though technically in Berry Pomeroy parish until incorporated in Totnes in 1885. Regarded as part of the South Hams area.


Archives & Libraries

Information about the Totnes Museum, where a whole gallery is dedicated to Charles Babbage, the inventor of the first computer.

Brewer, J.S. & Bullen, W. Calendar of the Carew manuscripts preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, 1515-1574. London: Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer (1867), cxix, 594pp. [Held by George Carew, 1st Earl of Totnes (29 May 1555 - 27 March 1629)] [Index]

Riley, Henry Thomas. The Corporation of Totnes. Historical Manuscripts Commission, 3rd report (1872) pp.341-350. [Raymond: Report on its archives.]



The Babbage Pages - information about Charles Babbage (1791-1891), mathematician and computer pioneer, who though born in London came from an old-established Totnes family.

Adams, Maxwell. Thomas Creaser Kellock [Obituary]. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol.  XLII, (1910), pp. 46-47. [Transcript].

Adams, Maxwell. Henry Cranstoun Adams [Obituary]. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol.  44, (1912). p. 35. [Transcript].

Adams, Maxwell. W.G. Stuart [Obituary]. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol.  44, (1912). p. 42. [Transcript].


Adams, Maxwell. Horace Francis Lovejoy [Obituary]. Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol.  45, (1913). p. 44. [Transcript].

Brooking-Rowe, J. Thomas White Windeatt [Obituary] Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. XXXV, (1903), pp. 43-44. [Transcript].

Brown, Donald H. Charles Babbage: the man and his machines. Totnes: Totnes Museum Society (1992) 43p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - p920/BAB]

Buxton, Henry Wilmot. Memoir of the life and labours of the late Charles Babbage, Esq. F.R.S. London: MIT Press (1988) xix, 401p: ill. [ISBN 0262022699]

Chaster, John. The Chaster diary: an ocasional journal of life in and around .. Totnes, Devon 1836- 1841...transcribed by James Bellchambers. Totnes: J. Bellchambers (1995) v, 81p: index. [Plymouth Library - 965TOT]

Davies, Bryn. The Royal Levee, Devon Family Historian, vol. 108, (2003) pp.21-23. [Lengthy1842 letter by Willam Doidge Taunton, thre times Mayor of Totnes]

Editors. In memoriam: Edward Windeatt, J.P., C.A. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 11:7, (1921) pp.241, plates: port. [Local historian, 1847-1921] [Transcript]

Gray, Todd. The Curious Sexual Adventure of the Reverend John Prince, as observed and reported by his scandalized Totnes neighbours in 1699, Mint Press, Stevensbooks, 76 Longbrook Street, Exeter, EX4 6AP (2001) 99 pp. [Index]

Harris, G.T. and Editors. The inventor of the ophthalmoscope. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 14:4, (1926) pp.174-175. [Charles Babbage, and his 1847 model, followed 1851/2 by Helmholtz and Ruete.]

Hartley, R.W. Obituary of Charles Babbage. Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1872 , Vol. V, pp. 30-36. [Transcript]

Harpley, Rev. W. Richard Durant  [Obituary] Trans. Devon. Assoc., 1878, Vol X, p. 51. [Transcript].

Harpley, Rev. W. J.B. Paige-Browne, M.A., J.P.  [Obituary] Trans. Devon. Assoc., 1894, Vol XXVI, pp.43-44. [Transcript].

Hyman, Anthony. Charles Babbage: pioneer of the computer. Oxford: Oxford University Pr. (1982) xi, 287p, plates: ill. [ISBN 019858170x]

Maggs, Peter. Sir Hugh Evelyn, Bart. - Portrait of a Dickensian Eccentric, Genealogists' Magazine, vol. 31, no. 9, (2015) pp.343-351.

