


Church History information for (Stepney) Chapel(Broad St), Kings Lynn, Baptist and places above it in the hierarchy

(Stepney) Chapel(Broad St), Kings Lynn, Baptist

It was founded in 1782. It closed in 1841.

Congregation moved to Chapel in Blackfriars Road

King's Lynn

Church of St Margaret
Description, history, services, minister, pictures, etc.
Church of St Margaret
Description and pictures.
Church of St Margaret
Description, history and pictures.
Church of St Margaret
Services, etc.
Church of St Margaret
Great Britain: Statute
King's Lynn St Margaret's Rebuilding Act, 1744.
An act to enable the parishioners of the parish of Saint Margaret, within the borough of King's Lynn, in the county of Norfolk, to raise money, by rates upon themselves, for finishing the church of the said parish.
[London, Thomas Baskett, 1744]
Chapel of St Nicholas
Description and pictures.
Chapel of St Nicholas
Description, history and pictures.
The Fen and Marshland Churches
This includes King's Lynn St Margaret and St Nicholas.
See Walsoken.
Red Mount, or Our Lady's Chapel
Description and pictures.
Chapel of St James
Description and picture.
Church of St John the Evangelist
Description and pictures.
Church of St John the Evangelist
Description, services, etc.
Catholic Church of the Annunciation (formerly St Mary)
Description and pictures.
London Road Methodist Church
Description and picture.
London Road Methodist Church
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.
Highgate Methodist Church
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.
Bell, Rev. George
Primitive Methodism in King's Lynn Circuit 1821-1904: a historical sketch.
[King's Lynn, Foster and Bird, Ltd., 1904]
Cornerstone Baptist Church
Services, etc.


UK and Ireland