


Church History information for Cobholm Chapel, Great Yarmouth, Primitive Methodist and places above it in the hierarchy

Cobholm Chapel, Great Yarmouth, Primitive Methodist

It was founded in 1905. It closed in 1990.

[Tin Hut-Rebuilt 1923-1990 Cong. to Central Hall]

The Primitive Methodist church was an early 19th century (1807) secession from the Wesleyan Methodist church and was particularly successful in evangelising agricultural and industrial communities at open meetings. In 1932 the Primitive Methodists joined with the Wesleyan Methodists and the United Methodists to form the Methodist Church of Great Britain.

Great Yarmouth

Park (and Tabernacle) Baptist Church
Pictures, history, ministers, etc.
This is a link to an archived copy.
(No author)
Chronicles of the old Congregational Church at Great Yarmouth, 1642-1858.
[Great Yarmouth, 1908]
Minster Church of St Nicholas
Pictures, history, etc.
Lupson, Edward John
St Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth: its history, organ, pulpit, library etc.
[Yarmouth, Lupson, 1881]
Christchurch Methodist Church, Newtown
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.
Watmough, A.
A history of Methodism in the town and neighbourhood of Great Yarmouth: including biographical sketches of some of the leading characters who have been among the Methodists at that place.
[London, John Kershaw, 1826]
"Old Meeting" Unitarian Church
Picture, description, minister, etc.


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