Mallock, W.H. and G.Ramsden. Letters, remains and memoirs of Edward Adolphus Seymour. London: Richard Bentley & Son (1893) 547p. [Westcountry Studies Library - s920/SEY]

Owen, Dorothy M., (Ed.). John Lydford's Book (Devon and Cornwall Record Society. New series; vol. 20), Devon and Cornwall Record Soc. (1975) 201 pp. [Transcription, mainly latin, of Memorandum Book of John Lydford, born c. 1337, probably in Lydford, Archdeacon of Totnes 1385-1407]

Pengelly, W. Brokedon, William. In Miscellaneous Devonshire Gleanings, Trans. Devon Assoc., 1881, Vol XIII., pp. 133-134. [Transcript]

Price, Val. Robert Hooppell & the Totnes Fire Brigade, Totnes Image Bank (2004). [Served 1903-1934] [DFHS Library p942.35/TOT]

Rees, Peter D. None Will Miss Him More, Devon Family Historian, no. 100, (Nov 2001) pp.18-20. [William Henry Rees, pharmacist]

Stephan, John. A Totnes and Ashburton worthy: Edmund Bishop (1846-1917). Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 91, (1959) pp.126-129. [Historian]

Tapley-Soper, H.; W., E. Obituary notices. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 6:5, (1911) pp.156-160, plates: ports. [Correction vol.6, p.192.] [Historian, 1824-1910]

Windeatt, Edward. William Brockedon: A Biographical Sketch. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 9, (1877), pp. 243-249. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. Benjamin Kennicott, DD: A Biographical Sketch. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 10, (1878), pp. 215-222. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. A Totnes scholar: Edward Lye, MA. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 12, (1880), pp. 497-500. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. Lord Treasurer Clifford. Trans. Devon. Assoc., xvi (1884) pp559-569. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. Totnes: Its Mayors and Mayoralities. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 32 (1900) pp.111-141; 33 (1901) pp.535-551; vol. 34 (1902) pp.325-343; vol. 36 (1904) pp.487-505; vol. 37 (1905) pp.398-409; vol. 38 (1906) pp 444-410. [Index - pt 1, Index - pt 2, Index - pt 3, Index - pt 4, Index - pt 5, Index - pt 6]

Windeatt, Edward. The M.P.s for the borough of Totnes. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 32 (1900) pp.431-453. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. Totnes: its mayors & mayoralties, 1377-1906. Plymouth: W.H. Luke (1906) [Westcountry Studies Library - 352.0050924/TOT/WIN]

Windeatt, T.W. Wills, the Australian Explorer. Trans. Devon. Assoc, vol 25 (1893) pp. 389-405. [Index]

Windeatt, T.W. Admiral Sir Frederick Thomas Michell, K.C.B. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 32, (1900) pp.390-399. [1788-1873] [Index]



Pengelly, W. Pengelly, W. The Kennicott Tombstone. In Notes on Slips connected with Devonshire. Pt III. Trans. Devon Assoc., 1879, Vol XI, pp. 367-370. [Transcript]

Whitmore, J.B. Devonshire Monumental Inscriptions, MS at Society of Genealogists (1951). [Extracts]

Closed burial ground at Totnes Parish Church, a statement of tombstones etc, the positions of which are to be changed (1957).



Transcript of the Totnes 1841 Census, from the Parishes of the South Hams website.

McNaught, M.J., (Comp). Totnes, Devon 1841 Census Returns, augnmented with data from the 1851 & 1861 census returns & from parish registers, & Totnes Devon 1851 census returns with additional information from parish registers, etc., Typescript (1995-97). [SOG Library DE/C 8]


Church History

Totnes - from J. Stabb. Some Old Devon Churches (London: 1908-16).

St Parish and Priory Church of St. Mary, Totnes, by Graham Naylor.

Chanter, Rev. J F. Fifth Report of the Committee on Church Plate - Deanery of Totnes. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 45, 3rd Series, Plymouth: W Brendan & Son (1913). Paper read at Buckfastleigh, July 23rd , illus. pp. 93-117. [Deanery of Totnes] [Index]

Goode, William. A reply to the Bishop of Exeter's second arraignment of his metropolitan, in his letter to the Archdeacon of Totnes oppugning the validity of the orders of the foreign non-episcopal churches: To which is annexed a rejoinder to Chancellor Harington on the same subject. London: Thomas Hatchard (1852). pp. iv, 97, one advt. [Index]

Hughes, Thomas Cann. Some notes on the vicars of Totnes since the Commonwealth. Trans. Dev. Assoc, vol. 32 (1900) pp454-459. [Index]

King, Charles R. Baker. St.Mary's church, Totnes, Altar Piece. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 36, (1904) pp.144-156. [Index]

King, Charles R. Baker. St.Mary's church, Totnes. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. VII, (1912-1913), Exeter: James G. Commin. 1913, pp. 129-130. [Transcript]

Morris, Joseph E. (Joseph Ernest). The Parish Church of St. Mary, Totnes. [London: Manor Printing & Pub. (1900) 23 pp. ill.

