Land & Property information for Drayton and places above it in the hierarchy
- Barnes, Harold Douglas
- Drayton Lodge.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, in "Norfolk Archaeology", vol.29, 1946] - Inclosure
- See Hellesdon
- NRO Tracing the History of a House or Property in Norfolk. Search for "House history".
- NRO Leaflet 9 Tracing the History of a House or Property in Norfolk (this is a link to an archived copy)
- NRO Tracing the History of a Parsonage in Norfolk. Search for "Parsonage history".
- NRO Leaflet 10 Tracing the History of a Parsonage in Norfolk (this is a link to an archived copy)
- Norfolk Country Houses
List of country houses and their locations, from Burke and Savill's Guide to Country Houses. - British Listed Buildings in Norfolk - then select by parish.
Description, location, maps, etc. - Family Deeds - then follow the link to Norfolk
Descriptions of property and names of people from deeds, such as mortgages, covenants, conveyances, sales, leases, etc. - Land Tax
A government tax on land, property, and money.
- There are many useful Research Guides from The National Archives - try keywords 'enclosure (land)', 'land' and 'land ownership'.
- The Harvard Law School Library Special Collections: English Deeds, Manor Rolls, and Chancery Writs.
- For a general search for information on England's historic sites and buildings, including images of listed buildings, try the Heritage Gateway
UK and Ireland
- For English and Welsh records see PRO Leaflet: Tithe Records in the National Archives. Scottish records are held at the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh.
- The University of Nottingham provides a detailed set of explanatory pages: Introduction to Deeds.
- Legal Terms in Land Records is a useful glossary of obscure terms which occur in property deeds.
- Robin Alston's Country House Database (archived copy) "represents a first attempt at listing country houses in the British Isles from the late medieval period to ca. 1850, together with an index to all the families so far traced as having occupied them".
- Estate Records held by Kings College, Cambridge.
- Disused Railway Stations website - a large and growing set of photographs of closed stations, with brief details of each station and a map showing its location.
- The Trace My House website provides extensive information and guidance for anyone wishing to investigate the history of a house and the people who lived in it.
- TNA's Research Guide on Houses - "Records relating to the history of houses are kept in a variety of archives. This guide will help you to find out where the information you are looking for might be, and how to go about finding it."
- British Listed Buildings - "an online database of buildings and structures that are listed as being of special architectural and historic interest".
- Researching Historic Buildings in the British Isles - a guide.