


Church History information for Chapel(Manor Rd), Horsham St Faith cum Newton, Wesleyan Methodist and places above it in the hierarchy

Chapel(Manor Rd), Horsham St Faith cum Newton, Wesleyan Methodist

It was founded in 1810. It was enlarged in 1830. Listed in White's 1864,  Harrod's 1877 and Kelly 1879 directories. It closed before 1883.

The Wesleyan Methodist church was formed in the 18th century from religious societies founded by John Wesley and his preachers. It suffered many secessions, but was the largest Nonconformist denomination in the 19th century. In 1932 the Wesleyan Methodists joined with the Primitive Methodists and the United Methodists to form the Methodist Church of Great Britain.

Horsham St Faith

Parishes of Horsham St Faith, Spixworth and Crostwick
Churches, services, pictures, etc.
Church of St Mary and St Andrew
Description and pictures.
Church of St Mary and St Andrew
Services, etc.
Church of St Mary and St Andrew
Description, pictures, etc.
Horsham Parish Council
The parish church of St Mary and St Andrew, Horsham St Faith: A history and church guide.
[Horsham Parish Council, 2006]
Methodist Church
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.


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