Morris, Joseph. The Parish and Priory Church of St Mary, (n.d.) 6 pp. [Devon FHS Library p942.35/TOT]

Phillips, E.N. Masson. The church of St. Mary at Totnes. Devon Historian 30, (1985) pp.9-12.

Rea, C F. Building of Totnes parish church. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 57 (1925). [15th-19th cent.]

Windeatt, Edward. An old law suit relative to the rights to seats in Totnes Church. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 19 (1887), pp. 538-546. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. Some religious houses of Totnes. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 12, (1880), pp. 159-178. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. A sketch of early Congregationalism in Totnes...laying of the memorial stone of Congregational Manse...March 1st, 1883. Totnes: Pr. at Times Office [1883] 10p. [Westcountry Studies Library - p285.8/TOT/WIN]

Windeatt, Edward. Early Nonconformity in Totnes. Trans. Devon Assoc. 32 (1900) pp.412-430. [Raymond: Includes extracts from 17th c. court records, with many names.] [Index]

St. Mary's Parish Church, Totnes: history and directory 1951-52. Ramsgate: Graham Cumming Ltd.(1951) [16]p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - p726.5/TOT/St.M]


Church Records

Parish Registers going back to 1556 are held in the Devon Record Office.

Transcripts of the Parish Registers going back to 1556 are held in a special collection in the Westcountry Studies Library.

The Devon FHS publishes indexes covering (as of June 2004): Baptisms 1813-1842, Marriages 1754-1837, Burials 1813-1837 - for details see their Devon Parish List.

Other churches and chapels (with pre-1840 records):

  • Presbyterian/Independent/Congregational Chapel (now United Reform Church), Fore Street, then Ashburton Road: Registers for 1794-1837 (ZC) in PRO RG 4/1224; 1794-1870, 1876-79 (C) at DRO
  • Totnes Ashburton Wesleyan Circuit: Registers for 1802-1857 (C) at DRO; for c1801-37 see also Ashburton Circuit, Kingsbridge, Plymouth Ebenezer (PRO RG 4/1763, 840, 1088, 1325)

Entered into the IGI (as of Jan 1993): Parish Church Christenings 1560-1812 and Marriages 1556-1812. Fore Street Independent Chapel Christenings 1794-1837

The Deanery of Totnes: An index of baptisms, marriages and burials . . . with photographs of the churches and extracts from White's Devonshire Directory 1850, CD-ROM, Exeter, Devon FHS (2009). [Ashprington: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Blackawton: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Buckfastleigh: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Cornworthy: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1840), Dartington: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Dartmouth St. Clement: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Dartmouth St. Petrox: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Dartmouth St. Saviour: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Dean Prior: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1755-1837), Bur (1790-1837), Diptford: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Dittisham: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Halwell: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1755-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Harberton: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Holne: Bapt (1813-1842), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Rattery: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1800-1837), South Brent: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Stoke Fleming: Bapt (1813-1839), Mar (1754-1837), Bur (1813-1837), Totnes: Bapt (1813-1842), Mar (1754-1837), Bur: (1813-1837)]

McNaught, Michael. Transcript of Totnes Baptisms (1700-1751), Marriages and Burials (1700-1751). Typescript (1977). [SoG Library - DE/R 113]

McNaught, Michael. Index to Totnes parish registers 1801-1850. Typescript (1995) 1vol. [Westcountry Studies Library - sx929.3/TOT/1801]

Totnes marriages, 1801- 1812. Typescript (1994) 5p. [Westcountry Studies Library - px929.3/TOT/TOT]


Court Records

Faraday, W. Barnard. The recorders of Totnes, and the courts civil and criminal, of the unreformed borough. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 56, (1924) pp.215-247.


Description & Travel

The Totnes Image Bank web site.

Section on Totnes from Samuel Lewis: A Topographical Dictionary of England (1831), provided by Mel Lockie.

Totnes, from Wikipedia.

Conservation Area Appraisals for the Fore Street, High Street, General, High Street and Rotherfold areas of Totnes - interesting accounts, with numerous photographs and maps [Downloadable PDFs].

