Church Bells
- L'Estrange, John
- The Church Bells of Norfolk, where, when, and by whom they were made, with the Inscriptions on all the Bells in the County.
[Norwich, printed by Miller and Leavins, 1874]
[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]
EASTON, S. Peter - 1 [bell].
- Pack & Chapman of London .....
The tower fell down about September, 1771, beating down a great part of the church, and breaking the three bells. In 1772 a faculty was granted for their sale, the money to be applied towards the purchase of a new bell and the erection of a cupola. The present bell-cot was built in 1848; the inscription on the bell was read with a telescope.
See also the Easton parish page.
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Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2016