


Emigration & Immigration information for Peeblesshire and places above it in the hierarchy


Barbara Turner has compiled a list of people who gave one of the Scottish Border counties as their place of birth, and married in the state of Victoria in Australia, between the years 1853 and 1895. This list was also published in past issues of the Borders FHS magazine.


  • For general information see our United Kingdom and Ireland Emigration and Immigration page.
  • For a published guide on the subject, see Scots Overseas - A Selected Bibliography by D. Whyte, published by the Scottish Association of Family History Societies.
  • Scottish Archives Network provides an article My ancestor was an emigrant with good information and links, and a searchable database for the Highlands and Islands Emigration Society.
  • Iain Kerr has written an article entitled Scots-Irish and the Clearances - The movement of people between Scotland and Ireland - an onward emigration to North America, Australia and New Zealand.
  • The Cultural Impact of the Highland Clearances
  • The Stonemason by Douglas MacGowan is based on Donald Macleod's Chronicle of Scotland's Highland Clearances. Douglas MacGowan had a good website on the clearances, but as of June 2005 it seems not to be available.
  • One mailing list dealing with Scots emigrants to a specific area of the world is Cape-Fear-Scots. Browse up and down from there to see other email lists for Scots emigration.
  • Ellis Island was the main place of entry of immigrants to the United States. "It has been estimated that nearly half of all Americans today can trace their family history to at least one person who passed through the Port of New York at Ellis Island." The American Family Immigration History Centre with partners including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provide a searchable database of immigrants, and much background information.
  • Pier 21 in Halifax was Canada's "front door" for immigrants, troops, and evacuees from 1928 to 1971. It was opened as a museum in 1999, and has a website with photos of ships, accounts by immigrants, and a good page of links to immigration websites in Canada and other countries.
  • British and Irish Immigration to New Zealand 1840-1914 from NZHistory.net includes Regional origins of Scots migrants.
  • The Scottish who came to Australia on Electric Scotland - extracts from this book by Malcolm D Prentis, published 1983 or 1987 in the Australian Ethnic Heritage Series from AE press. There are many databases and records of immigrants to Australia, e.g. to New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, and Victoria.
  • Highland and Island Emigration Society Archive Almost 5,000 people who left Scotland to make a new life in Australia between 1852 and 1857 are recorded in the archive of the Highland and Island Emigration Society in National Records of Scotland. This all-new database (2019) supersedes the transcript that has been available through the Scottish Archive Network (SCAN) website. The entries and images are all free to search and view.
  • Trove (The National Library of Australia) provides free access to over 460 million books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archive collections. An amazing resource including over 700 Australian newspapers, this collection, digitized by Trove (The National Library of Australia), covers newspapers from 1803 to the mid-20th century. Each Australian state and territory is represented, although the bulk of the collection consists of newspapers from New South Wales and Victoria.
  • Scottish Strays Marriage Index is provided online by the Anglo-Scottish Family History Society. Members and others have contributed details of marriages outside Scotland where one partner was from Scotland.
  • Some Border Marriage Index Strays from Berwickshire, Dumfrieshire, Peebleshire, Roxburghshire and Selkirkshire, containing names extracted from the Marriage Index (1853-1895) of Victoria, Australia.
  • Researching From Abroad - a GENUKI guide, largely addressing researching from North America.

UK and Ireland