Barber, Chips and Bill Bennett. The great little Totnes book. Exeter: Obelisk Publications (1990) 32p: ill. [ISBN 0946651396]

Fitton, B. Spotlight on Totnes. Devon Life vol. 1 no. 4, (1965) pp.14-21; ill.

George, Eric A. Totness - Devon's Elizabethan town. Devon Life vol. 9 no. 67 (1972) pp.26-31; ill.

Holt, Walter. Visit Elizabethan Totnes. Devon Life vol. 6 no. 53 (1970) pp.38-41; ill.

A pictorial and descriptive guide to Torquay, Paignton, Dartmouth, Kingsbridge, Totnes and other South Devon resorts (14th ed), London, Ward, Lock & Co. (1934) xxxii, 132p, 48pls: maps. [Westcountry Studies Library B/TOR 7/1934/PIC]

Historic Totnes and District: Official Guide. [Devon FHS Library p942.35/TOT]

Totnes: Official Guide (c.1980). [Devon FHS Library p942.35/TOT]

Around Totnes: Totnes Image Book, Tempus Publishing, Ltd., The Mill, Brimacombe Port, Stroud, GLS 2QG. 128p. [ISBN 0 7524 2648 6]

You can see pictures of Totnes which are provided by:



Transcription of the description of Totnes in White's Devonshire Directory (1850).

Transcription of the complete entry for Totnes in Pigot & Co's Devon (1830), and of the Directory for Totnes, Bridgetown and Berry Pomeroy in White's Devonshire Directory (1850) by Terry Partridge.

Copy provided by Val Henderson of the entry (description and names) in Morris and Co's Commercial Directory and Gazetteer of Devonshire 1870.

Totnes District Almanac and Directory. Totnes: Mortimer (1900).


Emigration & Immigration

Davey, F.A., Watts, S.G. Westward Look: Devon Pioneers and Pilgrims in the New World. Town & Country Press Ltd., 42 Rectory Lane, Bracknell, Berks. (1970) 56p. ["Christopher and James Babbage of Totnes" - pp.25-26.]

Edmonds, Bev. Mr Bentall, Agent at Totnes 1841, Devon Family Historian, vol. 162, (2017) p.26.



Clark, John. Trojans at Totnes and Giants on the Hoe: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historical Fiction and Geographical Reality. Trans. Devon. Assoc.  148 (June 2016), pp. 89-10. [Full text]

Worth, R.N. The Myth of Brutus the Trojan. Trans. Devon. Assoc., 1880, Vol XII, pp. 560-571. [Index] [Transcript]



The transcription of the section for this parish from the National Gazetteer (1868), provided by Colin Hinson.



Bond, Sue. Research Corner [William Pitman, Ann Paddon], Devon Family Historian, vol. 175, no. 23, (2020) pp.22-24.

Dale, T.C. The Family of a Minor Devon Worthy. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries vol. VI, (January 1910 to October 1911), pp. 29-30. [Transcript]

Genealogist. Keland of Kelland. Western Antiquary 4, 1885 pp.264-65. [Extracts from Totnes PRs, 16-17th c.]

Harcourt-Bath, W. Harcourts of Bridgetown, Totnes Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 15, 1929, pp. 349-51.

Iles, Gillian Vavasour. Brockedon Family, vol. 112, (2004) pp.5.

Iles, Gillian Vavasour. David and Gillian Iles and our Ancestors. [DFHS Library 929.2/ILE] [Includes descents of the Huxham family (Plympton St Mary) and the Vavasour family (Totnes)]

Punchard, E.G. Two Devonshire goldsmiths. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 4:5, (1907) pp.149-150. [Refers to vol.4, p.88, par.48.] [Punchard Family] [Transcript]

R., J, B. Cary of Follaton, Devon Notes and Queries 1, 1900-1, p. 117. [Raymond: Name change to Caddell.] [Transcript]

Rea, C.F. John Ford, vicar of Totnes, 1663, Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 14, 1926, pp. 120-1 & 167.

Rea, C.F. Phineas Pett, vicar of Totnes, 12669-1674. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 14, 1926, p. 122. See also pp. 167-68.

Rowe, J. Hambley. Richard Burthogge. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries vol. VI, (January 1910 to October 1911), p. 16. [Transcript]

Tregaskes, J. H. Who Do You Think She Was, Devon Family Historian, vol. 141, (2012) pp.33-37. [On Louisa Frances Reynonds Johnson, a resident of Totnes, and her forbears.]

