


Bibliography information for Rousay and Egilshay and places above it in the hierarchy

Rousay and Egilshay

The Little General and the Rousay Crofters: by William PL Thomson. Published 1981, 2000. In print.
Brilliant account of 19th century events in Rousay.

In Dreams We Moor: by Robert C. Marwick. Published by Brinnoven in 2000. 83pp. Illustrated.
The author takes an affectionate look at his native island, touching on its history, the way of life in the island and the changes that have taken place in the 20th century.

The Place-Names of Rousay: by Hugh Marwick. Published 1947.


The following are "popular" books and guides on Orkney which are currently "in print". Each addresses the local prehistory, history, topography and customs, and include at least one map.

  • The Orkney Book edited by Donald Omand: 306pp: Published by Birlinn in 2003.
    This recently published book covers not only Orkney's colourful history but also the geology, literature, industry, architecture, geography, customs, and folklore of the islands.
  • The Orkney Guide Book by Charles Tait. Published by the author 2001, update of 1997 edition. 254pp. The current, comprehensive and full-colour tourist guide book.
  • Orkney - A Historical Guide by Caroline Wickham Jones.
    Published 1998 by Birlinn, Edinburgh. 236pp. A guide to 145 sites; good on archaeology.
  • Orkney by Patrick Bailey. Published 1971, 1974, 1984, 1995 by David and Charles as one of their "Island Series". 245pp. Possibly the most widely read book on Orkney.

See also a Bibliography of older Books and Guides on Orkney. More specialist bibliographies are listed on other pages of this site, including the individual pages for Orkney Parishes and Islands.

All these bibliographies list selections made by James Irvine from the numerous publications on various aspects of Orkney life and history. They are listed in reverse order of publication, to reflect the generally increasing difficulty in obtaining copies and lessening historical accuracy.

Most of the publications listed can be viewed in The Orkney Room of Kirkwall Library and in national libraries, and many in good city and university libraries.

The Orcadian Bookshop stocks a large selection of books about Orkney.

Amazon also offers a selection of books about Orkney.


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