


Name Index


The Accounts of the Receiver of the Corporation of Totnes in the Year 1554-5

Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 12 (1880) pp. 322-331.


John S. Amery

Prepared by Michael Steer

In April, 1875, the Town Council of Totnes gave Mr. Edward Windeatt and the author leave to examine the numerous documents in their possession. In the inner room adjoining the Council Chamber of the Guildhall at Totnes stood a curious old chest, or hutch, that contained several drawers full of old papers, that had recently been examined by Mr. Riley, one of the Inspectors of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. At the bottom of this chest, going the whole length of it, was a shallow drawer that they succeeded in opening, after some time, with great difficulty. In this drawer they found a roll of parchment, containing the accounts of William Ball, Receiver of the Corporation of Totnes in 1554-5. The article, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Aisheley, Robarte331
Alen, Nicholas331
Ball, William322-3
Bedford, Earls326
Bedford, Frances, Earl of326
Bedford, John Earl of326
Blackhaller, John329
Blackhaller, Phillip324
Blackhaller, Water324
Bogans, William329
Brookyng, Nicholas331
Cohen, John330
Conye, Richard330
Coole of Harberton324
Coosen, Nicholas330
Coseby, Walter330
Coseby, William329, 331
Crewse, Thomas331
Crowte, John324
Crowte, Roger323
Deane, James330
Denys, Sir Thomas329
Dreton, Robarte330
Edgcombe of Cothele326
Edgcombe, Sir Piers326
Edmonde the baseman331
Eidgecombe, Mr Richarde325, 327, 329
Englyshe, Lewys330
Every, George330
Fulforde, Mr329
Fursedon, Richarde330
Gown, William330
Gressam, Mr328
Gribble. John331
Hackwell, John329
Hackwell, Robert330
Hackwell, William328
Harte, Ambrose324
Haydon, John322, 328
Helman, Peter329
Hockmore, Mr327
Jarman, John328
Lake, Joane331
Londonderry, Earls of326
Loovis, Mr326
Martyn, Thomas331
Newman, Richard331
Pelliton, James323
Pelley, Thomas331
Pellys, John327
Philip & Mary322-3, 329
Prendergeaste, John330
Prideauxe, Mr326, 328
Prows, Alse329
Renowf, John331
Ridgeway, Thomas326
Riley, Mr322
Rodgeways, Mr326-9
Rombylowe, Leonarde326
Rose, Nicholas331
Savery, Mr Christopher329-30
Savery, Richarde330
Seyvar, Thomas330
Skriche, Dyonyse330
Skynner, Richarde330
Smyth, Bernard327, 329, 331
Smyth, Mr Nicholas330-1
Smyth, Watey327
Smythe, Mr Walter331
Stere, Mr328
Symon, John328
Symons, William329
Toobyn, William324
Torryng. William331
Turpyn, William329, 331
Warren, Thomas330
Windeatt, Mr Edward322, 331
Wotton, John330
Yeo, Mr330-1