Trist, Peter J. Trist Family Muniments (1523-1788): Calendars and Index. Peter John Trist (2016) 80pp. [ISBN-13 978-0-646-95399-1] [Copy at Devon Heritage Centre]

Trist, Peter J. The Muniments of the Trist Family of Totnes, Devon Family Historian, vol. 163, (2017) pp.33-37.

W., E. Hayman Family. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 9 (4), 1916, pp. 119-20. [Raymond: Extracts from Totnes parish register, 16th c.] [Transcript]



The Totnes Image Bank provides an online collection of thousands historical photographs of Totnes and its surrouding area.

Great Reform Dinner im the South Hams - report from Trewman's Exeter Flying Post of a meeting held in Totnes in December 1836, provided by Reg Rundle.

Charles Worthy's  Devon Parishes or the Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-eight parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes. Two vols. [Bickleigh, Sheepstor, Walkhampton, Buckland Monachorum, Meavy, St. Peter Tavy, Marystowe, Thrushelon, Lamerton, Lidford, Milton Abbot, Ashprington, Dartmouth, Broadhempston, Littlehempston, Wolborough, Hennock, North Bovey, Lustleigh, Denbury, South Brent, Harford, Shaugh, Kingsteignton, Highweek with Newton Bushel, Tormohun and St. Marychurch]. The full text is available in Google Play.

Bennett, Bill. The Totnes Collection: [In Old Photographs] (1989). [ISBN 0946651337] [Devon FHS Library p942.35/TOT]

Campbell, Fiona. Totness, past and present. Devon Life vol. 5 no. 34, (1968) pp.30-33; ill. [959-1968]

Clifton-Taylor, Alec. Six English towns. London: B.B.C. (1978) 175p: ill. [ISBN 0563175971]

Cotton, William. A graphic and historical sketch of the antiquities of Totnes. London: Longman & Co (1850) viii, 101p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - sB/TOT/0001/COT] [Index]

Drysdale, Jill; Gray, Todd et al. Totnes, The Mint Press (2003) 100 pp. [ISBN 1903356350]

Dymond, Robert. Ancient documents relating to the civil history of Totnes. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 12 (1880) pp. 192-203.. [Westcountry Studies Library - B/TOT/0001/DYM] [Index]

Earle, Elizabeth. A noble institution: a history of the Totnes Cottage Hospital. Totnes: Totnes Community Arc.(1987) [48]p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - p362.11/TOT/EAR]

Earle, Urban. Domesday Totnes: a survey of Totnes and its surrounding parishes as recorded in Domesday Book. Totnes: Totnes Community Arc. (1986) 49p: map. [Westcountry Studies Library - pB/TOT/1086/EAR]

Friend, Malcolm. The history of 14 and 16 High Street, Totnes. Totnes: [Barclays Bank] (1985) 53p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - px728.3/TOT/FRI]

Goodwin, Deborah. Totnes in the English Civil War, 1625-1646. Totnes: Totnes Commun.Archive (1985) 56p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - pB/TOT/1625/GOO]

Gunnell, Elizabeth. Totnes. St. Teath: Bossiney Books (1978) 76p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - B/TOT/1978/GUN]

Lowe, M.C. Gas, villas and temperance: some business enterprises in Victorian Totnes. Totnes: Totnes Community Arc. (1987) 32p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - p338/TOT/LOW]

McCoy, D. A. (Diana A). Domesday to D-Day: a history of a Devon parish. Totnes: [D. A. McCoy],1994, iii, 120 pp. ISBN: 0952305305 (pbk)

Nicholls, Laura M. The Trading Communities of Totnes and Dartmouth in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries, (1960). [DFHS Library 942.35/TOT]

Rea, C.F. Totnes in by-gone days. Totnes: Totnes Times (1923) 16p. [Westcountry Studies Library - sB/TOT/0001/REA]

Parsons, Dr. Report to the Local Government Board on Typhoid Fever in the Totnes Urban and Rural Sanitary Districts, and on the General Sanitary Condition of those Districts, (1881) 15 p.

Rowe, J.B. Devonshire Gilds: Plymouth and Totnes, Reprinted from the Transactions of the Devonshire Association (1873) 6 pp.

