




"HELLESDON, or Hellesden, 2 miles N.W. of Norwich, has in its parish 400 inhabitants, and about 2000 aces of land, but only 76 souls, and 1163 acres are in Taverham Hundred, all the rest forming a separate township, called Hellesden Hamlet, which is in the county of the city of Norwich, with which it maintains its poor. . . . HELLESDEN CHURCH, about two miles W.N.W. of the Market place, stands within the county of the city though part of the burial-ground and parish is in Taverham Hundred. It is a small building, dedicated to St. Mary, and has an octangular turret, surmounted by a small wooden spire, and containing one bell. The rectory, valued in K.B. at £12, is consolidated with Drayton, is in the gift of the Bishop, and the incumbency of the Rev. T.J. Blofield, of Drayton." [William White, History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk (1845) - Transcription copyright © Brian Randell]


Hellesdon is partly in Taverham Hundred in the county of Norfolk, and partly in the City of Norwich.
The name may also be spelled Hellesden.
The name is pronounced as Helsdon.



Rye, Walter
History of the Parish of Hellesdon in the City of Norwich.
Including manors, buildings, families, church and churchyard inscriptions.
[Norwich, Roberts and Co., Rye's monographs of Norwich hamlets no.3, 1917]
Church of St Mary
Transcriptions and photographs of gravestones in the churchyard.
Not all gravestones may be included, even when a site is marked as complete, for example when stones are not legible enough to be photographed.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Cemeteries



See also Norfolk Parish Links: Censuses


Church Directories

  • In 1883 the parish was in the Deanery of Taverham, in the archdeaconry of Norwich.
    It could have been in a different deanery or archdeaconry both before and after this date.
  • The parish church is dedicated to St Mary.

Church History

Hellesdon Churches: St Mary, St Michael and St Paul.
News, services, etc.
Church of St Mary
Description and pictures.
Church of St Mary
Services, etc.
Palgrave, Aubrey; Palgrave, Derek; and Vincent, Bob
A history of St Mary's Church, Hellesdon.
[The Church, 1968]
Wilkins-Jones, Freda
Notes on the history of St Mary's Church, Hellesdon.
Church of St Michael
Services, etc.
Church of St Paul
Description and pictures.
Church of St Paul
Services, etc.
Roman Catholic Church of St Boniface
Description and pictures.
Mile Cross Methodist Church
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.

Church Records

Parish Register Transcripts
Baptisms 1813-1880
These are not included in Boyd's Marriage Index or Phillimore's Marriage Registers.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Church Records


Civil Registration

For the civil registration of births, marriages and deaths between 1837 and 1930 (and for the censuses from 1851 to 1901), Hellesdon in Taverham Hundred was in St Faith's Registration District, and Hellesdon in the City of Norwich was in Norwich Registration District.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Civil Registration


Description & Travel

Hellesdon Parish Council
Councillors, meetings, minutes, etc.
Short history.
Hellesdon Post Mill
Description and history.
Hellesdon Press Lane Tower Mill
Description, history and pictures.
Hellesdon Press Lane early Post Mill
Description, history and pictures.
Hellesdon Press Lane later Post Mill
Description and history.
Hellesdon Smock Mill
Description and history.
Hellesdon Water Mill
Description, history and pictures.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Description and Travel

You can see pictures of Hellesdon which are provided by:




Historical Geography

Hellesdon is partly in Taverham Hundred in the county of Norfolk, and partly in the City of Norwich.

Parish outline and location.
See Parish Map for Taverham Hundred
Description of Taverham Hundred
1845: White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk


Hipper, Kenneth
A History of Hellesdon village.
Joby, Richard Sidney
Hellesdon past and present.
[Norwich, Klofron, 1977]
Rye, Walter
History of the Parish of Hellesdon in the City of Norwich.
Including manors, buildings, families, church and churchyard inscriptions.
[Norwich, Roberts and Co., Rye's monographs of Norwich hamlets no.3, 1917]
Tillett, Edward A.
Norwich Scrapbooks: Norwich Hamlets: Vol.1: Eaton, Earlham, and Hellesdon.
Newspaper articles, photographs, postcards, extracts from Blomefield, etc.
[In Norwich Local Studies Library, 1900s]

Land & Property

Great Britain: Inclosure Commissioners
Statement of Claims: Drayton, Bawburgh and Hellesdon.
50 claims. Drawn up in pursuance of the Act of Inclosure, 1811.
Great Britain: Statute
Drayton, Bawburgh and Hellesdon inclosure act, 1811.
An act for inclosing lands in the parishes of Drayton and Bawburgh, in the county of Norfolk, and in the parish and hamlet of Hellesdon, in the same county and in the county of the city of Norwich.
[Independently printed edition, 1811]

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Land and Property



You can see maps centred on OS grid reference TG207125 (Lat/Lon: 52.66514, 1.262997), Hellesdon which are provided by:


Medical Records

The Norwich City Lunatic Asylum became Hellesdon Hospital.

Hellesdon Hospital
Description, history and pictures.
Castell, David
Hellesdon hospital: the first hundred years.
[Typescript in Norwich Local Studies Library, 1988]
Ellis, David
Hellesdon Hospital 1880-1988.
Norwich City Asylum
Annual reports. Volumes 1 (1881) to 42 (1922).
[Norwich, The Asylum, 1881-1922]

Poor Houses, Poor Law



These figures are from the population tables which were produced after the 10-yearly national censuses. The "Families" heading includes families and single occupiers.

Hellesdon in Taverham Hundred

Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1801   9   9 45
1811   5   9 57
1821   9   9 45
1831 12 12 61
1841 13 -- 76
1851 20 -- 96
Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1861 17 -- 103
1871 22 22   95
1881 28 29 338
1891 34 34 451
1901 50 49 545
1911 -- 64 826

There may be more people living in detached parts of the parish (if there were any) and, if so, the number may or may not be included in the figures above. It is quite difficult to be sure from the population tables.

1821 Census
"Hellesdon Parish is mostly in the City of Norwich."
1861 Census
"ST. FAITHS. The decrease of population in most of the parishes comprised in the District of St. Faiths is attributed to the migration of labourers and their families to the manufacturing districts."
1901 Census
"A considerable proportion of the population of Hellesdon Civil Parish was enumerated in the Norwich City Lunatic Asylum."
1911 Census
Out of the population of 826, 554 were in a large establishment or institution. This was the Norwich City Lunatic Asylum.
"The large increase in the population of Hellesdon Civil Parish is attributed mainly to the increased number of patients in Norwich City Lunatic Asylum."

Hellesdon in the City of Norwich

Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1801 33 33 155
1811 31 34 184
1821 32 32 248
1831 78 81 382
1841 72 -- 324
1851 81 -- 371
Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1861   95 --- 393
1871   90   90 376
1881 148 149 683
1891 --- --- ---
1901 --- --- ---
1911 --- --- ---

There may be more people living in detached parts of the parish (if there were any) and, if so, the number may or may not be included in the figures above. It is quite difficult to be sure from the population tables.

1801 Census
The figures are for both Hellesdon in Norwich and Thorpe in Norwich.
1811 Census
The figures are for both Hellesdon in Norwich and Thorpe in Norwich.
1841 Census
"This part of Hellesdon is sometimes described as Hellesdon Hamlet."


Goreham, Geoffrey
Central to Middle: a history of Firside Middle School, Hellesdon.
Hellesdon House
Hellesdon House School, Norwich.
[Hampton Hill, Lofthouse, Crosbie and Co., 1920s]