Russell, Percy. The good town of Totnes. Exeter: Devonshire Assoc. (1984) 107p: ill, map. [Westcountry Studies Library - B/TOT/0001/RUS]

Stainthorpe, T.W. Ye Ancient Bull Ring at Totnes. Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. XXXII, (1900), pp. 106-110. [Index]

Stansbury, Don. The Saxon foundation of Totnes. Totnes: Totnes Museum Society (1992) 63p: ill, maps. [ISBN 0951968904]

Strivens, Helen. Bad smells and noxious vapours: health and living conditions in Victorian Totnes. Totnes: Totnes Community Arch (1986) 33p: map. [Westcountry Studies Library - p614/TOT/STR]

Thomas, Stuart. The Norman conquest and Totnes. Totnes: The Author (1993) [ii], 32p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - pB/TOT/1066/THO]

Totnes Museum Society. Totnes, The Mint Press (2003) 116 pp. [ISBN-10: 1903356342]

Watkin, Hugh Robert. The history of Totnes priory & medieval town, Devonshire, together with the sister priory of Tywardreath, Cornwall; comp. from original records. Torquay: The author (1914) 3 v. front., xxxi pl. on 30 l. (incl. facsims.) fold. map, 2 plans (1 fold.).[Westcountry Studies Library - B/TOT/0001/WAT] [Raymond: Includes many deeds, together with many lists of officials, and much information on the families of De Braiose, De Nonant, Cantilupe, La Zouche, Edgecumbe, Valletorte, Fitzmartin, Bauzan, Cardinham, and Tracy, all of whom were associated with the Priories.]

Whitley, H M. Totnes castle and walled town. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 48 (1916) pp. 189-198. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. The Dismissal of Sir Edward Seymour from the Recordership of Totnes by James II, 1687. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 8 (1876), pp. 360-369. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. An historical sketch of Totnes. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 12, (1880), pp. 159-178. [Westcountry Studies Library - B/TOT/0001/WIN] [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. The Muniments of the Corporation of Totnes. Trans. Devon Assoc. 32 (1900) pp.400-406 and 34 (1902) pp.709-714. [Raymond: Pt. 2 includes a list of freemen, 18th-1th c.] [Index to Part 1, Index to Part 2]

Windeatt, E. The constitution of the Merchants' company in Totnes 1579-93. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 40 (1908). [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. Totnes & the civil war. Trans. Dev. Assoc. 45 (1913) pp. 219-232. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward. Notes on Totnes. Totnes: Times & W.Guardian (1913) 12p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - B/TOT/0001/WIN]

Windeatt, Edward. Address of the President, 20th July, 1920  - Totnes Stone. Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 52, (1920), pp. 48-61. [Index]

Worthy, C. Devon Parishes, or the Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-eight parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes.

The great fire of Totnes, September 4 1990. Torquay: Torbay Herald Express (1990) 24p: chiefly ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - px614.84/TOT/GRE]

Totnes remembered. Totnes Museum Society (1981) 24p: of ill, map. [Westcountry Studies Library - pxB/TOT/1860/TOT]


Land & Property

Everett, A W. The Old Manor, Little Hempston, Totnes. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 87 (1955) pp.379-81.

Rigg, J.M. Manuscripts of Sir Williams Clayton, Bart. preserved at Harleyford, Marlow. In Historical Manuscripts Commission. Report on Manuscripts in Various Collections, 4, Cd.3219 HMSO (1907) pp.326-341. [Raymond: Deeds etc., 14-15th c., relating to Totnes and various other counties.]

Windeatt, Edward, The The Castle of Totnes. In Fourth Report of the Committee on Peculiar Tenures of Land, Trans. Devon. Assoc., 1884, Vol XVI, pp. 172-182. [Index]

Windeatt, Edward, The Old Church Walk or Exchange, Totnes. Devon Notes & Queries, vol. 1, Part 1 (1900), pp. 20-24.[Index]

The Elizabethan House, 70 Fore Street, Totnes, (n.d.). [SoG Library - DE tracts box]



Amery, J.S. Notes on Blagdon Barton, near Totnes and its owners. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 32, (1900) pp.296-300. [Index]



OS 1:500 1886 Town Plan of Totnes, provided by the National Library of Scotland. (The plan consists of 9 sheets - to examine an individual sheet select the appropriate extent in the little grid covering Totnes and click on "Zoom to selected map extent.)"

View a map of the boundaries of this town/parish.

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SX801605 (Lat/Lon: 50.432074, -3.689543), Totnes which are provided by:


Military History

Windeatt, T W. Notes on Totnes Trained Bands and Volunteers. Trans Devon Assoc., vol. 32 (1900), pp. 93-105. [Index]

Peach, Victor. Patriots all!: a study of the Totnes volunteers. Totnes: Totnes Community Arc (1987) 71p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - p355.37/TOT/PEA


Names, Personal

Names from an 1822-23 edition of Pigot's Directory.

Totnes Vaccination Register - 1875-1876, Exeter, Devon Family History Society, (Booklet & PDF D046). [Foreword]

Totnes Vaccination Register- 1901, Exeter, Devon Family History Society, (Booklet & PDF D153). [Foreword]



Gray, Todd. Victorian News from Totnes, Mint Press, Stevensbooks, 76 Longbrook Street, Exeter, EX4 6AP (2001) 96 pp. [ISBN: 1903356164]



Amery, P.F.S. The Gild Merchant of Totnes. Trans. Devon Assoc. 12 (1880) pp.179-191. [Raymond: Includes names of burgesses, etc., 14th-15th c.] [Index]

Lowe, M.C. The Waywardens of Totnes: A Study in Road Maintenance in a Country Town. M.C. Lowes (1985)


Poor Houses, Poor Law

Transcript of the Totnes Union Workhouse 1841 census (archived copy), from the late Ray Osborn.

German, Anne. The land of Goschen: life in the Totnes Union Workhouse 1869-1870. Totnes: Totnes Community Arc.(1986) 50p: ill. [Westcountry Studies Library - p362.5/TOT/GER]

Manton, Laurie. Scandal in the workhouse: a study of discontent. Totnes: Totnes Community Arc. (1986) 53p. [Westcountry Studies Library - p362.5/TOT/MAN]

Wheeleker, S. and Wyles, S. Poor Relief in Devon: Two Studies [Abbotskerswell and Totnes], (1991) [ISBN 0852140487] [Devon FHS Library p942.35/ABB]

The Queen v. the Guardians of Totnes Workhouse. (June 13 1845) New Sessions Cases: Containing reports of cases relating to the duties and liabilities of magistrates. Vol 2. London, William Benning (1847) pp. 82-89. [The case of Elizabeth Pering]


Probate Records

Transcript of the will of Samuel Windeatt (1807) by Sandra Windeatt.

Transcript of the will of Thomas White Windeatt (1833) by Pam Jackson, provided by Sandra Windeatt.

The wills of Richard Cranch (1784), Susannah Cranch (1786), James Cranch (1791), Joseph Cranch (1815), Richard Cranch (1817), Elizabeth Cranch (1836) and Richard Cranch (1841), transcribed by Kathryn Barnett.

Transcript of the wills of Elizabeth Holditch (1671) and Abraham Holditch (1667) by Cindy Smith.

Transcripts of the wills of Walter Venning (1814), Mary Westlake (1823) and Mary Branford (1857)by Ros Dunning.

Lega-Weekes, Ethel. Totnes Guildhall. Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries 16 (1930-31) pp.35-36. [Extracts from will of Philip Holdicke of Totnes, 1607-8.]

W., W.S. Testamentary Documents Relating to Property at Totnes, Devon. Archaeological Journal 8 (1851) pp.307-312. [Wills of John Hempstone of Totnes, 1393, and Ambrose Frank of Totnes, 1483.]

Windeatt, Edward. Will of Robert Legge of Grete Totton. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries vol. IX, (January 1916 to January 1917), p. 202-3. [Transcript]



Kelly, Thomas. The history of King Edward VI Grammar School, Totnes, and its famous old boys. Totnes: The Grammar School (1947) 89p, plates: ill, ports. [Westcountry Studies Library - 373/TOT/KEL]



Amery, John S. The Accounts of the Receiver of the Corporation of Totnes in the Year 1554-5. Trans. Devon Assoc. 12 (1880) pp.322-331. [Index]

Nicholls, L.M. The Lay Subsidy of 1523 (Dartmouth and Totnes). (Reprinted from the University of Birmingham Historical journal, 9. No. 2) (1964)